shipsohard · 1 month
“Those are rotten for you.”
Draco jumped, startled by Granger’s presence. He hadn’t heard her coming. How alarming. He needed to be switched on at all times.
A beat too late, he replied, “What do you reckon will kill me first? This,” he lifted the cigarette, “or the war?”
“They turn your teeth yellow.”
His grin bore no kindness. “Who am I trying to impress?”
He’d joined The Order three weeks ago, shared this house with her for eight days, and this was the first time she’d approached him to chat. He was in no mood.
She shouldered past him into the house. “Goodnight, Malfoy.”
Granger reached for his cigarette, incensed. “Put that out! They’ll see it.”
He stretched his hand beyond her reach. “We’re bait. Our job is to be seen.”
“Not so obviously.” She Accio’d the cigarette and extinguished it in a huff. “It’s like you want us to get killed.”
Why was she here? She was too crucial for this role. Too valuable to have Draco, the team pariah, as her back up. If he screwed up, she could die.
She didn’t, of course, because when the crack of Apparation shattered the silence, they fought fiercely side by side.
A stone skittered down the cliff face and Draco glanced up to find Granger approaching. She swung her legs over the ledge, sitting beside him.
“Can I have some of that?” Her knuckles were dirt-stained. Tears shiny on her cheeks.
He passed her the cigarette.
She took a generous drag, handed it back to him, then put her head between her hands and began to sob.
He didn’t know how to comfort her.
What was another casualty during war? But Granger internalized every death as if she’d committed it herself.
He offered her another drag.
She wound her arms around him instead, as if the offering had been an invitation to seek comfort from him, and buried her face in his chest.
He stiffened. Flicked the cigarette over the edge of the cliff. Then, gradually, placed his arm around her.
The sun slipped behind the endless woods and still they sat there.
Draco stubbed his cigarette beneath his shoe and lit another, pacing back and forth.
“I should be at the Forest of Dean tonight,” he said the moment Kingsley entered the room.
“You’re needed here,” replied Kingsley without give.
“Granger and I have been partners for weeks—”
“We’ve told you not to get comfortable—”
“That’s utter bollocks!”
“She’ll be fine,” interrupted Ginny. “She’s with Ron.”
Draco blew smoke in her face.
“Prick,” she spat, storming away.
“It’s not that deep,” insisted Granger. But her voice told him otherwise.
He sent her up to his room. Furiously nicking Blood-Replenishing potion and bandages from the emergency supply.
He cleaned the wound on her arm and wrapped it meticulously. Fuming when she flinched. He would strangle Kingsley with his bare hands. This was why they couldn’t be apart.
As Granger slept, Draco smoked through a pack, never taking his eyes off her. What if the spell had slashed an artery? What if it had been a different curse?
There was no freedom in war, but nobody would stand between him and this witch ever again.
He was sharing a dart with Susan Bones when Granger entered the yard.
Unaware they had company, Bones boldly suggested, “I’m down to fuck, if you are.”
Draco watched Granger’s eyes flick between them. Her mouth flattened, and she left wordlessly.
“I’ve got someone,” he said, watching her shadow retreat. He didn’t yet, but hopefully soon.
Granger said, “Will you brush your teeth?” as Draco discarded his cigarette.
He considered saying no, but decided it was in his best interest to listen.
In his very best interest, in fact, when she crawled onto his lap upon his return. Large brown eyes blinking up at him. “Do you want to kiss me?” she asked.
He dipped forward to show her exactly what he’d wanted for weeks, but she pressed her fingers over his lips. “Are you sleeping with her?”
He knew who she meant, but still asked, “Who?”
“Never. Nobody.” He kissed her fingers.
She replaced them with her mouth.
“Where are you going?” he growled, as Granger rolled out of bed. It was still dark.
“I’m being summoned.” She searched blindly for her bra, her knickers.
He checked his wand, finding it unnervingly cold. They were separating them again.
He grabbed her wrist, and she stumbled into his arms. “Draco!”
He kissed her deeply, breathlessly. “Run away with me.”
“We’ll still fight,” he added, lighting a smoke. “On our own terms. They’re corrupt, Hermione. We’ll wind up dead with them.”
She hesitated. They had discussed this many times. Going rogue. There was more to be done without pseudo-authorities policing their moves. Plus, they couldn’t be apart anymore without losing their minds.
“On one condition,” she declared, snatching the cigarette from his fingers and flicking it away. “You’ll quit smoking.”
He watched it burn out. Then considered the witch in his bed. Perhaps she didn’t know it yet, but he would do anything for her.
Draco and Hermione were gone before sunrise.
(861 words, photo and prompt on twitter)
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shipsohard · 1 month
Tumblr media
hogwarts: a home by coralcollective — reimagined horcrux hunt. draco is so down bad for hermione and the smut is crazyyy. theo/hermione friendship. pansy is the breakout character and you'll love her. there's nsfw art and inappropriate use of the malfoy signet ring. please check the tags! (it says incomplete on ao3, but it's only missing epilogues so don't be afraid of starting it)
word count: 372,978
chapters: 67/70
the commoner's guide to bedding a royal by olivieblake — god, this fic!!!! it's a modern royal au and the ensemble of characters make this whole world feel so alive. it's inspired by will/kate and harry/meghan and it's sooo cute. theo and daphne were the breakout characters and i love them dearly. if you're looking for a lighthearted romcom-esque, occasionally angsty (because duh!) fic, this is it!!! i probably read this in two days which is insane considering the word count, but that should just tell you how lovely this whole fic was. there's a second part to this if you're itching for more afterwards (and it's just as good!)
word count: 503,570
chapters: 45/45
draco malfoy and the mortifying ordeal of being in love by isthisselfcare — honestly if you haven't read this yet..... this is god tier. a CLASSIC. this should be taught in the schools. hermione's a magical researcher / healer and draco's one of the best aurors out there. he's assigned to protect hermione because she's in the midst of a big discovery. hermione's not happy about it and draco isn't either. slow burn!! idiots in LOVE!! forced proximity!!!!! EMBEDDED ART!!! honestly this is the fic that made me want to learn how to bind which is so serious and if you haven't read this yet you need to.
word count: 199,548
chapters: 36/36
the disappearances of draco malfoy by speechwriter — this is my new canon. it's a deathly hallows rewrite where draco accepts dumbledore's offer to fake his death and go into hiding with the order. enemies to friends to lovers. i honestly can't even remember what happened in canon because this is IT for me.
word count: 289,780
chapters: 33/33
this world or any other series by olivieblake — includes clean (book one) and marked (book two). anything by olivieblake should be a must-read, i swear to god. this one starts as a year 6 slow burn. draco and hermione are assigned partners for potions and it all snowballs from there. olivie writes so beautifully and her characterizations for hermione / draco are so good. slight warning for marked: this destroyed me and i pretend it doesn't exist, but it's still a must-read.
word count: 118,892 & 178,268
chapters: 31/31 & 39/39
rights and wrongs series by lovesbitca8 — you want fluffy dramione? read the first two parts of the rights and wrongs series. you want dark and heavy dramione? read the auction, an alternate universe of the fluffy dramione, where voldemort wins and they all get auctioned off to death eaters. please check the tags for the voldy wins au! all three were chef's kiss and coming from someone who isn't a fan of dark aus, reading the first two helped me get through the auction because you know where draco's coming from / what's in his head. you can just read the auction without reading the first two parts unless you like catching parallels and having more depth / context (which i very much love).
word count: 174,911 & 160,297 & 325,876
chapters: 36/36 & 24/24 & 41/41
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shipsohard · 2 years
Malfoy’s Damnable Hands
for @sumbul. 
Hermione hates Draco Malfoy’s hands.
She has every right to hate them. She’s even made a list of reasons (for posterity, of course) to hand off as proof of her accusations. 
Below is the unabridged version:
Eighth year: they were potions’ partners. Heated cheeks and erratic heartbeats accompany stifling heat, and because Hermione has pearl dust all over her fingers, Malfoy picks up her curls and awkwardly moves them to one side so she doesn’t burn it off over the heat of their cauldron.
Every nerve ending tickles as he draws closer, set to burst when the touch of his long fingers graze the back of her neck.
“You’re going to set your hair on fire, Granger,” he admonishes.
She burns in more than one way. “At least you will be in the direct vicinity,” she says primly.
She hears his smile when he speaks. “I’m looking forward to it.”
One year later: he’d gone off to France with his mother almost immediately after finishing at Hogwarts, and she’d found out through the Daily Prophet.
If she was upset that he hadn’t told her, she didn’t show it. And when he showed up at the Leaky Cauldron one Friday whilst she was there with Luna and Ginny, she pretended her heart didn’t skip a mutinous beat.
Thump, thump, thump. 
“Hey, Granger,” he says to her, when they meet in the hallway to the loo. 
Tu-tum, tu-tump.
“Hey yourself.” She hopes ‌her blush isn’t as visible as it feels. When she looks up at him, his gaze is avid, trained on her as if memorising every minuscule detail. 
Her tag is hanging out from the back of her blouse, and he reaches forwards with tapered fingers to tuck it back in.
She shivers under his touch, which hovers at her heated neck for a moment more than necessary. A suggestion of a touch. Her spine welcomes the tingle that tracks its way down her spine. 
His smile is melting ice, and she fights not to step closer to him. 
“I should’ve written—”
“Who said I was waiting?” she interrupts, crossing her arms and pretending she doesn’t care (she did she does she hopes it’s not obvious).
“Forgive me,” he says.
Hermione pretends to consider, making a show of huffing as she leans against one wall. He looks—happier, lighter than she’s ever seen him before. “Oh, alright,” she concedes, giving him a small smile. 
“No,” he says, shaking his head, and she realises the weight in his gaze is an apology meant to encompass years.
“Fancy a drink?” she asks, breathless. Her first mark of forgiveness. At his dubious look, she adds, “Ginny is pissed after trying some new lemony concoction at the front, and Luna smiled at you when you came in.” Hermione is tipsy enough herself, and so has the courage to step into his space and touch his arm. “Chances are you’ll at least survive one round.”
She relishes the way his throat bobs nervously. “Lead on, then.”
The next day, she finds out that Malfoy is to join her department at the Ministry. They are going to share a cubicle. She ignores the way he twirls a quill between his fingers, glaring at him when he gives her an appraising look. 
She is perfunctory with him. She shows him the ropes, and he nods dutifully. When he shakes her hand in thanks, she clears her throat and returns it briskly.
A few months later (evidence shows that she held out as best she could), she has him backed into the shelf of some random supply closet. His damnable hands burn fire across her hips and waist whilst she ravages his mouth.
“I wondered how long it would take, Granger.”
She kisses him harder. “Shut up.” 
She is overwhelmed, liable to combust, really, at the way his hands press into the small of her back. He smooths his thumb over her cheekbone when they’re catching their breath, and she’s startled by the almost adoring look that paints his gaze. Before she can have more time to think about it, he’s lifting her up on a table strewn with linens. 
“This is as good of a height as any,” he says, his tone mischievous.
Her brows furrow. “For what?”
His damnable grin (it’s a bit crooked and it will take her five more years to admit it’s her favourite part of his face) spreads wide, and then he taps the inside of her knee with his thumb.
For permission.
She opens her trembling thighs to him. His hands mark their way up her skin with reverence.
Say my name. His voice is an ache-filled whisper.
“So you’ve made a list of reasons about how my hands are evil and you’ve called it damnable hands.” Draco looks up at Hermione over her notes (the abridged version) with a pointed look, his brow raised.
“Yes,” Hermione says most seriously. “All of which is to tell you that you’ve gone too far.”
He walks over to her desk and plants his hands on either side of her desk. It’s still too close, as far as she’s aware. He’s wearing a fine-tailored suit in charcoal grey that accentuates his eyes, of which she is hard-pressed to meet fully. 
“And pray tell, what have I gone too far about this time?”
Hermione huffs and stands from her chair, ignoring the flush in her cheeks that warms her skin. She moves to his side and gestures to the thin silver chain adorned by a sapphire that rests on her breastbone. “This necklace.”
He frowns. It’s not adorable. “Did you not like it?”
“I did, but—”
“I could exchange it for something better if you’d like—”
“No!” She blushes, then glares at his smirk. “It’s the way you put it on.”
“How did I—” He grins at her, seeming to realise what she means. Damnable man. Seven years they’ve been working together, and he’s seemed to memorise all her tells. “Are you so licentious, Granger, that even an innocent gesture such as putting a necklace on you is obscene?”
She scoffs. Thankfully, she’s had the same amount of ‌time to memorise all there is to him. “Nothing is quite so innocent where you’re involved.” 
“So if I…” He reaches for her, tracing his fingers over the thin skin of her neck, then palming her throat. She inhales a breath, but it does no good. “I can feel your pulse.”
“Well, you could potentially choke me like this. Of course my heart rate will rise.”
“Or it’s a kink of yours?”
“Thank you, but no thank you.”
Her heart flutters when he swipes his thumb over the curve of her jaw.
“I shall endeavour to only touch you gently then.”
She lets out a heavy sigh, as if incredibly inconvenienced. He smiles at her. “You better.”
Hands move to cup her face, his mouth (she makes a note to make a list of how she hates that part of him as well) presses against hers. 
“I’ve an idea that involves both of our hands. Should you be amenable,” he whispers against her mouth. 
She tugs at his hair and pulls him closer. Her hands feel as flimsy as paper. “And what’s that?”
He smiles. “I’ll tell you tonight.”
Hermione hates Draco Malfoy’s hands.
Exception: they’re at a dinner party, and his hand travels to hers under the table. She feels the press of his wedding ring against her palm, and smiles.
also on ao3. 
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shipsohard · 2 years
Dramione Fic Rec
On Being Sensible by ellieauthor
This is WIP (being consistently updated as of me writing this) that I am so glad I came across!! It starts with adult H/D meeting at a wedding, and H is married to Ron (obviously unhappily). Altogether, Hermione isn't in in a happy place in her life. It is made immediately clear they have some (painful) history (and sizzling chemistry). The story is dual timeline, taking us between the "current" timeline and their relationship throughout 8th year at Hogwarts. In addition to the intriguing dual timeline, the writing is so good! So many beautiful and poignant lines, I wanted to write some of them down I loved them so much!
Official Summary:
“Mrs. Weasley,” the young wizard says with a nod. What he means is, I know this man is not your husband.
“It’s Granger, actually,” she responds, voice acid, but what she means is, this is none of your business.
Dual timeline second chance romance with fluff, angst, and a fateful game of truth or dare.
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shipsohard · 2 years
Dramione Fic Rec
Silver by 16pennies
After a bit of a dramione hiatus, I am back to recommend this WIP (currently frequently updated) hogwarts-era fic. It starts 5th year when H and D are forced to brew wolfsbane together, and continues into 6th year. It has 28 chapters completed as I write this, and I am really enjoying it so far. It is a slow burn, true-to-character depiction of their relationship. The author certainly changes elements from canon, but the general events of 5th and 6th year still remain. Give it a try if you like hogwarts-era fics!
Official summary: 5th year is underway. Voldemort is back. The Order is straining under the pressure, and Hermione is honoured when Snape chooses her to brew the Wolfsbane Potion — with Draco Malfoy. Now, forced to work together over a cauldron nearly every day, Hermione thinks she might go mad — if they don't kill each other first.
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shipsohard · 2 years
An update- this has been renamed The Spaces Between Seconds and has 3 chapters up so far!
If All Else Remained
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/32A52gT
by thebrutustest
Draco Malfoy just saved my life.
I should say thank you, I think, but for some reason I hesitate, opting to gape at him while he straddles me in the dirt like I’m daft. Malfoy leans into me and I swallow thickly. “Look sharp there, Granger.” He says, his breath tickling the shell of my ear as his fingers brush along my ribcage. It isn’t until he sits up, wand in hand, that I realize he was only reaching beneath me. I open my mouth to speak, but there’s something about the scrunch of his nose that has me quieting. Malfoy simply rises and runs an aristocratic hand down the front of his lapel—as though wiping off any trace of me—and dissaparates. When I finally find Ron and Harry I don’t mention the odd moment, and I don’t think they would believe it anyway.
Dramione slow burn, mostly (movie) canon compliant with some serious twists. NOT epilogue compliant. Begins Year 4, spans to Year 8.
Words: 2277, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter - Fandom
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Major Character Death
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Voldemort, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Cho Chang, Viktor Krum
Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger, Blaise Zabini/Luna Lovegood, Theodore Nott/Pansy Parkinson, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Dual POV, POV Hermione Granger, POV Draco Malfoy, Romance, Drama, Eventual Smut, Eventual Happy Ending, Hogwarts Fifth Year, Hogwarts Sixth Year, Hogwarts Eighth Year, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Healing, Pining, Mutual Pining, Soul Bond, secret friendship, Secret Relationship, working together, BAMF Hermione Granger, Hermione Granger & Blaise Zabini Friendship, Hermione Granger & Theodore Nott Friendship, Hermione Granger & Pansy Parkinson Friendship
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/32A52gT
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shipsohard · 3 years
Currently eagerly awaiting updated on this amazing 8th year fic!!
Same As It Ever Was - Chapter 14
Chapter 14 - Standoff
Hermione realised that she had been staring at his lower arm, mere inches from where his fist was clenched around the crucial towel that was the only thing between her and… everything else, and from his perspective it probably looked an awful lot like she was shamelessly ogling his crotch.
“No! I- sorry!” she stammered, instinctually looking down at the floor. Unfortunately, they were standing so close this just meant that she was now staring at his bare feet instead. His feet weren’t particularly interesting, but she realised that she had never, at any point in their whole, wretched history seen him without shoes on, despite effectively living in the same building for nearly seven years. She could see the fading pink imprints around his ankles left by the elastic of his socks, and somehow it was this tiny, mundane detail that really threw into sharp relief how strange and intimate and impossibly surreal this situation was. He scrunched his toes on the carpet as he shifted his weight from foot to foot, and she forced herself to wrench her gaze up to his face.
He scowled but didn’t move. Hermione didn’t move either. He was looking at her with a poor imitation of indifference, betrayed by his tense posture and clenched jaw. If he was so uncomfortable why wasn’t he moving? And for that matter why wasn’t she? She felt like she’d got trapped in some bizarre game of chicken, and even though she was still half asleep she was still stubborn enough dig her heels in, both metaphorically and literally.  She wasn’t going to back down, but she had to say something- anything- before she did something impulsive. It was too warm, and he was too close, and she was fighting a lot of strange and horrifying urges all of a sudden.
Read from the beginning here :)
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shipsohard · 3 years
Dramione Fic Rec
Middle Of The Night by SereneMusafir
This is one of my favorite oneshots I have read in a long time! It takes place during the war, in which D and H are bonded and also need to feed from each other (unnamed-creature-bond situation). It was really unique, dark, smutty, angsty, and so well written. Highly encourage a read!
Official Summary: In a lonely, anxious moment during the war, Hermione Granger summons Draco Malfoy in the middle of the night.
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shipsohard · 3 years
My sweet friend @darkofthemoonfic and I were discussing one-shots and I thought it was about time I compiled a list of some of my favourites.
Note: most of these are mature or explicit for spicy times. I like what I like 🤷🏽‍♀️
Exposure by @biscuitsforpotter
Hermione has been attracted for her best friend for years. Draco Malfoy, now a famous photographer, is absolutely gorgeous and completely oblivious. Hermione wants to make him realize how she feels about him, but she'll have to step out of her comfort zone to get there.
In the Darkness All Cats are Grey by @akashathekitty
Hermione has a secret assignation at the Ravenclaw dormitories. So does Draco. Seems like they both will get what they want, just not from who they thought...
Oblivious to the Rose by dirtymudblood
Every Friday is theirs and theirs alone. But they’re not dating. Really, they’re not. They’re not. So it shouldn’t matter if he misses a Friday for a date. Right? Right.
Heat Wave Hypothesis by @indreamsink
The weather is unbearable and magic is on the fritz. Draco Malfoy decides to hide out in Hermione Granger's dorm, whether she appreciates it or not.
Keep Your Eyes on Me by @nuclearnik
In the midst of planning an end-of-year ball, Hermione finds an intriguing way to de-stress.
Restricted Rendezvous by @willhavetheirtrinkets (Musyc)
Draco looked up from his book in the library and caught her staring at him. Deliberately, he met her eyes. She looked down, her cheeks turning a soft pink. He folded his hands under his chin, waited until she looked at him again, then dragged the point of his tongue across his bottom lip.
Draco follows Hermione into the Restricted Section.
Here for the Cake by @dresupi
It's Draco's birthday and besides his mother, Hermione's the only one who remembers. He basically gets to have his cake and eat it too. ;) All in all, a nice birthday. ;)
Set post second war, not epilogue compliant in the slightest. Hermione owns a bookshop, Draco rents the office upstairs.
Penthesilea or The Secret Kiss by Margot_le_Faye
“And so a secret kiss, brings madness with the bliss, and I will think of this when I’m dead in my grave.” Tom Waites, Alice
Off the Ground by @pacific-rimbaud
“'So do I get my reward?' he asked.
Hermione’s eyes grew wide. 'A reward?' She pointed back over her shoulder. 'But I’ve only just watched your House run off with your reward. It’s in the shape of a rather gaudy silver cup.'
'Granger, you’re the one who said—'
'Oh, that reward.'"
Hermione Granger helps Draco Malfoy check an item off his bucket list.
Fulfilled by @misdemeanor1331
Hermione had planned to spend her evening drinking, dancing, and trying to forget all that was wrong in her life. She never considered that being drugged and abducted could lead directly to what was right with it.
On the Perils of Free Advice by @worksofstone-blog-blog
Draco's stuck working as a sex-advice columnist after the Ministry impounded both his family's money and Malfoy Manor. He traded on his sex god reputation at Hogwarts in order to get the job, but there are a few small problems: he's a virgin, and he also has no idea what he's talking about.
When Hermione Granger arrives at his office, irate at the poor quality of his advice, Draco finds himself blackmailed into letting her instruct him on the proper way to give sex advice. She apparently gets up to some pretty creative sexual practices in her spare time, but she's also an irritating, intrusive know-it-all. Draco should be chomping at the bit to get rid of her, so why is he fantasizing about her all the time?
Love is Blind by @aneiria-writes
‘Draco, we need to talk about what happened,’ Hermione said now, placing a cup of tea next to her partner as he sat hunched over her kitchen table. She gently laid her hand over his, guiding him towards the handle so he could drink. ‘I have to complete our report for the DMLE.’
Draco Malfoy grimaced and shook his head. ‘There’s really no need, Granger,’ he said, but she pushed on anyway. Draco had acted as bravely as any Gryffindor today, and she wanted to know why.
‘For all we knew, that curse could have been an Avada. You could have died, but you jumped in front of me without hesitation.’
‘Of course I bloody did; I’m your partner!’ he snapped back, looking in her direction with his sightless silver eyes. ‘That’s the first thing we were taught in Auror training, remember? Always have your partner’s back.’
Ungentlemanly Behavior by MissELY, @morticiahavisham
After a tipsy hook up, Draco Malfoy has an apology to make.
Hermione Granger would prefer not to hear it.
But when they're forced to work together on a tricky translation, she's finds she can't avoid it.
Love Me Twice by @bex-chan-blog
'"They tore her apart and then wiped me out of her mind to send me a message. To mess up my life. To break..." he trailed off. Blaise nodded his head with understanding. "To break your heart," he finished for him.'
nothing to my name (but i can give you that) by @monsterleadmehome
It's Head Girl Hermione Granger's birthday and all she wants is to forget the war for a few blissful moments. A drunken moment of weakness leads to an unlikely tryst with Draco Malfoy. But when she finds herself wanting more, he pulls away.
My Big Fat Muggle Wedding by @biscuitsforpotter
Draco's gotten more used to having Muggles as future-in-laws, but what about his parents?
If We Were Made Of Water by @jaxx-in-a-box
“Maybe this isn’t about my safety more than it is about your need to keep your dirty little secret hidden. Merlin forbid the pureblood echelon find out that the Malfoy heir is slumming it. ”
Draco balked and found himself at a loss for words. It stung a little more than he would have liked to admit. Surely she would have known him better by now.
Hermione knew him best, after all.
Priceless by @kyonomiko
Draco has enough to concern himself in his 8th year without Hermione Granger's Muggle Culture-of-the-Week nonsense. Unfortunately, she's far too tenacious to let him slip away unnoticed.
Queen of Lonely Hearts by @raven-m-3
“You’re an arrogant prick."
“I know.”
“You harass me constantly.”
“I prefer ‘tease.’”
“You have no right to touch me.”
“Probably not.”
Hermione seized what was left of her self-control and ripped free, stumbling backward. “What is this.”
Malfoy simply tilted his head. “What do you think?”
Hermione Granger has a brilliant idea for the office Christmas Party this year. Her coworker, Draco Malfoy, begs to disagree.
i love you, but accidental by @mrsren
That Can Be Arranged by @darkofthemoonfic
Secret doors, hidden halls, and moving staircases are commonplace at Hogwarts. So why does it feel like the castle is forcing him into locked rooms with Hermione Granger?
Blessing | Devastation by @monsterleadmehome
After Draco Malfoy defects to the Order and destroys a Horcrux, Voldemort wants him dead. The Order decides to send him into hiding in the least likely place, with the least likely protector.
Lead Me Straight Back Home by @roseharpermaxwell
Draco is already the most important person in Hermione’s life, which is why she really needs to stop fantasizing about anything more. Their platonic balance is enough...until he could belong to someone else.
Featuring two brilliant idiots in love, observant friends, and married NottPott.
The Nutcracker Pas de Deux by @heyjude19-writing
It began as a way for Hermione to remember her parents, to honour a part of her childhood. But now every Christmas season, Draco Malfoy finds a way into her holiday tradition of attending a performance of The Nutcracker.
The Definition of Insanity by @ikorous
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” —Albert Einstein
A Stake of Holly Through His Heart by @lovesbitca8
The one thing Draco Malfoy hated more than Christmas was snow. Snow had a habit of ruining your plans, causing delays, and generally making you damp. But this Christmas Day blesses him with his third and fourth least favorite things as well: crying girls and Hermione Granger. || 13 GOING ON 30 AU x A CHRISTMAS CAROL
Glowing Embers by @o0sarena0o
The thirst for knowledge is a curious thing. It will bring enlightenment, but sometimes, with a little luck, it will bring so much more.
Heartless by @kittenshift-17
Merlin, but they needed to stop doing this. They were supposed to be patrolling to corridors to prevent other people from shagging in dark corners, but every night this week when they’d been assigned to patrol together, they’d ended up naked and swearing and sweating on each other despite the frigid winter chill pervading the draughty corridors.
Two Dry Martinis by DarkoftheMoon
“You’re brilliant,” he said, flashing those teeth again. “What did I do before you arrived? And what else might you teach me?”
Hermione knew she was blushing so she took another sip of her drink. The gin crisp and just the slightest hint of vermouth — how she liked it. When she flicked her eyes back to the bartender he was watching her.
“A fair number of things, I’d expect.”
Bluebird Variation by gemii
Hermione and Draco are ex-nemeses, friends with benefits, and potential pas de deux partners. Did they mention they both look great in blue?
Stars in the Sky by @anneamm
Black by @thewaitwasworthitlove-blog
"She took a deep breath and remembered why she was here - to make Draco Malfoy sweat. She pressed her feelings down. Now was not a time to get all dewy and nervous and tremulous. That time was past. Now it was time to get even."
Melted by @charlipetidei
“Granger!” Draco shouted. “Granger, help-!”
And without stopping to think she was racing over, fearing the worst, heart pounding, kicking boxes and fabric out of the way until-
“It’s going to explode!” he cried, and shoved a buzzing object point-first at her with an expression of helpless panic.
The sheer ridiculousness of the situation hit her all at once. And she burst into giggles as the item vibrated merrily in his palm.
“Draco,” she snorted, “that’s a rabbit.”
I Know, I Know by nevertoosweets
Potter shot to his feet, bolting across the courtyard, and before the thought even entered his brain, Draco was racing after him.
Screams were echoing all around him—despair behind and euphoria before.
“POTTER!” Draco’s voice reverberated over all the cries and spells. Potter turned, hand raised just in time to catch Draco’s hawthorn wand in midair.
Harry turned it on the snake. “Confringo!”
The spell shot past his ear but Draco couldn’t stop. He barreled past Potter towards Granger, her mouth wide in an O, her eyes sparkling behind the curls escaping from her braid.
Éphémère by @ikorous
She could change the course of the war in a single moment. One. Single. Moment.
oh, when i have you by @vesperics
Hermione may be obsessed with her professor.
First-Name Basis by Santhe
“I’m not trying to get rid of you,” she whispers, folding in further. His pacing hesitates, halfway between her and the fire.
He has his old, icy voice back, but there’s a new tremor to it now. “Then what are you doing?”
With her hands pressed to her chest, she can feel what he felt—pulse hammering well over two hundred beats per minute. Chest stuttering, muscles shaking, voice broken when she quietly admits, “I’m so lonely, Draco; aren’t you?”
To Feel Her Teeth by @darkofthemoonfic
On a cold night Draco encounters something unexpected in the Forbidden Forest. What he sees consumes him, and he wants to be devoured.
Essence of Dittany by dirtymudblood
Of course, they’re not the only ones with scars. Harry has one on his forehead, for one. Ron has one that runs around his ankle from the chess game in first year. Even Ginny has a small cut that splits through one eyebrow. But his scars? They’re the biggest. The ugliest.
But, not to Hermione.
This is just a handful of my favourite one-shots - there are plenty more out there for you to read! My apologies if I've tagged anyone incorrectly.
xx Tina
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shipsohard · 3 years
If All Else Remained
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/32A52gT
by thebrutustest
Draco Malfoy just saved my life.
I should say thank you, I think, but for some reason I hesitate, opting to gape at him while he straddles me in the dirt like I’m daft. Malfoy leans into me and I swallow thickly. “Look sharp there, Granger.” He says, his breath tickling the shell of my ear as his fingers brush along my ribcage. It isn’t until he sits up, wand in hand, that I realize he was only reaching beneath me. I open my mouth to speak, but there’s something about the scrunch of his nose that has me quieting. Malfoy simply rises and runs an aristocratic hand down the front of his lapel—as though wiping off any trace of me—and dissaparates. When I finally find Ron and Harry I don’t mention the odd moment, and I don’t think they would believe it anyway.
Dramione slow burn, mostly (movie) canon compliant with some serious twists. NOT epilogue compliant. Begins Year 4, spans to Year 8.
Words: 2277, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter - Fandom
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Major Character Death
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Voldemort, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Cho Chang, Viktor Krum
Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger, Blaise Zabini/Luna Lovegood, Theodore Nott/Pansy Parkinson, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Dual POV, POV Hermione Granger, POV Draco Malfoy, Romance, Drama, Eventual Smut, Eventual Happy Ending, Hogwarts Fifth Year, Hogwarts Sixth Year, Hogwarts Eighth Year, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Healing, Pining, Mutual Pining, Soul Bond, secret friendship, Secret Relationship, working together, BAMF Hermione Granger, Hermione Granger & Blaise Zabini Friendship, Hermione Granger & Theodore Nott Friendship, Hermione Granger & Pansy Parkinson Friendship
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/32A52gT
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shipsohard · 3 years
Tumblr media
Hogwarts Express 
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shipsohard · 3 years
D/Hr Advent 2021 is now complete! Thank you so much to the authors and artists who participated, and thank you to the Dramione fans who made nominations! Over 300 people were nominated for the fest, from ffn, ao3, instagram, twitter, tumblr, and more, with 175 voters and 1393 total votes cast.
This year, nineteen of the twenty-four participants were with us for the first or second time. Nine of our twelve artists were first-time participants.
Special nod to our most-nominated participant, Inadaze22, who smashed all records in her first year in the fest, and single-handedly earned four percent of the noms.
Authors and artists are now free to cross-post their works to all their archives and social media. Please continue to give them love and appreciation for the fluff, angst, laughs, tears, smiles, and joy they freely provided the fandom this holiday season.
This Moment In Time Art by daysofmelodrama
I’m Never Lonely When I’m with You Fic by PacificRimbaud
Lie With Me Fic by mightbewriting
Mr. & Mrs. Art by keerthi_draws
Richard Fic by In_Dreams
A Failed attempt in Christmas Traditions Art by Camiiie4
Strange Birds Fic by HeyJude19
“Holiday Spirit” Art by ayaka_arts
In Deep Fic by niffizzle
Red or Green Fic by senlinyu
Christmas Morning Interruption Art by beforesaturn
Shades of Grey Fic by dreamsofdramione
A Magical Christmas Art by artofcrumbs
dancing bears, painted wings Fic by LovesBitca8
Unreachable Art by mignonettes
A Delicious Surprise Fic by WordsmithMusings
Endless Fic by raven_maiden
14 seconds to midnight Art by nikitajobson
Counting On It Fic by Musyc
His favorite red scarf Art by Flyora
Affirmation Fic by inadaze22
Seasons of Love Art by saph_xxi
The Christmas Gala Fic and Art by Catmint and Thyme
A Gift For Draco Malfoy Art by jaxxinabox
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shipsohard · 3 years
Dramione Fic Rec
Find You In Solitude by LilithShade
This is a WIP with 36 chapters so far. It takes place during 8th year, and in this one, while they both have demons, it is H that is struggling more (substance abuse and nightmares). I really like how much of a slow burn this is, and how their relationship as surprisingly-polite-acquaintances -> people who help each other -> friends is fleshed out before any sort of *spicy* relationship. Highly recommend- one of my favorite 8th year fics!
Official Summary: After the trauma of the War Hermione Granger return's to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to conclude her education. Though with her friends unwillingness to address the past she finds herself thrust into isolation. She would never have expected to find a spark in that darkness, or that solidarity could be born from her solitude. (Dramione - Slow Burn - Explicit Content)
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shipsohard · 3 years
Dramione Fic Rec
Until The Ink Runs Dry by AccioMjolnir
This was a really unique (it's completely epistolary) 10 chapter fic that I devoured as fast as I could. It's all told via letters that Draco and Hermione send back and forth as she works to get him out of Azkaban. It's not a particularly happy fic, neither character seems to be in a great place, but it ends on a happy note (a spoiler but not reallyyy) :)
Also, there are short followup stories that are really fun to read after this.
Official summary:
Your mistake is assuming I have better angels at all.
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shipsohard · 3 years
Dramione Fic Rec
A Season For Setting Fires by mightbewriting
I have found another amazing war fic !!! It is a WIP (11 chapters so far) and regularly updated. War fics are my absolute favorite, and add to some spectacular writing and you have this amazing they-hate-each-other-but-are-bound-to-each-other-and-what's-this-?-we-might-really-want-to-have-sex fic. Soulmate bond, draco defects (not by choice, thank you very much), forced time together on the run, tension, smut, and so much more. Just very good and very excited to keep up with this wip!
Official summary: Torture smells like spring.
Like daffodils and tulips and snowdrops. Like the bouquets brought inside from the manor gardens to lend their life to cold stone walls that house criminals. Easter mixed with madness makes sense in this twisted landscape; Draco’s only chance at survival is to endure it. He knows this. But that doesn’t quell the twitching in his calves, the flexing in his fingers.
Granger lifts her hand off the floor and Draco nearly loses his lunch, stomach churning as he watches her extend her arm, reaching through the translucent cord, reaching towards him. He tries to blink it away, blink blink blink, but both she and the cord are stubborn, persistent things.
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shipsohard · 3 years
Dramione Fic Rec
Silver & Golden by silverstrands
This WIP has me praying to whoever is listening that the author is still planning on continuing to write this. Please!! I need it! It is a multichapter fic (12 chapters are up as I write this) that starts with Hermione finding out she is pregnant from a one night stand with Draco, and essentially they decide to get married for a variety of reasons. They very much are not in love, quite far from it, and it is so very fun to read. Features a deliciously morally-grey (a very dark shade of grey) Draco who is just hot and dangerous and mysterious and protective and playing so many angles- I need to see where this plot goes!
Official Summary: Hermione Granger has Draco Malfoy figured out. She doesn't believe his carefully created façade of redemption and atonement that has the rest of the Wizarding society bewitched. After one reckless night ends up in her becoming the new Mrs. Malfoy, she's forced to reconsider everything she thought she knew about the enigmatic man who guards his secrets like a dragon guards its treasure.
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shipsohard · 3 years
Dramione Fic Rec
Various Storms and Saints by viridianatnight
I'm back after a short Dramione hiatus- and with a bang!! This fic is amazing! It's a multichapter, heavy M-rated, 8th year fic. Hermione is in a really bad place (heed appropriate tw), both mentally and physically, and it's a pretty dark fic. The smut is hot, Draco is great, and the writing is amazing. I feel like I usually don't read "broken Hermione"-type fics but I really loved this one!
Official summary: Mudblood. Hermione stared at the letters that besmirched her skin. They hadn’t healed since the day she was maimed.
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