shiningbluewaters · 1 year
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shiningbluewaters · 1 year
I am going to be miming tonight. I hope that's alright. I am, in fact, miming right now. This is all miming. There's a man at the back, a sound man, who has pressed a button, which means you're simply listening to a CD of my voice and I'm just pretending to talk.
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shiningbluewaters · 1 year
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shiningbluewaters · 1 year
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shiningbluewaters · 1 year
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HMS Monarch, the preliminary design of the King George V-class battleships. Monarch, the prideful and elegant yet arrogant and disdainful half-sister of the KGV-class. Her whole existence, her whole reason of being, revolves around understanding herself. Why was she scrapped? Why were her blueprints disregarded in favor of - in her mind - an objectively worse design? Why, after disregarding her, did they bring her into existence? Just to mock her?
Monarch is a complex character. Deep inside her mind, nobody likes her. Nobody stands her. She's just an asset to be used in war, a number; a statistic. If she goes down, there are better battleships than her, so nobody would miss her. If she dies defending humanity, not even a memory of her career would remain.
But it's that true? Monarch might not understand what's the hype about a 'chainsaw man' but Vanguard won't shut up about it, because Vanguard cares about Monarch and wants to turn her into a weeb. Monarch might not understand why Georgia keeps inviting her to all these parties and adventures around the world, for Monarch only thinks Georgia is mocking her. Sometimes, however, Monarch understands why Georgia invites her to a party with Seattle and New Jersey. Sometimes, Monarch sees Duke of York inviting her to her mysterious estate as a sign of trust. Sometimes she sees Hood trusting her to take care of Queen Elizabeth as a sign that people value her. But only sometimes, because if Monarch is one thing, is stubborn. Stubborn and self-depricating. Hateful, not of others, but of herself.
Of course she was discarded. Triple 380mm turrets weren't a thing in the Royal Navy when she was designed. She relied on a different armor scheme that they didn't fully understand.
Some days Monarch doesn't want to get out of bed. She ponders if she vanished, would anyone miss her? "If a tree falls in a forest, but no one is there to hear it, does it still make a sound?" she asks herself, for she is a tree in a lone forest, and her fall wouldn't be heard.
Cornered by her own thoughts, Monarch fails to see the truth that people care about her. She hides behind an arrogant and superior demeanor to hide her many, many colorful complexes. She acts stronger than all others not because she believes in it, but because it comforts her. However, the truth is simple. It is also scary to her. She yearns to be of value to others, yet can't stand the idea of having to depend on others, as she can hardly keep herself afloat most days.
That is why you should headpat your local Monarch. Take her out for fancy diner. Arrange her to meet with her half-sisters that care about her - Howe and Duke of York. Put her in fleets with shipgirls that appreciate her presence. Force her to understand that she is wanted, because otherwise she will ignore the signs.
Special thanks to @snowydragonsden for that beautiful Monarch x Georgia fic i linked. it means a lot to me.
also yeah she's basically me. that's why i love Monarch so much.
the next shipgirl will be Mainz!!! hopefully i publish that post within this month of August!
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shiningbluewaters · 1 year
Watashi wa NUMBA WAN
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shiningbluewaters · 1 year
Parking here for later. Looking for artists to do some character commissions.
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Commissions are OPEN ! !
2 SLOTS LEFT! ! ! Feel free to contact me through here also if you have any questions or if you want your blorbos, gusics, gaksters, plimpus, skrunkys drawn, thank you !
Discord: runikarasu
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shiningbluewaters · 1 year
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shiningbluewaters · 1 year
Friend : Why does Regensburg have the Bad Mood debuff in your fleet ?
Me : No Idea
Regensburg :
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shiningbluewaters · 1 year
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shiningbluewaters · 1 year
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shiningbluewaters · 1 year
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FDG by 宫木衍 ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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shiningbluewaters · 1 year
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Visual Update Drafts for old Azur Lane charms
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shiningbluewaters · 1 year
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shiningbluewaters · 1 year
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「Maid Eugen」 by Whitter | Twitter
๑ Permission to reprint was given by the artist ✔.
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shiningbluewaters · 1 year
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「新春エーギル誘惑&パイズリ」 by タカハル | Twitter
๑ Permission to reprint was given by the artist ✔.
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shiningbluewaters · 1 year
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