shoelacesunday · 13 days
you got a real fuckable personality btw
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shoelacesunday · 13 days
I like your username
thank you :D it came from my list of band name ideas
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shoelacesunday · 17 days
hot take but maybe tumblr could just. politely remove the like button as it serves Very Little Purpose and reblogging is so rare now
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shoelacesunday · 17 days
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"their relationship is strictly platonic" "they're so in love" well, more importantly, they are fucking weird and abnormal about each other in an undeniable way
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shoelacesunday · 20 days
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shoelacesunday · 24 days
a sneak peek at a potential GO fic..?
—i'm interested in whether i should continue with it or just accept my place in the fandom as a lurker. :)
—the story is based on starman by david bowie and explores the idea that crowley (raphael (NOT A HEADCANNON- JUST A NAME)) stays up in heaven but takes immense interest in humans, especially aziraphale :) they get a lil forbidden romance deal going on and we see some development on a pre-fall crowley and some grumpy bookstore owner azi
Everything was going absolutely according to Raphael’s plans.
He said Let there be light and there was. In front of him, the birth of a small nebula unfolded in a near-cataclysmic scene of color, sound, and light. Raphael was hunched over in the middle of it, unable to contain his excitement. Small squeaks and giggles echoed into the vast expanse as the archangel covered himself with his wings in an attempt to regulate himself.
Look at you! Raphael gasped to the inanimate void. You’re gorgeous! A smile nearly painful split his face, teeth baring the way a dog would bare its own in fear. This was not fear, though… Or perhaps it was. Fear had not been invented yet.
A massive green-and-blue rock hurled past Raphael. He paid little attention to it. He didn’t particularly care for the planets, especially not those predestined to receive plenty of love and recognition from the other angels. Earth was irrelevant to Raphael, and he wanted nothing to do with ‘mankind’, whatever that was.
Look out your window
I can see his light
If we can sparkle
He may land tonight
The old turntable in Aziraphale's office spun faithfully on a warped, scratched record of David Bowie’s The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust. It was one of dozens in a precarious stack of vinyls in the corner. He’d grown sick of Firebird Suite and The Planets, and thus turned to Bowie for something fresh. Aziraphale milled about, carrying large stacks of books around the shop. Those on the very top of the armfuls threatened to spill, but he was a self-proclaimed expert book-carrier. Austen… Austen. Where are the A’s? The record finished and started spinning a fuzzy sort of sound as the song finished and faded out. Aziraphale's bookshop was old and well-loved, it smelled of dust and wood. The shop had been his father’s, and his father’s before that. Warm, yellow light filled the room from old-style lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling. The phone at the front desk began to ring. It was a rotary phone, of course. Aziraphale couldn’t stand new phones.
Hello? Yes, this is he. … The Bible? No, we don’t carry that, sorry.
… Sir, please relax. … Not all of us are religious, sir!
Really, there is no need for that kind of language.
... Goodnight. … Sir, I said goodnight!
Aziraphale slammed the phone down and the hang-up tone played faintly. Maybe I should start praying that people stop getting angry at me over books that are easily attainable at any other location besides my own. Aziraphale made the cross over his chest with his hand, thumb tucked over ring and pinky fingers while the first two stuck up in the air.
Somewhere in the distance, a shooting star flew across the sky.
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shoelacesunday · 28 days
fully prepared for my first serious post on this site to flop like a fish on land
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shoelacesunday · 28 days
a sneak peek at a potential GO fic..?
—i'm interested in whether i should continue with it or just accept my place in the fandom as a lurker. :)
—the story is based on starman by david bowie and explores the idea that crowley (raphael (NOT A HEADCANNON- JUST A NAME)) stays up in heaven but takes immense interest in humans, especially aziraphale :) they get a lil forbidden romance deal going on and we see some development on a pre-fall crowley and some grumpy bookstore owner azi
Everything was going absolutely according to Raphael’s plans.
He said Let there be light and there was. In front of him, the birth of a small nebula unfolded in a near-cataclysmic scene of color, sound, and light. Raphael was hunched over in the middle of it, unable to contain his excitement. Small squeaks and giggles echoed into the vast expanse as the archangel covered himself with his wings in an attempt to regulate himself.
Look at you! Raphael gasped to the inanimate void. You’re gorgeous! A smile nearly painful split his face, teeth baring the way a dog would bare its own in fear. This was not fear, though… Or perhaps it was. Fear had not been invented yet.
A massive green-and-blue rock hurled past Raphael. He paid little attention to it. He didn’t particularly care for the planets, especially not those predestined to receive plenty of love and recognition from the other angels. Earth was irrelevant to Raphael, and he wanted nothing to do with ‘mankind’, whatever that was.
Look out your window
I can see his light
If we can sparkle
He may land tonight
The old turntable in Aziraphale's office spun faithfully on a warped, scratched record of David Bowie’s The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust. It was one of dozens in a precarious stack of vinyls in the corner. He’d grown sick of Firebird Suite and The Planets, and thus turned to Bowie for something fresh. Aziraphale milled about, carrying large stacks of books around the shop. Those on the very top of the armfuls threatened to spill, but he was a self-proclaimed expert book-carrier. Austen… Austen. Where are the A’s? The record finished and started spinning a fuzzy sort of sound as the song finished and faded out. Aziraphale's bookshop was old and well-loved, it smelled of dust and wood. The shop had been his father’s, and his father’s before that. Warm, yellow light filled the room from old-style lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling. The phone at the front desk began to ring. It was a rotary phone, of course. Aziraphale couldn’t stand new phones.
Hello? Yes, this is he. … The Bible? No, we don’t carry that, sorry.
… Sir, please relax. … Not all of us are religious, sir!
Really, there is no need for that kind of language.
... Goodnight. … Sir, I said goodnight!
Aziraphale slammed the phone down and the hang-up tone played faintly. Maybe I should start praying that people stop getting angry at me over books that are easily attainable at any other location besides my own. Aziraphale made the cross over his chest with his hand, thumb tucked over ring and pinky fingers while the first two stuck up in the air.
Somewhere in the distance, a shooting star flew across the sky.
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shoelacesunday · 1 month
the thing with alec hardy and specifically the way the show treats his relationship with ellie is really cool to be be Cause—
i like that not only does the show draw attention to the fact that you can have Two Adult People Of Opposite Sexes Who Enjoy Each Other's Presence without making them kiss sloppy style, it also shows that even while alec has clearly had at least one failed relationship before, (and an awful attempt at getting laid) he still —somewhat willingly— forms a connection with someone and neither of them try to force it into a box. i like that it supports the big narrative that alec is very aware of women's struggles and in that way he doesn't WANT anything from ellie yoknow? (clarification: not BECAUSE of his awareness, but in the way that we're reassured that he would never think of ellie like that)
i also really like that specifically in their dynamic, alec is allowed to be a Little Bit Obsessive and while ellie balances him and keeps some reason in the situation (sometimes), she doesn't hold him back from being absolutely insane.
also she calls him uncle alec to her kid. it does not get cuter than that.
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shoelacesunday · 1 month
damn right, she splattered farage
it was a good bit, but she might get charged
her millshake brings all the boys to the stands
to witness the romance
between a cup
in a model's hand
and the face of
britian's man
(p.s. buy my onlyfans!)
Nigel Farage got milkshaked again, what a time to be alive
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shoelacesunday · 1 month
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And this Is why I'm here your honour
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shoelacesunday · 1 month
whenever i see a cybertruck in the wild i get such a primal and uncanny feeling and it's how i imagine ancient humans felt when bitches first showed up on their land with horses and they were like. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!!
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shoelacesunday · 2 months
by the way i'm the reason why they send weathermen into hurricanes and shit. "it's needless and dangerous!!!!!" i don't care. every day i call into CNN and demand they send their most pathetic newscaster into a storm to watch them be knocked down by wave and wind and they sigh and say yes ma'am. and i do this all for nasty, sexual purposes, if you were wondering.
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shoelacesunday · 2 months
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tell me im not crazy
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shoelacesunday · 2 months
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Smitten, I believe ✨
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shoelacesunday · 2 months
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Michael Sheen as Robbie Ross in WILDE (1997)
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shoelacesunday · 2 months
Tumblr Top Ships Bracket - Quarterfinals
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This poll is a celebration of fandom and fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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