shinyramblings · 11 days
Not me thinking about whump in the pokemon universe
I say that but it's been a bit of a brainworm for the past like. Week and a half. Imsosorrysol
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shinyramblings · 12 days
Ideas 4
Books and Reading in General
A whumpee who used to spend all their time reading, now that they are left in the dark, barren of anything, they only thing they have to think out is their pain or their predicament
Perhaps whumpee is some sort of study assistant for Whumper. They read aloud books after books for Whumper until their throat runs dry, is they mispronounce something, go to fast, anything like that, Whumper will strike them. They have to stifle their tears in order to protect the book, which is probably worth more to Whumper than them.
Bonus if they have to read it all in a foreign language they don't know, Whumper won't exactly teach them it either, they just expect them to learn through reading, even if it takes getting beat to get it through their head.
Whumpee caught reading through Whumper's newspaper or mail, they find a letter about them, their family or loved ones wanted them back, they didn't abandon them like Whumper had told them. They can't hold back their tears, but Whumper catches them.
"By the time I'm done with you, you won't remember how to read or write in the first place"
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shinyramblings · 16 days
you can keep going, you have always kept going, but also you can rest (you have always kept going)
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shinyramblings · 4 months
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req'd by @localhellraiser
love the energy of this, truly
text: If you'd like to schedule a time for me to be nice to you, you can :) contact my manager
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shinyramblings · 5 months
“Please, please, you have to believe me!”
“Funny, I remember saying those very words to you once upon a time, when I needed your support. We both know what happened there.”
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shinyramblings · 6 months
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shinyramblings · 6 months
Blood loss? No I know exactly where it is
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shinyramblings · 6 months
let's go crazy and get covered in awesome wounds
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shinyramblings · 6 months
tshirt that says I ❤️ Violent Catharsis
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shinyramblings · 6 months
characters recognising a doppelganger/evil twin/shapeshifting imposter because they know the original so well is such a good trope
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shinyramblings · 6 months
They had all been traveling for a few days now, moving farther south than Solana had ever been before. The snow she was so familiar with this time of year eventually gave way to green forests as the three gateon moved to warmer climes. Her parents still hadn't told her why they'd had to leave. The two spoke in hushed worried whispers as she trailed behind, going silent whenever she picked up the pace to try and catch what they were saying.
"...Mama, when are we going home? I'm tired." The cub finally spoke up before sitting down. It was true. This was probably the most she'd ever walked in her life- her paws hurt, the grass felt sharp against her pawpads compared to the cold snow she was so used to.
Her parents stopped their walking when they realized Solana was no longer following, both glancing to the other before looking back at her sympathetically. She was so young... This wasn't a journey they would normally make with a child in tow, but... "Home isn't safe anymore, little one. We had to leave," Her father murmured before leaning forward to pick her up by the scruff. "We'll make a new home. A better one than the one we left."
"But I don't WANT a new home... There was nothing wrong with our grove, I don't see why we have to leave." The cub pouted, her mother leaned forward to rasp a tongue over her ear reassuringly.
"I know, Sol. We didn't want to leave either, but we want to keep you safe. One day you'll understand..."
She hadn't understood at all, not until the sounds of unfamiliar footsteps reached her ears one day as they walked. Not until her mother grabbed her by the scruff in a panic to run at full speed while her father turned to stand his ground with teeth bared and hackles raised in order to buy them time.
"Stay quiet!" Her mother let out a hiss from around her fur, Solana hadn't even begun to open her mouth to ask what was happening before she clamped her jaws shut. Something was wrong.
It felt like they were running forever, with the sound of fighting drumming in both lynxes ears before it eventually faded somewhat with distance. Her mother came to a small clearing in the forest and slowed to a stop, dropping the cub from her mouth in order to catch her breath before glancing around feverishly.
"Mama what's happening? Is...is Papa going to be ok?" Solana finally found the courage to speak, pressing herself against the larger cat's leg in an attempt to stop her trembling. She went ignored, her mother frantic and looking for something.
Finally her mother moved, nudging her with her nose towards a bush. An old fox den sat beneath it, partially hidden underneath the greenery. "Hide in here, don't come out until I come back for you. No matter what you hear out here, don't move, don't make a sound, ok?"
Solana's ears pricked at the sound of distant footsteps again, felt her heart pounding in her chest. "But-"
"Promise me, Sol." A paw shoved her inside and she let out a muffled yelp before turning around to spy her mother desperately digging in the dirt for a moment to cover their tracks before speeding out of the clearing as the sound of footsteps and hissing grew louder.
Elven boots and gateon paws she didn't recognize ran past her hiding place, barely paying the bush she was hidden under any mind. Harsh voices and even harsher growling came from them and she pressed herself farther into the den until their sounds faded into a distant echo.
Night had fallen and the sun rose once again before she dared to poke her head out further, ears pricked to listen for any sign of her mother or father. She was greeted with silence.
She was alone.
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shinyramblings · 8 months
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An ad for your deepest desires :)
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shinyramblings · 8 months
Starting to rp again and I'm debating on if i want to maybe post some of the between thread drabbles here or not
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shinyramblings · 11 months
psychic powers are one of my favorite supernatural abilities because they're the only superpower i can think of where it seems to be pretty much universally agreed that having them makes your life objectively worse
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shinyramblings · 11 months
yes actually that is a knife in my pocket i am not happy to see you at all.
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shinyramblings · 1 year
God there was a wol qotd thing i saw on twitter that I can't find anymore I've been thinking about that was something like: 'What’s the weirdest part of your WoL’s lore that you don't want to rewrite?' or something like that and it just makes me think of Mimikk's whole deal.
Vris's backstory is p straightforward, captured in Dalmasca when it fell and ended up in Garlemald, eventually escaped to Kugane then ended up in Limsa by stowing away on a ship which kickstarts ARR.
But Mimikk tho, Mimikk was originally Just A Miner from Tomra on the First. She was just Some Guy who intended to stay like that until the day she died bc she was happy and content with where she was in life, with her people in Kholusia and largely hidden from the rest of the world just like their helmets hide their faces. It was all she knew and she was fine with that fact.
But then she caught stoneblight and was put in the blightwarrens with the rest of her fellow dwarves and was p much expected to turn to stone and die down there with the rest of them. I think at some point she sort of accepted this fate up until Lamitt returned with a cure and then was exiled for it bc she went against tradition. Suddenly all that "tradition" Mimikk had been born and raised with didn't feel right. It felt cold and cruel and maybe even controlling, in her eyes. So she left the only place she ever knew with the rest of the stoneblighted dwarves.
So then there she was, in exile from all she knew with her only skill she can really put to use being mining. She went from lakeland to il mheg to raktika to try and find her calling before finally finding herself in amh areng. She found the mining town of twine and she realized she could settle there. She could even use some dwarven tricks up her sleeve to make the work get done faster.
And she was happy there! She liked the work, it was familiar and comforting even though the tunnels felt impossibly large to her at times.
Then the flood happened and instead of dying she wakes up in la noscea, in Eorzea. An entirely different world. But she's not even sure herself, at first. Maybe this is all just some dream, maybe she's actually still in voeburt and the pixies are playing some sort of prank.
Eventually she gets found and helped to limsa lominsa proper, says that she doesn't remember how she got here, and doesn't have any family she can recall. A lie that's easy for her to say, so much so that she surprises herself with how quickly and easily it flies from her lips. In the back of her mind she knows why.
She can never tell anyone bc who would believe her tale of another world so similar to this one, much less that she was from that world.
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shinyramblings · 1 year
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