shitadriensays-blog · 7 years
You are amazing, brilliant, perfect. You are stunning, gorgeous, creative. Your smile is radiant, your eyes dancing, and your personality enchanting. Never stop being you.
Oh uh thanks!
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shitadriensays-blog · 7 years
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shitadriensays-blog · 7 years
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Is this okay? Probably not. There will be more when colored and finished. But heres a sneak peak of some feels.
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shitadriensays-blog · 7 years
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Is this okay? Probably not. There will be more when colored and finished. But heres a sneak peak of some feels.
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shitadriensays-blog · 7 years
when someone says I’m being over dramatic
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shitadriensays-blog · 7 years
Marinette: I know you think my judgement's clouded because I like him a little bit.
Alya: You doodled your wedding invitation.
Marinette: No, that's our joint tombstone.
Alya: My mistake.
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shitadriensays-blog · 7 years
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whoever is in charge of arby’s social media accounts, keep up the good work
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shitadriensays-blog · 7 years
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Sokka’s Priorities.
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shitadriensays-blog · 7 years
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Here’s some Risky~ Chat Noir x Adrien for you all! Mwhahaha. A drawing for a friend ^^  @rimenence I love your art! 
~Mari Story Art
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shitadriensays-blog · 7 years
Do you ever think about how ML all the time shows Adrien isolated
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Or in his bedroom, the main feature of which is bar-like windows
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that’re always casting a shadow over him when he’s at home.
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Do you ever think about how this kid with the power to destroy anything, anything he wants, uses it almost exclusively to disintegrate bars,
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and chains
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And anything that keeps people apart?
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Because I think about this all the time and don’t know if I’m capable of stopping.
Current status: experiencing a lot of emotion about this 90s boy band escapee and feeling unsure if it’s recommended.
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shitadriensays-blog · 7 years
I kinda want to make a 13 reasons why and miraculous ladybug crossover.
Hmmm.. lets do it...
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shitadriensays-blog · 7 years
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Adrinette Month Day twenty-one: You saved Me
Beware ZagSpoilers! Even if virtually everyone knows by now.
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shitadriensays-blog · 7 years
Who im thirsty for
- 2D - Stuart Pot - A tall guy with blue hair and black eyes - Stu-Pot - The lead singer of Gorillaz - Two Dents - Did i mention 2D?!?! Cause’ im really thirsty for him.
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shitadriensays-blog · 7 years
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I wanted to save this for a milestone, but…what the heck, why not? Let’s have a follower appreciation dice giveaway! ♥ This one will be followers only, for y’all who’ve stuck with me so far. Thank you so very much!
Winner will receive one standard polyset of dice, valued at $15 or under, from anywhere on the internet! Feel free to ask for help picking out a set you know you’ll like. I’ll also pay shipping.
Must be following me! That’s a given. New followers also count!
Do not tag your reblog as “giveaway,” it can lead to the notes getting messed up and no one wants that.
Likes and reblogs both count for an entry! You may reblog as many times as you like.
You can get a THIRD entry by submitting a picture of your own dice to my blog! (One entry per person this way.)
Winner will be chosen by RNG on May 31st, 2017
You MUST have your askbox open and MUST be comfortable giving me a shipping address.
**This giveaway is not affiliated with tumblr in any way**
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shitadriensays-blog · 7 years
Nino and stitch
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¯\_(ツ)_/¯  so like Manon and Nino are half-siblings
also @thelastpilot drew some art too  
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shitadriensays-blog · 7 years
silly ladynoir things
chat starts Shit Talking Sundays bc there are some days when chat just needs to talk about how dumb his dad is being and ladybug needs to scream about this bratty bully in her history class
on days when they’re bored, they’ll board the metro in costume and ride it for a few stops purely for the shock value
chat finds out ladybug can’t whistle and spends every available opportunity trying to teach her
cn: *squishes her cheeks between his hands* you’re not pursing your lips enough and your tongue isn’t positioned correctly, try again
lb: my tongue is sitting in my mouth what do you mean it’s not positioned correctly i don’t ???????
joint naps during patrols are very much a thing bc these kids never sleep between school and akuma attacks. sometimes, if you’re lucky, you’ll find ladybug snoring on a rooftop with chat noir laid on top of her, drooling on her shoulder
when patrols get boring, ladybug will hop on chat noir’s back, make him shut his eyes, and act as his eyes while they try to patrol the city before switching places. they don’t talk about that time chat was laughing too hard to warn ladybug about the ledge and they almost fell off a roof. 
hide and seek games that last literally hours
they both cheat and bring their phones to stalk social media tags and see if anyone’s posted tips and/or sightings of them so that they can find the other
chat’s really good at massages so sometimes he’ll work out the kinks in ladybug’s shoulders when they have downtime bc “wow you carry so much tension in your neck please tell me you’re not hunched over your desk all day”
the eiffel tower is their honorary “it’s 3am and we can’t sleep” meeting place. 
they’ll often drop into parks and playgrounds and join with some of the neighborhood kids on games of tag, frisbee, and football
they have a going scoreboard for their impromptu arm wrestling competitions. last they checked the score was 32-35 with ladybug in the lead. 
they each have their own personal lists of dumb/funny things that the other has said
chat’s list of things ladybug has said: “sleep isn’t a thing you know. they lied to you. it’s not real,” “you ever wonder if i can spin a web with my yoyo?” “can lucky charm conjure me an A for this physics test tomorrow?” “i almost had my cat-eye eye liner perfect today before that akuma appeared and messed me up like that proximity to perfection might never happen again.”
ladybug’s list of things chat has said: “is there a place where we can borrow a microwave? i wanna see what happens if i use cataclysm on it,” “memes are like the dysfunctional family you didn’t ask for but didn’t know you needed,” “im like terrified an akuma attack is gonna happen when i’m in the shower while im naked and vulnerable,” “if i extend my staff long enough, do you think it’ll reach space?”
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shitadriensays-blog · 7 years
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