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shineegirl5 · 1 month ago
the way people heavily mischaracterized kevin on this app makes me wanna throw up. that’s a fifteen year old anti-social incel, he’s not going to shag you freaks. ☠️☠️
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shineegirl5 · 2 months ago
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'•.¸♡ JONGHYUN♡¸.•' ✩ ♬ ₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ Always Love You ♡
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shineegirl5 · 2 months ago
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#throwback:  Japan Arena Tour SHINee World 2012
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shineegirl5 · 4 months ago
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shineegirl5 · 8 months ago
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shineegirl5 · 1 year ago
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shineegirl5 · 1 year ago
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shinee matching icons <3
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shineegirl5 · 1 year ago
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(161121) mbcbluenight translation: #blue night #special invite bling bling men despite being exhausted! #this time complete with minho ✨ #shinee 💕 thanks to you it was a happy monday night, wasn’t it? please give lots of love to the repackage album~😘 #minho #key #jonghyun #taemin #onew
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shineegirl5 · 1 year ago
Which SHINee member does Taemin adore?
Which member of Shinee do you think Taemin adores? Sure, they all friends and brothers but is there someone he has a soft spot for? I really want to know your opinion. Thanks!              -Anon
You. Are. Evil.
This is a tough question for SO MANY reasons. 
I’m my truthful opinion, I think SHINee as a whole, as really close, and that they have an unbreakable bond with each other. I think they all adore and appreciate one another to similar degrees. 
When it comes to Taemin, I feel like it’s harder to tell bc this kid doesn’t express a ton of emotions like some of his other members do, but there are still things he does or says to tell us and the members he loves them.
Let’s start with Ontae:
They go back to the trainee days, with Onew being an amazing hyung to Taemin as they practiced on the rooftop together before they even knew they’d be in a group together. 
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They also hold hands A LOT, like there are times you’ll see them just walking while holding hands.
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Taemin is known to place his hands on his member’s thighs a lot, but I found that he does it to Jinki A LOT
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I also need to mention their whispering. They are ALWAYS whispering, and I don’t know what they are saying, but there are always looks of fondness on Taemin’s face when it comes to Lee Jinki.
Jonghyun, on the other hand is know to be the Taemin fanclub prez. And we know Taemin like messing around with Jonghyun.
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I’m not even going to say anything about this ^^
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Back HuGS for DaYs
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You also can’t just get this into Internet War with someone you don’t care about, or else it wouldn’t have been this natural and it would’ve been MORE awkward.
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There is also Taemin’s biting thing with Jjong.
Basically, they are bbbffffffssss and I we all know Tae adores Jjong so much.
Kibum has always been Taemin’s caretaker first and foremost, especially in their earlier days.
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Basically beat up each other ALL THE TImE
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Taemin wouldn’t just let anyone stuff him into that skirt and wig 
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And there is also that v cute thing Tae does when he gets really close to Key’s face and he does this ALL THE TIME
Basically a lil shit loving on one of his favorite people
Then there is Minho-
We all knwo that they basically love each other. When they asked if the members were girls, who would you date, they said each other.
And we all know that Taemin loves his mango okay.
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We can’t forget this hug. No one can
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ALSO THIS OKAY. As you can see, picking one SHINee member Taemin is particularly fond of is SUPER difficult. If I HAD to say one, it’d be Minho, simply because Minho is the closest to him in age, and they have fun teasing Kibum, and all that good stuff. Also, I feel like Taemin just tends to be really extra soft with him.  Like Taemin loves all his hyungs, and they all love him (all in different ways) and tbh I think SHINee memebers all adore each other.
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shineegirl5 · 1 year ago
SHINee’s Everybody MV (Music Video Analysis)
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The views presented in this analysis are a part of my own individual interpretation of the video, which means they are subject to error. This post is based off of the video from the official SMTown Youtube channel, as well as the teaser video. All English lyrics taken from 
Toy Soldiers: Almost everything about this video communicates the concept of toy soldiers. The choreography alone could deliver that message, even if the teaser video didn’t outright tell us.
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Here are a few screenshots from the teaser video. They’re toy soldiers, the windup kind designed exclusively to march. Toys in general are interesting objects because they are pieces of plastic or wood or whatever material made up to look like something else–a doll looks like a girl, a train set like a train–real world objects made miniature. And the inanimate objects are made animate by a child, who is fully in control of them. Real life soldiers themselves follow this pattern as well. As units, they are “inanimate” in the sense that they lack the agency to make decisions. They are under the control of their superiors. They are only “animated” in the orders they follow. They only march when they are wound up. 
A toy soldier is doubly bound–under the influence of both general and child. Except that where real world soldiers have the choice to follow orders or not, toy soldiers do not. The tyranny of the child is the stronger one, an unexpectedly dark twist. The control that is the focus of this video is the sort of control that we may be unaware of, just as oblivious as a toy being played with. This is a call to wake up.
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We begin with the inanimate state. The members are lying on a table, with cords and surging lights. The music that plays is tense and disruptive. The first twenty seconds of this video are in black and white. It’s dark, moody, and sets the tone for the rest of the video. 
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We get this shot of a child standing in front of a carousel, holding a musical instrument. (I am sorry for my musical ignorance, it’s probably a clarinet or an oboe or something.) For the purposes of this analysis I’m just going to call it a pipe because there is a lyric that refers to a piper boy. The child wears a large mask. This is contrasted with a shot of Minho from the teaser holding the same pipe, appearing to play it. The pipe, I think is an indicator of power and the ability to lead. In the fairy tale the Pied Piper of Hamelin, the piper lures away children using his magic pipe. Both the child and Minho possess the pipe and have some possession of power. 
I want to call attention to the nature of these two masks. The child’s mask conceals his identity, but still gives him the appearance of a face. Minho (along with all the other members in the teaser) has a mask that conceals his face without giving him another. He looks inhuman. His identity is removed completely. Where the child, our general or “tyrant,” is faceless in the sense that he has the luxury of power without responsibility, Minho is faceless in a way where he loses himself. He turns more into a creature at beck and call, than a soldier. Without identity and will, whatever power he could wield is not his own. 
The carousel plays into the video in two ways. First, it carries into the childish, youthful aspect of toys. It also plays well with the creepy mood. Second, it suggests a sort of cyclicality I’ll discuss later.
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Next we get a shot of an army of identical toy men. Everything is in shades of gray. It reminds me of some old horror/sci-fi movie. Every single one is the same. This reveals something about the military mindset. Soldiers are trained to forgo individual identity in favor of group identity. This is called deindividuation. They become less conscious of themselves, more obedient to a set chain of command.
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Here we get what could have been a very disturbing image, if not for the Genie ad. The same masked child, our “tyrant,” stands under a bright light. Overhead, a raven flies upside down. The inversion of the the raven’s flight is unsettling, as it defies nature. The placement of the child gives the impression that the child has caused this. If we weren’t already weary of the child, we should be now. Especially given that ravens often symbolize death. 
This inversion also ties into the inversion of child-adult roles. It is a child that commands the members. 
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There’s a brief flash of a scorpion, a creature that also has death symbolism, but also can represent control.
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SHINee still lies on the table. They wear military uniforms fitting of soldiers, frozen in the poses of toys. The camera moves from their feet to this overhead shot just above them, almost like a giant standing up to loom over them. It’s foreboding.
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The child opens the door to SHINee on the floor. The child’s shadow looms. He enters and plugs this giant plug in. He spurs them to life, animating them. They come to life only because it was his will. 
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The room lights up and we finally see color. SHINee themselves are wearing white uniforms. Contrast this to the individual colors from their stand alone shots, like Key’s pictured below. Individual identity fades within the context of a group. 
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The moment you dig deep into the night, it’s time
to find the rhythm that you’ve heard for the first time
I’m like the piper boy
and you’re like a dreaming child
Now everyone follow me and match your steps
Key mimes playing a flute, a reference to this piper boy lyric. This is an attempt to regain control in the battle of wills. The soldier will become the piper, will wake others for the cause. 
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Taemin wears a black fur coat next to a glass beast. It’s unclear if it’s supposed to be a bear or a panther or what. This is another instance of inversion. Glass, especially mirror glass like here, is a human invention. It’s cold. Wholly inanimate. And Taemin wears the fur, something the beast should be wearing. He instead takes on the beast’s attributes. Something powerful, but under control of another. 
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Minho stands on a checkered floor amidst chess pieces. They’re white, like the uniforms from dance scenes. I also don’t think there are ever anymore than five visible pieces at a time. These five pieces are the five members. Objects of power to be moved across a playing board without will. 
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Onew lies in front of a large chair, again on a checkered floor like a chess board. The chair is vaguely throne like, a symbol of power, but he doesn’t actually sit on it. Power within reach but not within grasp.
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Jonghyun stands amongst statues without heads. It evokes just the physical power of the body without the conscious center of thought to guide it. It’s decoration, just how soldiers can become decorations of power. 
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Key stands in front of a giant floating phonograph horn. I think this has something to do with the idea of this video as a message, like the message is being projected out loud, and it’s powerful–it’s own force. 
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Here we have the wind up part of the dance. 
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Eventually, they come to rebel against the tyrannical control. Jonghyun smashes the statues that represent control, and Onew stands up before the throne as if to regain power. 
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At the end, it looks like they pull the pins out of their backs. They collapse. They remove the part of themselves that allows them to be controlled. A sort of “give me liberty or give me death.”
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In the end, they end up the same way they began: on the floor and powerless. They are no longer under the control of another, but neither do they necessarily have their own form of control. They can only operate on the power they’re given. They cannot move past it. Any illusions of individual power were just that–illusions. 
And I think there’s something to be said about the cyclicality of it–ending the way we begin. The similarities call attention to what is different, makes their loss all the more tragic.
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shineegirl5 · 1 year ago
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Of course it was Hoshi 🥹💕
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shineegirl5 · 1 year ago
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congrats taemin on guilty's 1st win!
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shineegirl5 · 1 year ago
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Shinee “Replay” cyworld mini- me gifs
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shineegirl5 · 1 year ago
vidaaaaa estou planejando minha pack de halloween ai queria usar esse icon masss queria ver se era possível uma header do shinee, vc pode me ajudar? 🥺
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shineegirl5 · 1 year ago
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SHINee headers.
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shineegirl5 · 1 year ago
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The mutual love between SHINee & Shawols 🥺💎💞 (SHINee World IV)
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shineegirl5 · 1 year ago
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meet roo, the protagonist of jonghyun’s most recent title track, “하루의 끝 (the end of a day)”.
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so…, as the first official entry of fyjjong’s: jjong and friends “series”…, it’s been “requested” to document his relationship with roo - which completely counts. he wrote a song about the dog, so. ◟(◔ั₀◔ั )◞ ༘♡ tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme …: roo, who’s full name is actually byulroo, was given to jonghyun as a present from his sister a few months before lucifer era in 2010. (you can find a few old videos of her that were uploaded to sm’s original youtube channel: here and here. no one’s ever really been given an explaination as to why they were uploaded to the channel specifically but most people seem to think he hacked it, lmao.) (he also used to post videos of her on his old me2day account: i / ii) the story of how he came to name her byulroo is pretty well known as well (and one that he’s told a handful of times): basically, when she as still a puppy and back when jonghyun was still living at shinee’s dorm, she “defecated” on a white shirt of minho’s. his reaction to this was basically him saying “it’s really byulroo.” “byulroo” means, roughly, “not good” or “not great” in english. jonghyun felt bad about her doing this and had yet to name her yet so, in order to “make it up” to minho, he allowed him to name her and… that’s how byulroo / roo came to be. their relationship kind of transcends time and space and a good portion of the tweets that jonghyun made on his twitter the first year or two after making it revolved around her in some way, shape or form. one of his first tweets involved him asking her to “shake it” repeatedly. some other examples of him fawning over her (or just showing her off): him speaking candidly about his concern about her urinary incontinence, him documenting a walk they took together, him showing how she waits for him at home when he’s coming back from blue night, and showing off one of her many talents. these are all pretty old, but… some more recent examples include: him showing her contempt toward him for having to get her nails trimmed, cradling her like she’s the most precious thing on earth while calling her unattractive, her distracting him from the songwriting process (and getting “pissed” at him when he didn’t pay attention to her), her trying to charm minho, jonghyun showcasing how she “whines” when he gets home from work and she’s been “missing” him, and calling her an “attention seeker”. he mentions her a lot on blue night…, like… a lot, and there’s no doubt that half of the mentions are skipped over on being translated. he’s talked about how she cries when he gets home from work, but also how he “walks away” from him when he tries to “talk” to her about his day. he’s also spoken of her daily worries (because he’s apparently completely in tune with / aware of them), and about how he believes there’s a possibility that they dream the same dreams because they sleep next to each other nightly. tl;dr: jonghyun loves roo a lot. it’s intensely obvious. like…, he wrote a part of a song about her, so.
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