shellzncoral · 1 month
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shellzncoral · 2 months
Hmm? What's this? An anti-voter telling us our votes don't count?
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Well! That's quite an opinion! Let's look at their blog, I'm sure we'll see a long history of posts there, showing us that this person is not a bot or a troll account specifically made for election interference?
What's this? Literally only one post?
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Oh! But that post is dated to August 2013! Clearly this must be an old blog, it's not like Tumblr has a feature that lets you date posts to anytime you want- oh? They do?
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Watch out, y'all - anti-voting bots/trolls are on Tumblr, and they are trying to discourage us from voting. They do this because they know that if we vote blue, we can keep Trump out of office.
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shellzncoral · 2 months
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Trump won in 2016 by a super slim margin. Are you prepared to play a part in that happening again?
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shellzncoral · 2 months
When protesters marched in Washington after the killing of George Floyd, Donald Trump asked General Milley why the troops couldn’t just shoot them, suggesting maybe just “in the leg.”
Milley replied that he could not, because that would be illegal.
The Supreme Court has now ruled that it no longer will be, at least certainly not for the President to order it. And he can pardon the general that carries it out, and fire the ones that refuse.
If that doesn’t scare you, then I guess you can keep talking about stupid things like taking Biden off the ballot. If it does, then maybe focus on making sure it doesn’t happen, pressuring for Supreme Court reform, and saving this fucking country.
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shellzncoral · 2 months
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shellzncoral · 2 months
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A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity. A Kids Cancer Charity ..........
The Trump crime Syndicate
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shellzncoral · 2 months
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tRump vs Biden
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shellzncoral · 2 months
Trump isn't guaranteed to win this year's presidential election because he's been shot at. In 2020, Trump supporters voted in heavy numbers, but guess what? They still lost because we outvoted them. 
Do I want to vote for Biden? No, but I will since no third-party candidate has a winning chance, and I don't want Trump to be president again. Unless y'all are gonna overthrow the American political system and government, we need to vote.
It's normal to be terrified about this presidential election, but don't allow it to stop you from voting and trying to stop that orange fucker from returning to office.
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shellzncoral · 2 months
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Jesus Christ please vote idc if Biden is in hospice care we cannot let Trump become president again
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shellzncoral · 3 months
i dont post much but I'm a queer person who lives in a blue state, im white, my parent has stable income, i have healthcare, and a good education. for the most part i'm privileged.
Project 2025 scares the absolute shit out of me. Im not 18 yet, so i can't even vote. I just get to watch a good portion of my peers freak out, call joe biden a fascist, say Project 2025 is normal Republican Bullshit, and tell queer people that the Palestinian genocide will stop once Trump becomes president because Biden is Fascist™️.
I'm not saying Biden isn't a war criminal but essentially every US president has participated in genocide or war in some way. Is this good? No. I don't like Biden but it is what it is we aren't given another choice because our voting system is inherently flawed. But what Trump will do if he comes into power is essentially dismantle what democracy we have left and rid the government of every Liberal, democrat, and leftist. Essentially creating an echo chamber of far right Fascism.
What they have planned will erase 100 years of progress. Do you like going on a camping trip in your local state or national park? Too bad the Heritage Foundation (the think tank that created Project 2025 and their benefactors have their hands so far up Trumps ass you can see them im the back of his throat) wants to log them. You're a single mother? Too bad they want to encourage good ol' family values. You have an unwanted/unsafe pregnancy? You're shit out of luck those Texas abortion laws are now federal and you could go to jail for recieving an abortion pill. Gay marriage we only just achieved in 2015? You're no longer married because you arent a traditional Christian family. Those trans kids you all say you care so much about? They won't have any kind of trans healthcare because the government would take them away from their parents for "abuse". They want to remove any regulation we have for pollution meaning oil companies will get free reign on our country.
They want to strip education, basically making schools little propaganda machines. They want to make higher education inaccessible.
If you elect Trump, you are sentencing millions of people to a miserable life. Women will die en masse due to ectopic pregancies and unsafe childbirth due to the brain drain (where the people who have advanced degrees leave) that will happen to this country similar to whats happening in southern states where doctors are leaving in droves in fear of being prosecuted for giving an abortion. This will only exacerbate pregnancy mortality statistics. Did you know that the number one killer for pregnant women is murder? yeah. Oh well, we're on the topic of healthcare. They specifically outline how they want to get rid of Medicare and push towards privatized healthcare, which is lower quality.
They want to strip the VA meaning thousands of disabled veterans who rely on the VA and social security will end up in abject poverty.
Maybe you don't care about all that, but what about the retirement age being lifted to 70?
Maybe your one issue you care about is Palestine thats the end all be all of your vote. Trump doesn't give two shits about Palestinians. He wants to end the war. That doesn't mean he wants to save Palestine he would probably very well nuke it.
Remember how Roe got overturned? And Chevron? Guess why. Guess. Its because fucking trump installed conservative justices into the Supreme Court. Remember covid? yeah. the pandemic that left a lot of people dead or disabled. Do you remember the press conferences? How he suggested to drink bleach or shove a light bulb up your ass but under no circumstances wear a mask or that the elderly should just sacrifice themselves to the virus? Does that sound like a good thoughtful leader to you?
I'm shouting into the void but please for the love of God gain some reading comprehension. Ask yourself why theres so many headlines about Biden stumbling over his words yet Trump hasn't been mentioned even though if you've listened to that man speak it feels like someone clobbered together some first gen AI response. Ask yourself what the media has to gain by fear mongering and telling you Biden is on deaths door.
You don't have to like Biden. You just have to hate Trump. You need to look at your morals and your politics and ask yourself if you care about trans people, women, queer people, black people, and immigrants. Will these people suffer under a Trump presidency?
Not voting is just another vote for Trump
Abstaining from voting doesn't make a difference. The larger the voter turn out, the more it will sway in favor of democrats. Sadly, we live in a two party state, which sucks ass but it's the cards we were dealt. We can't change anything under Trump. You have a much better chance of ranked choice voting under the Democrats, as much as they suck.
I'm just asking you not to condemn our future and please please read, educate yourself, understand the signs of Fascism and far right ideology because no one is immune to propaganda.
If you want sources, I'll make another post. Just ask.
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shellzncoral · 3 months
okay, but on a serious note, as someone with a degree in history, this is a terrifying event. not only is this showing that our leaders and former leaders are not safe from an attack, but this attempt also happened against a former president that may will use this to his advantage. this man, a former REALITY TV STAR, knows how to play a crowd. he knows how to put on a show and manipulate people to be on his side. he already has an insane fan base who has ALREADY incited an insurrection attempt on the very government they CLAIM TO LOVE.
history loves a martyr, and a living martyr can make things worse. whether this was real or staged, it will be treated as real by every single news source that matters unless proven otherwise -- which could end up being proven years down the line. the right are already using this as a reason to vote for trump. I can't scroll through my facebook without people in every single group I'm in discussing this. all press is good press, especially to the right wing where they can spread their propaganda.
this night is going to be in history books. unless the American people come together, and EVERYONE who can vote against trump, votes for Biden (god help us), this night may very well be listed in the reasons fascism came to take hold of the United States.
you can read the reasons why World War I and II happened, and you can see the clear picture as all of those reasons are laid out in front of you.
Not to fear monger, but World War III's causes are already being laid out in front of us clearly, unless we can work together to stop it. Ukraine, Palestine, and many other places are already the places of first conflict. take a look around. read the news from all angles.
Vote. VOTE. V O T E. FUCKING VOTE. Biden is the much lesser of two evils, and it literally hurts to say that the president currently funding a Palestinian genocide is the better option, and the fact that I HAVE to vote for him in order to keep trump out of power is breaking me and everything I am inside. biden is funding it -- yet trump said he would help israel "finish the job"
donate to Palestinians. donate to the people of Ukraine. vote democrat in the 2024 election.
I'm sorry that this is not the most eloquently written tumblr essay, but I am terrified.
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shellzncoral · 3 months
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RIP Shelley Duvall
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shellzncoral · 3 months
pausing to send love and a hug or a hand squeeze to everybody who’s scared of what this means going forward and currently sitting with a pit of dread in their stomach.
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shellzncoral · 3 months
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shellzncoral · 3 months
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shellzncoral · 4 months
America, I’m gonna be flat out blunt: a vote not-for-Biden (or not-voting) is actively abetting in the dismantling of US democracy, which I admit isn’t the best, but it’s a hell of a lot better than what Trump and his cronies have planned for us.
No matter what convoluted justification you may have, no matter how much you may be disappointed in Biden, this is the actual, painful, uncomfortable fact.
Trump’s role model is Putin. Think HARD about that.
We have a choice. For now.
WASHINGTON, May 17 (Reuters) - Some of Donald Trump's allies are assembling proposals to curtail the Justice Department's independence and turn the nation's top law enforcement body into an attack dog for conservative causes, nine people involved in the effort told Reuters.
If successful, the overhaul could represent one of the most consequential actions of a second Trump presidency given the Justice Department's role in protecting democratic institutions and upholding the rule of law.
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shellzncoral · 4 months
Hello. Today I bring you the musical joy that is Dracula. Here Vanny and Dracula sing a rock ballad duet.
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