Owen l it/its he/him l 27 l♑ Currently Jujutsu Kaisen is my special interest. Most of my blog is queued I also have a shit ton of sideblogs(furbies, neopets, vent, etc), send me an ask if u want them. Or for any other reason
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
the accidental unfollow followed by the refollow of shame is so fucked
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Happening now💔
#Urgent | 3 children died in Gaza due to the severe cold, and there are other serious cases.
It is heartbreaking to read this and move on as if nothing happened when we could have done something. A donation of $100, $50, $25, or even just $5 could have provided warmth to a family in need. Don’t let inaction or delay stop you from making a difference.
Donate now—your warmth could be a lifeline for another child.
🕊️Donate now GFM🌸
🌸Donate via PayPal🕊️
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'Transfem DIY HRT' and 'Transmasc DIY HRT' are a pair of zines aimed at teaching transgender people how to safely self-administer DIY Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).
Both zines are 100% free to download here from Little Mouse (who also made the zine). Print, share and distribute to those who need it!
The information contained in this zine is collated from, and openly available from, DIYHRT.info.
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sorry for being weird and evasive. i was raised to believe that having wants and needs was a moral failing
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Me: *Goes through ao3 tag*
Me: *Reaches the end*
Me: *Goes through ao3 tag with lower standards*
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Referred to as “the Dusseldorf patient” to protect his privacy, researchers said he is the fifth confirmed case of an HIV cure. Although the details of his successful treatment were first announced at a conference in 2019, researchers could not confirm he had been officially cured at that time.
Today, researchers announced the Dusseldorf patient still has no detectable virus in his body, even after stopping his HIV medication four years ago.
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it's very surreal to see posts about palestine dwindling down after the ceasefire. israel is still blocking aid to and trying to make life difficult for palestinians in gaza. we still have to continue to speak up about gaza.
in this ceasefire, many palestinians are trying to rebuild in attempts to try and return to what they had before the genocide. despite the heavy and unbearable loss of life that gaza has experienced, her people continue to try to make a better world for their children.
alaa is a mother of two young children. she wants to rebuild her house and get a better future for her children. please have heart and consider helping her out. her fundraiser has been verified.
please donate here
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Today, israel shut the border. No aid is getting in
the people of gaza have no jobs, no homes aid is the only thing keeping them alive
Israel stopped the war with weapons, but now it's using another war
A war of starvation of no supplies of freezing to death in tents
A war of silence they want the world to believe gaza is fine that the war is over that people have moved on
But people there are still suffering islam was just waiting for the border to open so his mom could leave and get treatment for the cancer she got during the war
Help islam help his family help gaza
@sawasawako @dirhwangdaseul @jdon @good-old-gossip @stopmotionguy @myceliacrochet @biconicfinn @feluka @7bitter @milfstalin @mossdeep @bahrmp3 @butchniqabi @kamek @riotbard @vilecrocodile @bakugames-fr @cagandante-communistoide @ohemaa-warrior @postanagramgenerator @toiletpotato @handweavers @pcktknife @bedufairy @hiveswap @jewishdainix @yekkes @ebenrosetaylor @mdq @lab-practicum @goldenspirits @pikslasrce @komsomolka @khizuo @timetravellingkitty @pyaasa @saharawitch @elfilibusterismo @sayruq @opencommunion @neptunerings @sar-soor @turtletoria @aflamethatneverdies @anyonghalimaw @khanger @autisticmudkip @nesmamomen @a-shade-of-blue @imjustheretotrytohelp @guldaastan
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honestly after friday i don’t wanna see any more posts calling luigi a hero or a saint. nothing alluding to him being the adjuster or insinuating that he’s guilty. nothing about him being a symbol for the resistance or the spearhead for it. he’s nothing more than a guy who is being tried for a murder he did not commit—and i say that definitively because he pleaded not guilty. he is innocent as far as everyone is concerned. he is not your hero.
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face makeup is evil. i don’t care. like eyeshadow can be a fun and creative thing and it’s not like anybody is going to think you genuinely have purple eyelids but face makeup that’s made to look “natural” just ends up making you think your normal skin is something to be covered up and distorts your perception of your face. the whole “it makes ppl more confident!” thing is a lie because it’s not that the makeup itself is making you feel confident it’s that it creates an association with confidence and the results of that is you end up hating your face which is the opposite of building your self-confidence.
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