shiftermutts · 7 years
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shiftermutts · 7 years
She smiled, "Let's tip him over, and we can start with the peeling. Where do you want to start on him?" She was thinking maybe the chest, or the groin, or the butt. Something painful. Probably torso.
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Snow had finally found the guy who killed her father and she was finally getting her revenge on the bastard. “You took him from me!” She growled, smacking the guy. She didn’t hear her love come home or into the room where she held him hostage.
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Originally posted by tay-york
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shiftermutts · 7 years
“You have a good point, love,” she says as she takes off her own shoes and rolls up her pants. “We do, I’ll go get them, and you can tip him over.” She walked out of the room, and found the garb in a closet, pulling out the two sets and bringing them back. She comes back to a tipped chair and hands one set to Snow.
Open rp
Snow had finally found the guy who killed her father and she was finally getting her revenge on the bastard. “You took him from me!” She growled, smacking the guy. She didn’t hear her love come home or into the room where she held him hostage.
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Originally posted by tay-york
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shiftermutts · 7 years
Nothing made Artemis as happy as her beloved being happy. So, she went off and grabbed the tarp, carrying it back. “Peeling is messy, but fun,” she said to the man in the chair.
“How should be set up the tarp? Put it down and then move him, lift him and put the tarp under?” She was curious, and she had liked the growl.
Open rp
Snow had finally found the guy who killed her father and she was finally getting her revenge on the bastard. “You took him from me!” She growled, smacking the guy. She didn’t hear her love come home or into the room where she held him hostage.
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Originally posted by tay-york
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shiftermutts · 7 years
After the kiss, she smiled, "Well, I have a tarp somewhere, and we can totally slowly peel him. Or, if you want, we can cut and let him heal, and then repeat. Should take a whole until he's begging for death." She liked watching Snow having fun.
Open rp
Snow had finally found the guy who killed her father and she was finally getting her revenge on the bastard. “You took him from me!” She growled, smacking the guy. She didn’t hear her love come home or into the room where she held him hostage.
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Originally posted by tay-york
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shiftermutts · 8 years
Oh, she had ideas. “Well, dear, we could do him like he did your dad, poetic irony and all that.” She thought as she circled him, he was big but he would make lovely noises. “We could always slowly peel him, but that requires a tarp. Or, we could give him many cuts and let him bleed out slowly.” She was a bit of an evil genius of pain. “Nothing too quick, he needs to know he is going to die. If you want to kill him. If so, that is another kettle of fish.”
Open rp
Snow had finally found the guy who killed her father and she was finally getting her revenge on the bastard. “You took him from me!” She growled, smacking the guy. She didn’t hear her love come home or into the room where she held him hostage.
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Originally posted by tay-york
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shiftermutts · 8 years
“It is nice to know someone in the city so quickly,” she replies. “So, what is the city like? All I know is that it is wet, and girls with umbrellas might show up to save you from the cold rain.”
Nora and Fiona
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shiftermutts · 8 years
“I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t keeping you from anything important.” She took another sip.
Fiona wasn’t sure why, but part of her may have been a bit disappointed. “Nothing at all. Just learning. I hope I am not keeping you from anything important either.”
Nora and Fiona
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shiftermutts · 8 years
She laughed a bit at that, smiling. “I am lucky I never had to do that.” When she was asked, she looked thoughtful. “Nothing that I am aware of. Mostly, today was for trying to figure out some of the town, and relax after moving here. Why do you ask?” She was very curious, and part of her wondered about if she could have even said that her other thought was to find other shifters in the area, if there were any. She thought not, to being able to say that yet.
Nora and Fiona
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shiftermutts · 8 years
Fiona smiled at the cookies and took one, finding it delicious. "Thanks for this."
She felt like she was being scrutinized by the younger girl. "Well, I've known some tea connoisseurs, but I've developed a rather abysmal taste myself. I usually just add sugar until it's sweet." She smiled back at Nora.
Nora and Fiona
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shiftermutts · 8 years
"Many thanks," she said as she picked up the mug and drank of the sweet tea. "It is delicious." She sat down at the table, the cold leaving her body finally, and she watched Nora looking for whatever it was that she was looking for.
Nora and Fiona
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shiftermutts · 8 years
"Thanks," she said as she walked into the other part, and found a sweater with hammers on it and pink lounge pants, and she pulled off her wet clothes, and on the dry ones. She walked back into the main room, feet faintly slapping, to a cup of tea.
Nora and Fiona
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shiftermutts · 8 years
She thought, “If those are the options, hibiscus with like three sugars.” She liked her tea very sweet, as a counterpoint to how salty she felt about so many things about this day. She sat down on the couch, after taking off her sopping wet coat and hanging it up to dry. “Anything I can do to help? Or any dry clothes that I could wear?”
Nora and Fiona
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shiftermutts · 8 years
Fiona looked around the room, took it all in, and felt that it perfectly fit the girl who loved there: pink and messy. "It looks lovely. Thanks for letting me come with you." She did like it, and it made her feel like she was likely home.
Nora and Fiona
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shiftermutts · 8 years
She looked at her, “Home is important, even if it’s not always what you want it to be. I am sure your’s is wonderful.” She was intrigued to see what this Nora’s home looked like. She expected pink.
Nora and Fiona
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shiftermutts · 8 years
She smiled back, “Rarely if ever and even not then.” She had experience with heights, due to a past girlfriend who was a minor noble, and thus a golden eagle, and who liked to fly with her in their animal forms. “Nice building.”
Nora and Fiona
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shiftermutts · 8 years
She looked at her, "Some of us are cold-blooded." Fiona had found that most humans assumed she was being ironic, not literal. "That's nice. I can't wait to be warm."
Nora and Fiona
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