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Welcome to Shifting Help!
The official r/realityshifting subreddit's server!
Currently THE MOST INFORMATIVE server across all media
I made this server a while ago to serve the purpose to give the right information to shifters across the world !
We are currently working on an international community
Here's a little sneak peek :
✨️Shifting, Law of Assumption, Astral Projection, lucid dream, witchcraft and many more!
MasterLists (methods, void state, astral projection, lucid dreams etc..)
This includes exclusive methods from our members that shifted with them
Learn how to lucid dream and astral project with experienced staff
✨️ Other server's archives and Herbology forum
We are partnering with other servers and got archives of their informations
Learn how to use herbology in order to aid your journey!
> ✨️ Active staff ready to help!
Our server has experienced people here to help you. We also are moderating actively to avoid antis and trolls.
✨️ Healthy Community
Unlike many media such as Tiktok, Reddit or Instagram, this discord server isn't a toxic place. We won't judge you for asking the same questions as we have a dedicated channel to it + a Misconception and Frequent questions for you to learn the basics
✨️A venting channel
For those who needs to get things out of their chests.
And shifting buddies to accompany you during your journey!
✨And many incoming !
🪩What we're looking for :
> 🇫🇷 French-English Moderators
> 🇪🇸 Spanish-English moderators
> ✨️ Other discord servers to partner with (shifting servers)
Hope you will enjoy this server and have a good time there !!
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Ilex Guayusa
Guayusa (“gwhy-you-sah”) is a caffeinated holly species that grows only in the upper Amazon basin of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Historical records suggest that leaves from guayusa have been used and traded since at least 500 CE.i Traditionally, indigenous societies, such as the Amazonian Kichwa, brew guayusa leaves much like tea. However, guayusa is not related to Camellia Sinensis used to make green or black tea varieties. Instead, guayusa is a cousin plant to yerba mate and contains an intricate makeup of antioxidants and caffeine.
Guayusa tea contains high concentrations of caffeine, amino acids, vitamins, and antioxidants. The flavor of guayusa is similar to the South American drink yerba mate. Unlike yerba mate, guayusa doesn't have any bitter notes. It is grassy and rich with a gentle sweet flavor. Guayusa also has slight fruity flavors and a creamy texture.
What does it do
Boosting Energy
This South American tea is famous for its boosting energy levels. Guayusa is a common ingredient in energy drinks in America. This tea can help boost mental clarity and increase physical energy. Guayusa has caffeine content that is higher than black tea, but lower than a strong cup of coffee.
Guayusa also contains the amino acid L-theanine, which releases caffeine more smoothly and evenly. This helps to eliminate the spikes and drops associated with coffee consumption.
Guayusa also contains the alkaloids theobromine and theophylline. Both of these chemical compounds are known stimulants that help to improve concentration and increase energy.
Full of nutrients
Guayusa tea is known as a healthy elixir thanks to its composition of a host of nutrients. Guayusa contains essential amino acids that improve mood and induce relaxation. This tea also has twice as many antioxidants as green tea.
Antioxidants have been shown to boost cardiovascular health and the immune system. These antioxidants also prevent premature aging, protect the nervous system from degenerative diseases
Side effects
Guayusa is safe for adults in moderate amounts. Since guayusa has high amounts of caffeine and stimulant properties, it is unsuitable for young children. Make sure to drink guayusa in moderate amounts to avoid negative effects from high levels of caffeine. Excess caffeine can cause high blood pressure, jitters, upset stomach, and anxiety. Do not drink guayusa if you have a sensitivity to caffeine.
How to Brew Guayusa
1. Pour fresh, cold water into a large pot or a tea kettle. Use only pure, spring or unfiltered water for the best flavor.
2. Bring the water to a roiling boil and remove from heat.
3. Add 1 tablespoon or 2 grams of dried guayusa tea leaves to a tea gourd. Pour the hot water on the leaves and steep for 4 to 7 minutes. Brew up to 10 minutes for a stronger brew.
4. Guayusa can also be consumed as an iced tea. Brew as directed and cool to room temperature. Place in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 hours before serving in tall glasses with ice.
Why it can be useful for lucid dreaming/shifting
Caffeine stimulates the acetylcholine neurotransmitter which is the neurotransmitter for lucid dreaming. Drinking Guayusa tea and then taking a nap (can be taken during wake back to bed but make sure to be able to oversleep). On the paper it could be a great tool, i have yet to try this herb personally as my tincture is still preparing.
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African Dream Root
What is African dream root?
Silene undulata (Xhosa: iindlela zimhlophe—"white ways/paths", also known as Silene capensis, and African dream root) is a plant native to the Eastern Cape of South Africa.
Silene undulata is regarded by the Xhosa people as a sacred plant. Its root is traditionally used to induce vivid (and according to the Xhosa, prophetic) lucid dreams during the initiation process of traditional healers, classifying it a naturally occurring oneirogen similar to the more well-known dream herb Calea zacatechichi.
What does it do?
The main effect that everyone taking silene capensis will receive is an improved quality of sleep. Those who take this regularly will find they wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead. It can also have you waking up earlier, only needing 6 hours sleep to fully rejuvenate – 6 hours is seen as the healthiest amount of time to sleep by general scientific consensus.
Silene capensis can induce vivid and much more memorable dreams when used; but this is much rarer and will only effect some people. It can also induce a stimulating effect in some users, giving them even extra energy upon waking – but this is anecdotal.
Preparation and dosage
Traditionally, the dried root of silene capensis was pulverized into water to create a white foam. This foam was then ingested before sleeping. Because this has always historically been the way silene capensis has been consumed, most places across the internet will recommend you do the same. We have found that the best way to take it is to grind it into a powder and place it in capsules for direct consumption. This is a much more efficient way of administering and absorbing the dose.
When creating tablets, it‘s best to consume 500mg – 3g a day, during the course of a few days. It has been reported that it might take a few days for effects to be felt.
It is also worth noting that when taking silene capensis for the first time, you will want to start at 500mg, or possibly even less, until you have gotten used to it. Also, the effects don’t necessarily increase with higher dosages, for this reason, the most standard dose tends to be 1g of powder.
The active ingredient of silene capensis is thought to be triterpenoid saponins. These not only effect the sleep, but are also known to be a viral inhibitor, an antioxidant and reduce cholesterol.
The exact chemical composition of silene capensis is still under investigation and very little research has done into its active ingredients.
This plant enhances the acetylcholine neurotransmitters, it's best to take it every 2-3 days (twice a week)
Because there’s a lack of research on the safety and side effects of taking African dream root, it’s difficult to analyze the potential downsides of consuming the plant.
However, the African dream root plant contains saponins, which form a foam-like substance when mixed with water. If you consume them in excess, saponins may irritate the lining of your digestive tract and cause vomiting.
In addition, people who have taken doses of African dream root that were larger than the typical amount have reported experiencing disturbing or confusing dreams.
If you’re considering taking African dream root, it’s best to speak with a healthcare professional beforehand, especially if you’re taking medications or have any preexisting health conditions.
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Huperzine A
*your new way to induce lucid dreams*
So what is Huperzine A?
Huperzine A is a chemical that comes from Chinese club moss (Huperzia serrata) or fir club moss (Huperzia selago) plants. It can also be made in a lab.
Huperzine A was identified for medicinal use by scientists at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the 1980s. It increases levels of a chemical called acetylcholine. This seems to help treat diseases that interfere with memory and thinking.
People use huperzine A to improve memory and mental function in people with Alzheimer disease or other types of dementia. It is also used for depression, schizophrenia, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.
Possibly Effective for:
- Alzheimer disease. Taking huperzine A by mouth for up to 6 months might improve memory, thinking skills, and behavior in people with Alzheimer disease.
- Lucid dreaming, as it increases the level of Acetylcholine, the neurotransmitters of lucidity within dreams.
There is interest in using huperzine A for a number of other purposes, but there isn't enough reliable information to say whether it might be helpful.
When taken by mouth: Huperzine A is possibly safe when taken for less than 6 months. It can cause some side effects including nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, dry mouth, constipation, sweating, and blurred vision.
Dangers :
Slow heart rate or other heart diseases: Huperzine A can slow the heart rate. This might be a problem for people who already have a slow heart rate or other heart conditions. If you have heart disease, check with your healthcare provider before using huperzine A
So what's so good about Huperzine A ?
Basically induce extremely long vivid dreams.
In my personal experience, it induces lucid dreams directly, no transition between awake and dream at all, I do not notice myself falling asleep and I just randomly perform a reality check, I am dreaming and perfectly lucid.
I could also induce astral projection, get aware of hypnogogic state and sleep paralysis.
It is commonly used in the lucid dreaming community.
How to correctly use Huperzine A ?
Do not take if you have a medical prescription
My recommendation for max effect is to take 100mcg after 7-8 hours of sleep. Basically oversleep and it's extremely good.
Huperzine A stays within the body for 24 hours.
Only take ONCE a week or else you will develop temporary resistance. To undo this, you must not take anything that enhances the acetylcholine neurotransmitters for 2 weeks.
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Artemisia vulgaris
Mugwort has traditionally been used to soothe anxiety, as well as calm folks who are recovering from traumas like a seizure or drug overdose. Due to its calming nature, mugwort is often associated with sleep; however, its effects on dreams are what mugwort is most known for.
it is said that mugwort helps the dreamer remember their dreams easier. It is also said to help increase awareness during dreams, stimulate lucid dreaming, and increase psychic sensitivity. Mugwort is believed to initiate clarity of the dream experience and bring awareness to the dream’s purpose in waking life. It is known as a visionary herb that opens one to dreams of the future.
Mugwort has been classified as an herbal oneirogen, which is a plant that produces or enhances dream-like states of consciousness. Unfortunately, most of the oneirogenic benefits of mugwort have not been scientifically confirmed due to lack of funding in research.
How to take it and dosage
- Tea: 1 tablespoon of fresh or dried leaves in 250-300ml of warm or cold water. Leave it there for 15-20mins. Drink before bed, but ideally during WBTB.
- Tincture: 10-25 droplets depending on your tolerance.
- Capsules: often found in 300-450mg
## my personal experience
Mugwort did enhance my dreams' vividness as well as the colors and dream story/lore
But overall I didn't become lucid using this. I've only tried a few times so I need more practice with this plant.
Can be paired with blue lotus.
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Calea Zacatechichi
Calea Zacatechichi is a Mexican herb that is largely associated with vivid and lucid dreaming.
Traditionally used by Mexican shamans, Calea Zacatechichi has been used by dream walkers for thousands of years to gain insight and guidance from the spirits. It allowed the shaman to acquire information from their subconscious, in order to be the guiding hand of their people in the waking world. This is how this herb has become known as the “Dream Herb” in today's society, and is one of the best supplements available to those looking to have a lucid dream.
There is very little research into the chemical composition of Calea Zacatechichi. The research that has been done shows that it contains large amounts of both flavones1 and sesquiterpene lactones2. Whilst a psychoactive compound of unknown structure is confirmed to be present; it is caleicine and caleochromene, sesquiterpene compounds, that are presumed to be the sleep altering compounds in question. It is unfortunate, but not much is understood about the dream inducing herb.
What it does
When taken, Calea Zacatechichi will open the mind of your sleeping state. It has very little noticeable impact on the waking mind, with a small potential to make colors look more vivid and sounds more distinct. It is when in your deepest depths of slumber that Calea Zacatechichi has the most effect. Some people have reported being taken to bizarre alien worlds or futuristic worlds. Calea Zacatechichi unlocks the hidden creativity of your subconscious, making you much more likely to have a lucid dream.
It is worth noting that Calea Zacatechichi does not directly induce lucid dreaming. It is a dreaming stimulant, making your dreams much more interesting, memorable and vivid. It acts as a great aid to lucid dreaming, making it a lot easier to slip into one. Calea Zacatechichi also allows you to participate prolonged stretches of dreams; these may only actually be 30-60 minutes in real time, but feel like hours, maybe even days in dream world. Even people who can lucid dream without this aid appreciate Calea Zacatechichi for its ability to really enhance the experience.
It enhances the acetylcholine neurotransmitters, allowing you to dream vividly easily. If you're experienced, it'll give you effortless lucid dreams
Dosage and how to take it
My personal recommendation would be making a tincture out of it.
I personally take 15-20 droplets but take only 5-10 just to see how you react to it first.
You can take it as a tea, but I'll wish you good luck with the taste : it's the most bitter thing I've ever tasted in my entire life.
Also, only take it two or three times a week, not in a row, or else you'll build tolerance to it
My personal experience with this
Calea is definitely one of my favorite out there as I've had many good experiences, the only thing I can note is that my dreams were a bit more messy and anxious. With a bit of meditation it goes away, I'd use the WILD method with it and not even notice the transition between awake and dreaming haha

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Why Reducing/stopping caffeine can help your dreaming/spiritual journey
Hello, my name is ShiftingDiet and I'm here today to tell you about my journey about bettering my physical health and how it has affected my dreams.
Take note I've been diagnosed with a lot of deficiencies that have many bad effects on my brain/optic nerves especially.
I'm mostly deficient in B1 B3 B9 B12 and B6
But I'll get to that in another post. Today I'm here to talk about how stopping/reducing caffeine has affected me especially
So I've always been drinking coca cola, and I read that caffeine enhances the acetylcholine neurotransmitters, but you can build a bad tolerance to it, meaning that caffeine doesn't do anything to you anymore, that's why you might feel tired after drinking your usual coffee, energy drink or soda, it's because the caffeine isn't doing anything to you anymore...
I used to drink ~90cl a day so basically 90mg of caffeine a day.... I switched to Coca Cola Zero Zero (yes that's a thing..) without sugar and without caffeine....and okay, here's my report;
So I didn't feel much on my first day, lately I've been doing only 20cl of normal cola and the rest are no caffeine at all
I've been feeling very tired, irritated, and just drowsy all the time. Those are symptoms of withdrawal, they usually last 48 hours, but can last until two weeks for those who take more.
400mg is the maximal dosage for an adult daily, over that, it is dangerous for your kidneys and health overall, so I was far from that
Here comes the benefits, I fall asleep easily, and my thoughts aren't racing in my brain anymore.
For dreams? Well. I get lucid dreams randomly now without waking up beforehand. This week I've had 4-5 lucid dreams without doing anything? So I definitely concluded it's from that.
Take notes, also, that I'm already experienced in lucid dreams, I'd mostly use WILD and DILD. But I decided to take a break and my dreams came back naturally with no effort... So I thought I'd write about it
Here are some details about what caffeine does to you :
When consumed, caffeine blocks the action of adenosine, a chemical in your brain that promotes sleep and relaxation. Caffeine also increases the activity of the neurotransmitters dopamine and adrenaline, which can improve your mood, alertness, and cognitive performance. Unsurprisingly, these changes make you feel more awake and less likely to fall asleep.
The effects of caffeine can vary depending on the individual and can take up to 45 minutes to take effect and can last up to six hours.
In healthy people, caffeine has a half life of about 5 hours, however it can vary from 2-8 hours depending on your genetics, lifestyle and if you take certain medications.
For an average healthy person, consuming 200 mg of caffeine at 12 pm will mean they’ll still have around 100 mg in their system at 5 pm and 50 mg in their system at 10 pm, which for some people is enough to negatively impact their sleep.
There is evidence to suggest that fast metabolisers don’t experience reductions in sleep quality or duration when consuming caffeine close to bedtime. However, if you know that’s not the case for you, it’s important not to consume caffeine within 6 hours of your bedtime, to allow enough time for the effects to wear off before trying to sleep.
The latest time you can take caffeine will vary depending on if you’re a slow or fast metabolizer. Slower metabolizers should not consume their last caffeine dose within 10 hours of their bedtime.
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