shrugsandshots · 5 years
Well that last post was during a holy shit moment. Just a minor Jes emotional breakdown so nothing new.
Holiday season is in full effect now at work and it’s only 2 days after Black Friday and I’ve already spent a moment in tears after work in the parking lot. Rip to my mental health am I right?
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shrugsandshots · 5 years
I’m seriously falling for him hard and I’m terrified.
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shrugsandshots · 5 years
Well. I blew THIS one big. I’m mad at myself for neglecting my once a day posting, but at the same time I’ve been too busy just living. I’ll just give a short recap of the important bits.
6/12/19 my birthday
This year was the best birthday I have ever had and probably will ever have. The Blues won the whooooole fucking thing!! On my birthday!! I got to witness the first Stanley Cup win in Blues history on my birthday with my dad. There were tears. Lots of them.
6/13/19 it’s official
After the immediate excitement of winning the cup calmed down, I went back to B’s (the boy I’ve been seeing) house to spend the night with him. It was after midnight so technically the 13th when he gave me my first birthday present. A hockey related tank top. I love it! My next present was even more perfect. I guess it technically isn’t a present but I’m treating it like one. He officially asked me to be in a relationship. I am beyond happy with him. I won’t gush on and on but I easily could. I don’t know what I did to deserve a guy like him but wow. I forgot what it felt like to have someone treat me like this. As cliche and silly as it sounds he makes me feel like a damn princess. Spoiling me with special gestures and just showing me how much he cares. I will never get used to this. He’s very important to me already and I can’t believe I get to call him my boyfriend. I can’t wait to see what our future holds together.
That’s all I will ramble about for now. I don’t think I’ll keep updating daily anymore, just since my life isn’t exactly exciting on a daily basis. I’ll save updates for the good stuff. Or just when I need to put things on “paper.”
I do want to start using this more for things other than text. That’ll be my new goal for this blog.
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shrugsandshots · 5 years
It’s my birthday monthhhh!!
So today we had a pep rally of sorts for the blues game. It was kinda lame but it meant I didn’t have to do much work so I’ll take it. The store was so hot all day and it was miserable! The ac is out so all of us including customers were bitching about it all day.
So after work I got home just before the blues game started. I think this game was the game that officially made everything sink in. We’re in the Stanley cup final. Holy shit. I wish the game would’ve kept that energy tho. We got our asses handed to us. It was so bad. They played terribly and just couldn’t get it together. I’m still hopeful tho that we can pull it together for game 4 and come back strong and kick some ass!!
I’m opening tomorrow and I get off early enough that I won’t get roped into closing since it’s Sunday.
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shrugsandshots · 5 years
Later post again.
So I worked a mid shift today. It wasn’t bad, but it was still annoying. I was by myself for a while which is normal. I was so ready to go home haha.
I got home and just hung out for a while and then me and B decided to hang out. I went over to watch movies again. It was a good night. I had to bring all my work stuff with me since I worked (today). It was cute, when I left he made me something to take with me to eat haha. Little things.
I’m working another mid (today) so that should be interesting.
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shrugsandshots · 5 years
I’m still buzzin from that win!!
So I opened today at work. It wasn’t terrible but it was still work. We’ve been busy all week with blues stuff and just low staff as usual.
Today is my best friends birthday and I kinda feel bad we didn’t get to hang out but she did end up having a good birthday so I’m happy!
Nothing else is really document worth sooo haha I’m going to bed.
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shrugsandshots · 5 years
All I did today was nap. And watch hockey.
I also hung out with B tonight. Again. He came over and watched the blues game with me. Which we won!!!! First ever Stanley cup final win in BLUES HISTORY!!!! But about this boy. I like him. I’m still trying to take it slow and just enjoy dating. Every time we hang out tho it’s like I find myself getting more and more all heart eyes haha fuckkkkk.
Well I open at work tomorrow and I should probably attempt to sleep soon.
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shrugsandshots · 5 years
So I’m writing this one the day after. Oh well.
Work was just what I expected. Busy. I got help at noon tho but she’s brand new and isn’t quite up to speed yet. My fitting rooms were out of control all day. I would’ve been able to at least get everything somewhat under control if I wasn’t spending the last 2 hours in and out of the bathroom. Gotta love crippling cramps am I right?!
I got home and immediately got in bed. I had planned on coming home and taking a shower and then heading over to watch movies with B but that didn’t happen. I did go over but not until later. Thankfully I felt ok enough to still go. We watched goon 2 and then just some goofy Netflix stuff. It was a good night. I woke up around like 3am with bad cramps again of course. It wouldn’t have been so bad if I didn’t have to worry about not waking him up. Yeah, I definitely stayed with him last night haha. I’m not gonna start talking crazy, but this could definitely turn into something.
I’m off today and I’m debating going back to bed for a few hours. It is only 10am so it’s not like I’d be sleeping my day away I suppose.
Since I’m doing this the day after I’ll stop here and save anything else for today’s actual post.
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shrugsandshots · 5 years
Lol at work. So I was not only by myself the entire time I was at work, we were busy af and way short staffed. As usual. I don’t think the store or at least my department has been recovered in 2 days. All I was able to do was get my tables under control. Thankfully we died down at 7 and I was able to get help running all my returns. I’m back in the morning and something tells me it’s going to be another busy day.
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shrugsandshots · 5 years
Well, I succeeded on my Sunday plans. I woke up around 11:30. Stayed up for a while, made some food. Went and laid back down around 2. I didn’t wake up for good until around 7. It felt sooooo good to just sleep all day.
Remember when I said I’ll be seeing my date again? Yeah. We have plans for me to come watch movies at his house on Tuesday night. I’m really trying to just let this flow here. I don’t want any expectation or to go in with any hasty decisions but I can definitely see this going somewhere. That’s scares me haha fuck. It’s been so long since I’ve actually been in this position. I just have to keep myself in check and just go with what I’m feeling.
I got back to work tomorrow and I’m mad about it. I know this weekend was a shitshow and I’m sure I’ll get thrown right into as soon as I clock in tomorrow.
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shrugsandshots · 5 years
Well. The date went amazing! We went mini golfing but I had to tap out halfway thru since it was disgustingly hot out. He suggested going to sky zone for a while. I’ve never been so I was down. We actually only played on the trampolines for like 20 minutes. We ended up just sitting around talking for the rest of the time there. From there he took me to this hibachi restaurant. The food was so good holy shit! I must say this guy knows how to plan a first date. We ended our night by coming back to my house and just sitting outside by ourselves talking and having some beers. It was a perfect night. I’ve forgotten that first kiss feeling. I was so nervous but so ready haha. Needless to say I’ll be seeing him again.
I’m off work again tomorrow and I plan on doing absolutely nothing.
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shrugsandshots · 5 years
Today was.... chaotic. Work was busy af and I was by myself most of the day. It didn’t really bother me much tho since I knew I have this weekend off.
Tonight I went over to the besties apartment and hung out with her and one of our friends and her roommate and some of his friends. It was definitely interesting. I had a good time tho.
I’m off tomorrow and honestly I don’t know what to do with myself! Jk, I have a date! I’ve been talking to this guy off and on for the last week or two. I finally have in and gave him my number. We’re going out tomorrow evening for some mini golf and stuff. It should be fun!
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shrugsandshots · 5 years
Today was decent. I had to be at work at 6 but it honestly wasn’t bad. Once we opened I pretty much was working with our blues merchandise all day. My day flew by. I’m opening again tomorrow and I’ll be counting the hours until I get to leave. I’m actually off Saturday and Sunday! That never happens unless I ask for it. I’m already so fired up haha. I’m going to attempt to get to bed at a decent time tonight.
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shrugsandshots · 5 years
I’m so tired. I need to go take a shower and get in bed. I have to be at work at 6 tomorrow morning and I’m already cranky about it.
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shrugsandshots · 5 years
The St. Louis Blues, MY St. Louis Blues, are going to the STANLEY CUP FINAL!!!!!!!!!!
P L A Y G L O R I A!!!!!!!!
I don’t even know what to do with myself right now. I’m still in shock.
I’m just going to try and let all of this sink in.
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shrugsandshots · 5 years
My brain is too fried to bitch about life tonight.
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shrugsandshots · 5 years
One win away from the Stanley cup finals!!!!
I was off today and it was nice. I slept in and just relaxed. The blues game was ridiculous. 5-0 win!!! After the game the boy I’ve been talking to came over and we just hung out and watched some GoT. I’m still on the fence about this whole situation. I’m going to see how things go and take some time to decide if I want to actually give this a shot. I do like him, I just worry that we won’t be on the same page as far as relationships go. I was good tonight tho and nothing but some hand holding happened. I want to dial things way back. I think the first few times we hung out were wayyyy too intense. I was being stupid and letting my lack of any physical interactions lead the way. I just hope he doesn’t think I was being standoffish tonight. I’m just not trying to rush anything even tho things have already happened. That was a mistake on my end. Not with him, but with just being too soon after just meeting. He wants me to come spend some time with him next weekend and I’m thinking about it. It all depends how this week goes.
I’m closing tomorrow and I’m starting to get sleepy. I’m going to try and go to sleep here soon.
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