shelf-cafe · 5 years
Sudden post
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I have just came at work and... today holiday! We aren’t working. I always forget about this celebration, always. Stupid event! We are big, cool counter, why do we have to celebrate this? I will put in information about doors in excel until lunch.
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shelf-cafe · 5 years
Sometimes ago when I used to only VK, when I was in college, incidentally I was try VK blogger, I have been writing a lot of posts and doing photo set specially for this. For example my first a big idea:
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I started do same things every times.
Don’t judge strictly, please, I know colors are bad. I didn’t have a camera and know about color correction nothing. I took my a friend and her the camera and we made some strange shot, and I liked it.
But I wanted say about different. So I was seating in the dormitory and I had written new post in VK, I don’t remember what about it was, so I was seating and I had some girls fans, maybe once or twice in two years, this joke. Just some girl wrote to me some  letters of praise, and it happened when I was correcting a photo, maybe photo which above, don’t care. Some girl wrote without aviator wrote me, no he had this avatar:
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I asked her, is it your photo? Because I don’t remember what she wrote I remember only photo from her avatar and in those days we didn’t have search by pictures. She answered, this the photo isn’t her, Ebba’s Zingmark the photo.
Of course I went to the Yandex and searched Ebba’s a blog. And it some change my life because I started try taking beautiful pictures and couldn’t and I cannot take same cool photos, I don’t know why, maybe because I am too serious and don’t have a friends band and expensive a camera, maybe to all this reasons, all time I think about work and tasks and I always work with people who older me, I don’t know. I don’t complain, maybe sometimes🙂.
You can check Ebba’s blog: http://ebbazingmark.com it’s beautiful place. I forgot about this website until tonight, and now have inspiration again and I can share.
But I should go to street with my camera and take some shots.
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shelf-cafe · 5 years
Finish project’s first stage
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I have just bought a keyboard for my iPad. And I have gone in new resting area which we have opened on this month. I am seating and writing near fire place, and what I am seeing: bum is seating in new a Italian armchair near with me. Also teenagers are near, also they are seating in armchairs, whi
ch was charge more one thousand euros, and in sofa which more expensive... more ten thousand., sorry I can’t stop for counting that money, because we have been waiting a lot of time this furniture from Italy and I have been approving materials and colors with my colleagues and the boss more then month.
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Maybe I am some anxious for this situation, for when I am seeing how teenagers are moving this expensive furnitures on a expensive carpet the Flotax. I remember how I told Sasha who from shopping center’s service about armchair’s wooden legs how it is cool and wooden legs won’t break, I have been talking how metal legs is’t cool... now I think another, I agree with her, and agree for we could order metal legs and more dark cloth for furniture.
Bum are getting out a thermos of his a bag and starting eat, so strange, ok, he is also human, ok🤦🏻‍♂️.
I shouldn’t worry about this, because our design came in reality life and people will check of strength. I shouldn’t but... ok, I shouldn’t.
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shelf-cafe · 5 years
I will
write a lot of here
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shelf-cafe · 5 years
First post
I have already done firs post but you know Tumblr... touch area around text area and be over., not all, nothin, nothin! Stupid blog platform which don’t have avto save. Sometime I hate Tumblr., It were twenty minutes from my life to touch area around text area.
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