A guild for those that hunt for shiny Pokemon. The obsession is real.Wanna join? Check the FAQ!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
For all intents and purposes the ShinyHunter’sGuild is dead. I have shut down the discord server but this blog will stay up for now unless many of the members want it deleted or remade. A few of the original members never joined after the jump from Skype to Discord after group issues and even still many of us lead very busy lives that prevent us from hunting anymore.
However, please do not let this discourage you; hunt for the sparkle we tirelessly search for night after night, chasing the stars amongst the night sky of pokemon. From your teams and boxes full of coveted shinies you worked so hard for to the few you just happened to get along the way, the ones you trade to collect and the ones you give to friends or even strangers, each and every one is perfect and you did so much to earn it; on behalf of the ShinyHunter’sGuild we are proud of all the effort you put into hunting shinies and your valuable addition to the Pokemon Community.
I do plan to get back into hunting eventually, but I am still trying to sort my life out after college and will hopefully be moving sometime in or after August. Hopefully I can get into a rhythm before then, but 3rd shift retail has been hell on my sleep schedule and free time. When I do return I will restart the Discord Server and likely wipe or clean up this blog; I want to put effort into this again and will try to keep both active.
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Disgaea 4 GTS Giveaway
Yesterday i asked what everyone wanted to see for my 100 follower giveaway and you all just told me to go with what i had planned already! so here we are a giveaway based on onny of my ffavorite games of all time Disgaea 4! the disgaea series has been a big part of my life since i was small with it taking thetitle of my 1st ever SRPg at the young age of 7and now i wanna share that witth all of you. tonight we hav 6 pokemon based on the main characters of this installment of the series so prepare a few gastlys and take what you want
Valvatorez (Gliscor) (M) @ Toxic Orb EVs: 244 HP / 76 Atk / 188 Spe Ability: Poison Heal Level: 100 Shiny: Yes Jolly Nature - Swords Dance - Earthquake - Night Slash - Facade
Fenrich (Lycanroc-Midnight) (M) @ Focus Sash EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe Ability: No Guard Level: 100 Shiny: Yes Jolly Nature - Stone Edge - Sucker Punch - Crush Claw - Swords Dance
Fuka (Empoleon) (F) @ Leftovers EVs: 252 HP / 76 Def / 180 SpD Ability: Torrent Level: 100 Shiny: Yes Calm Nature - Scald - Defog - Toxic - Roar
Desco (Malamar) (F) @ Leftovers EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD Ability: Contrary Level: 100 Shiny: Yes Careful Nature - Superpower - Knock Off - Rest - Sleep Talk
Emizel (Hydreigon) (M) @ Choice Specs EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Ability: Levitate Level: 100 Shiny: Yes Timid Nature - Draco Meteor - Dark Pulse - Fire Blast - Focus Blast
Artina (Cresselia) (F) @ Rocky Helmet EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Ability: Levitate Level: 100 Shiny: Yes Bold Nature - Ice Beam - Moonlight - Psychic - Lunar Dance
=This giveaway will last from 8:35pm to 11:35 pm EST =You must put a Gastly name Spoop on the GTS looking for the Pokemon you want to receive =You may obtain 1 of each mon, not multiples of one =if you are sniped don’t worry just repost your Spoop and I will get to you shortly
=All Pokemon listed are compatible with both SUMO and USUM =If you have any Questions please do feel free to message me directly ^_^
(can i get a boost?) @aceralola @entei-giveaways @vikavolt-giveaways @hats-worth
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Shiny Mega Banette! Or maybe Shiny Mega Gardevoir?

i was originally just gonna draw gardevoir but i cant resist doodling my fav real quick too
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FFXV Giveaway Pt.1: Prompto Argentum

Today I will be giving away a team of electric Pokemom inspired by my favorite Chocobo sunshine child, Prompto~
You’re free to get more than one, double dipping is allowed. To get these shinies, deposit a Cherubi nicknamed Blue into the GTS!

Don’t have a Cherubi? Then deposit any pokemon you want for a 6IV Shiny Breeding Cherubi or/and a Japanese, Shiny 6IV Ditto! (Please tell me what it is and your In Game Name.)
If you absolutely can’t deposit Cherubi, feel free to deposit any pokemon nicknamed Blue, just let me know what it is.
Questions? Concerns? Giveaway suggestions? Just wanna chat? Leave me an ask in my askbox!
Happy trading everyone~! (^w^ )
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I was trying to catch a Ditto on my Sun game to trade over to Ultra Sun so I could do the Masuda Method breeding for a shiny when this gal appeared before me. 100% full odds shiny Fearow. I named her Olive after her coloration.
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Today I’ll be giving away some cute, shiny pink pokemon! As always, you’re free to get more than one, double dipping IS allowed! To get these shinies, deposit a Cherubi nicknamed Blue into the GTS!
Don’t have a Cherubi? Then deposit any pokemon you want for a Shiny Breeding Cherubi or/and a Japanese, Shiny 6IV Ditto! (Please tell me what it is and your In Game Name.)
If you absolutely can’t deposit Cherubi, feel free to deposit any pokemon nicknamed Blue, just let me know what it is~
Questions? Concerns? Giveaway suggestions? Just wanna chat? Leave me an ask in my askbox!
Happy trading everyone~! (^w^ )
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Caught this baby while hunting legendaries in ultra space. Was surprised to say the least
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So yeah my shiny luck seems to be pretty outstanding on Ultra Sun. I found this guy through random encounters while training my team for Lana’s trial. Mind you I DO NOT have a shiny charm or anywhere close to having one. This is a 100% full odds shiny Mudbray! My shiny luck is out of control but I still can’t get my shiny Alolan Meowth or Shiny Furfrou… I’m still happy with him, he shall be called Nestor. Looks like another shiny for my shiny playthrough!
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“Silver white winters that melt into springs, these are a few of my favorite things!”
Today I’ll be giving away some shiny, silver pokemon, cuz it’s a silvery, winter wonderland and all that~!
To get these shinies, just deposit a Cherubi nicknamed Blue. If you don’t have a Cherubi, feel free to deposit whatever you want for a shiny Breeding Cherubi and 6IV Ditto! You are free to get more than one, DOUBLE DIPPING IS ALLOWED! :3
If you absolutely can’t deposit Cherubi, you may deposit any pokemon nicknamed Blue!
Questions? Comments? Giveaway suggestions? Just wanna chat? Leave me an ask in my askbox!
Happy trading everyone~!
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So I just wanted to get a Pikachu holding a Light Ball for my hat Pikachu to hold and instead this little guy appeared and shined for me. I’ll take him because Pichu is my all time favorite Pokemon. He’s sleeping because I used my Butterfree’s Sleep Powder to catch it.
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☆Net Neutrality Giveaway (2 Shiny Mews)☆
“Why are you posting this sorta crap on your Pokemon giveaway blog?” You may be asking.
Well, you’ve probably already heard about Net Neutrality, but if you haven’t, I’ll give you the most simplest version.
You basically will have to pay extra money for things such as posting art, looking at art, looking at anything really, watching YouTube videos, talking with your friends, using Tumblr, getting your privacy violated as corporations have more control over you and your internet, doing shiny pokemon giveaways, etc, etc, the list goes on.
A vote will come on December 14th, and we’ve all got to band together to stop this from happening. People such as myself and yourselves included rely on net neutrality.
So, I have a preposition. Please go to gofccyourself.com and make your voices heard.
Every person who does this will get not just 1, but 2 shiny Mews. We need to make our voices heard and stop this together. And it’s really easy too.

Once you type the website in, you’ll find this, click on it.

Then you’ll find this. Click on it.

You’ll finally come to this. Fill out the REQUIRED INFORMATION parts, then write a brief comment on why you think Net Neutrality should stay. You don’t need to type out your full address or name.
Also please be respectful, I can’t emphasize this enough.
Do this, show me that you’ve done it (I need proof, sorry, but don’t worry, I won’t post it on here) then you get 2 shiny Mews! I just want equal Internet usage for everyone, and you can help bring more attention to this issue while getting some nice, shiny floating cats.
This giveaway will go on until December 13th!
And please, please reblog the heck out of this, Tumblr is literally deleting Net Neutrality posts and silencing our voices because their parent company is in favor of getting rid of Net Neutrality. (It’s the main reason I won’t be using the tag, hopefully it’ll stay up!)
Really hoping our community will rise together! (;v; ) Feel free to unfollow me if equal internet access bothers you for some reason. Also feel free to tell me you disagree, I don’t care! I’m not perfect and do appreciate listening to other’s constructive criticism and viewpoints. Constructive being the key word here.
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Pokécember Day 3: Flying
Drifloon. “A Pokémon formed by the spirits of people and Pokémon. It loves damp, humid seasons.”
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December Giveaway!
Today in the spirit of winter and December, I’ll be giving away 4 Ice-type, shiny Pokemon!

To get them just deposit a Cherubi nicknamed Blue into the GTS! Don’t have a Cherubi?

Then go ahead and deposit something else for a shiny breeding Cherubi and/or 6IV Ditto!
If you absolutely can’t breed a Cherubi, you’re more than welcome to deposit something else, just let me know what it is~ Double dipping allowed!! Please do get more than one~!
My header has my giveaway status!
Questions? Concerns? Suggestions? Just wanna chat? Leave me an ask in my askbox~ Happy trading you guys! And here’s to December! (^7^ )
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That sure didn’t take long.
That’s it for Ultra Sun’s wormhole UB’s!
Time for Poipole!
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*crying* Why can’t your shiny form be blue like Cherrim?? Whyyyy-
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