A video on child development+technology and human interactions. 
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This article also touched on the fact that we may be exposing children to technology too fast. Even though it’s a much easier option to let them play with their iPads at the dinner table to keep them quiet what it does it takes away their ability to fulfill that development void in connecting with others in the long run. They are so focused on this screen and themselves that they have taken that self gratification of just getting what they want to be content and not forced to engage and dive into a group setting or learn healthy human interaction. 
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Children spending more time on the computers than exercising.
I chose this article due to the fact that we can maybe assume that children are growing up with development setbacks due to technology and television but we really don’t have any scientific facts to back that claim. What we can say is that children are being exposed to these platforms a lot earlier than they may need to but at the same time there are counteracting ways that technology at a young age could be benefitting them. Where the real sticky situation comes in is with adolescents and the use of this technology for self harm, body shaming, bullying, porn, etc. Thats when we raise the question on what age is the earliest age we can expose them to these things. I’ve attached the link below. 
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This is a little movie I put together myself that just shows the rapid growth that is Apple products. It shows that we don’t even know why we’re buying them but we just need to have them. It also shows how teens cannot live without there phones to the point where they either don’t engage in real human contact and conversation.
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Why I chose this topic?
I chose this topic because I feel like smartphones even though they are a blessing and hold every answer to our lives I feel like thy are taking over in a way that is destructive. I thought first at looking at my age group but realized honestly 20+ at this point some of us are using our phones for work (well I am mostly) So I wanted to look at the effect it has on the mind and cognitive function of a child’s brain because kids are getting phones/ and or ipads now at the age of 2!!! Absurd. 
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For children, face-to-face interactions are the primary ways they gain knowledge and learn.
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How Phone use stunts cognitive development amongst teens and how Apple is taking over.
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Street Art and Other Utopias: An Overview
1. When did you first become aware of street art?
I first became aware of street art growing up in Philadelphia. Philadelphia is known for their murals and graffiti work mostly done near the train stations. No matter what section you're in Philly is covered with some form of artistic expression. Especially down in Center City there are a lot of posters representing bands, marches, etc. We also have the infamous LOVE sculpture which brings many different people together everyday. Sometimes the Art Museum will also paint their steps in relation to a big exhibit happening like this Salvador Dali mural.
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2. What street art has inspired you or informed you in a new way?
After being in New York for a few years the whole Banksy movement inspired me in a new way. I've always been interested in street art but this brought a new curiosity to the whole concept due to the fact that we have no clue who Banksy is or what he looks like. Not only were the images super clever, cute and sometimes sad, it turned into a mystery. We wanted to find Banksy and figure out where he/she would strike next. This led me to become more aware of art around me and the patterns each part of New York called their own.
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Street Art 
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Street Art 
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Mr. Brainwash, my friends and I
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Street Arts Festival
I also wanted to bring up the Mr.Brainwash exhibit that was about two years ago in Chelsea. I remember attending this and being so excited because I had just watched Exit Through The Gift Shop on Netflix which is a mini documentary about Banksy and Mr. Brainwash a little man who just copies off of him. The documentary was cool because we still cannot see the real man behind his graffiti work. I went and was amazed at how cool everything was but still couldn’t get the fact Mr.Brainwash is a huge fraud. 
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