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shinythings-paperrings · 9 months ago
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#these lyrics are so jake/amy đŸ˜†đŸ„° BROOKLYN NINE-NINE (2013 - 2021)
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shinythings-paperrings · 2 years ago
can someone tell in detail what happens in the first two episode of nhie? all i know is devi made a joke about ben’s private parts but i need to know what that joke was and EVERYTHING ELSE 😭👍
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shinythings-paperrings · 3 years ago
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shinythings-paperrings · 3 years ago
My heart went 📈📈📈📈📈 when i saw this for the first time
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shinythings-paperrings · 3 years ago
I’m already thinking about Ben and Devi in season 4
. Already knowing they are going to fuck me up I love them so much
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shinythings-paperrings · 3 years ago
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benvi’s wholesome hugs>>
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shinythings-paperrings · 3 years ago
ben. ben and devi. god am i am a sucker for the fact that this whole time he knows how good they’d be for each other but still doesnt force whats not there but doesnt shy away from his feelings. 
like the valentine matchmaking. he got her and kept the damn card with him but didnt tell her (because of aneesa, but i suspect even if she werent in the picture, he wouldnt have told her, after all he did keep his prolonged feelings for her a secret for so long). was honestly surprised when devi turned over her card that it wasnt ben but ill give them points for a) it not being paxton and them not pretending that that “mit certified quiz” indicated that paxton is what she truly wanted/needed and b) the sake of her finally seeing what’s right in front of her
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shinythings-paperrings · 3 years ago
Honestly I feel like Nalini actually ships Benvi but isn’t saying anything to Devi because she wants things to develop naturally
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shinythings-paperrings · 3 years ago
I’m sure it’s been pointed out already but I love that Devi showed up at Ben’s as is. Like all season we saw her prep herself or even her room to be sexy for guys but she’s just herself when she goes to Ben’s
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shinythings-paperrings · 3 years ago
two ppl with shared history is the bestest most delicious compelling dynamic in the world... exes. old friends. childhood friends. old friends who are no longer friends. decade long slowburns. multi decade slowburns. etc
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shinythings-paperrings · 3 years ago
That last scene of never have i ever season 3 was real jaw dropping stuff... I screamed
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shinythings-paperrings · 3 years ago
Your Devi vs. David season 3 is your best yet, I bet 200 bucks that we will get a flashback scene with the origins of David and Ben and Devi's first meeting, it only makes sense
thank you!! <3 and yes i'm hoping we get a flashback to the origins of david! my bet is that when they were kids, ben accidentally called her "david" because he misheard and she was like "that's not my name!" and he just kept calling her it because he liked getting on her nerves
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shinythings-paperrings · 3 years ago
Okay! So I was rewatching nhie season 3 for the billionth time and I noticed that when John McEnroe says, “she would find love again all she had to do was look to the future” then it focuses on her and Ben! And end he says, “or maybe the past” it focuses on Paxton. Insinuating that Ben is her future (like they have a future) and Paxton is her past.
YES this is what i'm thinking as well. even though ben is also technically part of her past, the framing and narration here has to be intentional:
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she looks directly at ben when mcenroe says "She just had to look to the future."
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and then looks directly at paxton when mcenroe says, "Or maybe to the past."
i can see this being interpreted as "she can make a choice between a possible future with ben, or rekindling the past with pax," but i don't think that's it. at all. bear with me for possibly reaching, because i, of course, will make everything about benvi as much as i possibly can, but i interpret it this way: she has to look towards the past, not relive it, because she has to look back on what her relationship with paxton taught her, over anything else: she has to love herself first. because her relationship with herself is the most important relationship she can ever have. and she looks to the future, to ben, because she is unafraid to be herself with him, wholly and unapologetically. he has never made her feel less, never made her feel insecure (and yes, i know paxton didn't really do these things while they were dating, but those feelings creeped up on her as a byproduct of being paxton h-y's girlfriend, because of his social status vs. hers). her and ben are equals, and they always have been. and yes, in an interview lang said that devi also sees herself and paxton as equals after the events of 3x10, but as soon as she saw him as an equal, she realized those romantic feelings were not there anymore. no stomach knots from paxton. only from ben.
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shinythings-paperrings · 3 years ago
Lately, I’ve been seeing way too many arguments about why Ben and Devi wouldn’t be a good couple or why they shouldn’t be endgame, and to be perfectly honest they are all stupid. So here is my long rant debunking all of those arguments.
1.”They are too much alike, their personalities are too similar”
 First of all, having similar interests and goals is not “being exactly alike”. It means you are compatible. They may share some personality traits but that doesn’t mean they have the same personality.
Devi is accurately described as “Hotheaded” and a “Firecracker”. She is the one to have somewhat explosive outbursts (see throwing the beaker, throwing the textbook, ect). Even though she has grown a TON this season she still gets fired up (in a good way, I love her hotheaded tendencies)
Ben on the other hand could be described as someone with a “coolhead” (is that a term? idk it is now), we have literally never seen him have any sort of angry outburst. The few times we have seen him angry, he still managed to keep his cool. In fact we have seen him be the voice of reason to try to calm Devi down when she is having one of her “outbursts”.
Example: Ben pulling her aside to tell her she shouldn’t get emancipated and that she should make up with her mom.
(Also opposites attract doesn’t mean that two completely different people will work together. Got to have some common ground)
2. “They are way too competitive with each other” 
WHEN???? Show me a time, post relationship, where they have been even remotely too competitive with each other. Oh wait you can’t. In fact we have seen them work really well together as a team (see the debate tournament)
3. “They argue too much”’
Ben and Devi have been through an incredible amount of growth and have both matured a TON this past season. We have literally never seen them really argue at all this season and even before that i wouldn’t call their interactions arguing. They just have flirty friendly banter.
4. “Devi was over Ben when she got with Paxton”
No she wasn’t!!! Are we watching the same show?? Did you not see the whole longing loving looks at the dance?? Devi has literally never fully been over Ben. (she is however fully over Paxton).
In conclusion, there really is no sound argument against Ben and Devi being together. The way they have been set up and built up since season one is pretty much flawless. They have never fully gotten over each other, they have attempted but it never worked. Devi LOVES Ben !!! SHE LITTERALLY GOT STOMACH KNOTS WHEN SHE LOOKED AT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you seen the way that girl looks at him? She has never looked at anyone else like that. She chose Ben at the end of season three because she loves and trusts him. SHE ACTIVELY CHOSE HIM!!!!!!
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shinythings-paperrings · 3 years ago
LMAO eric would so do that 😭
ben. ben and devi. god am i am a sucker for the fact that this whole time he knows how good they’d be for each other but still doesnt force whats not there but doesnt shy away from his feelings. 
like the valentine matchmaking. he got her and kept the damn card with him but didnt tell her (because of aneesa, but i suspect even if she werent in the picture, he wouldnt have told her, after all he did keep his prolonged feelings for her a secret for so long). was honestly surprised when devi turned over her card that it wasnt ben but ill give them points for a) it not being paxton and them not pretending that that “mit certified quiz” indicated that paxton is what she truly wanted/needed and b) the sake of her finally seeing what’s right in front of her
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shinythings-paperrings · 3 years ago
enemies to lovers to friends to lovers to i love you ben and devi
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shinythings-paperrings · 3 years ago
ben loving devi’s competitiveness and sparring with her SO MUCH that he attends an event specifically because she said she’d make out with someone (oh, perhaps him!) and then instead turns it into a BET of which of them can kiss OTHER PEOPLE FIRST
they’re so insane
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