hey guys if you’re doing the ib please like this or reblog!!! i wanna have some friends struggling w me 🥺 but it’s okay we all will struggle and get through this together ♥️
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It’s Mum and Dad telling you to stay calm this week. Everything will be fine, Harry.
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if the marauders were brilliant enough to discuss their fullmoon trips in front of snape, then there’s no way they’d be able to conceal themselves from mcgonagall. unless of course some things would just be too much for her to handle.
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Can anyone confirm that intense, passionate relationships where the desire and love is so overwhelming it just totally consumes you actually do exist? Cuz I gotta say, it seems fake.
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i had this random thought and not to be all “reverse sexism” but why is it that female disney characters are held to such a high standard? like their male counterparts suck (with exception to Flynn Rider and Robin Hood) and have little to no other ambition than wanting a beautiful princess??! i bet that most of them (especially the earlier ones) don’t even pass the reverse betchel test. I am all for having strong female characters I just find it interesting that specifically Disney has to uphold this very idealized image of women but any cardboard cutout of a male works I guess..
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“I wanted to see the place where Margaret grew to what she is, even at the worst time of all, when I had no hope of ever calling her mine.”
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do you ever have that thing where one of your mutuals joins a new fandom that you know nothing about and then your homepage is flooded with references you don’t get? 
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“I have never loved any woman before: my life has been too busy, my thoughts too much absorbed by other things. Now I love, and will love . But do not be afraid of too much expression on my part” - John Thornton 
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Toddlers are so pure. She doesn’t understand that we help her with certain things because she’s little. She thinks that everyone just helps each other like that. So she tries to blow on my food and cut it up for me and tries to help me put on my shoes.
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i just read a washington post article on romcoms aging poorly due to the pushiness (and oft-stalkery conduct) of the male characters therein, and it got me thinking about pride and prejudice, and specifically darcy saying, “one word from you will silence me on this subject forever.”
because, like, that’s the seldom-portrayed romantic dream in the patriarchal hellscape that is our world, isn’t it?
a dude being willing to say, “i understand if you don’t feel the same way about me, and i’ll leave you alone forever about this if my attention is unwanted.”
so simple, yet so wonderful in its basic human decency
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not to be all “tw*light did nothing wrong” but misogyny honest to god killed the hunger games
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You Loved Me First
Faithfulness is a word that is often thrown around in religiosity. We hear God is faithful all the time.
But we don’t hear that word as often when we describe our relationships.
It’s kind of a rarity, you know? We don’t expect faithfulness until the relationship has reached a specific milestone, like saying “I love you” or maybe at the six month mark.
I don’t know about you, but whenever I began dating someone, I actually expected them to leave me for someone else after the initial butterflies wore off. It happened to most of my friends, and it happened to me multiple times.
Because faithfulness is so hard to come by, I believe we often fail to fully grasp the depth of God’s love for us. We fail to recognize the faithfulness of God, and in return, cannot reciprocate that to others.
In order to be faithful to others, we must first allow God to be faithful to us.
Yeah, God actually longs to be faithful to you.
But Isn’t he already faithful?
It’s the same as saying ‘God longs to love you.’
Think about it.
You can love someone from a distance.
There was a time when one of my sisters could not stand me, and would constantly push me away. This did not affect or change my love for her, but I still longed for a better and closer relationship with her. I wanted to show her I loved her. I wanted to go on sister-dates, go shopping, talk about life with her, and encourage her, but she wouldn’t let me.
And God longs to be faithful to you. He wants to show you He is trustworthy. He wants to show you He can guard and protect your heart, ‘cause it’s safe with Him.
But when you think of His faithfulness, don’t think about our culture’s standard.
God doesn’t want you to cough up your phone password or yell at you for liking someone’s post He feels threatened by. That’s not faithfulness. That’s fear.
In the midst of a spiritual desert, faithfulness is choosing to run into the arms of Father despite the enemy telling you that God has forgotten about you and your dreams.
When rejection has seeped into your heart and left it broken and cracked in a million places, faithfulness is bringing that pain to Jesus before anyone else gets a piece.
Faithfulness is learning to depend on God in every circumstance. But He’s not going to beat down your door and demand you put your trust in Him. He’s a gentleman. He will patiently pursue you, and wait for you to hand over the key to your heart. It is in that place of open surrender, where we give Him room to move and prove Himself trustworthy.
Something incredible happens when we run to Him first. Every time I have brought my fears, anxieties, and pain before The Lord, i’ve watched Him heal, restore, and speak clarity into my life. Every. Single. Time.
When we understand that we can trust God, even when it hurts, faithfulness digs its roots deep down into our Spirit. As a result, we find our hearts tethered to God’s.
**You can read more blog posts, devotionals, and resources by visiting my official site: http://www.thechosengirl.info/
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The view Lily Evans sees every morning
Lily version
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