shieldur · 4 years
still i wonder if there was something i could have done.
if there was a way i could have... prevented that. saved them somehow.
i think i'm always going to wonder that. always going to feel like there was something i could have done.
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shieldur · 4 years
@armigcr​ :    “ i’m not gonna die on you and leave you in a cold, cruel, noctis-less world. ”
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FINGERS  GRASP  THE  YOUNG  KING’S  BICEP ,   and he bodily  pulls him from the grass whereupon he laid :   relief wrenches the cold fingers of doubt from around his heart and throat ,   having believed his charge dead where he fell .   noctis’ words bring forth a sigh ,   one with gusto ,   expelling all air in his lungs in a loud outburst of exasperation .
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       “ damn  right  you  won’t ! ”   he yells ,   and the hand upon his bicep moves to his shoulder ,   with which he rocks the king nearly off his feet again .   “ what  would  i  tell  iris ? ”   a joke ,   mostly ,   except when it isn’t :   he’d kick noctis’ ass  for making his little sister sad !   but beneath the words ,   a truer sentiment :   where he once could easily ,   happily imagine his life without the young king   ( merely prince at the time )   now .  .  .   is a completely different story . 
       he may not know where their journey will take them ,   back and forth across the continents ,   but he will be there every step of the way ,   should noctis allow .   should noctis survive ,   if he  does his damn job as the king’s shield .   he swallows remnants of the previous doubt and shakes his head .
       “ that’s  it :   you  ‘n  me ,   more  training  tonight . ”
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shieldur · 4 years
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independent  gladiolus  amicitia ! new  blog ,   currently  dash - only forever  protecting  @armigcr         as  portrayed  by  cas
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shieldur · 4 years
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feel free to change pronouns / wording !
“ there are people being eaten. ”  
“ gets worse every night. ”  
“ three more days, then i can kiss this town goodbye. ”  
“ listen ! you gotta get outta there ! ”  
“ what the hell is that thing ? ”  
“ i’m not stickin’ around. ”  
“ the longer we wait, the more screwed we are. ”  
“ how could this many people be infected ? ”  
“ do me a favour and don’t fuck up like i did. ”  
“ i can’t just leave you behind. ”  
“ would you please calm down ? ”  
“ it’s my turn bitch ! ”  
“ let’s get you someplace safe. ”  
“ what do you know about that monster ? ”  
“ it knows what it wants and won’t stop until it gets it. don’t you like that in a man ? ”  
“ i know what a radio is. ”  
“ surely a tall drink of water like yourself can put out a few flames. ”  
“ is someone in here ? ”  
“ don’t look at me like that, alright ? i’m not an infected ! ”  
“ don’t need a bleeding heart like you getting in the way. ”  
“ ugh, it smells like … oh, i don’t even wanna think about it. ”  
“ bad time to start carrying dead weight, friend. ”  
“ i’ll buy you some time. ”  
“ i’m definitely burning these clothes. ”  
“ what were you thinking, turning yourself into bait ? ”  
“ you could’ve been killed. ”  
“ sorry i got a little jumpy there. ”  
“ don’t do anything stupid. ”  
“ i thought you killed it ! ”  
“ i know we didn’t get off to a great start, but … thanks for the save. ”  
“ you’re a hell of a lot braver than me. ”  
“ your reputation is well deserved. ”  
“ i’m not gonna die on you and leave you in a cold, cruel, (muse’s name)-less world. ”  
“ the only life that matters is your own. ”  
“ looks like a cemetery to me. ”  
“ there’s something real nasty in here. ”  
“ do you know how long i’ve been trying to reach somebody ? ”  
“ am i the only one who made it ? ”  
“ what kind of sci-fi bullshit is this ? ”  
“ i am acutely aware that my time’s running out. ”  
“ it’ll be a fucking miracle if i get there in one piece. ”  
“ you sit tight, i got this. ”  
“ you saved my life. ”  
“ they’re gonna blow the city sky high. ”  
“ guess i’m not talkin’ you outta this. ”  
“ guaranteed to give you a headache. ”  
“ i respect your tenacity. ”  
“ i’m afraid our games end here. ”  
“ sure you don’t need to stop ? ”  
“ i don’t think the wisdom i’ve been trying to impart on you is getting through. ”  
“ you can’t put a price on life. ”  
“ i’m in this business to get paid. ”  
“ not what i intended to hit, but i’ll take it ! ”  
“ i’m gonna melt this fucker into mush. ”  
“ have you ever seen anything so incredible ? ”  
“ look, just so you know ? this is the last fucking time. ”  
“ i’m gonna put you right back on your ass ! ”  
“ next time … take the fucking hint. ”  
“ do you have any idea what you’ve just done ? ”  
“ don’t know, don’t care. ”  
“ a shame you didn’t listen to me when you had the chance. ”  
“ there’s no other way. ”  
“ knew you couldn’t pull the trigger. ”  
“ that would just be too cruel. ”  
“ there’s a price tag for everything, even letting the world burn. ”  
“ i don’t mind a little detective work. ”  
“ all this death wasn’t caused by a monster-making virus, it was greed. ”
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shieldur · 4 years
@ringbore​   said :    📂 📂 📂   ||   headcanon  meme
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not really a new or creative one but after insomnia falls ,   and even before then ,   iris means everything  to him .   iggy was right to call him out on never thinking about  “the driver”  taking a break before having iris in the car .   the reason you stop so many places on the way to caem   ( at least in my current playthrough )   is because he’s always on Alert(TM) with iris riding with them   ( asks if she’s okay after every encounter )   and he wanted to take her mind off what happened with the imperials and jared .   he wants to distract her because i’m imagining jared meant more to their family than what we see in the game ,   and after the loss of their father and their king and their city ,   he doesn’t want her to dwell on her grief because it hurts to see his little sister sad .   so he’ll do more banter with his bros to entertain her ,   and in battle if it’s slow enough he’ll show off for her .   but once an enemy targets her ,   he’ll put everything into killing them off before they can do more damage .   probably loops his arm around her shoulders while they’re in the backseat to remind her that he’s still there ,   and to half hug her while he has the time .   
he can  drive !   just not very well .   enough that he can be the getaway driver if needs be ,   but he won’t abide by driving laws and he’ll speed and cut corners .
he can read and write too !   obviously ,   because we see him reading in long car trips ,   but it’s something he has to actively work at .   he’s better at reading right now than writing .   if he has to write a letter ,   he’ll have ignis proofread it because he doesn’t want to sound dumb or under-educated .   has semi-childish handwriting  because most of his education focused on physical training and learning how to become the King’s Shield rather than how to write in cursive or be poetic .      
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shieldur · 4 years
The world’s a beast of a burden You’ve been holding up a long time…
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shieldur · 4 years
What kind of relationship does your muse want with mine?
❤️ romantic 💛 platonic 💙 family 💜 mentor/mentee 💞 friends with benefits 💕 unrequited love [specify who] 💚 rivals 🖤 enemies
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shieldur · 4 years
cute first date ideas: hand-to-hand combat
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shieldur · 4 years
Lord Huron — Strange Trails Album  {Sentence Starters}
“I’m a goner, I guess.”
“No, I’m not afraid to die.”
“I can bring your fears to life.”
“I’d give it all to love that girl.”
“Spirits follow everywhere I go.”
“Your eyes were filled with tears.”
“Oh, go on baby, hurt me tonight.”
“I never should’ve called his bluff.”
“Do you see no ghost in me at all?”
“You know, I bet he’s not so tough.”
“Take me back to the night we met.”
“She bends the wills of men for fun.”
“Who knew love would be like this?“
“I don’t feel it ‘til it hurts sometimes.”
“Yes, I know that love is like ghosts.”
“I don’t feel alive if I ain’t in the fight.“
“I’ve been unraveling since my birth.”
“Come inside, can I get you to stay?“
“I ain’t going back if I got any choice.“
“Baby, in my eyes, you do no wrong.”
“Now the darkness got a hold on me.”
“What ain’t living can never really die.”
“They took my life, but it isn’t the end.”
“Oh, little darling, don’t you get lonely?”
“Gonna send you off to an early death.”
“I have seen what the darkness does…”
“You’re tall as hell and broad as a train.”
“I’m a long way from the land that I left.”
“I had a name, but they took it from me.”
“What if the world dies with the sunrise?”
“If I’m going to die, I’m gonna go in style.”
“Lord knows I should be pushing daisies.”
“I said if you’re leaving, I gotta know why.”
“You don’t want me, baby, please don’t lie.”
“It’s a long night… can I spend it with you?”
“I tried to warn you when you were a child.“
“Oh, few have seen it, but everybody talks.”
“I know how to live, I don’t know how to die.”
“I can’t sleep when there’s something to do.”
“I had a visitor come from the great beyond.“
“What if we’re unmade when the stars fade?”
“I fucked with forces that our eyes can’t see.“
“Ain’t afraid of him, ‘cause I’m a fool for love.”
“When I die, I’m coming right on back for you.”
“What you’re looking for won’t be found easily.”
“Keep me going ‘til the night turns into the day.”
“I don’t know how to right the wrongs I’ve done.”
“I had a vision tonight that the world was ending.“
“I’ll tear through the night, and I’ll raise some hell.”
“They sing all day and they haunt me in the night.”
“Gonna tear the world up until I have my revenge.”
“If you think that I’m scared, you’ve got me wrong.”
“Gonna wander out there and see what I’m worth.”
“I watched the heavens collide right before my eyes.“
“No, I’m not afraid to die… Just mad I left [name] alive.”
“They can run for their lives, but they cannot be saved.”
“I’ve seen the other side of living, I know heaven’s a lie.”
“They put me in the ground, but I’m back from the dead.”
“’Good for nothing’ is the name they’ll remember me by.”
“I am ready to follow you, even though I don’t know where.”
“Though I was was worn and weary, I thought I’d bury him.”
“I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you.”
“I wake up in the morning and I don’t know where I’ve been.“
“You spend your whole life dreaming and you wake up dead.”
“Trying to keep my eyes open wide, I’d gone days without any rest.”
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to do, haunted by the ghost of you.”
“Well, I’m not afraid to fight. Let’s step outside and I’ll show you why.”
“Was he unforgiven or just tired of living a life that never felt like his?”
“It feels like I’ve been away for an era, but nothing has changed at all.” 
“I’m leaving this place behind, and I’m heading out on the road tonight.”
“I’ll give you what you want to have, I’ll take you where you want to go.”
“I turned my back on the world… you know I’d given up on living ‘til I met you.”
“Sure as hell, he was dead as they come, and he was already starting to smell.”
“You come back from a trip to the East, but you don’t come back from the dead.”
“I know I’m dead, but I don’t wanna lie in a grave out here where the coyote’s cry.”
“I get a laugh outta staring at darkness and wondering why people live in the light.”
“I belong bodily to the earth… I’m just wearing old bones from those that came first.”
“I get a thrill outta playing with fire, ‘cause you hold your life when you hold that flame.”
“I took a little journey to the unknown, and I came back changed. I can feel it in my bones.”
“There ain’t language for the things I’ve seen. And the truth is stranger than my own worst dreams.”
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shieldur · 4 years
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“I can’t change where I came from. What I am.”
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shieldur · 4 years
Know thyself :  character  traits 
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You are good at making decisions ;   you have a clear sense of what needs to be done and what others should be doing .   Played out inside yourself ,   this tendency drives you to value willpower and self-control .   You may be accused of bossiness .   But acting on your desire to dissuade ,   restrain or guide is often appreciated by others   –   who might secretly like a clear direction ,   and some firmness .
There’s a strand in your nature which loves making an impression   –   perhaps with your clothes ,   or conversation ,   or in a self-revealing blog or a novel .   You like to dramatise yourself ,   to pose as a unique ,   perhaps mysterious person ,   to joke or exaggerate your part in adventures .   Though you might more than once have been called a show off ,   it is actually a generous tendency :   you want to please and entertain others .   It could be the start of good teaching and leadership .
You are good at seeing what’s funny ,   at relaxing and finding the pleasure of the moment .   Play is random ,   whimsical ,   fantasy-driven behaviour which releases internal tension .   Because it is detached from some pressures it allows you to act on weirder ,   perhaps neglected ,   parts of yourself .   The downside is that it is no help in sticking with things that are not much fun but which need to be addressed .   So it is well complemented by its opposite ,   Stoicism 
tagged by :   @armigcr​ tagging :   everyone.
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shieldur · 4 years
a himbo must, MUST, be Kind, Beefy, and Stupid. 
only Kind and Beefy? thats just a hunk.
only Beefy and Stupid? thats just a jock. 
only Kind and Stupid? thats just a decent man! 
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shieldur · 4 years
@armigcr​   sent :    bet i could beat you at an arm wrestling match
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HIS  LAUGH  IS  GENUINE ,   a joyous sound ,   louder than the diner’s idle chatter and clinking utensils ;   he eyes the prince from across the small table and shrugs one shoulder .
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       “ yeah ,   if  i’m  asleep , ”   he challenges .   he could bench press this kid ,   no one doubts it ,   scrawny  as he is !   “ try  again  when  you’ve  put  some  meat  on  those  bones . ”
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shieldur · 4 years
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Since time immemorial, they have watched over Eos.
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shieldur · 4 years
if you put a group of people in an escape room, you WILL find out who has big dick energy
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shieldur · 4 years
“I’m not perfect but I’m loyal.”
— (via kanackmami)
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shieldur · 4 years
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—Greta Gerwig, Little Women (2019) Script
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