another psych student 👸🏻✨
817 posts
psychology and japanese language student, 2nd year. this is my motivational sideblog and also an overflow for all the nerdy stuff i reblog. ✨ about me ✨ tags ✨
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shinrigakusei · 4 years ago
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shinrigakusei · 4 years ago
Gender Census 2020 - the worldwide TL;DR
Who? Everyone whose gender doesn’t tidily fit into the female/male binary.
What? An online survey asking participants how they describe themselves and how they would like other people to refer to them.
When? February to April 2020.
Participants: 24,576
The full report: click here
Raw data and summary tables: Google Sheets (7.3 MB)
The top five were:
nonbinary - 66.4% (down 0.2%)
queer (partially or completely in relation to gender) - 42.9% (down 0.1%)
trans - 33.7% (down 2.9%)
enby - 31.5% (down 0.2%)
gender non-conforming - 29.0% (up 2.8%)
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The top 5 were:
No title at all - 34.4% (up 1.4%)
Mx - 28.0% (down 3.3%)
Mr - 8.6% (down 0.1%)
Non-gendered prof/acad. - 5.3% (down 0.2%)
Ms - 4.9% (up 0.2%)
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Here’s the top 5:
Singular they - they/them/their/theirs/themself - 77.5% (down 2%)
He - he/him/his/his/himself - 30.5% (down 0.3%)
She - she/her/her/hers/herself - 29% (no change)
None/avoid pronouns - 13.7% (up 3.4%)
Xe - xe/xem/xyr/xyrs/xemself - 7.4% (up 0.2%)
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Say thanks / Mailing list / Patreon / Join a nice inclusive social network
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shinrigakusei · 4 years ago
Here to remind you that doing your best does not mean pushing yourself to your limits. There are times where we’re met with objectives that we were unable to accomolish despite having “done our best” … which usually means that we’ve pushed ourselves to our limits and have perhaps even exceeded them. This practice is harmful and unfair to yourself. When I say, “I did my best,” I do not mean that I pushed myself excessively or that I ignored my limitations. It means that I did everything I could do, excluding anything that could have jeopardized my mental health and emotional stability. Too often, do we feel that we didn’t do “enough” because we didn’t reach our breaking points whilst fulfilling an objective. This way of thinking usually arises when we fail at tasks, it is violent thinking that needs to be unlearned. You shouldn’t have to break yourself.
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shinrigakusei · 4 years ago
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shinrigakusei · 4 years ago
spooky japanese vocab 🎃
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🎃 ハロウィーン  ― halloween
🎃 南瓜 「かぼちゃ��� ― pumpkin
🎃 骸骨 「がいこつ」 ― skeleton
🎃 蝙蝠 「こうもり」 ― bat
🎃 蜘 「くも」 ― spider
🎃 黒猫 「くろねこ」 ― black cat
🎃 満月 「まんげつ」 ― full moon
🎃 ヴァンパイア ― vampire
🎃 吸血鬼 「きゅうけつき」 ― original japanese word for vampire
🎃 血を吸う 「ちをすう」― to suck blood
🎃 幽霊 「ゆうれい」 ― ghost
🎃 狼男 「おおかみおとき」 ― werewolf
🎃 透明人間 「とうめいにんげん」 ― invisible man
🎃 ミイラ ― mummy 
🎃 フランケンシュタインの怪物  「フランケンシュタインのかいぶつ」 ― frankenstein’s monster
🎃 魔女 「まじょ」 ― witch
🎃 魔法使い 「まほうつかい」 ― wizard/sorcerer
🎃 魔法の呪文 「まほうのじゅもん」― a magic spell
🎃 魔法の呪文をかける 「まほうのじゅもんをかける」 ー to cast a magic spell
🎃 化け物 「ばけもの」 ― monster
🎃 鬼 「おに」 ― demon (traditional japanese)
🎃 悪魔 「あくま」 ― devil/demon
🎃 お化け屋敷 「おばけやしき」 ― haunted house
🎃 お化け話 「おばけばなし」 ― ghost stories
🎃 怖い 「こわい」 ― scary
🎃 恐ろしい 「おそろしい」 ― horrible
🎃 気味悪い 「きみわるい」 ― creepy/unpleasant 
🎃 グロ ― grotesque 
🎃 呪い 「のろい」― a curse
🎃 呪う 「のろう」― to curse s/o or s/t
ハッピーハロウィーン!💀 🎃 👻
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shinrigakusei · 4 years ago
Not to offer advice nobody asked for but fixing ur sleep schedule is life changing
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shinrigakusei · 4 years ago
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Traces of coca and nicotine found in Egyptian mummies - WTF fun facts
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shinrigakusei · 4 years ago
Bisexuals, watch out for “bi positivity” blogs that promote panphobia.
Pansexuals are transphobic/chasers!
Pansexuals have internalized biphobia!
Pansexuals just want to be special!
Pansexuals, watch out for “pan positivity” blogs that promote biphobia. 
Bisexuality only means 2!
Bisexuals hate nonbinary people!
Bisexuals aren’t actually bi if they’re in a same-sex/different-sex relationship!
Don’t give them a platform. Let’s keep the solidarity up, yeah?
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EDIT 4/21/2020: Turns out I’m a lesbian but panphobes and biphobes are still fucking awful, so don’t be a shitty person!
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shinrigakusei · 4 years ago
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Witchy Self Care & Mindfulness🌻🌿
Artwork by @CraftingWitch on Instagram
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shinrigakusei · 4 years ago
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The red thread of fate is an East Asian belief originating from Chinese legend and is also used in Japanese legend. According to this myth, the gods tie an invisible red string around the ankles of those that are destined to meet each other in a certain situation or help each other in a certain way. Often, in Japanese culture, it is thought to be tied around the little finger.
The two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break.
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shinrigakusei · 4 years ago
‘eat the frog' method
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Hi all, it’s werelivingarts. I just stumbled across this method called ‘eat the frog’, which means you get the most difficult or important task out of your way first. I actually have been using this method for a long time, hope this post gives you a new way of managing your time and productivity! 😜
“If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.” – Mark Twain 
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shinrigakusei · 4 years ago
self care for a bad day:
• get out of bed and shower anyway. and get dressed. at least feel like you have gotten up today.
• turn off social media. sometimes we try use social media as a distraction, but this often distracts us from doing what we actually need to do to help ourselves.
• eat. eat something. anything. toast, crackers, a smoothie, anything. just eat. (and have a glass of water with it too, while you’re at it.)
• you should be feeling a bit better now. at the very least, you’re taking care of your body.
• get outside. take a walk, listen to some music. it’ll help ground you.
• journal. write down every single thought in your head, no matter how weird or dark or confusing. it’s exhausting holding that all in. let it out.
• read a favourite book, and let the pages comfort you.
• clean your room - this is hard, but it will improve your mood x1000.
• sometimes you just need to lie down and take a nap. no phone, just lying down.
• set up your weekly schedule. include things you can look forward to.
• make a list of your favourite things.
• take a nice, hot bath.
• talk to a sibling. you have more in common than you think.
• you don’t have to hurt yourself. it’s okay. you can be there for yourself. you know you best, and you know what calms you down, and you know what clothes make you feel best, and you know, deep down, that there are other versions of yourself rooting for you right now. your younger self, your future self; they’re watching you and they have hope in you, even if no one else does. the day will end, and it will be okay.
(honeywrite on instagram)
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shinrigakusei · 4 years ago
As I get older I’m starting to let go of the guilty urge to build permanent habits. Like, a while ago I decided I would start jumping rope every day. I did it for like three weeks and felt good about it. Then I got bored, because of course I did, because I’m a human person. So now I do a bit of kickboxing because that’s what I like now. The other week I cut all sugar from my diet, just for a week, to challenge myself. Now I’m back to eating sweets but I don’t crave them as much.
Growth is about stretching, trying new things, and setting small, realistic goals for yourself, not picking a “good habit” you’ve decided you will be doing always and forever from now on. That’s not discipline. That’s pointless self-torture and unhealthy resistance to change.
What’s good for you today will not necessarily be what’s good for you tomorrow.
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shinrigakusei · 4 years ago
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Baby and adult brains ‘sync up’ during play, finds Princeton Baby Lab
A team of Princeton researchers has conducted the first study of how baby and adult brains interact during natural play, and they found measurable similarities in their neural activity. In other words, baby and adult brain activity rose and fell together as they shared toys and eye contact. The research was conducted at the Princeton Baby Lab, where University researchers study how babies learn to see, talk and understand the world.
“Previous research has shown that adults’ brains sync up when they watch movies and listen to stories, but little is known about how this ‘neural synchrony’ develops in the first years of life,” said Elise Piazza, an associate research scholar in the Princeton Neuroscience Institute (PNI) and the first author on a paper published in Psychological Science.
Piazza and her co-authors — Liat Hasenfratz, an associate research scholar in PNI; Uri Hasson, a professor of psychology and neuroscience; and Casey Lew-Williams, an associate professor of psychology — posited that neural synchrony has important implications for social development and language learning.
Studying real-life, face-to-face communication between babies and adults is quite difficult. Most past studies of neural coupling, many of which were conducted in Hasson’s lab, involved scanning adults’ brains with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), in separate sessions, while the adults lay down and watched movies or listened to stories.
But to study real-time communication, the researchers needed to create a child-friendly method of recording brain activity simultaneously from baby and adult brains. With funding from the Eric and Wendy Schmidt Transformative Technology Grant, the researchers developed a new dual-brain neuroimaging system that uses functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), which is highly safe and records oxygenation in the blood as a proxy for neural activity. The setup allowed the researchers to record the neural coordination between babies and an adult while they played with toys, sang songs and read a book.
The same adult interacted with all 42 infants and toddlers who participated in the study. Of those, 21 had to be excluded because they “squirmed excessively,” and three others flat-out refused to wear the cap, leaving 18 children, ranging in age from 9 months to 15 months.
The experiment had two portions. In one, the adult experimenter spent five minutes interacting directly with a child — playing with toys, singing nursery rhymes or reading Goodnight Moon — while the child sat on their parent’s lap. In the other, the experimenter turned to the side and told a story to another adult while the child played quietly with their parent.
The caps collected data from 57 channels of the brain known to be involved in prediction, language processing and understanding other people’s perspectives.
When they looked at the data, the researchers found that during the face-to-face sessions, the babies’ brains were synchronized with the adult’s brain in several areas known to be involved in high-level understanding of the world — perhaps helping the children decode the overall meaning of a story or analyze the motives of the adult reading to them.
When the adult and infant were turned away from each other and engaging with other people, the coupling between them disappeared.
That fit with researchers’ expectations, but the data also had surprises in store. For example, the strongest coupling occurred in the prefrontal cortex, which is involved in learning, planning and executive functioning and was previously thought to be quite underdeveloped during infancy.  
“We were also surprised to find that the infant brain was often ‘leading’ the adult brain by a few seconds, suggesting that babies do not just passively receive input but may guide adults toward the next thing they’re going to focus on: which toy to pick up, which words to say,” said Lew-Williams, who is a co-director of the Princeton Baby Lab.
“While communicating, the adult and child seem to form a feedback loop,” Piazza added. “That is, the adult’s brain seemed to predict when the infants would smile, the infants’ brains anticipated when the adult would use more ‘baby talk,’ and both brains tracked joint eye contact and joint attention to toys. So, when a baby and adult play together, their brains influence each other in dynamic ways.”
This two-brain approach to neuroscience could open doors to understanding how coupling with caregivers breaks down in atypical development — such as in children diagnosed with autism — as well as how educators can optimize their teaching approaches to accommodate children’s diverse brains.
The researchers are continuing to investigate how this neural coupling relates to preschoolers’ early language learning.
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shinrigakusei · 4 years ago
how to fucking flag pedophiles
so my dudes, how to flag “maps” (minor attracted people aka pedophiles)
1. click “flag this blog”
2. click “this violates tumblr’s community guildlines”
3. click “someone is at risk of harm”
4. click “harm to minors”
5. type “pedophile” in the box
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shinrigakusei · 4 years ago
just thinking about how fucked up it is that transition is almost always exclusively framed in terms of negative health consequences which usually in context arent actually that negative. for example, before starting hrt trans men are frequently warned that testosterone will significantly increase their risk of blood clots–whats often left out is the context that their risk profile is simply increasing to match cis men’s risk profile; and additionally, i have never heard of trans women being told (although maybe it does happen) that their risk will decrease from hrt. in the same vein, i frequently see trans women being warned about the increased risk of breast cancer from hrt (which in context is…duh because you are increasing the amount of breast tissue) but rarely see any mention of trans men’s risk decreasing after a mastectomy, even though its literally the same surgery (with a few alterations) that breast cancer patients undergo to reduce their risk. i realize that a lot of these things havent been researched well and of course negative side effects are going to be more important to disclose to patients, but regardless i still think the framing has a lot more to do with transphobia/transmisogyny than genuine oversight
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shinrigakusei · 4 years ago
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