shocking-kisses · 5 years
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Okay so, I figured these choices meant:
a) face punch
b) headbutt
c) solarplexus or groin shot or some other soft vulnerable area I went with c because hell yeah, and got: 
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shocking-kisses · 6 years
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Don’t mind me just a doodle
Shitposting, feat. Havenfall MC
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shocking-kisses · 6 years
Cards against humanity but all the cards have something to do with lovestruck
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shocking-kisses · 6 years
So I took a look at the schedual…
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shocking-kisses · 6 years
Can we have an L&L AU where the entire thing is a tv show?
• Like August’s actor live tweets every time it comes up on TV and likes to make fun of the characters.
• Saerys’ actor is actually British and always complains about the contacts they make him wear.
• Iseul’s actor has to get a new wig every so often because the studio is cheap and the little hair fibers fall off. It’s actually a game on set to see how many hairs they’ll find in between takes.
• Solaire’s actress has a very active Snapchat following and posts little behind the scenes videos for fans. Sometimes she screws up and spoils the next episode.
• The actress that plays MC also plays the Witch Queen so you have the occasional video where she is acting like a cute goofball on set as the Witch Queen which is a hilarious parallel.
• The actor that plays Alain h a t e s the way Lovestruck treats his character and constantly brings it up in interviews. He makes fun of Alain’s constant self sacrifice on social media and will casually mention on interviews that “oh I’m so excited for season 8-you know if I’m not KILLED OFF this time.”
• The actress that plays Helena is actually an activist for abuse and rape survivors so she works hand in hand with the team when it comes to writing her character. She’s directed a few episodes centered around Helena and other activists like Mariska Hargitay have praised her for it. She probably has quite a few awards.
•The actors that play the Generals are actually pretty nice in real life and are always hanging out with the Wolfson crew offcamera. It’s always a running joke that they’re hanging out with the enemy.
•The actor that plays Reiner actually didn’t have a beard before filming but now has to keep it because it’s “a part of his brand”.
• The actor that plays Magnus wears a fake mustache and it keeps falling off during takes.
• The actress that plays Altea is also big on social media so she’ll walk around set taking selfies and photos with the cast. She probably nominated at least one of the other actors for the Ice Bucket Challenge. More than likely has a YouTube channel.
• It’s a running joke to ask the actress that plays MC which of her costars is the better kisser. She swears she will take it to her grave and refuses to answer.
• The actress that plays Altea totally dyed her hair for the role despite being offered a wig because “she wanted pink hair anyway”. Her real life little brother probably plays Lional also and that’s why it was easy to play off siblings.
• There is a whole blooper reel of MC screwing up her lines because she has to memorize two different characters. She more than likely has accidentally started a scene as MC with her “Witch Queen” voice.
• Saerys’ actor has probably also screwed up a scene by slowly sliding into a British accent on accident because “goddamn it what would a demon accent even sound like?!”
• Alain’s actor has tossed the script more than once and complained that his character keeps getting killed off. He probably even mocks his “route” online by live tweeting.
• August’s actor has never actually ridden a horse before and totally panicked when they said he had to learn.
• Ryland and Solaire’s actors have stumbled on set sneakingly trying to get on camera because they don’t have enough screen time.
• Reiner’s actor actually can’t play the piano and has to move his fingers around to a recording. There might even be a little video one of the other cast members snagged from an angle where you can clearly see his fingers are not touching the keys.
• It’s always awkward to film magic scenes because Helena and Altea just wave their hands around and CGI takes care of the rest. So you’ll have their actresss flinging their arms every which way then the other actors falling to the floor dramatically and out of no where to mimic dying by spell.
• It’s a joke that the studio can’t afford more extras so you constantly see the same knights around. The Dwarven and human knights have become memes on social media for their constant cameos.
• Ishara’s actress is actually a mom and sometimes brings her kids on set. The other actors love to call her their “screen mom” and she brings snacks for them to eat because they’re “not eating enough”.
• At least one of the Generals has a very dramatic blooper reel of them dying in an overly comedic and exagerated fashion.
• There’s also another blooper reel during sex scenes because the actors always end up laughing during takes because of how silly it is to film those.
• As soon as the director yells “Cut!”, there’s a swear from one of the cast members as they rip off their armor because “oh my God it’s hot in this thing!”
• The actresses that play Sophie / Solaire and MC / Witch Queen always have trouble when they’re filming a scene where both their characters are interacting. “Where do I look? How far do I reach out? What am I doing?”
• Helena’s actress has to wear heels because Helena is ridiculously tall and sometimes has to wear a corset for her costume. She always complains and can’t believe women used to dress like that.
• Reiner’s actor, who actually has a degree in history, has, in more than one accession, pointed out the degree of inaccuracies on the show.
• Saerys’ actor hates wearing his wig because it’s itchy but does like the cool tattoos and jokes that he might get real ones soon so that he doesn’t have to come in early every morning to have them sketched on him.
• Iseul’s actor probably has an active social media account where he takes photos of his elf ears and other costume bits. He really likes the scar they gave him because it makes him look really rugged and handsome.
• MC’s actress once joked on a livestream that the reason everyone got a glo up but her and Alain is because the studio ran out of money. “Saerys and Iseul’s hair extensions cost too much.”
• The director let the actors come up with their character’s Chicago names but only August’s actor picked a good name out because “they’re supposed to sound different, damn it!”
• And there has been at least one “battle” offcamera where the actors play-fought using the fake wobbly swords with each other.
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shocking-kisses · 6 years
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This MC is gold.
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shocking-kisses · 6 years
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I love everyone in Havenfall so so much
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shocking-kisses · 6 years
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shocking-kisses · 6 years
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I love his nerd so much. I really wish there were more characters that don’t fit the suave / confident archetype. Kiyonori is so sincere and he’s one of my favorite characters for it
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shocking-kisses · 6 years
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shocking-kisses · 6 years
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shocking-kisses · 6 years
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shocking-kisses · 6 years
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shocking-kisses · 6 years
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At least he has more sense than the guys in Ouran High School Host Club (though admittedly that did work out well for them)
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shocking-kisses · 6 years
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Aw :( Juliette has so much on her plate; the Syndacite would be nothing without her
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shocking-kisses · 6 years
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shocking-kisses · 6 years
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