sharing-god · 3 months
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sharing-god · 3 months
My faith really started by just talking to God. He has taught me so much by just having constant conversations with Him. I struggle to read the Bible but when I do get to it I understand so much of it because He has already been speaking it into my heart and spirit.
“She said boy this kind of praying is what saved my life” “Now I know she was right” “Cause now I’m talking to Jesus” “I love talking to Jesus” “What a friend we have in Jesus!”
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sharing-god · 3 months
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sharing-god · 3 months
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This sticker reminds me daily just how much God loves me. God loves every single human being on this planet so eternally and far deeper than we are even capable of understanding. It’s so wild to think that He desires to just dwell and speak to us. He is so real and He just wants to talk to you. No matter who you are, what you do, where you come from. Jesus LOVES you.
“And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is.” Ephesians 3:18
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sharing-god · 4 months
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sharing-god · 11 months
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sharing-god · 11 months
Fear can paralyze you. I struggle with overcoming fear but God showed me this song right when I needed it 🤍
“Let Him turn it in His favor, watch Him work it for your good” “Hello peace hello joy hello loveee” “Hello strength hello hope it’s a new horizon” “Fear is not my future You are” “Sickness is not my story You are” “Heartbreak is not my home You are” “Death is not the end Jesus You are”
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sharing-god · 2 years
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sharing-god · 2 years
One of my current favorite psalms is psalm 23 and this song is filled with it’s verses and it brings my heart and soul so much joy 🤍 “And He anoints me, anoints me with His oil. Halleluuuuu Glory Hallelujah” “I will fear no, fear no evil” “For the Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want” “There’s a mansion in glory and You’re gonna meet me there” “I’ve got everything that I need. Your goodness and mercy is following me”
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sharing-god · 2 years
Today I learned the symbolism of a rainbow 🌈🤍
God told Noah that it would be a reminder of His promise to Noah that he would not destroy the earth by a flood again.
“I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh.” Genesis 9:13-15
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sharing-god · 2 years
I always tear up when I hear this song. When you feel how much God really loves you, there’s nothing else left to do other than fall to your knees and cry. His love is the best and most intense love I’ve ever felt in my entire life. “Whyyyy you love me like you love me, I’ll never know” “Even when I turn my back, You love me” “Even when I curse Your name, You love me” “And even when I broke your heart, You love me”
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sharing-god · 2 years
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sharing-god · 2 years
I learned the definition of holy and it was so inspiring.
Dedicated or consecrated to God or a religious purpose; sacred.
The Hebrew word for “holy” is kodesh, comes from the root word ”kadash” which means to be set apart for a specific purpose.
But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “be holy, because I am holy” -1 Peter 1:15-16
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sharing-god · 2 years
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sharing-god · 2 years
What is life, but a series of endless choices? Recently a friend asked a question during our Friday bible study that I wish I answered. She asked “If God gives us the choice to accept him or not why should we accept Him?” “Why not just do what we want?” This is the famous question that every Christian has asked themselves and if not, they eventually will. It is an honest, REAL, question. It’s a question that answers itself as you start to progress in your relationship with God. It took me a very long time to not want to do things my own way and to trust God and in all honesty I still struggle with it today. However the reason why I continue to push even on my hardest days is because of how much better life with God is. He doesn’t promise it will be easy but he does promise he will be with us strengthening and encouraging us. When you leave it all in His hands he is able to do more than we think or imagine and when you see that in real life it is AMAZING. You can not deny the empty lonely feeling that comes with doing things your own way compared to the overwhelming peaceful feeling you get when you do what God is calling you to do. It really is right vs wrong, good vs evil. The hard part is figuring out what He wants you to do and sticking to it. In reality this is usually something we do not want to do but you have to choose to do it. God gave us free will so it will always be a choice we have to make for ourselves. Start choosing Him and watch how your life changes for the better.
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sharing-god · 2 years
If you love Flume you will love this whole album. This quickly became my favorite song once I heard all the lyrics. “Oh Jesus, how You save me over and over again.” “I wanna be just like You cause You’re the fullness of grace and truth.” “When I’m blinded by all the darkness. When I’m faithless, You stay true.” “YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL” “I am yours forever. You could say whatever. Say the word I will go to the ends of the earth.”
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sharing-god · 2 years
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