oh, what can i do? life is beautiful, but you don’t have a clue.
—black beauty
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There comes a time when you meet someone and you just want to make them smile for the rest of your life ✨❤️
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when i’m an old lady i want to be one of those women that has a house full of potted plants & weird rocks & crystals with a cluttered garden that just looks after her animals & paints & minds her own business with her crazy hair. And i’ll go visit my friends to have tea & they’ll be happy too
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Soy Wax Skull Candles / Ceramic Oil Burners and Scented Wax Melts
Ember Candle Co on Etsy
See our #Etsy or #Candles tags
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Abbey Road, Lana Del Rey eras style.
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My favorite crystal. It soothes emotional instability and stress and provides calmness, enhances intuition and promotes inspiration, success and good fortune in love and business matters.
I cleanse and recharge my moonstone with running water and sometimes pass it through a flame following a rinse.
#moonstone#cleansing#recharging#Myfavcrystal#crystals#witchcraft#intuition#Success#emotional stability#Stress
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a witch’s palm.
palmistry placements that may indicate certain natural traits or abilities related to witchcraft.
the mystic cross. “x” shaped cross located between the head and heart lines. indicates that spirituality, witch’s intuition, and acknowledgement of power or ability were understood at a very young age.
the psychic cross. “x” shaped cross located beneath:
the index finger: blessings from jupiter/zeus. wisdom, and a great capacity for knowledge. often destined to teach or impart.
the middle finger: blessings from saturn/cronus. intuition, and a great capacity for visceral power. often has natural ability working in dreams and meditations.
the ring finger: blessings from sun/apollo. attraction, and a great ability to naturally draw in your needs and desires. often powerful with enchantments.
the little finger: blessings from mercury/hermes. instinct, and a great natural ability for practice. often adopts new methods with ease and natural talent.
the psychic triangle. triangular shape located beneath the ring finger. indicates that in this life, or another, you have chosen to suppress your abilities. they are likely powerful, but potentially caused harm- intentionally, or not. (this does not mean they are unreachable, it more likely encourages you to work very consciously.)
the healer’s mark. a series of parallel lines located beneath the little finger. indicates powerful healing abilities; the more lines, the greater the gift.
the traveller’s mark. a series of parallel lines located beneath the mount of the moon. indicates that there is an innate talent and drive in travelling both the physical and the astral planes. a natural ability for astral projection; the more lines, the greater the gift.
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A ring guide for you, lovelies <3
Hello!! I am so sorry for not being active for a whole century.
I’m finally on break now so I’ll be more active^^
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I've been highly attracted to the colour pink for some time now and I've just read this extract and it all makes sense now.
I'm currently decorating my bedroom to include blush pink to influence romantic and peaceful energy. I'm now engaged, so working on a successful marriage is important and of course I'm Taurus!
#taurus#blushpink#pink asthetic#peaceofmind#romance#Thewitchesjournal#Selene Silverwind#The witches journal#magical correspondences
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An Empath is a person who has the ability to feel and share other people’s feelings and pains. Empaths are very sensitive to their surroundings, what they eat, and who they are around. Naturally, Empaths are kind, good-hearted, spiritually attuned, and excellent listeners.
Are you an Empath?
You know stuff without being told
Public places, like malls or busy grocery shops, can be overwhelming
You feel others emotions and pains by taking them on as your own
Seeing violence, cruelty, bullying is unbearable.
You know when someone is lying to you
You pick up physical symptoms off of other people such as colds, body aches, headaches, pains, etc.
You have digestive disorders or lower back pains.
You are always looking out for the underdog. Anyone whose suffering, in emotional pain or being bullied draws your attention.
Others will always want to unload problems on you, even strangers.
You are a good listener.
You are constantly tired and drained of energy.
You are drawn to healing, holistic therapies, and all things metaphysical.
You have a creative streak and a vivid imagination.
You have a love for nature and animals. You find yourself constantly outside connecting with animals and seeking refuge in nature.
You need lots of alone time or you will go crazy.
You get bored or easily distracted if not stimulated.
You find it impossible participate in things you do not enjoy.
You strive for truth and honesty
You are always looking for answer and knowledge. You always are found with you nose in a book.
You like adventure, freedom, and traveling.
You have a messy room, desk, locker, etc.
You constantly and seem to be in your own little world.
You find rules, routine, and control imprisoning.
You find yourself prone to gaining weight without necessarily overeating
You are able to sense the energy of food and often do not eat meat from an animal that was mistreated.
You have been labeled as overly emotional or too sensitive.
Your feelings are hurt easily.
Animals and children take a natural liking to you.
You are fairly quiet especially in crowds.
If you answered yes to all or most of these you are definitely an empath.
Ways to cope with Empathy:
Allow yourself to have lots of quiet time without electronics. Curl up with a book and put on soothing music instead.
Take time out of your day to sit in nature
Pet a dog, cat, horse, rabbit, etc.
If crowds are overwhelming, eat a high-protein meal beforehand (this grounds you) and sit in the far corner, not dead center.
Ground yourself
Cleanse your space, aura, and chakras of negative energy
Practise breathing exercises
Carry or wear protective crystals
Develop a energy shield for your body
Crystals for Empaths:
Rose quartz - Helps push away negativity, provides a bit of extra energy, excellent for grounding.
Black tourmaline - Protects from negative energy.
Amethyst - Helps to heighten and sharpen an empath’s intuition.
Lepidolite - Eases any anxieties empaths have when around other people. This crystal is well known for its power, peace, and its ability to promote luck, love, and sleep.
Malachite - Removes emotional blockages and helps calm when you are in a stressful situation. Absorbs any negative feeling you might hold inside of you.
Amazonite - Helps balance emotions.
Citrine - Repels negative energy. Relieves depression and mood swings. Opens the mind to new thoughts, helps with dream recall, and increases self esteem.
Obsidian - Repels negative energy, grounds you, and balances emotions.
Aqua Aura Quartz - Deflects and traps harmful energies.
Essential Oils for Empaths:
Basil - Lifts fatigue, anxiety, and depression.
Frankincense - Has an uplifting effect, prevents people from draining energy, helps your concentration, and clears mind clutter.
Geranium - Uplifting, decreases anxiety and nervous tension.
Jasmine - Mood enhancer, balances emotions, boosts self-esteem and lifts anxiety and depression.
Lavender - Balances emotions, relaxes body and mind, and clears negative energy.
Marjoram - Calms emotional trauma
Rose - Mood enhancer.
Sage - Uplifting, grounding, relaxing, prevents people from draining energy, and good for anxiety.
Vetiver - Calms nerves.
Ylang-Ylang - Relaxes and good for anxiety.
Resources: Christel Broederlow, drjudithorloff.com, davidwolfe.com, dayinthelifeofanempth.blogspot.ca, theknowing1.wordpress.com, eathanlazzerini.com
Comment if you are an empath and a way you cope as an empath. Let’s see how many empaths are out there!
May the moon light your path!
==Moonlight Mystics==
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