shouyouspikes · 7 years
he wears his heart on his sleeve;;
Hinata didn’t know why he had invited him over in the middle of the afternoon, why he had straightened up his house like the blonde hadn’t seen it in absolute disarray before. He wore a nice shirt like he hadn’t seen him in pajamas and even less...
Why were his hands shaking again? He carefully pulled the homemade pizza from the oven, placing it on the stove and peeling the glove from his hand. A box sat on his counter, and he eyed the red ribbon and temporarily considered throwing it into the oven to burn with his nervous feelings. 
He heard the knock on his apartment door, and immediately jumped. Why was his heart racing? It was just another day...another stupid day marked by reds and pinks and confessions of love and...
He should tell Noiz he was sick. That he was curled over the toilet, puking up his guts. Because oh, he was sick alright.
He was lovesick as hell.
“C..coming!” he scrambled to the door, hesitant to open it. He took a deep breath, running his fingers through his hair in an attempt to smooth out the hairs that stuck out at weird angles.
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“Noiz. Hey...! Sup?” Casual Shouyou. Keepin’ it casual.
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shouyouspikes · 7 years
Hinata clutched the hoodie in his hands, making his way up to Gaara’s new apartment and knocking on his door. It had been a while since he went out of the way to hang out with Gaara, especially since they weren’t on the best terms. However, he couldn’t just leave this hoodie sitting around in his house, especially since it had been there for a few months. He figured this would be a good excuse to see him again and catch up.
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He knocked on the door hesitantly, before leaning back on his heels and awaiting Gaara’s appearance.
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shouyouspikes · 7 years
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                           “Ah, you must be…. Hinata Shouyou, yes?                             I believe we have only spoken through written                             communication. It is truly a pleasure to make                             your acquaintance on this day.”
Hinata nodded, smiling at the princess. “Yes! I’m Hinata Shouyou, Volleyball player extraordinaire! I’m a big fan of your work, you’ve done a lot of good in the world!”
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shouyouspikes · 7 years
After all the things that happened over the last few weeks, interesting conversations in the public chatroom included, Minato figured he should pay Hinata a visit.
He brought coffee and snacks, as well as Orpheus in his fancy carrier. There wasn’t much Hinata could do with a broken ankle, so he hoped his cat would provide enough entertainment.
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Knocking gently on the door, he called out, “Hinata? Its me, Minato. I brought coffee and my cat.”
Hinata stretched, before grabbing his crutches and hobbling over to the door. He swung it open, smiling at Minato. His eyes lit up as his gaze landed on Orpheus, and he nearly fell over making grabby hands towards him.
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“Orphy! My fave!” he beamed, hopping aside to let the other idol in. “Come in, come in!”
cats and snacks;;
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shouyouspikes · 7 years
While texting Shouyou, he told her would get there as soon as he could, though considering his ankle… Well, she wasn’t really sure how long that was going to take. SO she decided to lay back and relax a little.
It had been a few days since she’s been in the hospital and she’s finally worked up the courage to turn on the radio- nonstop music stations only. There’s no way she would be able to handle hearing anything about the Masquerade or what transpired that night.
She had only closed her eyes for a moment to let the music carry her mind away when the sound of the door caught her attention. Right away, she caught sight of Shouyou hobbling in on his crutches and she felt her heart drop. Of course she already knew about it through frequent texting, but she couldn’t begin to imagine how he felt. He would have to be off the court for at least two months to make a recovery from that.
“Shouyou…” Sayaka’s lips turned into a small smile. “Please, come in. It’s good to see you again.”
A sad smile crossed his face as he surveyed the girl in front of him. She was looking better. A lot better than when he last saw her at the hotel. He hobbled in, closing the door behind him and sitting in the chair next to the bed. He made an attempt to lean the crutches against the wall, but they crashed against the concrete floor, making quite a bit of noise. 
Shouyou cringed, a small laugh pathetically escaping him as he watched them hit the ground. 
“Whoops.” he finally spoke, his sunny eyes connecting with hers. “Sorry to be so noisy, it just sort of happens everywhere I go.” he shrugged, hating having to carry the crutches everywhere.
“How are you feeling?”
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shouyouspikes · 7 years
Shouyou himself had gotten hurt at the Masquerade, but there was no one that he felt worse for than Sayaka. I mean sure, Mettaton had it pretty bad with it being his party and everything, but Sayaka got drugged not once, but TWICE...and then had images of her plastered all over the internet.
He was glad he got a chance to beat the shit out of the creep that was perving on her. He hobbled towards the door, pausing to open the door with his freehand before he walked in with his crutches. He paused at the door, not wanting to disturb her if she had fallen asleep between the time he had texted her so he opened his mouth to whisper quietly.
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Never in her life did Sayaka think she would ever feel this miserable, at least not after what she went through when she was first getting used to ADAMAS’ specialized medications for Idols. She felt like utter shit, laying helplessly in the cold room of the Aelton General Hospital. There were various machines and IV’s hooked up to her, the whirs and beeping filling the otherwise lonely room.
If one thing is for sure, she’s definitely not going to be attending anymore masquerades or parties for quite a while- not if they would keep ending in disasters like this.
Part of her wanted to grab her phone and see if there was anyone she could contact to visit her, but she knew better than to trust herself with any social media. Who knows what stories and rumors were popping up already? She’s sure so many people saw her being taken out to the ambulance… She can just see the headlines now- Is Party Animal Sayaka Maizono Spiralling out of Control? What is Becoming of Aelton’s Sweetheart?
Sighing, Sayaka stared up at the bright white tiles of the ceiling above her. In an attempt to distract herself, she began counting the individual dots that were scattered along each tile. Hopefully this will all be over soon…
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shouyouspikes · 8 years
All Shouyou could do was stare...his heart was pounding in his chest, his entire body cold with shock. There was no way this was real. Takemichi was fine. This was just another bad dream....Another...bad...dream....right? But the more Shouyou stood there and stared at the body, the more he could feel the reality seeping into his bones, pervading his every nerve and causing him to bolt forward towards his friend, resting his head on his chest and listening for a pulse.
But as soon as he touched him, he already knew he was gone.
A previous warmth, someone so warm and full of life...
Was now icy to the touch and solid. Lifeless. Gone.
His sobs rang out in the silence of the room, filling the air with the absolute despair that filled Shouyou’s every pore. His best friend was dead beneath his fingertips, and there was nothing that was going to bring him back. His voice choked out his name, his body wracked with pain on every syllable.
DR Event - Body Discovery
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shouyouspikes · 8 years
“Because, when I’m feeling like this, I don’t feel like I can be as good a friend as I need to be. So…please just tell me we’re only friends, so I can be the kind of friend you deserve.” His voice trailed off into a murmur, his neck and ears now as hot as his face. “….I hope by saying that I didn’t ruin your opinion of me.”
Well that isn’t what he was expecting. Hinata could feel his face lighting up as red as Michi’s at the confession, and when he saw Michi’s trembling hands, he reached out to hold them.
“I don’t care if you like me...romantically, or whatever.” he avoided eye contact for a moment, before locking eyes with the other. His heart was beating harder, faster than it had been before. His palms were probably sweaty, but he clutched onto Takemichi tighter to reassure him that even this wouldn’t change their relationship.
“I....”  he swallowed, never really looking at Takemichi as anything more than a friend. Though, when he squeezed his eyes shut and thought of all the memories they had made together, all the times Michi had been there for him, supporting him, and taking care of him, it made sense.
“I’ve never thought of you like...that..before...but..” When he opened his eyes and looked at Takemichi, he really did look like the kind of person he wanted to stay by always. Someone that fiercely loyal and caring was rare, and Hinata suddenly felt like he had been overlooking his friend’s feelings all along.
“I care a lot about you. And I don’t know if that’s as a friend or something more, but I...I want you to stay by me, just as close..and maybe when we’re out of here, we can figure this all out. Um... Together.” 
And Hinata wasn’t sure if that was the answer Michi was looking for, but that was all he had to give him.
Mind Maps ;; DR event
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shouyouspikes · 8 years
His heart leapt into his throat and he felt his breath hitch. Hinata’s cheek was warm against his, but his own was practically burning. Words sat on his tongue like a weight, and he wanted to blurt out the words that he had thought every time their hands brushed, and every time Hinata smiled.
I like you.
Every laugh was like sunshine. Every smile like spring.
I think i love you.
Every touch and gesture like pure electricity.
I love you.
He opened, then closed his mouth. Pursed his lips and squeezed his eyes shut. Normally, now wouldn’t be the time nor the situation. But they were getting out and that was final. But the words just wouldn’t leave his lips. He swallowed. “…Shouyou?” He asked softly, voice uncharacteristically uncertain. “I need to tell you something. And. I need to know…that I can tell you anything and it won’t change how you feel about me.” 
His heart was pounding against his ribs so hard it felt as if his chest were about to burst. Breathing was so difficult at the moment, but, still, he didn’t let go of Hinata. If his friend tried to pull away, he would let go. But until then, he needed to hold onto him. He needed to know it would be alright.
Was he really about to tell him?
Takemichi’s tone was strange, faltering with a wavering confidence. And Hinata could hear it. But there was nothing that the other could say to him that would change how he felt about him, so he continued resting his cheek against the other’s.
“You can tell me anything, ‘Mich. You’re one of my best friends.” he held him tight, breathing in and out slowly to calm the other. There was nothing to be afraid of, not when they were in this together.
“Nothing you say will change the way I feel about you.”
Mind Maps ;; DR event
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shouyouspikes · 8 years
Hinata blinked for a moment, taking it all in. It was true, he didn’t know about Takemichi’s past, but…
“Nothing too big.” He smiled back, knowing that his friend did what he had to do to survive. Michi had a good heart. Hinata was sure of that. 
“You can read my folder too if you want. I don’t have a really…interesting story like yours but. I trust you.” he walked closer to Michi, punching him gently in the shoulder.
“We’ve got each other’s backs now, so. I don’t care what your past is. It’s about our future now. And how we get out of here. And maybe…I can help liberate idols from the inside! We could be like an inside/outside duo! They wouldn’t know what hit ‘em!” he grinned, knowing the treasonous words against ADAMAS would normally be frowned upon, but in this situation, he could care less who heard.
Hinata’s words made Takemichi’s eyes widen slightly. 
Was he serious? Would be really be willing to put himself in danger? The idea of Hinata being in danger there in the hotel in that bear’s horrible game was bad enough, but combined with his words, he couldn’t handle it. Going from one danger to the next…
“Hinata…” He smiled despite himself, though the worry hadn’t left his eyes. “I couldn’t ask that of you…if ADAMAS found out, you would…” He grimaced, unable to contain the fear that had passed over his face.
He stood and, without thinking, wrapped his arms around his friend and held him close. He closed his eyes, holding Hinata as if he were the only thing keeping him alive. “I couldn’t…losing you…this isn’t a definite thing; I can protect you from this place. But I don’t know if I could protect you from them if you were under their watch.” A gentle squeeze, as if reminding himself that Hinata is safe in his arms. 
Takemichi’s body trembled lightly, and he pressed his face against HInata’s shoulder. “If you want to help that badly, then I won’t stop you. But…I’d feel better if you…you came with me. And stayed by me.” His face warmed. Shit, that sounded way too much like some sort of confession, didn’t it?” 
Hinata shook his head, clutching onto the other tighter. His arms wrapped tightly around his body, and he breathed deeply, feeling his friend tremble against him. His cheek brushed against Takemichi’s as he tilted his head and rested it against the other’s.
“Michi...of course I’ll stay by you. Always.” he whispered, feeling his heart racing. Shouyou had met many people in his life, many who have come and gone.
But none were as fiercely loyal at Takemichi was. And for that, Hinata was eternally grateful. 
A friend like Takemichi was hard to find.
Mind Maps ;; DR event
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shouyouspikes · 8 years
He had failed to notice Hinata was that tense and of course he didn’t expect him to squeal like a small animal when touched. Noiz stared wide eyed for a moment before speaking up.
“I wanted to ask how you were holding but I think I already know it.” There was the start of a small smile on his lips before he noticed the file in the idol’s hold. Ah, that bad? Thinking that he had something in that file that made him act that way really was a surprise.
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“What are you planning to do with that?”
“Hold onto it for dear life! I can’t just leave this in my room! Someone might find it!” he blinked up at him, his chest rising and falling quickly as he thought of Sayaka and Gaara finding it. Nope, nope, nope, nope.
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“You’re...in here.” he mumbled, his eyes averting from Noiz’ face. Not making eye contact with him didn’t stop the reddening of his cheeks. 
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shouyouspikes · 8 years
He grimaced, remembering all the disgusting, awful things his father told him about the place he would be sent to. He dropped his gaze to the table. “I ran away, and Oowada…Mondo and Daiya took me in. The rest is just a lot of gang violence and aggression, but not the senseless kind. I’ve hurt a lot of people. But for causes I don’t regret. I’m part of the Liberation front. My entire gang is.” 
Takemichi looked up at Hinata, grinning weakly. “Those are my secrets. Nothing too big, right?”
Hinata blinked for a moment, taking it all in. It was true, he didn’t know about Takemichi’s past, but...
“Nothing too big.” He smiled back, knowing that his friend did what he had to do to survive. Michi had a good heart. Hinata was sure of that. 
“You can read my folder too if you want. I don’t have a really...interesting story like yours but. I trust you.” he walked closer to Michi, punching him gently in the shoulder.
“We’ve got each other’s backs now, so. I don’t care what your past is. It’s about our future now. And how we get out of here. And maybe...I can help liberate idols from the inside! We could be like an inside/outside duo! They wouldn’t know what hit ‘em!” he grinned, knowing the treasonous words against ADAMAS would normally be frowned upon, but in this situation, he could care less who heard.
Mind Maps ;; DR event
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shouyouspikes · 8 years
Takemichi looked over at Hinata, face warming slightly at the closeness. He swallowed, turning back to chew on his pen with more vigor now.
“If…you want to.” He murmured, hoping his voice didn’t crack. “It isn’t a requirement. I…know you won’t kill anyone.”
He smiled a little, nodding to his head towards his notes. Hinata was marked as, clearly, trustworthy. “Did you read mine?” He asked, a little curious to see if Hinata had peeked into it at all.
Hinata unwrapped his arms and clutched onto the file before tossing it onto the table. 
“It’s there.” he sighed, boring holes into his file that laid on the table. He noticed Michi’s file, labeled with Takemichi Yukimaru. He wasn’t particularly interested in going through Michi’s secrets, especially if he hadn’t told him already. 
“Nah, I didn’t. What’s in there? If you don’t mind sharing, I guess.” he asked gently. He didn’t want to pry without asking first.
Mind Maps ;; DR event
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shouyouspikes · 8 years
Takemichi had a mental checklist of people unwilling to share their folders, and the majority of them were to be watched. He trusted very few people there; only Hinata, Jyushimatsu, and himself. Everyone else, unless they gave up their very reason for possibly killing someone, was a suspect. Which was while he was currently in a conference room, papers spread around him.
The papers were scribbled with names and hasty doodles of faces and notes of what he knew about them. The more he knew, the higher chance he had of figuring out who was most likely to kill. 
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He brought the end of his pencil to his mouth and chewed lightly on the end of it, frowning in thought. 
Seeing all the notes just gave away how little he knew about everyone. And that troubled him, but he wasn’t about to go asking for information on a possible future murderer. There was no way he would get out of that alive. He stood, beginning to pace, pen in his mouth and his free hand stuffed deep into the pocket of his coat. 
Even though he seemed distracted, every noise made him pause and glance in the direction of the sound, a sign that he was clearly on edge.
Hinata appeared quietly behind him, wrapping his arms around his neck and hooking his chin on his shoulder. 
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“I guess I should turn my folder in huh?” he sighed, his heart racing as he thought of the secrets in his folder. There were a few he wasn’t proud of, the fact that he had tried drugs in high school to boost performance during a game, a photo of him stealing from a store because his friends pressured him to, and one photo he wasn’t quite too ecstatic about the other people here seeing. Especially not Sayaka and Gaara.
A photo of he and Noiz, kissing in his kitchen. It wasn’t a particularly heated photo, in fact, it was quite the opposite. The kiss looked tender, a blush and a smile obvious on Hinata’s face. Noiz’ hat was perched on his head, Noiz’ t-shirt draped across his shoulders, and a very domestic breakfast was spread on the table.
Just one look at the photo, and everyone would know that what they had was a lot more than just hooking up. And that terrified the idol more than anything. And someone knew that.
Michi probably wouldn’t care. But there was no telling how the others would react. But to cure any suspicions...he had to swallow his pride.
“I can do it...if you think that would be best?” 
Mind Maps ;; DR event
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shouyouspikes · 8 years
Hinata was shaking as he clutched onto the file in his hands. A file that contained some very sensitive information. But he didn’t trust to leave it in his room. He didn’t want to leave it anywhere honestly. So he clung to it, and when someone grabbed onto the back of his shirt, a shriek came from his tiny body.
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“Please don’t kill me!” he yelled out, closing his eyes and turning to face the assailant. Or rather, a friend. A friendly friend. Who knows.
“Oh...Noiz. It’s just you.” he relaxed and held the file to his chest, looking up at him. 
“I’m sorry, I’m just really paranoid...”
It was only after dealing with his own problems that Noiz thought that maybe, just maybe, he should go checking the people here. Even if he had some idea of who most of them were, he needed to check how they reacted to… whatever it was that was happening in this hotel.
He hadn’t planned finding Hinata in a hallway but just the sight of bright orange hair made him release tension he hadn’t notice weighing on his shoulders. Noiz didn’t think twice before going after him.
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“Hey.” A hand pulled gently at the back of his shirt to grab his attention. “I finally found you.”
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shouyouspikes · 8 years
Takemichi smiled a little, glad to see the fire return to his friend’s eyes. He didn’t like seeing him so vulnerable; Hinata definitely looked best when he was confident. He flushed a bit with embarrassment at that thought, but did his best to ignore it.
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“Anyway,” He let his hands fall from his friend’s face. “let’s start looking around. Maybe we can find a way out, or at least a clue as to what’s going on.” 
He turned on his heel, but made no move to leave, not without Hinata, definitely at his side. He slid his hands into his pockets and stuck out his elbow a bit, so Hinata could hold onto his arm if he wanted to. 
Hinata blinked before latching onto Takemichi’s arm, brightly smiling at the small gesture. 
“Aw, is my kouhai gonna lead the way? Then let’s get to it!” he laughed, walking alongside him and scanning his eyes across the hallway that they walked down. The windows were barred shut, blocked in a way that was impossible to remove. 
“There’s gotta be a way out! If they got us in here, there’s definitely a way to get ourselves out of here.” the orange haired idol was so sure of it, that he walked even faster, dragging Michi behind him.
DR event;; reality
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shouyouspikes · 8 years
The unsteadiness in Hinata’s voice made Takemichi hold on tighter, his gaze flickering up to the ceiling. There must be cameras somewhere. Maybe not obvious, but there definitely were. If this was fake, or real, it would be recorded. No one would go through this much trouble and not record it for either the public eye, or their own enjoyment.
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“Q, quit blubbering…” he murmured, voice gentle despite his words. He sighed slowly and composed himself. “No one will die. You won’t kill anyone, and your friends…will definitely not die. I won’t die.” He pulled back, cupping HInata’s face in his hands and making him look him in the eye.
“I’m going to protect you. And everyone else if I can. I promise.” 
“I trust you. I’ll protect you too. With everything I’ve got.” his eyes flashed with determination, the fear dissipating from his mind as Michi reassured him that everything would be okay. 
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As long as they had each other, as long as they were brave and did their best, everything would be okay.
Hinata had no choice but to believe that with all of his heart. He inhaled deeply, and exhaled, his chest rising and falling before he reached out and cupped the other boy’s face back.
“No matter what. I’ll stay by your side.”
DR event;; reality
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