26. Autistic. Ace. Nonbinary. All pronouns. Convention vendor and PhD in making. I love to nap.
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It’s Not a Plot Hole, It’s Foreshadowing
It’s Not a Plot Hole, It’s Just Something That They Opted Not to Spoon-feed You Because It Would Be Obvious If You Thought About It For 20 Seconds
It May Be a Plot Hole, But It Still Works In Terms of the Story’s Themes and Character Logic
Okay, It Is a Plot Hole, What Are You Going to Do, Cry about It?
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Random fact: They did a study on courtship and mating behavior of American alligators at the St. Augustine Alligator Farm in the early 1980's. This study revealed that, among other things, the majority of alligator sex is gay
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all your stuffed animals love you. they're not sad if they're in a box, or on the floor, or not held/played with as much. they understand. they know that you might need another stuffie more, or that you don't have enough space. they're just happy to be with you, and if you ever give them away, they'll be happy there too. stuffies are for comfort. they understand. they love you too. it's okay.
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using a fabric study as an excuse to draw my beloved
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He who is reborn through pain, again and again // Body euphoria
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A dinosaur obsessed 12 year old studied fossils and found a 69 million year old hadrosaur skeleton embedded in rock while hiking. A fisherman in Australia noticed tiny shrimp in his net that looked slightly different from the others and he sent a few specimens to biologists for testing. Turned out to be a never before described species, going unnoticed in a popular lake. I posted a pic ~here on tumblr~ of a weird parasite on a dead fish and a parasitologist found it and asked to report it as the species has never been seen in my area before.
There is so, so much out there we literally don’t even know. And the best way to find that stuff out is to be intensely curious about everything you see. You might not discover a new species but you absolutely will gain a deeper appreciation for the world around you.
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I am sick but I came up with this idea and I need it out of my brain so I can finally sleep in peace!
So random prompt I guess. A fake/pretend marriage between Sanji and Zoro, but set in a Bridgerton-like world!
I promise it works! Grab a cup of tea and hear me out.
About Zoro:
First of all, Zoro is a trans male AFAB. But because society still sucks the only place where he can be himself is at home with his sister Perona and his adoptive father Dracule.
Plenty of space to add things about Zoro's backstory as well! Even Kuina as the catalyst of Zoro coming out to his family as trans, and the whole drama of her dying and promising that he would shape his life however he wants.
Zoro obviously loves and respects Mihawk because he did save his life and gave him a home and a family when Zoro lost his (yes, Zoro still keeps the Roronoa family name because they are another influential family or something). But Zoro also hates him, because Mihawk forces Zoro to debut in society like a girl, hoping he would find a husband for his "second daughter". Hopefully a husband that will understand that "Azura" is actually Zoro, and that will not cause a scandal when he realizes that it will be Zoro he will be married to.
Zoro also loves Perona, because once Zoro told her that he was a boy and not a girl, Perona immediately respected his wishes and started referring to him as a male. But Zoro still hates that after that he basically was still forced to participate in Perona's fake tea parties or make believe stories, this time as the prince or, when she was in a particularly grim mood (which is quite often) as the evil guy in one of her overdramatic fantastical scenarios. Also, as soon as Mihawk told them that Zoro was gonna debut as a girl with her deadname, Zoro went back to being Perona's favorite doll to dress up before a ball/party in high society.
(Zoro all dolled up and being the angriest looking wallflower ever is just an image that will be stuck in my brain forever.)
About Sanji:
So picture Sanji, the third heir of the (in)famous Vinsmokes and a man that everyone thought was dead, that suddenly pops up out of nowhere and becomes immediately the most talked about bachelor and the dream match for every meddling mama in high society. After all, they see Sanji as an extremely attractive man with perfect manners, which is absurdly galant with women and has the whole mysterious aura that attracts people like flies. Also, you know, there's the Vinsmokes name and fortune for whatever lucky girl manages to marry him and give him a male heir. (Sanji is still Sanji, so he is still gonna melt and simp over every woman. Which just means that after a while he does get the womanizer/pervert reputation.)
There is obviously a lot of gossiping and speculation about Sanji's past, but nobody knows what actually happened. Most people believe the story Judge spins: Sanji had been lost at sea during a storm while they were traveling on a ship, and that he must have washed ashore somewhere far away. That a kind man found him and took him in, but that Sanji had amnesia and didn't remember anything about his family, so he stayed for years with that man. Judge also kind of spins it to his favor that he told everyone that Sanji died because he wanted to spare the pain to his wife, who was already sick. But when his wife was on her dying bed she made him promise to look for their lost son, and Judge did so to honor his wife, that he says died of a broken heart because of Sanji's supposed death. (Sanji is ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED by this narrative, of course.)
The reality is that Judge disowned him when he was in his early teens (like 11 or 12) for some stupid reason like "you are too sensitive" (idunnow, just Judge being Judge), and tried to kill him by making it look like an incident. So Sanji really almost drowned, but he was saved by Zeff that saw the attempted murder, and decided to take Sanji in as his own child. And everything was alright for a while; Sanji travelled around Europe with Zeff, who was a renowned chef that cooked for rich people and even royalty. Years after that, Judge comes to him with blackmail/a threat: he either comes back to the family and find a good influential girl to marry, or Judge is gonna kill Zeff. Reason for this is that Judge considers his daughter as his own servant, and plans to never let her marry anyone not to squander the family money. His other sons are pieces of shit that think women are only good to be fucked and broken, so they refuse to marry because they want to abuse whores, duel people for petty reasons and get drunk all of the time (still pieces of shit, but of little use to Judge for anything other than running the weapon family business empire). And even when Judge tried to force a marriage to get at least one heir, the poor woman was so severely abused that she killed herself three days after the marriage.
Then Judge found out that Sanji was still alive (maybe from a society paper with a portrait and "his protege" after they got invited to cook for the King) and had him spied on for a while to get some leverage to blackmail him into being his obedient "long lost son" and give him a fucking heir.
Sanji loves Zeff way too much to let anything happen to him, and he decides to sacrifice himself. But he's not a child anymore, and while he's still scared of Judge, he still plans to destroy him once and for all, so he can live peacefully and as he pleases. So he will fake compliance, but will find a way not only to save Jeff, but to ruin the Vinsmokes name once and for all. He just has to carefully move through high society while he does that. While also making sure that he doesn't break a poor woman's heart or ruin her reputation.
Here comes the actual "plot". (I know this post is super long already. Sorry not sorry.)
Judge obviously wants a politically and economically convenient match, so he tries to force Sanji to marry Pudding. And while Sanji thinks that Pudding is perfectly lovely, he also doesn't want to marry her on principle, not only because he wants to disobey Judge, but also because he doesn't like Pudding's family and doesn't want to drag her in all of the familial drama. (Plenty of space for the whole Charlotte family bullshit as well, but I'm not gonna delve into it rn.)
Judge obviously has a whole scheme for trapping him in marrying Pudding (and yes, she is a "willing" part of the scheme). Like, one of those almost fake scandals where the two are found out in a compromising situation and are forced to marry not to ruin the family name bullshit. Which would absolutely work with Sanji since he would never hurt Pudding's reputation.
Everything is ruined by Zoro's abysmal sense of direction. While trying to hide from "Azura's suitors"/getting the fuck out of there, he ruins Judge's carefully planned fake misunderstanding by being the one that accidentally falls into Sanji's lap in a "secluded alcove" and is found out by gossip prone mamas in the compromising situation. Judge isn't happy about it, but still agrees to it because of Zoro's own family name and fortune that will become Sanji's, and the reputation of the Dracule himself which can still be useful to Judge.
Zoro doesn't really care for his own reputation, he almost thinks this is just perfect: if he's ruined nobody will want to marry him and he can live as he pleases. But Mihawk makes it plainly clear that if he does that he will ruin any chance for his sister to have a good match. And Perona is a romantic that hopes for a soulmate to have kids and a happy family with, so Zoro sacrifices himself for her sake.
Sanji thinks that this is just perfect. Judge was played by his own scheming! Now, he just needs to deal with his soon to be wife. She doesn't seem to want the marriage at all, so maybe if he explained the situation she would accept a marriage of convenience, and once Judge is finally dealt with, he can get an annulment for the marriage without ruining Azura's reputation.
After Sanji explains, Zoro is elated: he doesn't actually have to be a wife! And he even admits to Sanji about how he is actually a man and would like to be called Zoro. Sanji is obviously a little bit confused at first, but Zoro kind of implies that he will agree to the farcical marriage only if Sanji treats him like a man, so at the end of the day he agrees that at least in private Zoro can be whoever he wants and Sanji won't bother him.
Obviously Sanji gets rid of all the staff Judge picked for the "happy couple"'s new home, and he replaces them with both people that he trusted from his previous life with Jeff and that will never betray him by spilling his secrets to Judge, and with people picked by Dracule Mihawk's staff that already know about the whole "Zoro, not Azura" thing. Judge doesn't like it, but has to compromise because Mihawk insists that the house (the Roronoa estate maybe) and staff are his gift for the happy couple and he won't budge on it. (Zoro asked for it obviously, and Mihawk agreed since Zoro doesn't ever ask for things and he does feel a bit guilty for forcing Zoro into the marriage.)
After that there is obviously the slow burn of Sanji and Zoro actually falling in love with each other, and probably lots of shenanigans with the rest of the Strawhat crew that are members of high society as well. Or part of the staff, don't know... Not gonna do a deep dive on them as well, but they are there and crazy like always.
My brain is stunk on the idea of Sanji and Zoro riding horses together (with Zoro being dumbstruck by how pretty and carefree Sanji is; also lots of bickering because Zoro almost gets lost in a property he's supposed to know better). Sanji and Zoro having a sparring fencing match (and Sanji is both pissed and turned off when he realizes that Zoro is A BEAST when it comes to fighting and he's absolutely a better swordsman than Sanji); Zoro and Sanji getting super drunk after getting home early from a party (everyone thinks they are rushing home because they are still in the "honeymoon" phase, instead Sanji dragged Zoro home because Zoro was about to punch one of Sanji's brothers after they made fun of Sanji & made inappropriate comments on Perona); Zoro insisting that Sanji let him try smoking (and promptly making a fool of himself by choking on the smoke, while also questioning why the smells if smoke has become so comforting when the taste of tobacco sucks so much). Also Sanji cooking for Zoro until he finds out all of Zoro's favorite dishes (and being appalled by Zoro's lack of decorum when eating something he likes). Literally just these two dorks falling in love in the most domestic way.
Of course at first Sanji is still reluctant to let Zoro do manly things, since he struggles to see Azura as anything other than the lovely lady he transforms into for balls and parties. But slowly things start to change and he gets to know Zoro for real and, "Zoro has such terrible manners! How could he be anything but a man?". He obviously has to deal with the whole "does this mean that I am attracted by a man?" thing as well once he realizes that he doesn't mind being married to Zoro. And then he thinks that he doesn't even mind the idea of calling Zoro his husband and not his wife! Wtf is wrong with him?! And on and on with the crisis.
Zoro isn't doing much better because he never thought he could find marriage such a bearable ordeal. Sure, he constantly bickers with Sanji about almost anything, and he doesn't get the whole "women should be cherished" and all. But Sanji is also respectful of his boundaries and not once has he called Zoro by his deadname in private; rather, he almost slipped and used "Zoro" at parties as well multiple times. Zoro also knows that Sanji finds him attractive when he's all dolled up as Azura for whatever high society event they have to attend. But Zoro is not Azura and doesn't want to pretend he is; so will Sanji ever actually love him as a partner, an equal, a man, or will they just split and go their separate ways when they finally deal with Judge?
And in the meantime they still have to find a way to get Zeff to safety and destroy the Vinsmokes (which, Sanji realizes is quite more complicated that he thought at first, since he actually hopes to save his sister somehow after she shows how much she still cares about Sanji; not his brothers tho, they are still assholes).
The rest of the gang obviously helps Zoro and Sanji (lots of trying to actually get them together as well, since they see the love grow between them).
As for the smutty part, they get there eventually. It's for sure more of a slow burn thing compared to the usual Bridgerton vibe.
And that's all I have. I'm gonna go to sleep. Do with this damn thing whatever you want, cause I sure am NOT gonna write this monster.
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These are all canon

Look at their very real kid

And last
NSFW 🔞 Handholding 🔞

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First Franky of 2025!! I been meaning to post this one since last month, but I’ve been busy being depressed and lonely and playing marvel rivals.
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