Shipper of Marren
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shipperofgrahamfield · 7 years ago
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shipperofgrahamfield · 7 years ago
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shipperofgrahamfield · 7 years ago
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shipperofgrahamfield · 7 years ago
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shipperofgrahamfield · 7 years ago
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“I think that he’s a good guy, but, of course, a bit insecure with girls, so he tries to hide that underneath with some humour and bad jokes. He might seem a bit pushy, but he is in love with Max, and he cares about her. We didn’t see (his actions) as a creepy way to hit on Max. But, yes there is this kind of awkwardness (to Warren). He is really messing up sometimes because he isn’t saying what he should say, but that’s because he’s shy and it’s funny to see how he tries and sometimes doesn’t get what he wants.”
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shipperofgrahamfield · 7 years ago
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i just want this fuckin dontnod
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shipperofgrahamfield · 7 years ago
Warren no
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shipperofgrahamfield · 7 years ago
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Kiss and Hug | Max and Warren | Life is Strange
“I’m going to make the right choices from now on, I swear.”
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shipperofgrahamfield · 7 years ago
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Life is Strange - Photograph
We keep this love in a photograph We made these memories for ourselves Where our eyes are never closing Hearts are never broken Times forever frozen still
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shipperofgrahamfield · 7 years ago
*thinks about sad moments in Life is Strange*
*thinks about happy moments in Life is Strange*
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shipperofgrahamfield · 8 years ago
Grahamfield Week!
To begin: I was the one who sent the question in anonymous. I did it because I was shy for ask about this event. But I see that everyone who asked them liked the idea, well, goodbye anonymity! *laugh* Now, in this publication I’m going to answer the two most frequent questions that were mentioned when I asked the question:
-When will it? -How can I participate in this event?
- When?
My idea is from July 30th to August 5th. Why? I like Celtic culture, and I know about the celebrations of that mother culture. The 1st of August is the celebration of “Lammas”, in summary is celebrated:
“Lammas or Lughnassadh, is also feast of the first harvest, feast of the bread and Harvest Home. It is the festival of the Celtic god Lugh, the poet, the long arm, identified with the Sun and Mercury. Lugh is a solar god. The celebration takes place on the eve of the first days of August.”
Well, we know the meanings of the surnames “Graham” and “Caulfield”. Grahamfield, at least it can mean “Grain field” or “field home” or “wheat field” (My mother language is not English, if someone knows more about this, please correct me) So, because Lammas is a date about the harvest and the “Grahamfield” a meaning close to the harvest, that’s why I chose the week where it is on the 1st of August.
- How?
You can participate with means that can be: Fanfics, Fanarts, Cosplay, Headcanons, PlayList. And if they have another way they can participate, they can gladly share their idea. The goal is to enjoy Grahamfield Week to the fullest, sharing our ideas and ways of seeing this beautiful ship that we like so much.
Now, I want to introduce you to the themes I propose for Grahamfield Week:
-  30th de July: Drive In* -  31st de July: Selfie -  1st de August: Beginning of the relationship (statement of feelings) -  2nd de August: Dancing -  3rd de August: Eating Ice cream -  4th de August: Cosplay -  5th de Agosto: In formal wear
* We all expected to see a Drive-In scene in the game. It’s time to recreate it (well, I’ve seen good fanfics where they do it, it does not hurt to do it again!)
They are my proposals for themes for the event. If you would like to propose other themes by substituting another, please let me know. We have enough time to organize and have everything officially. And also enough time to plan everything to be able to shape everything into our work. Any general doubts of the event, here is my account. Sorry for my English, I swear that every day I practice! 
PD: If you know someone who would like to participate, don’t hesitate to let us know about this!
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shipperofgrahamfield · 8 years ago
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Wherever I end up after this… in whatever reality… all those moments between us were real, and they’ll always be ours.
Life is Strange (2015)
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shipperofgrahamfield · 8 years ago
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shipperofgrahamfield · 8 years ago
Max: *seeing Chloe* Um... Warren is my... boyfriend *nervous exhale*
Warrren: *shock*
Kate: *jumping happy*
Warren: Yes... FINALLY!
Max: *smile*
Warren: hear that everybody? Max Caulfield is my girlfriend! *run and open the door* MAX CAULFIELD'S MY GIRLFRIEND! *leaves the house*
Kate: *seeing Max and both smile*
Warren: *still screaming outside* MAX CAULFIELD'S MY GIRLFRIEND!
Kate and Max:*what face*
Chloe: *smile*
Max: ok, so when I picture the moment he wasn't running away screaming...
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shipperofgrahamfield · 8 years ago
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Double dare - Grahamfield
Imagine a scene like this  
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shipperofgrahamfield · 8 years ago
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oh mannn this shit knows everything
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shipperofgrahamfield · 8 years ago
max: look at this note warren left me, he's such a goofball
max: warren makes me smile ((she says this tWICE))
max: *picks up warren's flash drive* must protect my precious
max: *blushes when dana talks about warren liking her*
max: *trusts warren enough to attempt to tell him about her powers before anyone else*
max: warren is pretty cute when he's in full-on geek mode
max: *trusts warren enough to call him for advice on how to open a locked door, in the middle of the night, and not worry that he'll tell anyone what she's doing even for a second*
max: *when chloe says max "friendzoned" warren* no, he's really cool!
max: *looking at alt!warren* *sad/hurt voice & face* he hooked up with stella...?
max: *looking at a cruelly graffiti'd photo of warren that's been stuck to his door by nathan* poor warren. nathan is lucky i'm a pacifist.
max: *while writing an actual cheesy pick-up line on warren's room slate* sometimes you just have to take a chance and see what happens... will he think that's too dorky?? well, it's not like he isn't. he'll laugh, right??
max: *when warren says he'll never erase said pick-up line* you better not, it's permanent!!
max: *when warren says he's feeling pretty alpha* *flirtatious body language* you are.
max: *when warren sadly says he knows how to be invisible at school* not to me, warren. text soon.
a lot of people, still, somehow: max shows literally zero interest in warren though. she clearly doesn't like him at all.
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