shillelaghxsorcery · 9 hours
argumentative, confrontational dialogue … sentence starters
“Just open up. For once.”
“Oh my god, just grow up!”
“Don’t tell me to calm down!”
“Stop it, you’re being childish!”
“I told you I’m fine, stop asking.”
“Shut up! Shut up! Just shut up!”
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
“Don’t you owe me an explanation?”
“Why don’t you ever listen to anyone?”
“I’m so tired of listening to you lie, lie lie!”
“Stop, I don’t want to argue. Just let it go.”
“Stop talking down to me. I’ve had enough.”
“Why are you sneaking around here like that?”
“What made you think that any of this was ok?”
“Why… why would you say something like that?”
“Don’t tell me you’re happy. I can see you’re not.”
“You’ve got a lot of explaining to do. Start talking.”
“You’re not perfect! Stop pretending that you are!”
“Why does everything have to be a fight with you?”
“Have you ever told the truth about anything, ever?”
“Talk to me. That’s all I want. Just talk to me, please!”
“Just keep your mouth shut for one second. Just one.”
“Why are you acting like this? What’s gotten into you?”
“You expect me to believe you? After all you’ve done?”
“Can’t you just give it to me straight, for once in your life?”
“Tell me what’s been going on. I deserve that much from you.”
“Why are you always trying to stick your nose in my business?”
“You can’t keep secrets from everyone and expect them to trust you.”
“Something’s up with you, and I’m not letting you go until you tell me what it is.”
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shillelaghxsorcery · 14 hours
send 🛌 [bed] to tuck my muse(s) into bed. add ↩️ [reverse] for my muse(s) to tuck yours in.
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shillelaghxsorcery · 18 hours
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just some very important thorne content- eternallyl grateful to whoever made the myshka at camp mod so i can keep my son around
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shillelaghxsorcery · 18 hours
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“my, look at you: straight as an arrow, and right to the point every time.”
“no point in showing a mad dog kindness - it will still bite you in the end.” 
“i couldn’t help but overhear… well, all right. i could’ve helped, but didn’t.”
“hm, quite clever - and cruel, of course. but creatively so.” 
“get some rest. try not to dream about tying me up.” 
“well, it can’t hurt, i suppose - unless you embarrass me. then you might find yourself hurting in a whole manner of ways.” 
“i like to be on a first-name basis before i give someone a thrashing.”
“don’t get into trouble - but if you must, fetch me first.” 
“what a glorious celebration. hid-deep in gore.”
“brambles on bare skin aren’t as fun in practice, i’m afraid.” 
“hah! adorable. but your timing is awful.”
“there’s nothing like a stroll through some sewers to keep your sense of self-importance in check.” 
“that sounded more debonaire in my head, i’ll admit.”
“that’s a good way to get yourself killed, idiot.” 
“wait, just - give me a moment. i can manage, as long as you stay with me.” 
“why, thank you. always nice to have you tell me what is and what isn’t worthwhile.” 
“all we can do is try, i suppose.” 
“careful, she obviously sees your kindness as weakness. don’t let her take advantage.”
“silence can be very powerful, you know. especially when it saves our lives.” 
“as long as we have use for each other, i can bite my tongue and stay my blade.” 
“i’d hate to reward a kind gesture by breaking your fingers.” 
“i’d advise you find someone to taste your food from now on.” 
“gods, i hate clowns. i’m not even sure clowns like clowns.” 
“that man changes allegiances more frequently than a courtesan changes her bedsheets.”
“let me see to those wounds.”
“you know me, i’m not usually one to elaborate if i can avoid it.” 
“just look at this place… the evidence speaks for itself.” 
“if you want something from a person, you need to know when and where to squeeze.” 
“very well, perhaps there is potential in you.” 
“staying in this camp is making me… restless.” 
“think of how far we’ve come together. all the ways from the hells back to civilization.” 
“i was just starting to miss the sound of your voice.” 
“the message didn’t quite sink in, i see.” 
“cling to your torches and memories of the sun if you like. see how long you last without me.”
“there is no harm in a little hot-bloodedness. no harm at all, in fact...”
“don’t give me that look. i don’t know what just happened any more than you do.”
“i’ve looked worse… but i’ve definitely looked better.”
“aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?”
“how am i ever going to explain this in my prayers?”
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shillelaghxsorcery · 18 hours
( a collection of enemies to allies dialogue prompts. adjust phrasing as necessary.) feel free to make edits to better suit your muse, but please don’t edit or add on to the original post 🤍 if you like, please consider supporting me through tips, it's highly appreciated.
"I still don't like you, but we need to work together. Just… try not to get in my way."
"If you think this means we're friends now, you're delusional."
"I’m only helping you because I need you alive—don’t make me regret it."
"We may hate each other, but we hate them more. So, truce?"
"This doesn't mean I trust you. It just means we have the same enemy."
"You're the last person I want to rely on, but right now, you're all I've got."
"I never thought I’d be fighting alongside you. Feels weird, doesn’t it?"
"We make a surprisingly good team… let’s not talk about it."
"I still want to punch you in the face, but we have bigger problems right now."
"You think this changes anything between us? Think again. But thanks… I guess."
"Look, I don’t want to owe you anything. So let's call this even."
"Just because we’re working together doesn't mean I’ve forgotten what you did."
"I swear, once this is over, it’s back to hating each other. Deal?"
"I never thought I’d say this, but… I could use your help."
"It’s not like I had a choice—you were the only one who could pull this off."
"Don't get any ideas. This is temporary, and after we're done, it's back to being enemies."
"I don’t like you, you don’t like me. Let’s just get through this without killing each other."
"I’m only here because I need something from you. Don’t mistake this for kindness."
"Funny how the universe keeps throwing us together, huh? Almost like a sick joke."
"You’re the last person I want to see right now, but it seems I don’t have much of a choice."
"I’m starting to hate how well we work together. It’s unsettling."
"If anyone asks, this never happened. I wasn’t here, and we didn’t help each other."
"I didn’t think we’d ever be on the same side, but here we are… how does that feel?"
"I still think you're insufferable, but I suppose I could tolerate you… for now."
"This changes nothing between us. We're just two people with the same goal—for now."
"As much as I hate to admit it, I wouldn’t have survived without you back there."
"You think saving my life means I owe you? We’re still enemies, make no mistake."
"I don't want to be here any more than you do, so let’s make this quick."
"It doesn’t sit right with me, trusting you. But what choice do I have?"
"If we manage to pull this off together, you might just earn a sliver of my respect."
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shillelaghxsorcery · 20 hours
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"𝐥𝐢𝐥𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡" a collection of lines from the 2002 movie Lilo and Stitch.       ❛ i prefer to be called evil genius. ❜                ❛ does this look infected to you? ❜         ❛ what's going on down there? ❜         ❛ am i to assume you are the expert? ❜         ❛ it's sandwich day. ❜         ❛ you better not have rabies. ❜         ❛ hey! watch where you're going, stupidhead! ❜       ❛ leave me alone to die. ❜       ❛ you are so finished when i get in there. ❜       ❛ i thought we could sit out here and talk. ❜       ❛ you don't look like a social worker ❜       ❛ did you ever kill anyone? ❜       ❛ let me illuminate to you the precarious situation in which you have found yourself. ❜       ❛ i am the one they call when things go wrong. and things have indeed gone wrong. ❜       ❛ in case you're wondering, this did not go well. ❜       ❛ you have three days to change my mind. ❜       ❛ i shouldn't have yelled at you. ❜       ❛ your butt is crushing me. ❜       ❛ why do you act so weird? ❜       ❛ i have just discovered this situation to be far too hazardous! ❜       ❛ this is low even for you. ❜       ❛ that is the ugliest thing i have ever saw. ❜       ❛ oh, great, he's loose. ❜       ❛ you're loose in the house all the time, and i sleep just fine. ❜       ❛ it's nice to live on an island with no large cities. ❜       ❛ she likes your butt and fancy hair. ❜       ❛ your head looks... swollen. ❜       ❛ he's just cranky because it's his bedtime. ❜       ❛ don't pull on her head! she's recovering from surgery. ❜       ❛ you wreck everything you touch. ❜       ❛ no more caffeine for you. ❜       ❛ you're just jealous 'cause i'm pretty! ❜       ❛ i think it might be a koala. an evil koala. ❜       ❛ what must it be like to have nothing? not even memories to visit in the middle of the night... ❜       ❛ see? he's sad, because he's all alone and nobody wants him. ❜       ❛ thus far you have been adrift in the sheltered harbor of my patience. ❜       ❛ here. hold it like this and put your fingers here. ❜       ❛ this is the face of romance. ❜       ❛ she looks like she could use some lovin'. ❜       ❛ we've been having a bad day. ❜       ❛ this isn't what it looks like. ❜       ❛ do you dream about them? ❜       ❛ i hate the ocean! ❜       ❛ sometimes you try your hardest but things don't work out the way you want them to. sometimes things have to change. and maybe sometimes they're for the better. even if... ❜       ❛ oh, good. my dog found the chainsaw. ❜       ❛ this is not going to end well. ❜       ❛ you ruined everything. ❜       ❛ you're one of them? ❜       ❛ and here i thought you'd be difficult to catch. ❜       ❛ okay, talk. i know you had something to do with this. ❜       ❛ after all you put me through, you expect me to help you just like that? ❜       ❛ what exactly are we doing? ❜       ❛ oh, good. i was hoping to add theft, endangerment, and insanity to my list of things i did today. ❜       ❛ get off my ship! ❜       ❛ don't leave me, okay? ❜       ❛ you're vile! you're foul! you're flawed! ❜       ❛ nobody gets left behind. ❜       ❛ you came back. ❜       ❛ this is my family. i found it all on my own. ❜       ❛ i was afraid you were going to say that. ❜
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shillelaghxsorcery · 22 hours
Like this post for interactions from the druids
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Do you really think you can challenge me? (to whoever you want Cazador to torture)
"I can damn well try." Silvius snarled, his eyes glowing brightly. "For what you've done, you deserve far worse than I can ever deal out."
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@bearlydruid didnt ask for this but they're getting it tbh
As much as he could, Silvius had been avoiding the prospect until now. But he'd woken in a cold sweat (or more accurately a hot one) the night before and been unable to contain himself. He'd slinked away hoping nobody would notice, least of all Halsin, but he knew it was obvious to anyone with enhanced senses where he'd gone. He'd left a hell of a scent trail behind him, but if they hadn't already figured it out before, they would now. His uncontrollable yowling would tip them off...his tail flicked back and forth uncomfortably, and he let out another scream. What little hold he had left on his more human thoughts, his more together thoughts, he spared to curse his body as much as he was able, but his fury was no match for the need. Claws dug into the earth as he paced and paced endlessly, hackles up, ears down, teeth fully exposed as the terrifying sounds passed through his lips. (After all, cougars were known for their screams.) His slight form moved around the small clearing, very nearly creating a low spot in the dirt from how often he'd paced. He wasn't even sure Halsin would want this-he hadn't even broached the topic, though he knew it was inevitable-he wasn't even sure he wanted it...but his body sure did. His body was insatiable. He needed. Experienced as he was in woodland vocalizations, he knew Halsin would know exactly what he was hearing, and the sound carried. All he could do was ride things out as best he could. He let out another scream, and suddenly all he could think about was smell and pack and safe and mate and NEED. He clambered to the top of the nearest tree, desperate for the noise to carry as far as it could, sticking his nose into the slight breeze and taking in a large breath.
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How long do we have?
You remember when I told you that one day we’d have that big adventure?
Go wait in the car.
Where are we going?
Pain only makes you stronger, remember?
Don’t touch (pronoun)!
You’re gonna take care of each other.
You’re embarrassing yourself. It looks desperate.
I lived a lot of lives before I met you.
What did I do?
You’re in my bed.
I’m actually better on my own.
People who have friends don’t call me.
What’s all this junk?
I’m a better shot when I’m pissed off.
I know you’re out there.
Are we gonna talk like grown-ups?
I came here because I thought you wouldn’t.
We’re not really talking right now.
And you checked the body? Confirmed the kill?
I’ve got you.
Where are my keys?
Okay, any time now, please.
I love the part where I almost bled to death.
The truth rarely makes sense when you omit key details.
Where did you think I was all this time?
I was trying to be more than just a trained killer.
You’re fully conscious, but you don’t know what part is you.
Is that all there is left?
What is your story?
You’re going to give me some big hero speech, I can feel it.
I’ve never had control over my own life before, and now I do.
I’ll make it up to you.
Just don’t make a scene.
Get me closer.
This would be a cool way to die.
You cannot kill a fox that swift.
So. Are we there yet?
Let’s have a drink.
If you got soft, it wasn’t on my watch.
I didn’t say anything. That’s not fair.
We played our roles to perfection.
The best part of my life was fake and you never told me.
I came in here because I didn’t want to talk.
It’s best not to look into the past.
Why are you doing this?
Tell me, how did you keep your heart?
I thought I was being brave.
I only have one ear-piece set.
Is the safety on?
You seem desperate to impress me.
We need to go back.
I know you’re still in there, and I’m not gonna leave you.
Don’t do it.
This was fun.
It was real to me, too.
I am clearly injured.
Go on, say it. I want to hear it.
You’re not supposed to be bothering me on my holiday time.
I’ve got your next target.
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Villainous Things
Prompts for kicking off angsty interactions with villainous muses
Do you really think you can challenge me?
I will make you bow.
Your fear is my ecstasy.
When will you realize that you can never win?
I always win, that is why I am your Master.
Don't meddle in the affairs of those above your station, do I make myself clear?
You do look so beautiful on the brink of death.
Shall I make this death quick and painless?
I think I would rather make you suffer.
You can try to run all you like, I will always find you in the end.
How do you like being my new favorite toy?
I can never love you, I will never love you, I will only hurt you and enjoy every minute of it.
You are beneath me and not even worthy of my attention.
You won't get away with this, I swear!
On my honor, I will strike you down.
You are nothing but a cruel tyrant trying to control innocent people!
I will never agree to your terms, you foul creature!
How can you call yourself a King when you cause so much suffering?
Do you think yourself above morality?
No, I will not submit, I will fight you!
With every ounce of my courage, I will strike down your evil!
You have done wretched things, but I am not above showing you mercy.
There is no second chance for the likes of you.
To think, I once trusted you, called you my friend!
Your betrayal hurts worse than anything else you could do to me.
If you do this, we can never be friends again, you will be my enemy always.
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i love this stupid idiot
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he <3
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I feel we're sleeping a bit on the sheer comedic possibilities of Thaniel just hanging out at camp for a while. He's an immortal nature spirit in the body of a third grader. He kind of has an evil twin (not really evil tho I love you Ollie). His best friend is the guy who quit his incredibly important druid job to go on a road trip with some weirdos.
I'm just picturing this cute, quiet little kid sitting peacefully at camp and occasionally saying the most off-the-cuff shit you've ever heard. Gale's cooking dinner and Thaniel is like "I can hear the spirits of the deer you hunted for this, they said to add more pepper." Or yawning in the morning like "I'm amazed any of you could sleep last night considering how much these trees are screaming." No one really knows how to react except Halsin, who just chuckles like "Oh, classic Thaniel."
(On a more personal note: my tav Kestrel has two extremely weird, adorable little sisters back home, so her attitude when meeting Thaniel is "if not my new baby bro, then why small and cute and unsettling?" She befriends him right away and they end up just hanging out and saying weird stuff to each other, which is one of the top 3 reasons Halsin falls for her lmao)
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shillelaghxsorcery · 2 days
Eepy sleeby
"And when's the last time you slept?"
"Nightmares again?"
"I saw you yawning."
"Let me grab a blanket."
"You have to rest."
"I know, I know, it's hard. Just ... lay down, close your eyes. Please?"
"Did you fall asleep at work again?"
"I just want a nap."
"It's cold, and I don't want to get up."
"Noooo the blanket is waaaarm."
"I'm up, I'm up... okay, I'm not up."
"mmnhooo im .. mm"
"Knock it off, you're drooling on me."
"I'm just ... so tired..."
"I'm comfy, I'm cozy, I'm not getting up and you can't make me!"
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shillelaghxsorcery · 2 days
List of “you had a nightmare? there, I’ve got you” prompts 
Requested by: Anonymous Request: “any chance you could prompts A telling their friends that they have a crush on B?” 
“There, there. It’s okay. I’m right here.”
“It’s fine, it was just a dream.. Nothing more than that. You’ll be okay.”
“You’re okay. I’ve got you.”
“Did you want to talk about it?”
“You’re trembling, love.”
“Oh, you poor thing.”
“Come on, let’s make you a cup of tea to calm your nerves.”
Character A pulling Character B into a silent hug, fingers stroking through their hair, soft words of comfort falling from their lips. Character B clutching onto Character’s A shirt, tear-stained cheeks buried on their chest; breathing heavily into the fabric. 
“I’m here with you. It’s going to be okay. Just follow what I do, okay? Breathe in, breathe out…” 
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Join my Discord server: Steaming Dumplings Nation
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shillelaghxsorcery · 2 days
List of “first time” prompts
Requested by: Anonymous Request: “first time prompts” 
“Fuck, I’ve never— I’ve never done this before—“ “That’s fine. We can take it slow. It’s all about you, okay?”
“Are you sure about this?” Character A whispers. Character B nods, swallowing in both nervousness and anticipation. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m sure. I’ve never been more sure about something.”
“We’re both so new to this,” Character A groans, eliciting soft laughter from Character B. “That’s what makes this all the more better, no?” Character B says, pulling Character A in. “Because we get to experience this newness together.” 
“That— I didn’t know I could make those noises.” (Neither did I, you ain't special-)
“I’m so embarrassed—” “It’s okay, you don’t have to be embarrassed with me. It’s a safe space, okay?”
“If it’s too much, tell me. I don’t want you being overwhelmed okay? And I don’t want you forcing yourself to do anything you’re not comfortable with.” 
“We don’t have to do this if you’re not ready…” Character B murmurs, and Character A shakes their head, arms only tightening around Character B’s neck. “I’m ready. And I trust you,” Character A says, pulling them down for a kiss by the nape of their neck. 
“I don’t know if I can do this.” “That’s okay. We don’t have to do this. You want to cuddle instead?” 
“…Um, was that supposed to happen?”
“Wait, wait, wait— that’s the wrong hole—”
“Shit, that was… That was a lot.”
Character A letting out an unrestrained whimper and then slapping a hand over their mouth, cheeks reddening in embarrassment, and Character B chuckling softly, leaning down to press a kiss to their blushing cheek. (CAN I JUST SAY THIS SHIT IS SO FUCKINGR RENGKREL’NG’KLN Yes. FUCKING JUST- oop-) 
The laughter and teasing between them makes them both relax into each other. 
“Is this okay?” “Yeah, that— that’s okay. Please— keep going.”
“I don’t— I don’t think I can last any longer, fuck, please—”
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