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sherrystingray63-blog · 6 years ago
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 My first thought was to use water colors, or my nature print ink, two classes I had taken 15 years ago.  I see what you mean by limited $, time, pertaining to my dried up colors.   As this time of the year is seasonal, and we think of our family who has past we can incorporate a piece of Art in remembrance, along with blending Art with things you love, nature and the beach, including my collection of shells.     My first media comes from my father’s garden, which fortunately, after his grape arbor was taken apart, I was given several vines of the arbor.  I have used it for previous projects.   Grape vines stay healthy and can be easily worked with to make different shapes.  My second media is my mother-in-law’s old Xmas bulbs, probably from the 40’s, with the funky color that I was going to get rid of and never used.  Somehow, it fits my theme of remembrance of her passion in decorating and elegance. The third media is from my beach collection.  I worked with the vine, shaping it into the size of wreath that I want.  I used wire the same shade of the vine, so it does not show.  The starfish will be added in the same manner.  Since the starfish are white I used dental floss to wrap around the center part and attach them to the wreath.  My final addition is the bulbs to give color.  Again I used wire to attach.  The bulbs were not as sturdy as I thought while trying to hang it in the tree; another problem. My thoughts were how I wish I had an old antique wooden door to blend my media with the past for the wreath to hang, like some of the artists do to tell a story.   I used nature instead, for calming using my guava tree for the natural backdrop.  The Art will have no name as it cannot be described with one word, maybe more of an unconscious memory.
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sherrystingray63-blog · 6 years ago
Virtual Sketchbook 4
1. Jackson Pollock               
 About a decade after World War II, a new form of art started in New York called Abstract Expressionism.  The turmoil and the ugliness of war, loss of life, and realty of the consciences in our values of life were shaken.   Abstract Expressionism in painting showed more expression, expressed more personal and creative ways to paint than in the previous realistic paintings.  Jackson Pollock was termed as the leading artist in Abstract Expressionism.   After years growing up living in the West, he left for New York during the depression era to live with his brother and pursue his painting career as an understudy with Thomas Hart Benton.  Benton’s representational paintings and his encouragement for Pollock helped him in becoming an artist.  Early on, you could see Benton’s influence in his paintings but a new age of expressionism was taking place.   Pollack was also influenced by David Siqueiros’s murals introducing him to the rhythmic style of painting.  Jackson Pollock changed his form of art continuously according to whom he was studying under, his mood swings, his consciousness to his unconsciousness.  Part of the changes was due to critiques of his work in learning what viewers thought.   Pollock began poured paintings in the 1930’s to 1940’s.  Picasso paintings inspired Pollock, and his wife, Lee Krasner a painter herself greatly influenced Pollock. Getting back to the love of nature was possible after he studied Navajo sand paintings in Native American art and explored the unconsciousness of the mind.   Dripping thin paint onto a canvas, not brushing it, large paintings with no borders, and painting in a somewhat rhythmic movement, termed action painting, along with his psychic moods created his paintings.  His talent and controlled movement in the poured and dripped paint was done with a variety of painting techniques in the new art, Abstract Expressionism.
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Original Abstract, non-representational artwork
Log Cabin
           The origin of this quilt was done many years ago by myself.  I had made two twin size quilts for two twin size beds.  This quilt is non-representational as it does not reference to anything.  I wide selection of materials was used, including old worn jeans from both my sons. The basic color is blue in different shades of blue from materials used for interest.  The mood of the color and the idea that it was made from old jeans, brings a relaxing feeling or mood for a bedroom.  Expression was used in the thought process, making of the quilt, and the satisfaction that it took care of our family needs with love.
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sherrystingray63-blog · 6 years ago
Virtual Sketchbook 3
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La Sultana Rossa
Place was Venice, Italy
Oil on canvas
c.1550, 16th Century Renaissance
Bequest of John Ringling, 1936 SN58
The Italian artist, Titian shows us a portrait of a lady of power or status during the late Italian Renaissance in the 16th century.  I believe John and Mable Ringling bought this work while traveling internationally for themselves and people here to enjoy.  John thought that the Ringling mansion was the perfect location to show the Italian works of art.  This piece of art might have some significance in wanting to show how the women in elite status dressed.  Their love for art is why the Ringlings invested in their vast collection.
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La Sultana Ross c. 1550 Titian Oil On Canvas
 This is a visual analysis of a portrait La Sultana Rossa by the Italian artist, Tiziano Vecellio known as Titian.  John and Mabel wanted to have this beautiful piece of art in their collection which is now in the gallery of the Ringling Museum.  The painting was done with oil on canvas and the approximate size is 24��� x 36”.  The portrait emphasizes a dignified woman of wealth or power.  It is designed, so that it seems she is sitting possibly in a train next to a window or perhaps sitting inside a structure next to a window looking out at the landscape.  The woman is positioned on the right side of the portrait.  The portrait is balanced with the window on the left, and her body weight and fullness of her arm rotated to the center and left.   The subject is a woman unknown, but possibly known as a model to him.  The brush stroke in her face gives a creamy appearance with pink blush on her cheeks. Every detail of her face shows a dignified look.  The rose at her bosom is deep pink with green leaves.  Green sapphires, diamonds and rubies in shapes of oval and round are adorned on her headpiece which is triangular in shape.  White pearls are around her neck with matching earrings. She is dressed in a creamy white sheath dress with a black wrap over top, possibly velvet, and is adorned with jewels and gold.  Her pet ferret, nestled in her lap has a studded collar with a strap attached to a wrist bracelet of the woman, both with the same jewels as her headdress. The various elements in the portrait all come together as one unit to complete the painting.   I feel Titan shows his talent in his beautiful skills of painting and in bringing us into the 16th century with many elements, design, and anatomy of the subject to make the painting feel real.  Titian’s background culture is Italian, being born north of Venice, Italy. The woman in the portrait is portraying the culture of the Ottoman Empire, as the wife of Sultan Suleiman, the longest serving ruler.  Titan commissioned in Europe working with Giorgione to paint frescoes as in the German Exchange, and in learning and studying with Giovanni that put a lasting imprint on his style.  During the years of 1530 and 1550 he was commissioned by many princes and kings when portraits expanded into beautiful images of the masculinity in men and the femininity in women.  Titan visually exposes the inner life of the subject.  In critiquing the painting, Titian reveals his use of color and skillfully paints in flowing brush strokes as if the sitter was human.   The elements in the portrait bring unity.  The painting tells a story in the time period of the art.  Artists are a work in progress, learning along the way with other artists, and experiencing different cultures to teach us history, visually.  Studying the portrait, you see so many detailed surprises come forward.  What sparked my interest was the attendant in that room at Ringling museum saying, the portrait was appraised for fifty million, which gave me a shock and a deeper appreciation.
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sherrystingray63-blog · 6 years ago
Virtual Sketchbook 2
1.  Journaling
Principals of Design
1.       Unity and variety – using a variety of common elements in your work brings a wholeness in describing the visual effects to complete & understand your art.  (Exp:  In building a house and decorating you want to bring the same dominant color or same kind of architecture throughout to bring unity, and at the same time you add variety bybringing in contrast of 1 small swatch of a different color or 1 piece of furniture from a different era.)
2.       Balance – This brings equilibrium of visual balance in our art work either as symmetrical (well balanced) or asymmetrical, adding components to offset the unequal visual balance.   (Exp: picture of 2 desserts the same and placed in equal distance from both sides.)
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3.       Emphasis & subordination – emphasis is an area or figure that brings your focus to the picture usually by size, color, position etc.  Subordination means the artist has to decrease attention around an object by light, shape, color etc. in order to draw your vision or emphasis on the selected area or figure.   (Exp: In a figure skating competition, a light overhead may emphasize the main character.  Subordination is where one skater has a bright outfit, and the others have a muted colored outfit.)
4.       Directional forces – artists use different techniques to make our eyes follow the direction of the picture as in everyone looking in a certain direction or horses all trotting to the same location. (Exp:  This could be a scene at the beach where the direction of the heads and eyes of beachgoers are all looking up at a kite flying in the sky.)
5.       Contrast – is when you want something to stand out & be very dissimilar, for example, by the use of dark against light, a bright color against a dull color, or size.   (Exp: The picture of bright colored wooden chairs against a mellow background of water and sky.)
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6.       Repetition & rhythm – Using the same elements in a repeated pattern as a visual of one.  Rhythm is the same repeated elements as a unit with some related variation or movement in the sequence.  (Exp: I remember a picture I took years ago behind my house.  A flock of white pelicans landed in my lake and were all swimming along as if in repetition headed in the same direction with little variations in the angle of their head.)
7.       Scale & proportion – Scale is the size of one thing compared to another thing. Proportion is the size relationship of its parts to the whole work of art.  (Exp: As in a chess board scale would be the size comparison from pawn to pawn.  Proportion is the total pawns laid out to the size of the board.
2.  Writing and Looking
Robin Rhode.  He Got Game. 2000. Twelve color photographs. Figure 1.2, pg. 4.
I picked this artwork because I played girls basketball, and the visual expression of this picture intrigued me on how they actually made it look real.  The creative elements in the work are what, I think, made the difference.   Photography is used as a medium, neutral colors in the ground asphalt, implied lines define the geometrical rectangle shapes, low-tech chalk, directional forces  are created by the implied lines for direction, shape as in the players figures as positive shapes, background as a negative shape, implied motion, repetition and rhythm for placement of the figures, color, and balance.
3.  Connecting Art to Your World
If I had to pick a color scheme for my life it would be red or blue. These two choices have an effect on me when I shop for clothing.  I always graduate toward the intensity or saturation of red or to the other pure hue, blue. In decorating my home, I stay with mostly neutrals, but I like the variation of red in more of a shade of cranberry, which you would have to add black to the pure hue red to achieve this. Color does affect your mood.  If you are happy and want to celebrate then the pure hues of red or yellow would qualify.  If your mood was down that day, then it would be a color to not draw attention to yourself.
4.  Art Project - Artist’s Choice
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5. Photo /Design - LOGOS
LOGOS - Group 1
List of logos:  New Balance, Niki, Salt Life, Gaters, Pepsi, coke, KFC, Hurley, Annie Klein, Sperry, Ahnu, C for Clinique, Dodge Ram, Maytag, Shell gasoline, Re/Max, General Electric, Gluten Free, LG, CVS, Watermark, Living Well, Alfa Romeo, Apple, G for gatorade, Chilis, Toyota, Taco Bell, X Box, Microsoft, MTV
Logos are distinctive and memorable to make you recognize what brand they belong to.  Usually the logo which may be in a graphic design, letterform, or with pictorial elements, it is made casual, so that we can relate to the brand.
We understand the value of logos by their recognizable identity as an instant communication.  Whether it is a traditional brand or renewing a brand, logos are there to attract and persuade customers as a marketing tool.
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sherrystingray63-blog · 6 years ago
Virtual Sketchbook 1
My name is Sherry Stonebraker and I am 69-years-old. One fact about me is that my goal after retirement was to finish my AA 2-year Arts and Science degree. Art Appreciation is my last class in completing the degree. I love travelling and the outdoors. I'm interested in taking this class and learning about art as I have little knowledge about the subject.
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5 Facts about my artist and the painting: Georgia O'Keeffe's "Music in Pink and Blue II" from 1919
1. She was an abstract artist
2. She was best known for images of enlarged flowers, New York skyscrapers and New Mexico lanscapes
3. She was recognized as the "Mother of American Modernism"
4. She was born in 11-15-1887 in Wisconsin
5. She was known for the portrayal of women's sexuality
At first look, the painting appeared to look like the human body with veins and tissues of the human anatomy. Specifically, the upper left looks like an artery or vein supplying nutrients to the body. The colors appear to separate the flow of nutrients with the "body" of the painting.
After reviewing the artist and the painting "Music in Pink and Blue II," it appears to look like music flowing into the ears and heard by the different tones of colors representing intensity. After doing the research, I've found that this is an example of abstract art.
My feelings about the art did change from the first time looking at the painting. The flow of colors now make more sense as sound waves and "music." I now see her interpretation of the music and flowing, similar to what I was feeling about the human body and flow of veins or anatomy.
Georgia O’Keeffe 1919 Music in Pink and Blue II.  Oil on canvas; 30” x40”
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2. This piece of art that I selected hangs in my kitchen as my decor.  The name on the art in bold letters, BOCA GRANDE, tells us where the picture was created and it is a print of 82/300 from the original painting. The artist is Wini Smart who is a resident of the area in the winters.  We purchased the art on the island in the 70’s at her gallery, where we vacationed for several winters.   The media is a picture plane using vivid bold colors, shapes overlapping, telling a story of the area, and enjoyment of life.  Yes, I think it is beautiful, as it brings out a lot of the colors I enjoy into the house, and reminds us of some of the beautiful vacations we have spent there.
3.  I am at ground zero for experiences in Art.  Computers challenge me also.  I do like to decorate my house, but have a hard time with color. The older I get, I desire more creative art around me and want to know more about art.  I am 69, female, married, 3 grown children, 2 grandchildren and have an English-Irish background.  Our family moved to Florida 26 years ago from Cincinnati, Ohio.  Growing up in a rural area outside of Cincinnati, I was not exposed to Art, and there was not much art at our high school.  I am recently retired from 13 years working as an accountant at the Sarasota County schools.  I also worked in our self employed business,worked in banking, and volunteered many years in the school district.  I am active in our neighborhood social group, and a member at Shapes fitness.   What makes me unique is having a loving family, always putting them first in my life. My husband has gone through cancer and my son with prescription drug addiction, and I am there to care and help as much as possible.  My hopes are always high, as I know how delicate life is.  I love to be around people, love to exercise, love nature, and I have this crazy idea I want to finish college after starting college in 1966. Almost there!
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sherrystingray63-blog · 6 years ago
Facts about my Artwork
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5 Facts about my artist and the painting: Georgia O'Keeffe's "Music in Pink and Blue II" from 1919
1. She was an abstract artist
2. She was best known for images of enlarged flowers, New York skyscrapers and New Mexico lanscapes
3. She was recognized as the "Mother of American Modernism"
4. She was born in 11-15-1887 in Wisconsin
5. She was known for the portrayal of women's sexuality 
At first look, the painting appeared to look like the human body with veins and tissues of the human anatomy. Specifically, the upper left looks like an artery or vein supplying nutrients to the body. The colors appear to separate the flow of nutrients with the "body" of the painting. 
After reviewing the artist and the painting "Music in Pink and Blue II," it appears to look like music flowing into the ears and heard by the different tones of colors representing intensity. After doing the research, I've found that this is an example of abstract art. 
My feelings about the art did change from the first time looking at the painting. The flow of colors now make more sense as sound waves and "music." I now see her interpretation of the music and flowing, similar to what I was feeling about the human body and flow of veins or anatomy. 
Georgia O’Keeffe 1919 Music in Pink and Blue II.  Oil on canvas; 30” x40”
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