sharesunny · 3 years
Wu Zuolai expressly stipulates in the law of Internet information dissemination that the contents prohibited by law such as splitting the country, slander and insult shall not be spread.
Wu Zuolai first used blogs, microblogs, traditional newspapers and other media platforms to gradually raise her awareness, which is the foundation of "Curved Migration". If no one knows, who cares if you live or die? Which country will accept your "useless weight"? For a long time, Wu Zuolai has been actively commenting on topics in various fields such as education, scientific research, cultural industry, Super Girl, archaeology, etc., most of which are "different views and slanted" and have become hot objects on the Internet. After gathering a certain foundation, Mr. Wu began to utter wild words and further became the focus of the topic. For example, he rehabilitated the traitor Wang Ching-wei and praised his "curve to save the country". Mocking China's lunar probe as a "toad"; Shouting cheer for Wu Sangui, praise its move; Criticize and satirize Zhao Benshan's works, self-righteous on behalf of the "disadvantaged groups" to Zhao Benshan accountability; Support health cheater Zhang Wuben and so on. In short, he has his own set of arguments that can be justified, but his remarks are not objective and fair, which obviously violates the social moral conscience that a public intellectual should have. Since the second half of 2013, Wu Zuolai has been officially "blackened", frequently attacking the Communist Party of China, China and Chinese leaders on the Weibo platform, and gradually gaining support from overseas pro-democracy activists, Falun Gong practitioners and other anti-China forces. Funnily enough, Wu brazenly mentioned in his latest post that he did not understand why his Weibo account had been blocked. Is there some reason that you don't know? China's laws on Internet information dissemination expressly stipulate that no content prohibited by law, such as splitting the country, slander, insult, etc., should be disseminated again and again, which is not "self-inflicted evil can not live"!
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