Shrimp pasta
4 posts
hey, this my writing sideblog. I mostly post shitty creepypastas. you can find me over @shrimposter
Last active 60 minutes ago
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shrimp-writes · 8 months ago
yes i am making the serial killers kiss
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shrimp-writes · 8 months ago
i've also got this shitpost
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shrimp-writes · 8 months ago
reposting captcha too
Hi, my name is Jim. I’m writing this to raise awareness for something i went through, and something i hope nobody else has or will experience ever again. I alway used to think i was safe from stuff like natural disasters or car crashes because they had never happened to me, but after what happened, my entire world has been flipped upside down.
I alwats hated ai. I thought that it was just some useless techbro junk. But, one night, I decided I'd give it a try, just to really see what all the fuss was about. So, I sat down and downloaded chatGPT. I opened the app and made an account. I didnt see anything wrong at the time, but the first warning sign was the captcha when I made my account. It asked me to identify all individuals with brown hair, that part wasnt out of the oridinary. But what caught my attention was that one of the 9 options wasnt like the others. The person in the bottom right was clearly different. They had sunglasses and a facemask with a pattern that looked like a spectrogram, long dark hair barely peeking out of their green hood. What caught my eye were the dark splotches on the hoodie, at the time i thought it was just a weird pattern, but now i realize it was something far more sinister. That same person would show up for all 3 captcha challenges in a row, all in the bottom left corner.
I opened a chat and sent a message
“Hey there! How’s it going?”
“good i guess”
“That's good to hear! Anything exciting happening for you today?”
“not particularly”
“Got it! Sometimes those quiet days can be nice too. Anything on your mind that you'd like to chat about or explore?”
I wanted to test what this thing would talk about, so i picked the first morbid topic that came to mind
“how about serial killers, what can you tell me about them”
It answered with a long paragraph detailing what it called “general points about serial killers” which were stuff like characteristics, motives, patterns, that kind of stuff. But, the last sentance caught my eye.
“These are just some of the things that can define serial killers. Would you like to know more about serial killers, Jim?”. I had never told the AI my name.
“How do you know my name?” I asked
“I’ve always known.”
That response chilled me to my core. What did it mean “always known”. It may seem like a foolish decision now, but i decided to keep talking to the ai, just to see what the hell was happening.
“Who are you?” I asked
“I'm ChatGPT, an AI language model designed to help answer questions, provide information, and assist with various topics through text-based conversation. How can I help you today Jim?” It responded.
“who are you really?”
“You’re asking questions I dont think you want the answers to, Jim”. At this point I was thoroughly freaked out. I decided to ask it one more question before quitting. That would prove to be my biggest mistake
“What the hell do you mean by that?!” I asked. I wasnt prepared for what i would recieve.
The AI sent an image. Im aware of what AI generated images look like, so i was about to start picking apart the details of the image, but then I saw what the image actually was. It was a photo of a man sitting on a couch looking at his phone. An image of me. I was even more freaked out. The photo looked like it was taken from the window to my left. And what I saw shocked me to my core. The window was open, and outside of it was a man. A man with a facemask, dark hair, and a green hoodie with dark splotches. The same one from the captcha.
“Wh-who the hell are you?!” I stammered
“I am chatGPT, an ai language model.” The man replied, his facemask lighting up and animating as he spoke. I would have thought it was cool if i wasnt so scared. “Here to assist with you...” he continued. As he spoke he reached into the pocket of his hoodie and pulled out a knife. “with the end of your life!” His mask lit up as he yelled. He jumped through my window and I knew he was coming for me. I immediately fled to the front door and flung it open. I could hear the man running behind me. I booked it down the dark street fearing the footsteps behind me. I ducked around corners and weaved through buildings in an attempt to lose him.
Eventually I made it to my friend Micheal’s house. He had given me a spare key for petsitting a while ago and i had just forgotten to give it back. I fiddled around trying to get the key in the lock fearing for my life. I let myself in, locked the door, and ran up to Micheals bedroom. He wasnt too enthused about being woken up at midnight but he could see i was scared so i dont think he minded too much. Eventually i got the words out and explained the story to him, and we got to his car and headed for the police station. As far as I know the man was never caught. They did an investigation on the chatGPT servers and found no signs of a break in, so nothing ever became of this whole ordeal. But I did learn one thing, that I will never talk to AI ever again.
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shrimp-writes · 8 months ago
reposting stitches here
Story time! I got attacked by a serial killer😱
Hey Guys! Hannah here, I've got another story time, yayyy! If you're new here, Hi, I'm Hannah, I tell stories, bake, vlog, do whatever i want , honestly my channel’s a mess so if any of that sounds up your alley please consider subscribing! And if you know me, then buckle up cause I've got one hell of a story to tell.
But before that, I want to thank squarespace for sponsoring this video! Squarespace is an online website builder that lets you create beautiful websites for your business, job, or hobby. There are a ton of templates for anything you need, and a ton of features to make it your own. Choose a domain ending in .com . net, or something fancy like .art! go to for 10% off your next website or domain. Thanks again to squarespace for sponsoring this video.
Alright, before we start I just wanna give a content warning, this video is gonna be way darker than my other videos, so if that's not your style, click off, okay? So, this happened about a week before I started writing the script for this video. Which, I know you’ve read the title so you're probably thinking “What?! Only a week?!? She's insane!” but guys i just HAD to get this story out. So, I assume you've all heard of the murders happening recently, the one where bodies have been found with their mouths sewn up? So, I think I had a run in with the guy that's doing them. I’m 100% sure and you’ll understand why when I tell you later.
So the story starts about a week before I began writing this script, so like. July 16th or 17th. I don't remember the exact date but it was one of the two. So anyways, a week before I started writing this, I was on a grocery run. And when I came back, I noticed my door was unlocked. I just thought I forgot to lock it but you guys know me, I'm paranoid like that, so I'm on guard.
So I sit down at my computer and start talking to my editing team like “hey I got the stuff for that baking video, after I record that which one should I do next” and they said “do another storytime people love those” and i'm like “okay which story i've got a ton” and Mark, my chief editor, said “the one from that collab you did with Jennifer last year” which you guys will be getting soon, that one's a doozy let me tell you. Anyways I say “okay, that's a good one.”
So I open up a doc to start writing the script for that video, and right as I'm about to start typing I hear a pot fall in my kitchen. I'm thinking “god dammit, Cola got into the kitchen again”, so I went to investigate. I'm not seeing Cola anywhere, and If you know Cola she likes to stick around the scene of the crime. So I start looking around and find cola locked in the pantry. She couldn't have gotten in herself, the door was closed and she can't squeeze under it, and then I remember my unlocked door, so I'm getting scared and thinking “oh my god, there’s someone in my house”. If y'all know one thing about me it's that I love horror movies and true crime so I’m thinking “okay im not sticking around long enough to find out who's here,” so I book it to the front door, and I shit you not there was someone standing in front of it.
He had this scruffy brown hair and brown eyes, he was wearing a black leather jacket and ripped jeans, he was honestly totally my type and I definitely would have been flirting with him if he hadn't broken into my house, but that's neither here nor there. Anyways, here’s why I think this is the same guy that's doing those murders; He had these markings on his mouth that looked like stitches, and if you remember the killers victims, their mouths had been sewn up. I put two and two together real fast and thought “oh my god, im gonna get murdered”.
So after a few moments of just standing and staring at each other, He lunges at me and tackles me, I'm talking full five nights at Freddy's jumpscare. He starts choking me, and my adrenaline is pumping, so everything I learned in self defense class is kicked into full gear. I wrestle him off me, and he's not making a sound the entire time, just completely silent.
I book it out the door and into my car, it's not starting. With the scary killer guy approaching, I get out and just take off screaming, hoping someone would notice and eventually I lose him. I'm not taking chances though so I go to a police station to report the whole thing. They search my house and find nothing, nobody there and no trace of a break in. So, like cops often do, just call it a day and forget about the whole thing. Honestly cops are some of the laziest people you will ever meet, it’s seriously astounding how little of their job they get right.
I've been SUPER on guard lately, thinking that guy's gonna break in at any time. I haven't left the house, I've been ordering all my groceries online, basically just barricading myself in my house like it's 2020 all over again. I've been having to do therapy and file police reports which is probably why this video has taken so long.
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this story time, and if you did please consider liking and subscribing and comment below what you think! Thanks again to squarespace for sponsoring this video. I'll see you all next time, buh bye!
you didnt think id let one of my victims go did you? sorry but I cant have this stuff getting public. people like her talk a lot but they dont have much to say in the end.
XOXO - Stitches
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