easier said than done
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shlohs-blog · 7 years ago
If it meant getting something you’d been working toward for a long time, would you be willing to throw a close friend under the bus to achieve it, or would you skip the opportunity knowing you’d never get the chance again?
‘ i can’t say that i’d throw them under the bus. it’s not the right thing to do and believe it or not, i actually have morals. i might not ever get the chance again, but at least i’d have a good conscience. ’
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shlohs-blog · 7 years ago
whats one thing you never told your parents?
‘ that i’m sorry, i guess? i haven’t spoken to them since they found out i was pregnant and it’s sort of my fault. i don’t know, i don’t think about them often. ‘
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shlohs-blog · 7 years ago
would you ever want more kids?
‘ maybe it seems selfish, but no. penny is a blessing and my light, but she’s also a handful. maybe if i end up holding a steadier job in the future, but as of now, no more for me. ‘
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shlohs-blog · 7 years ago
which greek deity do you relate to the most? why?
‘ i guess hestia would probably be my answer. she’s the goddess of domestic life and i’d like to think i’m like her, always tending the hearth and making a home. also, hestia has a bunch of siblings but is pretty much ignored – that i can relate to. ’
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shlohs-blog · 7 years ago
what's your favourite memory?
‘ moving in, honestly. before here, penny and i had been staying in really shitty places. i can’t count the nights we stayed at motels or rest stops or shelters while i saved up enough money for this place. providing a home for penny is both my proudest and favorite memory to look back on. ’
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shlohs-blog · 7 years ago
do you regret your life decisions?
‘ yes and no. i don’t regret having penny at all because i’m a better person because of her. i do regret having penny so young because life is a constant struggle now. but that’s life, i guess and we don’t have much control over it. ’
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honesty hour !
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shlohs-blog · 7 years ago
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shlohs-blog · 7 years ago
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     the word childish perhaps doesn’t really touch on the deep-seated immaturity of gluing somebody’s mailbox shut, but adrian’s never quite managed to shed the penchant for petty revenge that comes with adolescence. he’s just about finished when he hears the apartment building’s front door open behind him and he spins around with the little stick of superglue hidden behind his back, only letting out a breath of relief when he sees who it is–or rather, who it isn’t. “god, you scared the hell out of me.” with only a trace of guilt on his face, he reveals the superglue and wiggles it before him. “i’m getting back at the mean old lady who’s always clicking her tongue at me and telling me my skirts are too short. it’s not that big a deal, okay? mild inconvenience at worst and she deserves it. if you tell anyone what you saw i’ll do yours next.”
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     ‘ i didn’t see anything. ’ shiloh shut the building door behind her, striding over to her own mailbox. ‘ but if you wanted my opinion, good job. she was ragging on me last week for having a baby out of wedlock. ’ she rolled her eyes, reaching into her purse to grab her keys. taking them out, she inserted the silver key into her mailbox and opened it. ‘ i mean, wedlock? god, who even says that anymore? ’ taking the small stack of envelopes out, she closed the mailbox and stuffed everything into her bag. ‘ besides, the shorter the skirt, the more fun, right? ’
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shlohs-blog · 7 years ago
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Considering that his kitchen was being fumigated, the man was very much forced to move some of his daily activities to the outside. Fortunately, his bedroom, bathroom and living room remained untouched, as the kitchen was cordoned off with tarp and plastic sheets to help the process. However, the sight of the young man eating his cooked breakfast in the morning at the diner table was pretty much a peculiar sight to some who may or may not know who he was, as the passerbys would look at him rather amusing scene. Sitting at the window pane at the diner will have attracted eyeballs to him, anyways. All Dylan did in return was grin, wave, and eat back - the diner did not have blinds for the full windows at the bar. Probably he should suggest they attach them later on.
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     shiloh wasn’t one to have an argument in public, but today was the exception. for the thousandth time, she had been stuck on the graveyard shift by herself and the cook who always fell asleep in the small cramped office. she was the one cooking, waiting and serving and the boss just didn’t care. coming out of the back, she must’ve looked like a mess with her disgruntled features, her messy hair and her wrinkled clothing. she should’ve just quit, but it was the one job she knew she’d always count on. sort of, since she only got shitty hours. spotting a mulberry resident, she felt almost embarrassed. if he had heard her argument, word could spread and penny would be hearing how much of a mess her mom was. ‘ morning, ‘ she greeted tiredly. ‘ is that- ’ she pointed at his food. ‘ already cooked breakfast? ‘
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shlohs-blog · 7 years ago
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at twenty-two years old, you would expect seb to have his life together, or at least to know how to get the dishes done without flooding the entire kitchen. after battling with the dishawasher for five minutes and kicking it a few times he stepped out of his apartment in wet pajama pants and a distressed ‘iron maiden shirt’, trying his best to ignore the growing mess in his apartment. he slid down his now closed door and burried his head in his knees. he stayed like that for a few seconds before looking up and meeting a pair of curious eyes “ before you ask, i wanna start off by saying that no one ever told me not to put liquid dish soap in a dish washer ” 
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     only on the sixth floor to deliver some homemade brownies to raise funds for penny’s ( ridiculous ) pre-school tuition, shiloh didn’t have the intention of stopping for anyone who wasn’t going to be paying her. but when sebastian came out of his apartment looking like something had just exploded in his apartment, she couldn’t help but be curious. she could make money by helping him, or ( as her heart was telling her ) she could just help out a neighbor in need. she never knew when she’d need something in return. ‘ i’m not judging, i’ve been through my fair share of mishaps too. ’ she peeled off the aluminum foil covering her plate of brownies. ‘ brownie? ’
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shlohs-blog · 7 years ago
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‘ do you think it’s too early to start planning for halloween ? i went in target yesterday and practically everything in the dollar section was spooky related. plus the nun came out this week or something ? i’ve never been one for scary movies but that’s beside the point. i need to get a head start before i’m stuck dressing up as a minnie mouse or something at the last minute. ’
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     ‘ i’d be a hypocrite if i said it’s too early, because i’ve already started decorating for christmas. ’ shiloh admitted, running a hand through her hair. the winter was her favorite time of the year and christmas took the prize for being her favorite holiday. ‘ i think you’d be a cute minnie mouse either way, but if you want more ideas i’m always here to help. halloween is fun! ‘
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shlohs-blog · 7 years ago
                      OPEN STARTER ;
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“Oh my  G O D ; you’re breaking my heart!” Falling backward on the blanket, laid out on the lawn, dark locks fanned around her and over the pretty face that belonged to Raleigh Young. She was being dramatic, a reaction to the other individual. “Just let me play you one tune on my ukulele and I promise I won’t bother you ever again.”
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     her slippers were damp, water from the puddle she’d stepped in making her feet uncomfortable in the crisp fall weather. her hands grasped onto the brown bag that held her dinner, her fingers struggling to keep the bag closed. she looked to the building behind them, an idea popping in her head. ‘ i’ll do you one better. ’ she said down to her. ‘ sing my kid to sleep and you can have half of my noodles. ’
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shlohs-blog · 7 years ago
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‘being sick and hungover at the same time is legit the worst combination ever. add a season three oc marathon in there and you’ve got yourself a very moody and dying liberty. it’s all my client’s fault, really. he asked me for drinks and I just couldn’t refuse. anywho, my mom was able to find me ten bottles of my favorite wine. it’s called mavrotragano. and it’s fucking bomb. seriamente. you know some people say the best way to get over a hangover is to drink some more. i’ll let you taste it, but only if you promise not to steal it, ‘cause once you taste this shit you will try.’
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     ‘ i don’t drink, actually, but i bet it’s nice. the name itself tells me it probably tastes like heaven itself, but grazie comunque. ’ it was a lie, but it wasn’t a night for shiloh to be drinking wine. she didn’t like wine anyway, it was too exquisite for her taste. she wasn’t raised poor, but she had easily fallen into the caste. ‘ ten bottles, though – wow. do you really need ten bottles of wine? ’ she joked.
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shlohs-blog · 7 years ago
[ astrid s, cisfemale, she/her, twenty-one ] ROCKABYE by CLEAN BANDIT? whenever i hear that song, it reminds me of SHILOH EADES. maybe because they’re TIRELESS but also HUBRISTIC. they’ve been living at mulberry apartments since AUGUST of 2016 in APARTMENT 111 and have 0 ROOMMATES.
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oof hello , it me , clara ! i’m super excited to be here and i’m excited to start interacting w u all loveys.
trigger warning: teen pregnancy , drugs + alcohol usage , churches + religion ,
shiloh was born to a religious family in nowhere, kentucky. she was the middle child of five and was mostly ignored growing up, ya know? she did her duty as a church-going kiddo, you know, going to church, attending sunday school, volunteering with her family, etc. etc. but she was pretty much ignored – her older siblings got praise for straight a’s and her younger siblings got attention from spilling chocolate milk, shiloh was just kinda there.
so when high school rolled around, she fell into the stereotype of “good girls are bad girls”. she snuck out all the time, showed up to church hungover, made out with boys behind the church – the basics, ya know. around her sophomore year, she started attending parties and experimenting with drugs and alcohol more.
basically, two days after her seventeenth birthday, she found out she was pregnant. nothing can describe the fear she felt when she saw the little pink plus staring back at her and she stopped all illegal activities then and there. she went to church all the time, praying and asking the good lord for guidance and for as long as she could, she hid her pregnancy.
eventually, everyone found out because you can’t really hide pregnancy for that long. she was cast out of her social group and the small-minded town, her parents and family refusing to have anything to do with her. even the boy who got her pregnant just pretended he didn’t know her. she was truly alone in her pregnancy and it sucked a ton.
she gave birth to a little baby girl who she named penny and she swore to make her life better than her own. so far, she hasn’t forced her kiddo to go to church like she was and lets penny make ( most ) of her own decisions – or as many as a four year old can handle? so far, she’s chosen to pursue ballet, painting and the piano.
after giving birth to her though, she knew that she had to make ends meet somehow. she began working odd jobs to make money – whatever she could find that would pay. she’s a jack of all trades at this point, landing at mulberry two years ago and somehow, hasn’t been evicted yet.
as far as neighbors go, shiloh and penny are pretty good ones. they live on the lowest floor by themselves and keep to themselves mostly. shiloh is a very giving person, though, always baking cookies and goodies for neighbors and lending them anything they may need. she has a drawer full of random things her neighbors might need like screwdrivers or rubber bands or green shoelaces idk.
she still goes to church sometimes, but only takes penny when penny wants to go. she feels like she owes him something because she’s had a relatively good life, but she’s not an avid follower of the word, she never really was anyway oops.
genuinely a kind person despite the work she does. odd jobs include everything from stand in girlfriend to maybe a night at the strip club to unlocking doors. her only steady job is her part time job at a nearby boxcar diner where she gets shitty hours because the boss hates her :)
but, genuinely kind, keeps to herself, willing to help out and just wants to raise her kid.
has a small puppy named lucky, she’s a goldendoodle breed and the puppy and penny are always together.
knows three languages besides english, consisting of swedish, norwegian and spanish. why? mostly because if she pretends she can’t speak english, people leave her alone, but spanish was learned in school and her family is both swedish and norwegian and her elder relatives always spoke the language to her.
it���s funny to her, because before she had penny, she never stepped foot in the kitchen, but because she has a whole kid to take care of, she threw herself into making the best, healthiest meals for her kiddo.
her favorite color is white and her apartment is pinterest worthy. being poor and crafty, a lot of the expensive looking items are diys she did with materials she found in the trash or at second hand stores.
like stated above, is a jack of all trades and honestly can do anything she puts her mind to – as long as she gets paid for helping. got locked out of your apartment? she can get you in. car won’t start? she’ll fix up the engine quickly. kid won’t go to sleep? she’ll get them in bed before you can blink. of course, all for a fee ( like $2 or that book you’re not reading idk )
when shiloh moved in two years ago, muse b was the first person she met in town. she was young, had a toddler on her hip and she wasn’t looking for love. she was looking for a place to settle down and save enough money to get a real home for her daughter, but she found your muse and all her thoughts about ‘no love’ went out the window. your muse was definitley not a great influence on her, but she just couldn’t resist. to this day, they’re still sort of in lingo and they don’t know where they stand with another, but shiloh has feelings she’s refusing to acknowledge.
as a single mother working the oddest jobs in town, shiloh isn’t rolling around in cash. your muse is someone who’s in the same boat as her who she can constantly relate with and talk to after a particularly bad day. they’re always at each other’s apartments with her kid and always sharing dinner and stories about their latest day. they’re so close that a lot of people think they’re dating, but they know that they’re just friends. they might even consider each other relatives, since they’re basically family at this point.
shiloh’s done a lot of things in the past four years to make ends meet. she’s been at the lowest lows that life has to offer and she understands the struggle and difficulty of life. your muse is someone she’s rather protective of, someone who used to be something more. your muse may be older or younger, but shiloh is always spouting wisdom at them and offering advice at times of need. she often shows up at their door with cookies or goodies, ready to build them up to the person that she knows they can be. she’s their number one fan and always has their back no matter what.
oof that’s all i have for shiloh ??? i’m open for anything so if u wanna plot just hmu and i’ll throw shiloh @ u :) <3
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shlohs-blog · 7 years ago
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It’s important because fashion and style is a big part of someone’s identity, just like your nationality is important to who you are. And fashion can reflect upon that. It’s nice to show everyone that you are proud of your culture or where you’re from. Fashion can bring people together and give people a better understanding of cultures and nationalities. It can be a way of expressing yourself and communication.
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shlohs-blog · 7 years ago
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Astrid S & Herman Tømmeraas behind the scenes of “Such a Boy” music video
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shlohs-blog · 7 years ago
aphrodite wrote her own name in the stars. she shaped it with sea shells the colour of coral and left it there for all to see. she didn’t need a lover to proclaim her.
AUTARCHY // l.s. © 2016 (via poemsforpersephone)
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