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shiguresxhma · 5 years ago
/ not that anyone cares, but I moved to a multi :’3 
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shiguresxhma · 6 years ago
Okay I know you mentioned Shigure liking to "play house" with the people now living with him, do you have any headcannons about the four of them doing cute domestic stuff together. I just love this weird little family okay!
family dinners!!
movie nights!!
ooh! imagine a storm taking the power out and they gotta light candles and get the flash lights to stay safe and entertained in the dark house ! Shigure tells a scary story and it spooks Tohru so that’s enough of that. Maybe he tells some more old Sohma stories but keeps them from being spooky for Tohru’s sake. And I bet Tohru has memories of activities she would do with her mom to get through powerless nights like this !! Like making shadow puppets or something so they all start making shadow puppets and the boys’ hearts are so warmed ☺️
or one of my personal favs is just imagining them all going out to eat. “table for four” it’s this unmarried 20 something and his three misfit teenagers. like ... give me my weird family dinner at applebees ... Shigure tells the server that it’s Kyo’s birthday ... disaster ensues. Shit like that. 
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shiguresxhma · 6 years ago
I just wanted to tell you that reading all of your character analyses has made it a lot easier to adjust to college life because it makes me happy when I'm feeling lonely. I love Fruits Basket so much and it's really nice to read more about the characters from the perspective of someone who has a wonderful grasp of their thoughts and motivations. I want to know everything you have to say about Shigure and Yuki's dynamic, especially around the time Shigure took him in. Keep up the good work!
/ UM ??? HELLO ???? YOU ARE SO KIND !!!! Thank you so much for saying such kind words, and I am elated that my little ramblings could help you through something as trying as adjusting to college life!!! 
Yuki and Gure’s dynamic is one that I’ve talked about a lot and one that is so important to me. I could link some previous posts but at this point, after archiving I cannot tell if the posts are on my Yuki blog or here on Gure .... so I guess I’ll just TL;DR 
A lot of my thoughts and feelings are shared with and better articulated by my dear friend who has been writing a YukiKyo fic with this really great Shigure pov chapter that is a pretty in depth look at this dynamic specifically! (plugplugplug I guess). I have to give credit where credit is due, because her headcanons are 2 good. 
ANYWAY, it was undoubtedly incredibly awkward for the two of them when Yuki first moved in. Yuki and Shigure barely knew each other. Interestingly enough, the three closest people to Shigure, Ayame, Hatori, and Akito all have such distinct relationships with Yuki. The younger brother, a huge source of regret, and of course the God’s favorite little zodiac. Shigure really only would have been able to see Yuki through their eyes until getting to know the rat himself. Yuki likely shared a similar indifference about the dog --- he’s his brother’s and Hatori’s best friend, and he would often see him with Akito. So needless to say, Shigure and Yuki weren’t close. 
By the time Yuki moves in with Gure in canon, Shigure has already been living in his house off the estate and I have the mightiest gut feeling that Haru asking for Yuki to live with him was the greatest opportunity that he could have been granted, because now he could take the rat away from God, too. So like ... I’m not saying that Gure deciding to let Yuki live with him was a completely selfish gesture but I’m just saying ... he got something out of it other than a new, awkward housemate. And, like I said, I think it was a good while before they were comfortable around each other. It’s easy to see Yuki keeping to himself and barely leaving his bedroom, or if he ever did, managing to do so when Shigure was too busy to spot him. 
What broke the ice was most likely the fact that Yuki could live how he wanted to with Shigure. He wasn’t being coddled or treated like some porcelain trophy child, he was staying up late in his trashed bedroom eating junk food. I’ve mentioned before entertaining the concept of an AU where Hatori basically pulls a Shishou and takes Yuki in himself (because I also adore their relationship & that is a separate topic altogether) but in all honesty Shigure was the perfect person for Yuki to live with. Yeah, Shigure is still a zodiac Sohma so it’s not like Yuki was completely out of the cage. But, Shigure was one of the few who doesn't fear Akito. He has such an independence about him when it comes to the zodiac’s relationship to God and Yuki needed that figure in his life. Someone who could revere Akito in a way that wasn’t this big scary monster sitting on a throne of entitlement. So, despite being in another Sohma home, there was an element of disconnect there under Shigure’s roof. Shigure is a very realistic guy who is arguably one of the most grounded characters in Fruits Basket. He wasn’t looking to coddle or smother Yuki as some newfound parental figure, he was just ... living with his housemate respectfully and treating him like an adult. 
I probably could have phrased this better, but yeah. Shigure was the best possible person Yuki could have lived with before meeting Tohru Honda and learning how to spread his wings (or lil rat arms, I guess). 
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shiguresxhma · 6 years ago
hannah im lov u
VI!!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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shiguresxhma · 6 years ago
You mentioned Ayame having opinions related to akigure's relationship; I'd love to hear what you think would go through his mind when he sees them together.
/ So full disclosure this is all according to my perfect dream land scenario and HEADCANON .......... like .... opinion only. But, basically for starters, Aya’s relationship to and feelings regarding Akito are pretty ... indifferent. Ayame has been one of if not THE most independent zodiac member who’s made a life for himself apart from the curse and apart from the family. He just dipped from the estate when he could / wanted to, started his own business, and has this girlfriend who KNOWS about the curse and it’s all under wraps. Ayame has established that he’s not afraid of Akito however we can infer that there IS a touch of respect there because Akito is one of the few Aya will prepare tea for, and at the end of the day Ayame is still a zodiac and Akito is still God. (Though I’m pretty sure it was confirmed that Akito doesn’t care for Aya and his energy much...). So their relationship is arguably one of the most estranged as far as Akito’s influence on her zodiac goes. 
SECONDLY, this convo kind of came up with @fangedsnake who’s take is everything to me: under the impression that Aya is well aware of the darker nuances of Shigure’s personality and his feelings for and intentions regarding Akito, Aya would just kind of be like, “...why her?” He’ll respect his friend’s desires and wishes as Shigure is so near and dear to him but I am SURE Aya is just like ... you know when your het friend gets into another relationship with a partner where it’s like “why them???? you could do better? I don’t see where this is coming from?” like that. 
Lastly, we never really see Aya’s take on Akito’s reconciliation with the rest of the zodiac, and presumably he’s just... in his own lane and cool as a cucumber about it??? But Akito is still the one responsible for Yuki’s torment and Hatori’s eye injury so for Aya to let Akito “off the hook” just like that is um ... I’m not really buying it. 
So for his best friend to romantically pursue and marry Akito of all people? Aya would be civil but I can’t shake the feeling he’d be like, “really?” about it. 
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shiguresxhma · 6 years ago
" Sensei, you need to calm the hell down."
❝ Hm? I’m completely calm.  ❞
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shiguresxhma · 6 years ago
/ comes out of inactivity to say what i’ve said before but you know it’s pretty preposterous that Shigure & Akito lived ‘happily ever after’ and Ayame just ... had nothing really to say about that at all because he would have had OPINIONS...
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shiguresxhma · 6 years ago
I am very handsome. Sometimes I look in the mirror and think to myself “I have committed horrible acts” 
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shiguresxhma · 6 years ago
You mentioned wanting to see someone deck Shigure for what he does in the story, but which charachter most deserves to do the decking? Do they all form a line???
/ I think Tohru rightfully deserves to do the decking tbqh like how fresh would THAT be!? Second most deserving I think would be Hatori because Hatori was that voice of reason the entire time who had to deal with Shigure’s bullshit on a whole other level. Imagine the catharsis...but Hatori would never. I bet you though he’d take a lil bit of smug joy in seeing the mutt get wrecked or at the very least if he didn’t see it happen he’d probably patch him up and the thought of Hatori treating Shigure for his freshly deserved fist to the face makes me so happy. 
Though I think the most likely to actually deck Shigure would be Kyo or Yuki (on behalf of Tohru) followed closely by Kagura who actually threatened to do so and never did and I’m SAD about that :’( 
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shiguresxhma · 6 years ago
Shigure and Ayame: And once again, the mabudachi trio saved the day!
Kyo: You didn’t do anything. It was all Hatori.
Shigure and Ayame: We’re a package deal. Everyone knows that.
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shiguresxhma · 6 years ago
You do such an awesome job portraying Shigure, and I was wondering if there was anything you'd change about his characterization in canon if you could?
/ FIRST OF ALL, thank you so much??? I’m literally just a girl trying her best and I’m glad every time I hear that my efforts pay off ; - ;
And second of all, this is a good question. My big two amendments are 1) I want to see him cry & or get decked for being such an ass. He should have seen some repercussions from all the nasty strings he tugged throughout the series. 2) I wished he didn’t quit writing, just took a hiatus. Oh and 3) I wish, with all of my absolute heart that he loved Akito for some other reason than just “I dreamed of you.” Like gimme more to work with that doesn’t sound like a whole crock of shit.  
Other than that, I don’t think I would change much. Not even the grittier stuff. I like Shigure for who he is, it’s the circumstantial things about him that I do not care for.
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shiguresxhma · 6 years ago
"I really don't agree with you 99.9% of the time but I TRUST you."
❝ And that’s ... all I could ask for. ❞
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shiguresxhma · 6 years ago
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Three of them @hatori-sohma
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shiguresxhma · 6 years ago
Why does Shigure care wether or not Kyo and Yuki get along? He seems to push them into trying to understand one another, but is that because there's something to gain for him or because he just likes to stir things up? You have such a lovely way of breaking down his thoughts and feelings, I'd love to hear what you think about this.
/ You are so kind omg, thank you for saying that! 
This is very interesting because I almost wrote, “Shigure doesn’t care whether they get along or not”  which ... is kind of true but also a little more complicated than that. As human beings, I really doubt Shigure cares about whether or not Yuki and Kyo get along (I mean, aside from the woes regarding the destruction of his house, lol). But, as the cat and the rat? It’s not so much that he thinks it’s sweet or progressive for Yuki and Kyo to get along, but to witness first hand the effect that Tohru has on the two of them, that dissolves tensions just enough for the two of them to “get along” as noticeably as they do? It’s interesting. 
Yuki and Kyo, more than any of the other zodiac members, have this relationship that is very defined by the curse. Kyo hates and blames Yuki, makes him out to be this villain in his life, because he’s the rat. And it’s all the rat’s fault that the cat is this down trodden disgrace of the zodiac. Now, this has ... a lot to do with Kyo’s upbringing and his surroundings and the counter productive way he deals with his trauma. Yuki, on the other hand did not grow up with these stories about how the cat ruined his life, but Kyo’s bias towards him was just so powerful that he had really no other way to interact with Kyo other than to dish right back whatever he served. They didn’t have a moment like Yuki did with Haru when he could say, “well ... you’re not stupid so clearly those adults are wrong and the old story doesn’t define you” to where Haru could reciprocate with, “the old story doesn’t define you, either.” Yuki and Kyo did NOT have that. So their relationship is so storybook cat and rat with the big bad culprit being the curse’s overall influence on their lives. 
takes a breath
Okay. Now that we’ve established how their inability to get along has nothing to do with who they are as people but who they were literally born to be (the cat & the rat), enter Shigure who has felt this curse cracking for a while and thrives off of every instance where someone is “breaking the mold.” He wants this curse to break, and throughout the series we see how he pokes at all the probable nerves to do it. Shigure doesn’t really know what he’s doing, it’s not like he has some grand answer as to how the curse will break but he knows it’s starting to and he can only take each and every sign as something significant. So, to see Yuki and Kyo even just tolerating each other in the slightest due to the influence of an outsider, that’s good news to him. 
Also, on whether or not Shigure has anything to gain from being an ass to Yuki and Kyo, I talked about it in super detail on my personal blog so I’m just gonna link that here. ( X ) I hope this answers your question ? ? ? Thank you for the ask! 
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shiguresxhma · 6 years ago
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shiguresxhma · 6 years ago
Shigure do you like putting up with Ayame?
❝ That’s a strange question to ask. I wouldn’t refer to ‘genuinely enjoying his company’ as ‘putting up’ with him. If you’re in need of a thesaurus, I own several. ❞
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shiguresxhma · 6 years ago
" Gure ! listen, I think we should go get something to eat. Hari isn't answering my calls so I think we should just show up and steal him away ! "
What’s this? A chance to take a break from his work and dine with his two favorites --- and of course, the mutt would never pass up an opportunity to pay the good doctor a surprise visit. It could always be assumed that their dear friend was in dire need of a lunch break himself. ❝ A wonderful idea. Let me grab my shoes. ❞
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