shotajojo · 6 years
One minute of your time? ⌚
Hello world, fellow humans!
I’m here to ask a favor, from everyone, for a situation that you probably hear often because perhaps it feels shady to you or you could think that it’s ridiculous that people put themselves in situations only to then shamelessly beg for help when others are working hard to make it but I can assure you that starting this wasn’t easy, having to talk my issues to people I didn’t want knowing because I knew they wouldn’t care but honestly having pride isn’t something I can really afford to have right now and this is a sort of last resort.
To tell you a summary of my story: I’m Hadjir, a 20 year old girl living in Morocco, not my native country and in my native country either I don’t have any family nor friends (except the few who sacrificed themselves to help me but can’t do so for they are also just in college struggling) to support me and my mother who with all these matters has gotten sick with time, because we lost our fathers earning capabilities for he is currently in jail after his associate stole clients money and his (my father’s) only to runaway, leaving my dad to be judged as partner in crime and to top it all off he who was already having health issues due to his old age he is currently in a disabled state and without any source of income trying to make him get better isn’t easy, I’m trying to find a job, but it’s still not working out because not having gone to college I have no qualifications and at this rate we are so close to being homeless I’ve decided to open a fundraiser and maybe with the help of God and people’s generosity, just maybe I could get the help I need to get through this situation me and my mother relying on me right now.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, I’m sorry If this took more than a minute 😭 I will leave the links below just in case anyone would be willing to contribute and help us out 🙏🙏 Or if anyone would like a commission in exchange? ThoughI don’t feel like my “art” is stable enough to be sold to anyone.
And for those with only PayPals : paypal.me/FCherif
Update : I’d like to apologize in advance if the fact that I ask individuals I don’t know if they can reblog is an annoyance! because I’ve been told by two people (and probably more thought it) it was spam like(but I truly mean the message I wrote and I feel changing it wouldn’t capture what I feel, so not changing isn’t laziness!!) and that truly isn’t my intention!! Just that I don’t really have a way of making it gain visibility with my 65 followers who aren’t active (since I myself haven’t been on tumblr for a long period of time ) and I thought that by asking personally it would grow my chances, is that selfish? I don’t know 😭😭
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shotajojo · 7 years
im getting a puppy on the 30th it worked
Happiness Will Come To You.
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shotajojo · 7 years
we’re gonna delete deadnames
reblog to delete your dead name
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shotajojo · 7 years
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shotajojo · 7 years
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shotajojo · 7 years
surprisingly not straight at first.
bi, straight, bi again, ace, pan, demi, then polysexual, then pan
hey if ur lgbtq rb this with all ur past labels nd the one u use now
i’ll go first straight, bi, pan, demi, then lesbian
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shotajojo · 7 years
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shotajojo · 7 years
This post is going to rushed but I’m still shaking and it’s hard to type but I NEED people to know this
My mom just took my dog to the vet She(my dog) was(still is?) having a seizure
Last month we took my dog to the vet and they told us she had developed diabetes, they told us it was caused by the food she was eating, purina beneful. They told us that there have been many many many reports of Beneful has been causing diabetes, seizures, and even death in dogs.
We had no idea
We immediately switched her food and put her on a special diet plan for her diabetes, unfortunately the effects were already permeate.
Today at 11:20 my mom woke me up crying, I helped her carry my dog to the car (while she was still having a seizure) and watched her drive away red faced and still crying.
Please please PLEASE if you are feeding your pets Purina beneful PLEASE switch their food ASAP Beneful is poising dogs and I don’t want anyone else to experience what I just did Also if you could please help me signal boost this so everyone can know
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shotajojo · 7 years
smash that mf reblog if u hate pedophiles
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shotajojo · 7 years
that autism feel when you’re stimming with your legs in school/work and trying to be subtle but then you hit your knee on the bottom of the desk/table/where you were sat and it makes a bad noise
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shotajojo · 7 years
they’re so valid
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shotajojo · 7 years
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today’s intersex character of the day is:
Mettaton from Undertale
submitted by anonymous
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shotajojo · 7 years
how do i bbreathe its s
o hard like hhuuuuu hhmmm hhh uuuu
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shotajojo · 7 years
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shotajojo · 7 years
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Fictional characters might not be real, but our relationships with them are. Studies show it’s difficult for our brains to distinguish between our familiarity with characters on TV and our personal relationships with real people. The effect is so strong that just thinking about watching your favorite TV show can make you feel less lonely. Source Source 2
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shotajojo · 7 years
full offense but melanie martinez supporters (aka rape apologists) can block and unfollow me
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shotajojo · 7 years
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