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utapri imagines blog | requests open
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shining-imagines · 3 years ago
Hello! Love to see a new blog! Good luck with future works~
How about Quartet Night + how would they kiss you?
im sorry this took so long but!!! im alive!!!!! and thank you thank you i hope to try and keep the utapri fandom alive lol
Reiji Kotobuki
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now we all know how flirty reiji is lol so he would definitely not hold back in a kiss
he would give it his all because he wants to show you just how much he loves you!
verrrryyyyy teasy too, he likes to brush his lips right against yours but not kiss you juuuuuust yet
but when you pout at him he gives in lol
if you kiss him first he calls you naughty or bad but obviously in a playful way and not a mean way, he just likes to tease you
hes very needy and affectionate so expect lots of kisses whenever and wherever, such as gentle hand kisses in public and more intense making out when you two are alone ;)
Ranmaru Kurosaki
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first thing im gonna say is this man is rough and sloppy as hell lol
he tries his best he really does (and that isnt to say hes a bad kisser at all) but he just has a lot of heat and emotion that he cant really hold back, especially around you
he is literally the type of the guy to be like. really passionate and rough and the second you two are alone he grabs you and kisses you hard lol
really impatient and doesnt like being teased also, not a big fan of teasing you either cuz he just goes for it most of the time
kisses you everywhere ;) like literally all over
but can be gentle if you ask him to!! he just needs to be taught a little bit lol
Ai Mikaze
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this boy is definitely sooo gentle but also doesnt have a lot of experience with kissing people (or anything really)
not quite sure what to do at first and if you ask him to be more dominant he will genuinely try but still not really know what to do so fair warning he might accidentally shove his tongue down your throat
but once he gets the hang of it hes sooooo gentle, really big on forehead kisses and hand kisses and cute stuff like that
but as he gets more experienced he also gets more confident and takes the initiative to kiss you more
kinda forgets that you have to breathe sometimes so be careful lol
overall hes gentle but can be spicy when he needs to be!
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will literally change his style and technique into anything you want in order to please you
gentle kisses? he goes into butler mode
rough kisses? he gets all dominant and shit like its nothing
but when you leave it up to him to decide hes kind of in between those two extremes, but he really just seeks to please you
he definitely like to place a hand under your chin and tilt your head up to face him 100% guaranteed
but other than that i dont really know lolz
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shining-imagines · 3 years ago
OOH can I please get “how they flirt” with Quartet night!!!!!!!!!!!
of course!! im sorry this took so long ive been working a lot BUT here it is!! i hope you enjoy!!💜💜💜💜
Reiji Kotobuki
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so we all know that reiji can be very romantic and flirty, so he is definitely the most flirtatious out of all the quartet night members!
his flirting style is overall very playful, for example he likes to tease you and enjoys seeing you get flustered
he just laughs whenever you get embarrassed because he honestly thinks its adorable lol
looooves calling you pet names such as “darling”, “angel”, etc as an affectionate way of letting everyone in the room know that he has eyes for you and no one else
can also be pretty physical like gently placing a hand on your chin and leaning his face closer to yours or putting his arm around you and pulling you closer
he is definitely a bit over the top with his flirting at times, but he cant help it! he just wants to see you smile and doesnt care what anyone else thinks!
basically he will flirt with you in literally any and every way possible lol
Ranmaru Kurosaki
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so ranmaru is definitely more physical when it comes to flirting and has a lot more confidence when flirting this way as opposed to using words
has absolutely no shame and will straight up back you against the wall and stare into your eyes deeply, paying no mind to how flustered you get
but he isnt always super intense like that, sometimes its as simple as him putting an arm around you as a protective gesture so you feel safe
he isnt as confident when it comes to flirting with words, he finds it much easier to show you how he feels with his body BUT he will still try his best!!
most of his verbal flirting is done unintentionally, such as him making remarks or comments that end up flustering you even if that was not his intention
the problem comes when he tries to flirt verbally on purpose
he actually gets pretty choked up and will be REALLY corny and cheesy, he would probably take pick up lines straight from a movie or something in an attempt to be romantic hehehehe
dont bully him hes trying his best!!
Ai Mikaze
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oh boy so ai does NOT know how to flirt 10/10 hands down does not know what the heck he is doing lol
the hard part for him is figuring out how he feels about you and how to go about pursuing you, so even if he did know how to flirt he wouldnt be the type to flirt that much anyway
he would honestly do like really small and polite gestures like holding a door open for you or sharing an umbrella with you or giving you his jacket, just little things to let you know he cares for you but not necessarily flirting
he might also flirt with you unintentionally quite often, for example by pointing out how you are blushing or how cute or beautiful you look
but once he becomes more confident or at your request (after you start dating) he will start to be a bit more playful and curious, flirting with you more purposefully
when he does flirt intentionally it will be more verbal and will very rarely be accompanied by small physical gestures and displays of affection
he would do whatever it takes to get better at flirting if that is what you want though, he just wants you to be happy!
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camus totally has the mindset that he does NOT need to flirt lol, he isnt really the romantic type or at least in public
he can come across as a bit cold because of this, and once he realizes that you arent getting his hints he will actually put some effort into trying to flirt with you
really bold right off the bat, he can be a bit awkward and stiff but overall is not too bad at quite literally sweeping you off your feet
like he would just scoop you up and take you away, real prince-like lol
but also his natural flirting style (which he doesnt even realize or will admit it flirting) is basically just doing acts of service for you, fitting of his butler persona
pretty direct and straight to the point in telling you how he feels, instead of flirting with you for a prolonged period of time he will just confess early on
but yeah so he doesnt really flirt too much unless he makes a conscious effort too, thats just how he is lol
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shining-imagines · 3 years ago
send me a number + any character(s) from one of my fandoms and i will give you some headcanons!!
1. how they kiss you
2. when they see you wearing their clothes
3. what they value most in a partner
4. how clingy they are
5. when they get jealous
6. them realizing they like you
7. how they confess
8. when you say you love them
9. how they flirt with you
10. how they comfort you
11. where they take you on a first date
12. how they cuddle
13. what nicknames they have for you
14. how they feel about pda
15. how they show they love you
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shining-imagines · 3 years ago
ranmaru kurosaki jealousy headcanons??? lol hi bestie good luck on ur blog
HI BESTIE!! im just gonna go ahead and do jealousy headcanons for all of quartet night BECAUSE I CAN so i hope you enjoy!!
Reiji Kotobuki
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despite his carefree demeanor, reiji can get super jealous quite easily and act very overprotective!
if he sees someone else flirting with you he wont hesitate to swoop in and act super affectionate towards you, showing off to everyone that you are his
he will then try to get you away from whoever was flirting with you, putting his arm around you and making some excuse to get you out of there
when the two of you are alone he gets all pouty and whines about how he cant believe you would even give the slightest bit of attention to someone else
he gets really clingy afterwards too, practically drowning you in affection to make sure that you know that you are his and his only
Ranmaru Kurosaki
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alright so we all know ranmaru isnt exactly the type to hide what he is feeling so if he is jealous you should expect to know it!
the second he sees someone else flirting with you he immediately marches over and asks them what the hell they think theyre doing
yeah he isnt subtle lmao
and he definitely isnt afraid to get aggressive either! if the other person starts to get angry than ranmaru will not hesitate to tell them off
when doing so, he will stand in between you and whoever was flirting with you in order to make sure you are out of the way and safe, also he would probably get in the other persons face and get all aggressive lol
afterwards he would be extra clingy and affectionate especially in public in order to avoid a situation like that again
Ai Mikaze
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soooo at first he kinda doesnt really understand jealousy lol
like youre talking to someone else?? ok?? so what??
but then it kinda hits him once he experiences it
he sees someone else flirting with you and feels this weird emotion bubbling up within him and all he knows is that its unpleasant and wants it to stop
as smart as he is, it takes him a little bit to realize that the reason for that unpleasant feeling is that he doesnt want anyone else making a move on you
once he figures this out he approaches the person flirting with you and bluntly states that he is romantically involved with you, taking you away from said person
when you ask him if he was jealous he just denies it, whether hes embarrassed or genuinely unaware is up to you lol
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lol so this boy thinks hes above emotions like jealousy and when he inevitably does get jealous he will deny it forever
if he sees someone flirting with you he will walk up to them and assertively state that you are already taken and tell the other person to back off
if things escalate then he will remain calm and only raise his voice slightly if needed, but he otherwise tries to hold back his anger
in his mind he doesnt have time to waste arguing with some random person so he simply grabs you by the hand and excuses the two of you
when hes walking away with you he makes a point of explaining to you that he was, in fact, NOT jealous and simply saving you from someone obnoxious
but we all know how he really feels lol
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shining-imagines · 3 years ago
hello everyone! just a heads up requests of all kinds are open so feel free to send some in!!
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shining-imagines · 3 years ago
hello and welcome to my imagines blog! my name is gabby and i use she/her pronouns and I am 20 years old! my main is @povkurapika if you feel like interacting more! i also have an utapri sideblog which is @aimikazepegger69 💜
headcanons: OPEN (you can request from this list if you would like!!)
drabbles: OPEN
fics: OPEN
while i am not too experienced with writing NSFW i always welcome a challenge and will gladly complete NSFW requests as well as SFW requests!
any members of starish, quartet night and heavens are fair game! i havent written in a while let alone for utapri BUT i will try my best!
that is all i can think of lol but i will add more as i think of them!
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