shotwest-a-blog · 6 years
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i have a pistol party and I kill ‘em all ( i think i might be scared )   of the man and the men with their hands inside     and the women, oh, the women all they do is cry        and i, well i lose my mind
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shotwest-a-blog · 6 years
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i have a pistol party and I kill ‘em all ( i think i might be scared )   of the man and the men with their hands inside     and the women, oh, the women all they do is cry        and i, well i lose my mind
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shotwest-a-blog · 6 years
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as of today, this blog right here is being archived! it feels a little too cluttered for my tastes and if im gonna come back i wanna start fresh i guess?? anyways, catch me over here. its the same url so :-)
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shotwest-a-blog · 7 years
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The name’s McCree.
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shotwest-a-blog · 7 years
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shotwest-a-blog · 7 years
panzerung replied to your post “y’all does this .. . look aight?”
ok rad rad B-)
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shotwest-a-blog · 7 years
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   a hearty chuckle sounded from the depths of his chest, elicited only by his love’s silly attempt to mimic him. fingers of both feeling flesh and cool metal grabbed hold of her hands and brought them to his face, earthen eyes taking in the breath-taking sight of her features. how he loved this woman so! if he’d been told that he was gonna hook up with an absolute doll in his younger years, he’d’ve laughed and dismissed it a crazy thought. he was glad, however, that fate had brought them together. she radiated rays of warmth that filled him with a buzzing happiness; and he would have it no other way. to lose her would be like losing the sun itself — he would be left cold and alone.    “have i ever told you how much i love you?”  a pause. “hell... course i have! i’m gonna say it again though.”  the smaller hands, to which he he had held captive to his scruffy cheeks, were squeezed lovingly before being brought to chapped lips — a fluttering kiss pressed to the rise of her knuckles. “i love you so, so much, ang.” 
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fingers trace the line of his jaw, admiring the very structure of the man who managed to steal her heart away with a single smile, his chuckle forever the melody of her sweetest dream. dusty hues admire his every feature, the lazy curl of his lips, the half lidded eyes gazing upon bronzed cheeks. and angela swore, beneath his stare, she could feel the warmth of heaven’s light. her own lips echo his smile, weight rests upon her toes, stretching upwards, noses brushing, lips graze… fingers fall, grasping upon the cloth of his serape, plushed lips daring to linger, slowly pressing upon his own, enveloping chapped lips with the soft velvet of her kiss. she hums as his taste falls upon her tongue, earth’s gentle flavors mixing wit the sugared taste of his kiss… 
lips part, pearly whites grazing the tender flesh of his lip as the angel descends from his touch, palm resting upon the width of his chest, heart drumming against her flesh, held lovingly within her hand.  ❝   sorry darlin’  ❞  an attempt to mimic his southern drawl, butchered by the accent which already dominates her tongue.  ❝  i just couldn’t help myself.  ❞  she chuckles, a heavenly harmony, bronzed fingertips brushing upon his lips, wiping the pink residue from his playful smirk. as if jesse knew exactly what his smile did to her…
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shotwest-a-blog · 7 years
vitalsigned replied to your post: w h o o ps instead of doing replies i updated the...
its so beautiful.
aaa im glad you think so?? nice to know about an hour of editing wasn’t a complete waste :’-)
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shotwest-a-blog · 7 years
w h o o ps instead of doing replies i updated the theme  -- im gonna weep tho i don’t remember how to get rid of the credit side bar color 
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shotwest-a-blog · 7 years
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"whos your pa, kid?” after talking with usa ( @engclicht​ ) and crying a little i doodled this :-)
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shotwest-a-blog · 7 years
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on the road
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shotwest-a-blog · 7 years
‘ It’s alright, I’m here. ’
care | n/ac
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   “it’s ‘bout time, shimada! i thought you were gonna flake out.”behind the shelter of a wall, mccree glanced over at the archer, relieved grin taking shape to his lips. the fight had begun only an hour ago, but they were already outgunned. the arrival of the archer gave hope to the situation.   “alright, enough standin’ around! we got a battle to win.”
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shotwest-a-blog · 7 years
‘ You need to stay still. ’
care | ac
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   “what? why?” with a bewildered look in his eyes, the cowboy looked over at the woman, brows raised as he held still. was there something on him? he froze. despite his tough guy exterior, he was still prone to freaking out — especially if there was something clinging to him. he glanced down at his front with a hint of anxiety clear as day on his face.   “…do i got a spider on my back? oh god. just smack me and get it over with.” 
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shotwest-a-blog · 7 years
‘ Snuggling helps with a lot of things, so come here. ’
care | ac
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   “if you say so, sweetheart.” dark eyes brightened, the corners of his eyes crinkling in glee. the man wasted no time in scooting from his spot on their shared bed to the empty space next to her. to say he was a sucker for cuddling up to his doll was an understatement — he absolutely adored it! it gave him a chance to hold her close to him, to run his fingers through her black locks and to simply enjoy their limited intimacy together. the line of work that they both pursued gave them little time to communicate, let alone enjoy each others presences for more than an hour. he wasn’t gonna waste this opportunity. with outstretched arms, he grabbed hold of her frame and pulled their bodies together in a warm embrace, lips peppering gentle kisses to the soft her cheek in an obvious attempt to offer his overflowing love to her.   “y’know what.. i think we just need to run away, that way we can just have each other forever.”
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shotwest-a-blog · 7 years
stay in bed, please.
care | ac 
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   “aw, c’mon! i’m startin’ to feel all cooped up and it’s drivin’ me mad!”the man was going absolutely stir-crazy. he’d been locked up in base due to a nasty cold and had been confined for about a week by now; however, it felt more like a year to him. he was so used to being out and about serving justice, that simply resting for more than two days was bound to make him a little fidgety and uncomfortable.    “can’t ya make an exception, ang? i think i’m well enough to get out already.”
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shotwest-a-blog · 7 years
‘ I’m just checking in, how are you feeling? ’
care | ac
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   “lots better than yesterday, that’s for sure.” he sat up from his relaxed position and glanced over at the woman, offering a silly wink whilst smiling brightly towards her. thanks to her expert healing hand, he’d been recovering from his wounds quickly — which was something essential to a hero like himself. he was sure to be out on the field in no time due to her help.   “thanks for the help, doc. i ‘preciate it. i don’t know what we’d do without you.”
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shotwest-a-blog · 7 years
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                                                Caring Edition 
‘ Hey when was the last time you slept? ’
‘ Stay in bed, please. ’
‘ Do you want me to get you anything? ’
‘ Let me look. ’
‘ Let me help you. ’
‘ Here, let me bandage that up. ’
‘ I made you something to eat. ’
‘ You’re burning up! Go lay down. ’
‘ Please drink more water. ’
‘ Were you able to keep that down? ’
‘ Does this hurt? ’
‘ You need to stay still. ’
‘ Want more blankets? ’
‘ Do you want to talk about it? ’
‘ Try to breathe slowly. ’
‘ It’s alright I’m here. ’
‘ Here hold my hand. ’
‘ I’m not going anywhere. ’
‘ You can sleep here. ’
‘ Rest as long as you need. ’
‘ Look at me. ’
‘ Tell me what you are seeing. ’
‘ You can rest in my arms. ’
‘ I will make you some tea. ’
‘ Please, take this. ’
‘ You should be resting. ’
‘ I’m just checking in, how are you feeling? ’
‘ Snuggling helps with a lot of things, so come here. ’
‘ Want me to take you to a doctor? ’
‘ I am a doctor, so please listen to me. ’
‘ How long have you been like this? ’
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