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Mista Harem Week 2022 • Dates: Nov 27 - Dec 3 • Rules & Prompts: In Pinned Tweet! • Ships: All of them! (Mod @tomatomage)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
ship-mista · 2 years ago
Help out on Twitter!!
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ship-mista · 2 years ago
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ship-mista · 2 years ago
Me, bringing everything from Twitter over here just in case:
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ship-mista · 2 years ago
Re: a certain popular ship. You know it, I'm sure a lot of you love it.
This week was conceptualized as a place for all Mista ships that DON'T get a lot of love. Basically, any Mista ship that doesn't already have a week. And maybe a Mista ship you've never seen before!
But who am I to ban a ship from an all-ships week? I love them all! Spread the love! 🔫
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ship-mista · 2 years ago
Hey Howdy Mista-Lovers! It's finally time! I present to you...
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Running from November 27th until our best boy's birthday on December 3rd!
This post will cover info, rules, prompts... and more? Check it out!
Also find me on Twitter:
Question One: What is Mista Harem Week?
Short answer: A week dedicated to any and all relationships featuring Mista!
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Long answer: A seven-day creation spree featuring everyone's favorite gunslinger in all types of relationships!
We welcome:
➼ All pairings (But rarepairs are encouraged!)
➼ All types of love (Platonic, romantic, chaotic -- you name it!)
➼ And all types of fanworks!
Question Two: Well, are there any rules?
Short answer: There are!
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Long answer:
Rule 1. The Prompts and Schedule are Optional!
Prompts are for inspiration, not restriction! Feel free to use the prompts, mix-and-match, post out of order, or throw everything out altogether. The world is your oyster!
Rule 2. Tag your ships!
People want to find their OTPs and avoid their NOTPs. Tagging ships is essential.
Rule 3. Use warnings for NSFW content!
I will only reblog sensitive/explicit material if it is censored or cropped. But that doesn't mean "don't make it"! It just means I am limited by platform restrictions.
Rule 5. The Most Important Rule!
Be kind to one another!
Please follow the three laws of fandom:
➼ Don't Like; Don't Read
➼ Your Kink is Not My Kink (And that's okay!)
➼ Ship and Let Ship
(And use tags!)
Now, here's what you've all been waiting for. (Or maybe that's just me!)
The Prompt List!
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November 27
❤️ "Meet & Greet"
How did Mista meet the object of his affection? How did he woo his current flame? (Or was he wooed instead?) Who made the first move?
Meet & Greet is about first meetings, first dates, first kisses. What is the start of something beautiful?
⭐ Mista x Allies
We all know Mista likes his friends. But does he LIKE-like his friends?
What if something canon-compliant where Mista dates his team. Or an AU where Mista's part of a different squad. Maybe an AU where a canon ally is now an enemy?
So many options!
November 28
❤️ "Run & Gun"
How do Mista and his partner run missions? How do they run for groceries?
Run & Gun could be about day-to-day life. Does Mista like to jog? How would he teach someone to shoot?
(Or maybe it's about fighting and shooting each other! Up to you!)
⭐ Mista x Enemies
We all might love Mista... but not everyone does (a shock! I know).
Would Mista befriend his enemies in true JoJo's fashion? Would Mista fall into a star-crossed romance, doomed for tragedy from the start? Would he forgive someone who betrayed him?
November 29
❤️ "Streets & Sheets"
Mista in the streets, still Mista in the sheets.
Streets & Sheets is about the difference between public life and private life.
Does Mista like public displays of affection? Could he keep a relationship a secret?
⭐ Mista x Anyone in Golden Wind
Anyone in Golden Wind canon is fair game, here. Anime, manga, novels, you name it.
(Also, listen... I think Mista could land Giorno's mom. And Giorno's dad. And also Giorno's mysterious gangster hero.)
November 30
❤️ "Wake up & Make-up"
Morning routines! Coffee, cuddling, curtain-fic. Who's the morning person? Who would rather DIE than wake up before noon?
Wake up & Make-up is about domesticity. Or maybe it's about Mista in drag! You know he'd rock a winged eyeliner.
⭐ Mista x Anyone in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Could you imagine if Mista, Hol Horse, and Foo Fighters met? What a wild adventure those three gun-toting hotties would have.
What if Mista were in a different Part? What if he met Joseph in his prime? Chaos.
December 1
❤️ "Short Skirts & T-Shirts"
Pining from afar, jealousy, falling in love with your neighbor... Could Mista keep his love to himself or does he wear his heart on his sleeve?
Or maybe this is the fashion episode. (Does he have a whole zoo of animal-print pants?)
⭐ Mista x Anyone outside of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
I'm thinking... Sherlock Holmes... SpongeBob Squarepants... Lassie. Literally anyone or anything is fair game here. Go wild!!!
December 2
❤️ "Showers & Flowers"
After it rains, life grows.
Showers & Flowers could be about recovering from adversity and trauma. We know Mista's had his fair share of both.
Or maybe it's about who hogs the shower, who brings flowers in apology, who likes the rain?
⭐ Mista x Your OC
This is your chance to ship Mista with your OC. Any OC. I mean it!
A JoJo's OC? Absolutely. Another anime OC? Yes PLEASE! Your D&D character? Live your best life! Your cringy middle-school cat boy OC? I would LITERALLY die for him.
December 3
❤️ "Happy Birthday"
A free day!
I'd honestly love it if everyone shared their favorite piece of someone else's work. Spread the love! Give the gift of Mista to the masses.
⭐ Mista x Your favorite character
Literally any character from anything, as long as they're your favorite. Gush about your favorite character, gush about Mista. Gush about Gushers. Gimme all those gooey feelings.
And that's it! That's all the info I have. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions, any comments, any concerns. Above all, I want this account and this ship week to just express all the love in the world for one Guido Mista.
Have fun! Be positive!
How do you @ship-mista?
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