shaynapriestess · 1 year
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“He saw the darkness in her beauty, she saw the beauty in his darkness”
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shaynapriestess · 8 years
Revelations ( part 4 )
( Final installment. 4 th portion of A Short story collaboration with @tribeoftrolls. The priestess Shayna’s written part was done by @tribeoftrolls )
The earlier parts of the story
Part one Part two Part three Below, is the story’s conclusion

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shaynapriestess · 9 years
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shaynapriestess · 9 years
Warcraft RPers!
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Originally posted by theomeganerd
In dire need of more Warcraft RP blogs to follow. If you’re a Canon or OC Warcraft blog, give this post a like/reblog so I can follow you! This can also be an awesome way to find other blogs!
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shaynapriestess · 9 years
(( In response of Ra’rhuk’s Journal story: Confined. ))
After speaking with Ra’rhuk though she was non to pleased by how Ra’rhuk has been taken care of. Finding him chained to a wall, bruises on his wrists and just how lethargic his movements were and speech until he was able to feed. She had arrived as quickly as she prepared to travel her way once she received the letter. Not having any time to let others to know of her where abouts, the letter held urgency and she had brought two large water skins full of shovel tusk blood to sate Ra’rhuk. It wouldn’t be enough but it would do for now.
“Alright Ra’rhuk
Ay’m goin’ to get dis straightened out.” Rising onto her feet.
“I’ll wait ‘ere..” Ra’rhuk stated with his hollowed echoed voice and signature smirk.
A light shake of her head. “O’course
” She half chuckled while she was stepping out of the prison cell he was held in.
Approaching Bruno, the orc guard who was nodding off, back leaning against the wall and his helmet pushed forward enough to cover his eyes. Her expression glowered as she stared at the guard. She noticed the stool he was sitting back was tilting back on two legs. She held half a mind to kick the stool out from under him but the thought of Bruno retaliating his frustrations out on Ra’rhuk came to mind. She cleared her throat.“Bruno is et?”
She placed her hands upon the round of her hips.With a grunt heard, Bruno jerked awake as he adjusted his sitting position. Sitting up and pushing his helmet up half way. “Yeah and?” He squinted impatiently at her, as if she had disturbed him from a nights rest.
Pulling out a small bag after she untied it from her hip. “Be sure my fellow’s tribesmen be -well- taken care of. No ‘alf assin’ on any needs ‘e be askin’ for. When ‘e be rantin’ an’ carryin’ on
.you make sure ‘e gets a drink from tha’ water skin dat ‘e ‘as in tha’ cell. Et will calm ‘im
She opened the pouch to pour into her palm, golden coins, glittering jewels that would pitch for a large price. “You make sure ‘e not get any more bruises and if ‘e does
you contact me. Ay not want some inexperienced ‘ealer tryin’ to mend ‘im when ‘oly light dun work so well for Death Knights. So
.ya’ make me ‘appy on ‘is care and dere be much more den what your superiors pay you
.in full. Do we got a deal?” She poured the payment that was glittering in her hand back into the bag, she noticed his eyes held thought as well as interest upon seeing his expression focus on the pouch she held. Dangling it by holding it by the pull string, like dangling a mouse over a cat. She swung it gently side to side.
“And how am I to contact you? And what makes you think I’ll take your bribe..” His gaze squinted at her with his brows furrowing.
“Oh dis ain’ no bribe. Et not like ay be askin’ you to bail ‘im out against orders Bruno. Ay jus’ be askin’ to take care o’im better den ‘ow ya’ treat prisoner’s locked up in ‘ere.” Lifting the pouch of coins. “And if ya’ not want tha’ extra bonus pay
.” She was tieing the pouch to her hip.
“Wait..” He grunted.
She smirked only slightly, lifting her green gaze to look to him with a serious expression. “Hmm?” Pausing in her motions to tie the coin pouch to her side.
Bruno held his hand out to her. “Deal. But I still don’t know how I will contact you?”
She held the pouch to him and dropped it in his hand, though still held on to the pull strings. She didn’t fully trust the orc guard so she thought on how he would contact her should it be needed.“Ay’ll be returnin’ after ay speak to your superior. Until den
.you can just shout for me..” She released the pouch before she turned to head her way on out.
Entering into the upper chambers above of where Ra’rhuk is being held, she was lead into a room where Rayja was awaiting the priestess. She nodded toward a orc grunt that had escorted her, the orc grunt stood awaiting to be released by Rayja. Shayna looked over the female that stood before her, a green skin orc clad in light armor with animal fur worn beneath. A wolf skull helmet was hooked on the walling just above a pair of duel axes that was in arms reach of Rayja. A warrior with how Rayja stood analyzing her in return as the two exchanged glances. “You may go..” Rayja motioned a hand to the grunt orc who soon left the room after a salute.
Once the grunt left Shayna spoke. “Ay be sure you know who ay am but if not
..ay be Shayna, ‘igh priestess of tha’ Sul’Tusk tribe. And et ‘as come to my understandin’ you ‘ave one of my tribesmen in custody as a suspect for murder am ay correct?” She lifted a brow and awaited for Rayja’s response.
“Greeting’s High Priestess and yes, only that he is the one who has killed my brother. I am Rayja, warrior of the Wolf Skull clan and I have been investigating this situation ever since the day my brother had gone missing
.” She motioned a hand toward a chair. “Do sit
.do you require anything to eat or drink while you are here?”
“Ay not be ‘ere for pleasantries Rayja, ay be wantin’ answers. Do you ‘ave any evidence to show me dat Ra’rhuk ‘as murdered your brotha’. Ay ‘ave spoken wit’ Ra’rhuk and ay ‘ave yet to get your side of tha’ story
” She wanting to get right to the discussion, not circle around and waste each others time.
“The Death knight was sent with my brother and a few others to venture into Tanaan to deal with the shadow council numbers that are growing out there. The only one that returned from the mission was Ra’rhuk
.nor does he hold any memory of what has happened. I been lenient with him, while I was investigating on my brother gone missing. I had told Ra’rhuk to stay put in Orgrimmar so he can be contacted. He has disobeyed this on more then one occasion. Reports of him sneaking out of Orgrimmar, my men have found him in Silvermoon and even back to Tanaan working with others when he was to stay out of Tanaan. Hanging out with unsavory individuals which only leads to him being a suspect of the murder he is charged for
” She crossed her arms and spoke in a tone that held confidence and accusation that Ra’rhuk is the cause for her brother’s death.
“So besides ‘im disobeyin’ an order to stay put in Orgrimmar
which be understandable to tha’ predicament ‘e be in now. You ‘ave been investigatin’ and what ‘ave you found dat be proof dat Ra’rhuk killed your brother?” She awaited to hear Rayja out.“What has he told you?” Rayja asked.“Nothin’ dat ‘e ‘asn’t told you already
..now answer tha’ question..” She was noticing Rayja dodging the question.Rayja frowned slightly, walking her way to sit on the edge of the sturdy table that had a map on it. Crossing her arms over her chest. “I went back to what Ra’rhuk had described to me of where he and my brother went before he cannot remember the rest. I have searched all over that cursed mountain top known as the Throne, all that is up there is death and corruption. His carelessness is what lead to my brothers death..”
“You do realize dat Ra’rhuk was captured correct? ‘E spoken to me of bein’ bound by a rock dat was covered in runes..tha’ enemy ‘ad a ‘old of ‘im for ‘ow ever long. Ay been up dere myself a few times and seen several orcs bound to tha’ rock ‘e described to me. You -do- realize dat whatever ‘as ‘appened in Tanaan dat involves your brother. Dat ‘e too was captured and et not be tha’ fault of Ra—..”
“If it’s not his fault then who’s fault is it?” Rayja spoke to interrupt with an impatient temper in her tone.
Just as Ra’rhuk stated, this was something to just personally accuse Ra’rhuk. Shayna quietly stood as she observed Rayja’s expression, she can see the grieving within the anger of the orc’s eyes. “Et’s not Ra’rhuks fault..” Shayna added.
“Yes it is Priestess, he is one of your own so you’re in denial nor seeing clearly..” Rayja tried to speak as calmly as she could.
“Ay’m in denial? Really
..” Shayna shook her head and fought the urge to laugh and smirk of this woman’s observation. Trying to maintain a respective boundary here, to keep the conversation to a calm even level and to not elevate it. “Rayja
.if you ‘ave no evidence dat connects to Ra’rhuk to your brother’s death. Den dere is no crime. Did you find your brothers body?”
“It doesn’t matter, it’s been weeks since I last seen him.” Rayja motioned her hand dismissively at Shayna, rising off of the table to approach closer and stand face to face with the taller female troll.
“But did you find tha’ body?” Shayna repeated.
“What does it matter? Look
I searched all over that mountain and spoke–..” Just as she was speaking Shayna interrupted.
“Answer tha’ question, et’s a simple yes or no. Did you find tha’ body of your brother?” Shayna repeated with a more stern tone for answers.
“No! You want to know what I found?!” She moved to head to her bag that was hanging from a hook. Digging in to remove a ring that she would return to hold out toward Shayna. “This! This is our clan’s insignia ring and I found this ring that was worn on his hand of the severed arm that it was attached to! That’s what I found! I may not of found a body but I found my brother’s severed arm! That monster slaughtered him! There were others but they gone missing as well, he was the only one that came back!” Rayja growled out with a sneer.
ay be sorry for tha’ loss of your brother. But ay be seein’ a pattern ‘ere.” She sighed, trying to stay calm to not snap back at the orc woman who was clearly in mourning. “Ra’rhuk went as a guide wit’ your brother and whom ever else dat was apart of tha’ group. Somet’ing ‘appened up dere
.dey was over whelmed by tha’ enemy and got separated. Ra’rhuk was injured so bad dat be tha’ reason ‘e can’t remember so well cause et be tha’ enemy

tha’ enemy we been fightin’ out in Tanaan for months now dat killed your brother!” She raised her voice only due to seeing Rayja about to protest.
“‘ow can Ra’rhuk murder your brother when ‘e ‘imself was in prison by dem fel orcs!? Your brother knew tha’ risks to be out dere, even Ra’rhuk cannot guarantee everyone’s safe return. No one can when dey be out dere in Tanaan and you know dis! So in your grief instead of movin’ on wit’ tha’ death of your brother properly. You be goin’ on and on and on wit’ dis tryin’ to pin dis crime on Ra’rhuk when ‘e is not tha’ enemy! Gul’dan and ‘is followers are! Dat is your murderer! Dem orcs dat ‘ave made children orphans, captured innocents to use dere life essence for dere cruel rituals and loa know what else dat go on out dere but et doesn’t lead to Ra’rhuk bein’ tha’ blame!” She let out a breath after she spoken in a stern and raised tone to get her point across.
The two looked at each other in locked stares.“Dis story doesn’t add up to what you are goin’ for
et’s like you look forward to pinnin’ dis crime on Ra’rhuk. You been ‘avin’ et out for ‘im ever since and dis anger you ‘arbor is not goin’ to bring your brother back. Dere be no murder case ‘ere wit’ Ra’rhuk
..’e may of disobeyed orders to stay in tha’ city but dat’s et! So et’s either you let ‘im go now or–..”
“Or what?! ” Rayja snarled.
Shayna frowned as she continued with her gaze narrowing. “Or it be tha’ Jin of tha’ Sul’Tusk you be speakin’ wit’ next and et won’t be as pleasant as et is now..wit’ dis discussion between you and ay
” Shayna paused while she still studied Rayja. “So what will et be? You know you cannot keep Ra’rhuk ‘ere longer den tha’ disobedience dat ‘e be charged for.”
“I rather speak to this Chieftain of your tribe
” She breathed out. “I’m done talking to you..”
“Den so be et
but when Raji’jin does show up ‘ere. Ra’rhuk will be released
.and you will ‘ave to situate your closure of your brother’s death another way.” Turning her way as her cloak behind her lifted in a sweep motion from the air. The sounds of chimes rising from Shayna from the jewelry she wore at her wrists and ankles. Heading her way toward the door. “Oh and Rayja
ay’ll give you some time to t’ink on dis
” She looked over her shoulder. “You know ay be right about dis and dat why you be angered. You’re angered because you be grievin’
.ay be understandin’ dat. But your anger clouds your judgement. Ra’rhuk ‘as suffered just as much as your brother did. You be no different den tha’ enemy to be lockin’ ‘im up when ‘e be innocent. A question you should be askin’ yourself
..would your brother be proud of your be’avior against someone dat fought bravely by ‘is side all tha’ way to tha’ end?” She seen Rayja’s expression become sour as she spoke. Though once she spoke her words Shayna would depart. Soon to return to Bruno to not only check on Ra’rhuk but to wake the grumpy gaurd up again just to give him an enchanted orange gem to contact her. Once she departed from the area she traveled her way back to speak with Raji’din.
It had been a long travel to venture her way toward the north, once she had reached the city of Orgrimmar she had found Magister Taviast whom was more then kind to create her a portal to Dalaran to shorten the trip. Pulling her cowl over her head while, keeping warm from the cold of Zul’Drak. With the escort of another fellow troll, she had approached the temples steps. She bowed her head. “Thank you..” She spoke in zandali with a soft smile.
“Anytime High Priestess..” Spoke the tall male in a smooth tone before he would depart.
She shivered lightly while pulling her cloak closed around herself and headed her way in. “Raji’jin?” She called, looking around while she spotted a fires light just at the top of the stairs. Making her way to the top before she gasped as she felt something fall over her shoulders. Looking to the well woven and brightly colored blanket that she recognized as San’gee’s work.
“I didn’t mean to startle you Priestess..” Spoken in zandali, a deep echoed voice that emerged behind her.
“I’m going to have to end up tying a bell around one of your tusks aren’t I?”  She joked with an amused expression as she looked up to Raji’din. As large as he is, he seems to just pop out of no where when she least expects it. “And thank you for the blanket....”
“That will not be necessary.” He stated flatly. “My intent on my approach is obvious. You seem to have made a long trip here by the fatigue in your stance. And you’re welcome. By the way, San’gee is asleep if you have come to visit her. Though at this late hour I suspect you have come to visit me?” His large hand placed at her back as he walked along side her, guiding her toward the low fires light that kept the area warm. There were thick fur rugs to sit on or pillows. Not to far off San’gee was asleep near by. Just far enough that the fires light wouldn’t disturb her from her sleep.
Shayna made her way chuckling as Raji’din spoke his comment of not necessary. Soon to sit on a throw pillow letting out a eased sigh. “I have come to speak with you..”
“Do you require any tea? San’gee had a cup before she went to bed. The water is still hot..” He offered. “And what do you seek to speak with me about?” 
“Yes I would love a cup. And it’s your nephew...Ra’rhuk..” She watched him move about picking the tea pot up to setting up a cup. Pouring the water in and setting a tea bag into it. On his return he held the cup out to her and spoke.
“What about Ra’rhuk? What trouble is he in?” He expected to be trouble as Shayna had not approached him about Ra’rhuk in a while. The last time she did it was about his behavior but nothing to out of the ordinary.
“He’s in jail on account of being accused for murder...” She wasn’t sure how Raji’din was going to react about this news. She watched his pale brow lift and his glowing gaze stare at her in contemplation before he spoke.
“Murder? Explain...” He lowered his large frame to crouch before her.
“To make a long story short. He was out in Tanaan amongst other fellow Horde members. They were on a mission which tends to deal with slowing down or stopping the shadow council out there from their work. But something happened....I may need help on this but...didn’t you mention that you helped Ra’rhuk get his things back which was weeks ago?” She asked.
“Yes. He was quite pleased to take his anger out on the cultists that had him bound. I aided to satisfy his need of vengeance on the enemy...and at the same time. Find his belonging’s. What about it?” He awaited her answer.
“This Orc woman name Hellsnarl is trying to pin the death of her brother on Ra’rhuk. She has been investigating and Ra’rhuk was under orders to stay in Orgrimmar until it was figured out. Unfortunately.....he disobeyed this which gave Hellsnarl a reason to lock him up and now that she has him, it seems it’s not enough and she has him also chained to a wall. I do not think he will be treated well there. He is already starting to show signs of becoming unstable..” She paused for a moment. “She will not release him and she rather talk to you.”
He listened before he asked his question, rather to know the condition of his nephew. “How unstable is he?”
“When I arrived he was lethargic. I given him fresh shoveltusk blood but it will not hold for him. Let alone his sudden out burst...and then not remembering the previous behavior. Having blank moments, which gives reason to why he is chained. And I have a couple of requests...” She bowed her head gently.
“And that is?” He simply asked.
“One is, I need a supply of fresh hearts before I return. It may help keep him stable and the second is, when he is released I would like to work with him at my home. He has requested this and is unsure you will allow it. He also seems to hold some amount of shame as he doesn’t want you to see him in the condition that he is in...” She awaited for his decision, taking the moment to sip from her cup of tea.
“The temple here is more secure to keep not only him safe but safe from him harming others should that happen. You spoken that he is having blank moments, can I risk you being harmed by him in your very own home?” Raji’din glowing gaze narrowed slightly.
“I am well aware of the risks and prepared for such. I with hold the blessing of Lukou, the light will protect me as it is harmful to...those that are undead. I will not use such upon him unless needed in self defense. I do not believe he will harm me. My home would be some place he feels secure and out of view of others for now. Though I do think that perhaps having his brother Kor’akk show up would aid him but when the time comes. As well as you but only when he is ready...he seems to be at a very low point, he may very well be depressed. And he has asked to be taken to my place, he believes I can help stable him but that is your decision to allow this or not...” She closed her eyes to bow her head once more. Lifting her tired gaze toward him. She was starting to feel comfortable and warm here her fatigue was getting the best of her. But so long as she kept talking she was able to resist. Opening her eyes to lift her cup to drink.
Raji’din stayed quiet watching her motion, listening to her breathing as well as speak. He could tell that she was showing signs of her fatigue strengthening, it may be wise to let her rest rather then keep her up all night discussing this situation Ra’rhuk got himself in. “Allow me to think on this Shayna. For now, I can see that you are in need of sleep. You can rest here. By morning I will have decided.” He arose to stand while Shayna drank her tea. Moving his way to approach one of the supply boxes. Opening one to pull out a thick rhino fur sleep rug. Placing the rug at the other side of San’gee, placing a fur blanket down. Once he had arranged a sleeping area for her he moved back to her. “Go and rest...you have done well to letting me be aware of Ra’rhuk’s situation. We will talk more of this tomorrow..”
She had placed the empty cup down at the side and stood up while Raji’din was preparing her a place to rest. She would of done it herself but he was ahead of her before she can tell him. Walking her way to the sleeping area she bowed her head once more. “Thank you Raji.” She would of rather to sleep in her own bed, but this would do. She didn’t have the strength for another travel to get back home. Slipping under the blanket she would lay down and gain much needed rest for the night.
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shaynapriestess · 9 years
Reblog to pop this story on Shayna’s Blog page. <3
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OMG I had the NICEST GM ever!
Long story short, I was going to role play with Minstrel’s character Ra’rhuk at his Garrison. Well, I go afk for a minute to go get something to eat. Suddenly Fios’s internet flickered or restarted. Cause we lost internet for like a second. So I log back on Shayna only to find her falling into the land of mushrooms! I see Ra’rhuk above me and I’m falling UNDER the Garrison map! So I can’t do any actions cause as soon as I’m falling, I disconnect.
Keep reading
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shaynapriestess · 9 years
Send me đŸŒč for my muse’s reaction to yours handing them a bouquet of roses
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shaynapriestess · 9 years
Shayna: “Ay be lookin’ mighty fine wit’ Ma’aharet posin’ for tha’ camera.”
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One last day at the beach
Click the top image to see a large version of it all together! I’d always wanted to do one of those over saturated Anime-Style “everyone’s at the beach doing THINGS” pictures. Buuuut this is what it devolved to. This was started FOREVER ago- so if you RP with us often but don’t see yourself Don’t hate me!! Just imagine that this is you happening upon us all on any given Friday. 
From left to right: Rainbro (Aka DJ Rainlight from Club Trix), Tase’laz, zinaji, Ma’aharet, Shayna, (in front) brixtul and Elle, Elsee and Kaz, and last but NEVER least, rarhuk who is actually on his way to being a much more fun version of himself we like to call “Potion Rock”. 
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shaynapriestess · 9 years
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Prom Night @ Stormspire in Netherstorm WRA 7PM/MG 9PM
Run by Crescent Productions
Shayna and Ra’rhuk enjoying the night out
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shaynapriestess · 9 years
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Club Trix, got a groupie shot with Rainbro (the tauren and our DJ), Got Kaz’kali (male troll cheering with pumpkin head), Elsee (female troll also wearing a pumpkin head), Ra’rhuk (wearing the red tank) and Shayna (blonde female troll). A fun night out dancing.
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shaynapriestess · 9 years
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Shayna at Crescent Productions, Gem Cave party! Dressed to represent a yellow Gem.
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shaynapriestess · 10 years
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Art by me,
Character belongs to Tribes
Blizz stuff belongs to Blizz
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shaynapriestess · 10 years
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Shayna enjoying club trix.
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