shiwoomoon · 5 years
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effortlessly handsome ✨
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shiwoomoon · 5 years
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“all the guards are a bit overkill-- but i like what you’ve done with the place.“
mav toes off his shoes. sets them neatly together at the entryway and takes his time coming in-- eyes caught on the art. sejo is obviously a connoisseur. mav doesn’t hide that he’s impressed as he steps in close to admire the brushstrokes of the shodo on the wall, and the designs on the maki-e displayed at the foyer. but it’s the-- “is that a tatsuzawa painting?” that really impresses him. “damn. didn’t know he sold his work to private owners.”
mav doesn’t move. he eyes run down the black ink, the subtle lining of red watercolor and he nearly forgets why he’s here until he feels sejo’s eyes on him.
“you’re a busy man. i appreciate you making time to meet.” maverick bows low in greeting. “but what i want to discuss-- i’d rather it be in private.”
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shiwoomoon · 5 years
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xiubaek setting us on fire 🔥
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shiwoomoon · 5 years
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It would not be made possible to attend university, had Sunhee not been able to acquire a scholarship. The one that paid for her, in full, to attend, provided to her by Ishikawa. Course, in exchange, she had to work as an intern. Not that she minded. In truth, it allowed her to work with the same things she was studying, and get real life experiences as well. Though, the only down side, she had to leave Bear outside. It made things a bit lonely. She was used to always having her tiny, bird friend by her side. It just felt odd.
She was quietly humming to herself, swing her legs that were too short to touch the floor as she worked on fixing and checking the program she was tasked with. It was rather easy, if only a little tough when she ran into a code she was unfamiliar with; or, any. Though, it was then, when she was on a roll, that she suddenly  had company. 
“I’m not getting paid.” She was only mildly confused at the questions. Was she suppose to get paid? That’s not what she was told. “Ishikawa pays for school, and I work in exchange; intern. It’s easy, fun even. Coding is difficult, and I have to look things up, and Bear gets left outside. But, I am thankful.”
She was oblivious to the current stares directed at her, she was much more concerned at the sudden appearance of the man that leaned off the back of her chair. “Quit school?” The thought alone almost terrified her. “A waste, to quit. Almost done, it would be a waste of the money generously given. No, working and studying seems right. Can I do that, intsead?”   
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“you should be.“ mav pushes. “i’ll take care of it.”
the whispers start. the eyes stick on them too. and just as mav planned with that blatant display of favoritism-- the other interns are riled up, and sunhee’s now a prime target. good. maybe it’ll get the fire going under their asses and they’ll work as hard as this kid here.
“you’re passionate about your work. i like that.” he eases off the back of her chair and gets comfortable on her work station instead-- taking a seat on the desk and crossing his legs. resting his chin on the curl of a hand to focus the entire weight of his attention on the girl. “grateful too. it’s cute. how about you show me some of your work?”
while he waits for her to start the show-- mav offers an important piece of advice-- “school will get you only so far. it’s connections you need, miss park. and i don’t usually offer to pick up college kids, but--” he checks his phone, feigning disinterest. “you can think about it.”
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shiwoomoon · 5 years
sol’s not the only piece of ass mav calls on.
“you made it, baby.” sol’s hair is still slightly damp. and mav pinches a clump of bangs in his fingers. rubs the strands between thumb and index and pulls. “i had a bad day.” it’s code for if sol bares his teeth? he’s prepped to be mean.
sol’s not the only piece of ass mav calls on. sure-- but he’s the only one he wants when the job rubs him raw. the expectation fraying at his temper so it flickers on the wrong side of cruel. they’re perfect for each other on their worst days. just that right balance of sol scratching at what’s left of his patience and mav putting him in his place.
“stay here the next couple of days.“
it’s easier to enjoy sex when it’s paid for. he compensates sol for the bruises he scatters with lips and teeth, and for the crescent cuts of too long fingernails on sol’s wrists and the slender slope of neck. mav feels entitled to the long, vicious drag of fingernails on sol’s pale back.
at the question maverick cocks his head. flicks out the double edged question of-- “you cleaned yourself all nice for me and you’re gonna ruin it with a cigarette?“
he digs his fingers in sol’s pockets until paper crinkles. it’s a half-full pack. mav taps out a couple sticks. “these are cheap. you can afford a better brand.” and entitled to sol’s body-- maverick thumbs down his lower lip. stabs in a cigarette and orders, “suck in.” as he draws out a lighter from the breast pocket of his suit and flicks his thumb once, twice, until the fire keeps. the flame skirts too close to skin before it catches at the end of sol’s cigarette.
"it's a bad habit."
he sounds like his father.
"but dying young suits you."
busy playing pretend with @shiwoomoon, late at the ishikawa building
sol doesn’t like this place. it makes him uncomfortable, all that opulence. and he feels like he sticks out. all wrong. like a bone jutting out of skin, wrong in the way where people start to stare. wrong in the way where it feels more uncomfortable than it even looks. him being here is wrong, he can feel that. maybe he shouldn’t feel it. just one of the fucked up things about their society. that sol has to run around in the slums to feel like he’s himself. step one foot out and he’ll be the first to call himself wrong. 
so he says it doesn’t suit him, all this. he says it with a bite, like that might be his own decision. like he thinks the people choking down overpriced cocktails are gaudy. over-inflated. to an extent, maybe. but he’s also busy avoiding his own internalized self hatred. his self-worth hanging on a string, a string wound up and comprised of perceived value. monetary and otherwise.
but he’s here anyway. because there’s a message embedded in his cell telling him to come. so he did. pathetic. a lot of things sol does are pathetic though. sometimes he hates himself for it. for this. for a great many things. there’s an aching in him. something he’s forced to feel. and it feels like a craving. a craving for touch, or for intimacy. and he seeks it out on an impulse. gorges on it, like too much sugar. a quick fix that makes him feel sick with himself after. but like any addict, he doesn’t stop just because of that. just puts himself through hell all over again, like maybe things might play out differently this time.
makes it to mav’s floor and ignores the churning in his gut. his skin’s rubbed raw. too much hot water, and now he smells overwhelmingly like citrus. it’s nearly cloying, but he’s learned through experience that mav will bitch him out and force them both into a shower if he doesn’t, and sol hates that more than near anything. so here he is, a walking-fucking-grapefruit as he waits for mav to let him in.
and then he’s in. a familiar place, but he feels just as comfortable here as he did in the lobby. read: not at all. sometimes he thinks it bothers mav, the way he holds himself here. he doesn’t get why. they both know he doesn’t belong. he lets mav treat him like a dirty secret after all. doesn’t bother contesting it – it’s not like sol doesn’t understand. not like he doesn’t agree with him. but all that agreeing doesn’t make him an agreeable person. “so, what’s the emergency?” he asks, and there won’t be one. sometimes mav likes to pretend there’s some grand emergency in his life, but usually sol rolls his eyes at it. “can i smoke?” he meant to, before he came out. eyes mav like he already thinks he might tell him no. has a preemptive, can you not be a bitch for like, once sitting in wait on the edge of his tongue, just in case.
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shiwoomoon · 5 years
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run a business long enough and it gets easier to read the worth of people.
“damn. we’re paying you for this, right?“ maverick hovers over her shoulder. peers at the way her hands dart over the workstation. she’s faster than most her peers. quicker than anyone in the previous batch of interns that ishikawa’s been picking up every year for good PR. and mav’s the type to reward good work. so he crosses his arms over the back of her chair and ignores everyone else. focuses his attention on her. it’s part calculated to motivate the girl (sunhee-- the name tag reads) and the competition to get their asses in gear, and part genuine interest in a talent he’s been honed to market.
“quit school now and i’ll write you a contract. trust me. you’re ready.”
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shiwoomoon · 5 years
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he doesn’t trust anyone he can’t buy.
“i’ve always been shit with ties.“ maverick’s got nice fingers. perfect for piano. just the right kind of long and the aesthetic side of slender but he’s also got a strong grip. it works well with business, even better with lovers. but they’re fumbling now. slipping on the slick silk of his tie, mav attempting at a knot that doesn’t stick and he turns to ezi with an exposed expression on his face. knot on his brow, mouth pursed-- it borders on vulnerable. it’s rare. maverick usually hates wearing it in company.
but ezi has a price tag maverick’s already paid for. that makes him safe.
they don’t fuck. ezi’s job is to look pretty. completely ornamental. to smile and angle his best side for the click, flash of the camera at events but the man’s also surprisingly good company even without the slide of skin, the spread of legs. it’s an added bonus that ezi looks good in color and on the print of tabloids. so maverick’s been keeping him around. it’s the first time ezi’s been invited to his office before an event, and mav’s not quite properly dressed.
“it’s not extra to help me with this, right?“
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shiwoomoon · 5 years
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     he is annoyed, bitter and knows he needs some time to cool off, again. it hasn’t been a good day, nowhere near even. what better way to do that than drink his thoughts away? alcohol is one of his main vices besides smoking, and when jae is done with work for the fraternity, he doesn’t think twice before he takes off. god knows he has seen enough of ares’ smug face grinning at someone else.
     it’s an hour later that he’s sitting at the bar, alone, nursing the second of many drinks to come. that’s when he hears the stranger talk to him, and jae thinks for a second if he is going to tolerate this. not the first time someone has hit on him at a bar, but the man definitely takes the cake when it comes to being forward. “oh, is that so?” eunjae starts, turning towards him, head tilted. he is bored, and the man has a nice smile — so, why not? he’ll play at his game. jae smiles back at him, ends of his lips turning up slightly, eyebrows raised. “what does my company entail, then? and how are you so sure i can keep you entertained?”
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it’s usually a deal breaker when they don’t recognize him. maverick’s got an ego kink. likes it when their eyes catch on his profile. loves it when recognition settles-- and this guy’s treating him casual. like maverick’s just another guy after a piece of ass in the bar.
but he’s not here to jack off his ego. mav knows damn well who this guy is, and that’s all that matters.
“i’m a man who knows what he wants.” maverick’s dressed down, but still dolled up to impress. he’s lined his eyes a little, and the dress shirt he wears cuts his shoulders like they’re solid and strong. the watch around his wrist is a century old patek philippe, and the ring he’s got on holds a ruby that’s close to 2 karats.
“don’t act like you’re not aware you’re catching eyes. i can’t be the first man to buy you a drink tonight.” he taps the payment hologram, angling his hand so it covers his name. the green lights on the top shelf flicker to red. “made it easier for you. anything you want from that top shelf? it’s yours. i bought it out.” maverick clinks their glasses. “and i prefer to do the entertaining, sweetheart.”
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shiwoomoon · 5 years
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HE’S ANYTHING BUT disheartened as he lets out a chuckle , smirk still ever - present on his lips . ares hums , elbow resting on the armrest , with his chin nestled on an open palm .  he has to admit ; maverick wasn’t easily swayed — not upfront that is . and ares is determined to see just how he cracks .
‘ oh but you would , wouldn’t you ? ’ but he says nothing further as he lets his eyes roam around the room once more , maybe lingering a little too long on the ceo’s physique — so much cockiness , so much secrets , in such a small body . god , what ares would do to see that small frame break apart at the seams . 
‘ but ah , i am here to talk to you . well , about you that is . ’ he lets out a hum , sitting up straight , both hands on arm rests — fingers tap , tap , tapping as his eyes never stray from maverick’s unbothered form . well , not for long . 
‘ have i told you what an amazing office you have ? even the view’s gorgeous . it’s such a shame your brother didn’t get to enjoy it — or even step foot in it . now it’s all for you . ’ and it’s said with certainty , words carefully picked as he weaves them together slowly . ‘ lovely how convenient it was to have such a ready spare after he lost his damn mind , no ? ’
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“ no. i wouldn’t. “
mav likes having eyes on him. he’s not dolled up in custom armani for nothing, and he’s self-assured enough to be aware that his looks are handsome, bordering on pretty. a harsher-lined, wider-shouldered shadow of his mother (best genes money could buy). maverick tips his head  so his neck’s slightly bared. he adjusts his profile so the sun hits just right from the window behind him, the light overhead splintering in his hair that he looks haloed and soft. it doesn’t match his eyes. they’re narrowed-- sharp and condescending. “you’re making a lot of assumptions about me, mister kwon.“
he tucks hair behind his right ear. there’s a scar there-- a cut on the lobe from when his brother had pushed him, the skin split open by the corner of the dining table, and he rubs it between his thumb and forefinger. it’s a tell. a sign that he’s grounding himself. little imperfections in the bond of brothers.
he knows what ares is getting at.
tk. tk. tk. his index finger taps the desk. and he’s speaking with his silence. the way he holds the words in his mouth to turn them over, weighing his thoughts before spitting them out. half the battle is keeping your damn cool. and he finally admits, “it gets even better when the sun sets. it’s a billion yen view.“ he lifts a glass of water from his desk and takes a sip-- the ice cubes chilling his lips, knocking into his teeth. he continues, “and it’s a shame. my brother couldn’t cut it. they say all men are created equal-- but that’s bullshit, right? you’d know. you look like the type who’s had a rough time of it. no offense. you’ve got this--” maverick snaps his fingers twice. ”aura. i see it a lot in this business. you’ve got too much to prove, so you’re trying to play with the big dogs.“
maverick approaches ares’ chair. it’s the closest he’s been to the man, the tips of their shoes nearly touching and maverick looks down on him and accuses, “but you’re a fucking coward, ares.“ he offers him the glass of water. “quit dancing around and spit out what you want to say. you’re shit at subtlety.“
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shiwoomoon · 5 years
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Baekhyun - Tempo ✧ 181225 SBS Gayo Daejeon
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shiwoomoon · 5 years
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maverick doesn’t drink. at least not usually, and very rarely in public. liquor slicks up the mask so it slips-- slackens his tongue, greases his words so they’re harder to swallow down, his expressions erring on the side of honest.  indulging means far too much risk with too little to gain. 
but everyone else is fair game.
“i’ve got your next one.“ his eyes crinkle at the corners, his mouth crooking higher on the left. rakish. it’s his media smile. the one that matches his brighter dress shirts, his more casual shoes. his pa says it makes him look approachable. like he gives a shit. “and the next. you’re the prettiest thing at the bar. keep me company and i’ll keep them coming.“
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shiwoomoon · 5 years
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baekhyun ・the eve (©️)
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shiwoomoon · 5 years
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HE FOLLOWS QUIETLY , smirking as his eyes trail over the other male’s lithe form . ares doesn’t say anything until they’re safety enclosed within the maverick’s office . he remains standing by the closed door , shifting on the balls of his feet as he takes in his surroundings , half - listening to what the other had to say . the mention of his surname makes him pause , makes him frown .
ares saunters forward , bracing his hands against the chair situated in front of maverick’s desk . eyes linger on the flickering projection momentarily , before he cocks his head to the side , lips curved up in a smirk . ‘ mr . kwon is my father , ’ he starts , rolling his shoulders . ‘ ares is fine, preferred actually . ’ his eyes never stray away from maverick’s gaze , a brow raised as he walks around and plops down on the chair . another smirk pulls at his lips as he crosses his legs , leaning back . ‘ i already know i’m important but.. what makes me important to YOU , ’ he trails off with a chuckle , looking away as he examines his nails for a few seconds too long , before peeking at the other through his lashes . 
‘ how is your brother ? ’ 
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maverick inhales through his teeth, a harsh hiss of air that sits in his mouth as the amiable mask he wears subtly cools. unpleasant. mav gives this man the precious gift of his own damn time and ares kwon squanders it by bringing up maverick’s damn brother.
“wouldn’t know.“ the air between them suddenly has weight. ares is the sort of man who takes up too much room-- all cockiness and demanding attention, lounging in the ceo of ishikawa’s office as if staking claim, determined to leave a mark.
maverick feels challenged. he hates it.
“make an appointment with him if you’re so curious, mr. kwon. he’s not busy.” maverick slides his phone from his pocket and diverts his attention to the screen. it’s rude-- but maverick doesn’t feel inclined to play nice. “if you’re just here for small talk about family i’m afraid i don’t have the time.“
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shiwoomoon · 5 years
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Baekhyun - UN Village ✧ 190719 EXplOration in Seoul
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shiwoomoon · 5 years
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You will finally understand why storms are named after people …
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shiwoomoon · 5 years
A barely contained laugh catches in their throat, the comment just as sharp and filled with wit as one could expect from Mav. It’d caught them a bit off guard in a good way. “You got me there.” Jia simply can’t think of a retort so they settle with that, taking another sip while keeping their gaze set on their company. While it was always fun to meet up with Mav they knew there really was a request, and it’d be taken seriously. Both brows raise in surprise as they feel the touch, something unexpected to say the least. “What’s wrong? I joke around but you know I’ve got your back, I mean it.”
Jia set the glass down while canting their head expectantly. A look of confusion shows clear in their expression hearing the question, leaving them wondering if they misheard. “Babysitting? You know when I hear that I assume a kid, right? I can, I would for you but I’m confused.” Luckily for the both of them Jia’s schedule tended to have some days with times wide open, modelling usually planned ahead sometimes weeks away. Gigs were a hit or miss in that area. The only tricky thing would be juggling duties for the Matrix but they could use free-time for this. “I can, by the way. I don’t mind kids or animals, so just fill me in a little more, please?”
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“oops.“ he plucks a slice of chūtoro and slides it into his mouth. it’s buttery and soft. melts on his tongue. “guess i know you too well.” he catches hints of cologne from the inside of his wrist (honeyed cloves and bergamot, citrus and animalic notes), hovering in the air as he moves his hands, and mav realizes he sprayed on too much. he rubs his thumb over the pulse points of each wrist hoping to smear it into something more subtle.
“and nothing’s wrong.“ at least nothing jia is capable of fixing, and maverick’s not in the mood to sour the air with his issues. there’s peace here in their little sanctuary-- a table set by an open window so they can savor the breeze as it carries hints of metal and gas from the vehicles outside, the subtle touch of the jasmine crawling up the walls. jia’s company is like settling down in the eye of a storm. it’s calm-- and mav feels like he can finally catch his breath, even if just for a moment. soon he has to move on to entertain other guests. feign interest and fabricate laughter so he appears pleasant and not at all partial to jia’s company (he is). “i’ve got your back too. not that it’s work-- the view being so nice and all.“ he winks. coughs a little when jia brings up-- “god. children? no. not for another ten years, give or take. right now? ishikawa’s my baby and it’s keeping my hands full.“
he takes in too much champagne on the next sip. it threatens to overflow from the thin line of his mouth, so he swallows once, twice.
“there’s a special event at the amusement park and my personal android wants to go. i can’t make it but i hate disappointing them.“ his voice turns sweet-- low and lilting in an obvious attempt to sway them. “how does an all-expense paid holiday sound to you? i wouldn’t trust this to anyone else.“
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shiwoomoon · 5 years
* @shiwoomoon .
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HE’S BEEN KEEPING it to himself for what seems like months now , cultivating and taking pleasure on how he could break it through to a certain.. arrogant figure - head . the smirk on his face is enough to show just how much he was enjoying having this dirty little secret — a giddy sigh passing through his lips as he tries to envision whatever emotion might pass through that pretty little face . 
ares almost finds himself squirming in the chair maverick’s secretary had directed him to . it might have been a bad idea for him to come this high up but well , he never left the middle layer for anything less than important . and right now , this was important enough — priceless enough that he forgo his own security just to be up close and personal with a man he — thoughts come to a halt as the door behind him swishes open . ares grins not bothering to turn back as he speaks . ‘ ahhh , took you long enough . ’
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maverick doesn’t apologize. instead he offers a flippant-- “it’ll be worth the wait.“ laughter light and chiming as soon as he delivers the words. he turns and strolls back into his office. and if that isn’t a show of power (i lead, you follow). this is his last appointment of the afternoon and it’s apparent in the sinking sun and splitting rays of light between the rise of buildings, in the loose knot of his tie and the more subdued tone of his voice.
“so.” maverick presses his lower back against the front of his desk, notches of his spine slotting between the wood. “my appointments usually book a year in advance.“ he curls his fingers around a tepid coffee mug he’d abandoned and raises it to his mouth. one sip, and he swallows before pointing out, “but i was told you couldn’t wait.“
cocky, really. but validated by the file maverick deliberately left open on the projection screen flickering on his table.
“so.” he tips his head and challenges, “what makes you so important, mister kwon.“
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