Ume Mori SHSL Record Producer & General Radical Badass all art by dazy thank you very, very much!! <33
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no asks in my inbox
its almost like this "war on doubt" was full of bullshit from the start :V
#i am so very surprised wow wow wow ! woah(:#keep backtracking lol keep realizing all of your arguments are FALSE or grossly twisted to suit your own agenda
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Wow Cool Wow! NeatCoolRad post under the cut! Woah!
it's really weird, like, all of this. cuz i personally haven't been hurt at all by anything that's going on, only for the members themselves who've been hurt. someone put out a list of lies because they don't like kat and drea.
but all of this tbh has brought out the best of doubt academy, like.. everyone is just so immensely supportive of one another and there is so much love and support in the chats. and you know what? not just in the chats. there have been tons of people i don't even know supporting doubt academy, realizing that every complaint lodged against the gms is somehow untrue, realizing every argument made by those who """hate""" doubt so much is so heavily skewed it's ridiculous. people can hate things for good reasons. i've talked to people who don't like group rp in general. that's fine!! you can keep on not liking group rps. do you.
but then, people attack the previous gms.
let me make a quick aside. dazy and i are gms now. when you say "the gms", you're implying that dazy and i are a part of this. we haven't done anything since halfway through da3 besides help. kat and drea have put so much hard work into both the game and into making it as safe a place as it can be for people - as evidenced by a lot of doubt academy players both current and previous flooding the tags with an outcry of support. go on some doubt academy characters' blogs. a lot of people wrote up little endgame blurbs about what doubt means to them. i've done it. so has a lot of other people.
if you say the gms are so terrible, now you're talking about dazy and i. da4 has been, in my experience, close, loving, and amazing. we have so much planned and such a great ride ahead of us, but the amount of people immediately writing it off as nothing is really weird to me. every doubt academy game is like a new game completely, just like every new (insert group title here) game is like a new game completely. but by attacking doubt academy and its "management system", you're attacking me and dazy, too. i don't take being attacked for no reason well, i expect to lose friendships from this because people are misinformed and want to spread their anger in any way they can rather than realize that sometimes, things are out of your control.
anyway, people are attacking the previous gms. that's the reason for this whole "war on doubt", right? oh, wait, no it's not, it's to bring doubt academy down a peg, to be on the level of other rp groups! oh wait, no it's not, because there is nobody saying that doubt academy is better than the other groups. please, send me a screenshot that was doubt academy is inherently better than other rp groups. have a nice little date on there, dated sometime before tonight. there won't be anything. doubt is just another rp group - everyone knows this. but doubt is a popular rp group. there is an important distinction between popularity and elitism.
popularity means a lot of people know about you.
elitism is acting like you're better.
doubt academy is the former, and only the former. nobody wants to realize that. doubt academy is only being shit on because it's popular, that's how it's always been. it's that simple. it's really obvious. i've tried to talk to people who wanted to spread the hate, i really did. but i received nothing back. not a single word. some people dislike kat and drea. i don't know why. some people don't like the members of doubt. i really don't know why. but nobody is going to want to talk this out because they don't even know why they're fighting. all they know is hearsay from anons who could all very well be the same one, two, maybe three people!! that's the power of being anonymous - you can appear as as many people as you want. we're rpers. we routinely act like we're not ourselves. maybe all those anons are different people. it saddens me that so many people believe in rampant misinformation spread by people who are mad that they didn't get into doubt, or they did shitty things and can't cope with the consequences. (that's the common factor it stems from, even from those uninvolved.)
basically what i'm saying is move on with our lives because both sides know this war on doubt is full of shit to begin with, we all know nobody's going to win, and all this is doing is hurting people. if you got burned, talk to someone. spreading your negativity without even bothering to talk about why that negativity happened is so unbelievably shitty - it's not us "trying to cover our tracks". it's us trying to make games better for future members. is that really so hard to believe???
if anyone wants to talk to me about this, go for it, please send an ask. but nobody will, that's a fact. people will make vagueblog posts about me and how i'm so evil. i'll get anon hate, get told i'm so ignorant of the facts when i'm standing right next to the facts and you saw a picture of the facts in a magazine once. (if there's any confusion whatsoever, i'm saying that i know the facts of the situation much better than most people. i've stayed quiet because this drama is completely irrelevant to everything. but a lot of my friends are hurt, so i'm stepping in.)
i have a couple different families. i have my blood family. i have my theater family, people who i work in amazing shows with, people i've grown close to and people i've grown to love and appreciate. and i also have my doubt family.
go ahead, try to convince people that it's wrong that i'm trying to defend something that i love, and something that means so much to me. go ahead, try to say that i'm the ignorant one, when all you've heard is "from a friend". go ahead, try to downplay what i'm saying for some random reason that makes no sense. whatever lol
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sprites gathered from each player
video editing by drea !
(The pictures at the end of the video will be posted in photosets soon, along with other great drawings that we weren’t able to add in time!)
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slides i n ey bae ☆
UME ADORES HER. she honestly always did. she didn't know much about her at first, but literally just from appearance alone she was pretty sure she would get along with momo. like, she just dresses like someone ume would be friends with outside of despair. so naturally, ume gravitated toward her. and literally the more she talked with momo, the more she just grew to appreciate her so much for everything she is!!
i think the main focus of ume in terms of her friendship with momo is just.. she really wanted momo to realize how great she was. that's why ume would always make sure that she knew how much ume appreciated her, how great ume thought she was, etc etc. who knows, maybe one day it works, maybe it doesn't!! but ume would be very vocal in momo being a really good friend of hers, and she'd treasure her friendship with momo so much. because not only was she a great friend ingame, but she just had so much in common with her. bad girls club........
postdespair, she'd lightly tease her and nicanor if they're together, but ume really would think they're the cutest couple ever. well, okay, tied with her and eli. she would definitely hang out with momo a lot.. eat popcorn.. watch romcoms.. make fun of them.. offend elijah with the making fun of the romcoms.. god bless momo and ume's friendship!!!
(im giving lots of ppl 9/10s bc eli is the only 10/10 so ye a.)
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☆ n ick i am la te feel free 2 skip over me especially since you and dazy are hard at work o: !!!!
im actually all set, i'm a quick app reader!! and we're probably gonna get all the da4 apps on like the last day.. rip us..
SO UME AND NICANOR LIKE N EVER TALKED MUCH.. but it was a similar story to yuu. a really good friend of hers had a bae. so by default, the bae had to be a good person! the thing is, i think ume knew nicanor a little bit better than yuu. and apparently ume's the reason they ended up an actual thing?? lol,, she would be literally so happy to figure that out bc wth they should have been together from the get go..... lil band aid bandits.....
ume was s o mad when nicanor died, especially in the way he died. just.. g ah!!! she's really glad nicanor got to go back and see momo again tho. she'd totally make inappropriate jokes around them all the time tho. GET A ROOM YOU KIDS.........
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☆ wh at even happened with yuu and ume that got so weird cries
yuu is an automatic like in ume's book. she saw that emiko and him were a thing, and emiko is her homegirl. so, by the transitive property...........
they didn't really get a good chance to interact just the two of them, which. dang. that would have been great D8
they did have their spats in trials, though. and i think the most important thing with those is that ume never really did take any of what yuu said personally. she frequently got caught in the heat of the moment and said things maybe she didn't fully mean, but she said them mostly because she wanted to believe them. but ume never thought poorly of yuu. at the end of the day, he meant well, and he was emiko's bae. he was a good person by definition, he had to be, there was just no doubt in ume's mind about that.
postdespair i think they would have probably talked more, and would have ended up really good friends, actually!!! postdespair twerk offs, anyone....... also, ume would be totally into seeing one of yuu's shows. she'd think it was the coolest thing. also exchanging hair care tips. idk.
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imogen looked up to ume? UME LOOKED UP TO IMOGEN. she thought that imogen was everything she should have been. strong, but tempered. not willing to put up with bullshit, but not aggressive. emotional, but collected. ume had nothing but respect and adoration for imogen, and was so incredibly thankful that she was there for her in wake of elijah's death. she was probably the most calming force there for ume.
then ume died. and she delved into the mastermind stuff. and the more she poked, the more she prodded, the more things started coming up "healer". healing. something that has to do with making things better. and imogen was a natural healer.
elijah did bring the subject to ume first. he'd seen plants in arcadia used for healing purposes. and ume was freaked out, but concluded that they had to put friendship aside and just try it, since it was their best lead at the time. ume thought it could have been anyone, she even suspected that it could have been elijah for a few seconds. she suspected it could have been usoko for a while. she was paranoid. she was frantic. and she pushed for imogen, and nobody contested her in the dead blog.
then she was wrong.
that absolutely shattered her. not only was she wrong, which she had a hard time accepting, but she wasn't able to tell imogen, and wasn't able to get imogen to believe her in that it wasn't personal. that really ate at ume - someone she thought was a friend really was a friend the whole time with no other motives to it. and in getting imogen voted, she also got her real surname revealed, something that obviously hurt imogen. not only had ume died herself, she took alphonse away, she took away a lot of eli's time and attention, and she caused her that much more grief. ume could barely stand to face her. not after all she put her through.
then imogen died. ume had to face her now. she usually was one of the first people at the door of the deceased people anyway, and while she would have loved to meet minako at the door, imogen was here, too. and both of them would likely be extremely confused by what happened. but ume needed to talk to imogen about other things. (and minako had tamaki and akira at her door, both of whom ume did not like)
so then they reconciled. all was well, but ume would likely feel guilty for all she did long, looong after despair ended. she would never fully believe that imogen forgave her, but she'd feel absolutely blessed to still be considered her friend.
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TELLL me... all about Ume's feelings.... for that memestermind
UME REALLY LIKED WAKANA. she thought she was weird. like. first and foremost, she's weird. but in her own weird way, she's there for her friends? and she helped ume out when she was hyperventilating, and she completely forgave ume for suspecting her in the second trial. and she was friends with rune, helping him out and all that. to ume, wakana was the weirdest yet most stable pillar for all of the students to lean on if they needed to. if ume survived a little longer, she'd probably approach wakana about help from her. yes, wakana's form of help. literally anything that could potentially put ume's mind at ease, she would look for, and wakana would probably have helped her out. and ume would have really appreciated that. ume was literally all set to have a good wakana end.
then, well. yea.
she honestly cannot forgive wakana. she hates her, unapologetically. wakana and yuuto are the two ume would never accept apologies from, because she believes there's just no way to apologize for what they put them through. if wakana ever tried to talk to ume, she would likely get a snappy "fuck off", or perhaps a "fuck off forever", or maybe even a "fuck off, i never wanna talk to you again". what variety!!
0/10, negative if possible.
(if wakana weren't the mastermind, she would have ended up an 8/10)
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☆ :3
o h boy
ume never liked tamaki. like. straight up. ume never, at any period in time, liked tamaki. she thought they were stuck up and awful, and could have been so much better than they were, since ume knew damn well they were really smart. honestly, ume would likely have stopped talking entirely to tamaki. and i feel like they would both be okay with that.
murdering nicanor didn't really help her perception of them. post-despair though, i think ume would have mellowed out on the subject of tamaki. "they're eh," would likely be the response someone would get from her. certainly not a friend, but not the worst person here. just eh. isn't her mom canadian? it would make so much sense..
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ume didn't like him at first. she just thought he was fucking weird. then, pretty quickly, that changed, and she started to like him, realizing okay yea he's weird but he's also a good guy, probably! so they were friends for a while. then she died. her opinion of naoki didn't.. really change for a long time. she liked him.
then he decided to leave, almost instantly. so ume got pissed at him simply out of principle. he chose to leave them all behind. they didn't care. they wanted to save themselves.
she likely would have continued being angry with naoki for a while, at least until he sent his small apology. she would really have appreciated it, and it would likely have caught her completely and totally off guard. she'd try contacting naoki again, because she would know exactly which naoki sent that stuff to her.
3/10 until the apology. then 7.5/10
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now that ive reblogged the star memes i missed TIME TO NOT DO MINE bc i have apps to read ayyyyyyyy
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"Elijah’s so lucky to have someone like you. And I’m lucky I have someone like you."
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☆ b ae..
BOO„ i have a lot to talk about„„ did u know ume is one of the reasons sukebanjo is canon
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★★★☆☆ -
"At least put me out of my misery!"
muffled noises
TL;DR: its not even long but ume is a nerd bby with another nerd bby as her husband such dorks
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oh god ume mori….THIS IS AN ESSAY IM SO SORRY
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☆ forever regrets.. them not talking to eachother more.. also sorry for punching your bf
ume has no idea what to think of her. she is just. a huge blip on ume's radar. from the archive, to her profile in the offices, to how she acted before, and how she acted after?? riko is just ?? what ??
in the end, though, i think they'd probably have to sit down and have a little heart to heart. i think they could end up getting along really well, though. anoTHER LITTLE SISTER MAYBE....... she still thinks riko is the cutest person ever tho.
also being in with eli helps ;3
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ume fucking loves koyomi. ok. she didn't really talk to him that much, and she regrets every second of that, but she really, really appreciates him so much as a friend. honestly, out of all her friends? (not counting eli since he's the bae not a friend) she'd try to spend most of her time with koyomi. imogen and alphonse might end up close after, but koyomi would be the number one. mostly so she can watch him do his thing and like, rapidly beatbox at him then scream TURN UP or something goofy like that. goofy, like teenagers are supposed to be.
koyomi for best little bro 2k14
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