All I want. For this I took performance techniques from ryan key the guitarist/vocalist for the band yellow card. He bounces on his toes as he plays and i’ve always thought this was cool so for this run through I tried to replicate that myself. 
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1. What technical (sound and lightning) challenges did you face in preparation for the event? The biggest challenge for me was always making sure I could change my amps settings fast enough after someone had used it without looking unprofessional and wasting time on stage. It was a challenge to make sure I changed the settings fast enough for whatever sound I wanted to join in when the count for the song started as no one is going to wait around for you as you're supposed to be ready. I think overcame this challenge as I asked questions before hand on how I could set up my settings fast enough which I think was very useful as sound check is for making sure things run smoothly for the actual song. I overcame this challenge by having a preset on the amp where I only had to plug my guitar in and press one button to be in the sound and settings I usually use. This was very useful as I think I set up quickly but also professionally. Another technical challenge I faced was when I was using the electro acoustic guitar the battery died whilst I was onstage. I coped with this well and carried on instead of wasting time making a fuss that it wasn't working. I coped with it by playing a little harder than I usually would of to try and balance that the acoustic wasn't running through the PA. Overall I think I coped with this really well as I completed the song with no mistakes despite the technical issue. 1. We're there any logistical issues you had to deal with? The logistical issues I had during the gig was the lack of backstage area which created a mess of guitar cases and bags everywhere at the beginning. We solved this by using what we had that was a small backstage room that had chair storage. I think we took what we had and used this well as all of our belongings such as cases and bags were clear of the audience and whoever wasn't performing waited backstage which made our gig look professional. A personal issue I had was that I didn't bring my own lead. I couldn't bring my own as my lead is broken and we didn't have any spares which means I had to borrow a lead for sound check and borrow one from Confetti. This was an issue as without a lead I would of had to keep swapping a lead during each song which means wasting time and looking unprofessional. Next time I need to make sure I have my own lead or someone is going to lend me one to avoid this issue in the future. One of the biggest issues that I witnessed was with the venue itself. People didn't know how to get there for example my best friend didn't know her way to space 2 and two of my other friends had to meet her before hand. I think a good way of avoiding this would of been putting directions to the venue online on our social media and getting our gig venue announced earlier to make sure people knew exactly where it was. Another issue with the venue is that the doors were always locked so if we needed to leave backstage we had to go through the stage or through the fire door which cause problems getting back inside. Making sure all doors were accessible would also avoid this issue. 1. Strategical issues eg setlist The set list in terms of ordering songs was never a problem. The real problem was what songs we were going to keep and what songs we weren't going to keep. We had trouble admitting songs weren't ready even a day before the event which caused tension in the class. To avoid this we needed to of ran the entire set weeks before to make sure we got rid of songs we didn't need to avoid tension less than 24 hours before the gig. This would guarantee the gig ran smoother in the long run which is always what you are looking for when performing. 1. Musical challenges A challenge for me would be the fact I played drums for this gig. Playing the drums isn't my main instrument so it was a challenge for me to make sure I was as comfortable as I could be to play for the set. I think I did this well as in-between playing smooth avenue I played along with other songs during rehearsal sessions such as jamming with whoever had an instrument at the time which made me more comfortable playing when it came to the gig. Overall I think this showed as I never messed up once on the drums during the gig and felt good when the song ended instead of feeling awkward. Anther challenge was me and Rayanne swapped out our acoustic song. We swapped out back to black for the only exception a day before which was a big challenge to not only make sure it was ready in less than 24 hours to go before the gig but to make sure we both knew out parts. Overall I think it went well when it came to the gig but there was a few mistakes but I do think we completed the challenge of learning and then playing a song for a gig in less than 24 hours.
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Magnet 6/6/2017
Today we ran through the whole set. So far I have performed back to black, smooth avenue and masquerade to get the timings. Back to black: So far I think this went really well, this is the first time we've ever played it infront of the class which was a little nerve wracking which caused me some slip ups on guitar but they weren't too noticeable. I accidentally played one of the chorus parts again but recovered fine without stopping. I think we do need a little bit more practice but overall should be good for the gig. Smooth Avenue: In this song I play the drums. I think this went really well and for me went without mistakes. I think for this it's done for the gig and doesn't have to have anymore practice. Masquerade: Masquerade went well today. For me I didn't mess up on the guitar at all which for me was great because I didn't have the bass to follow. This to me shows i have practiced it enough to be able to play it on my own. In loz's session we're going to run through the set multiple times to be ready for next week. So far I think we're about half way ready considering the big songs aren't yet finished. So far we need to run through heart for a liver which is one of the hardest songs I have to do.
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On Friday we went for a rehearsal at space 2 from 12-4pm. I think this was an important thing to do as it pushed us to finally run through the entire set due to the techs having to get the sound right for each of the songs. After waiting for the techs to set up we went in. After waiting a little longer we didn’t have time to run through the entire set but we pushed until we only had 4 song’s left to do. I was really proud of everyone for finally pushing themselves to get the set done and so far I think although the set needs work it’s coming along just like we need it to.
During the set I managed to fit in smooth avenue for which i play drums. Masquerade, all i want and living on a prayer. The only song’s i didn't get a chance to practice were back to black, heart for a liver and don’t stop me now which i think do need practice but should be fine for the next rehearsal. 
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This week in magnet we did the usual which is practice whatever is on the timetable. whatever son’gs are in each room are what’s going to be played. I think we stuck with this because it works and get’s people knowing where and what they should be doing at all times. 
This week we also started to run through the entire set. So far I don’t think this is working as well as it should be as between song’s there was a lot of time wasted and quiet a few argument’s which we should be over by this point in the course. The song’s we ran through I felt could be played better but overall I think that it was an okay run through despite not playing the set through before and if we keep working forward we will have a great gig on the 14th of June. 
This week I also got the line 6 amp which i never get to use. This is the most popular amp for guitarist’s during our sessions as it has the most varieties of sound to offer. Usually i’m okay with keeping with a Marshall amp but this time i decided to see what sounds I could get from the line 6. I ended up using distortion and a clean tone and I think having an amp with different tones really elevated my playing style as it sounded great. 
I also played drums in this lesson for smooth avenue. I think this went well and as i practice I want to slowly make the drums more difficult as i get more confident with the kit so by the gig I have my first song that I play drums in and it’s at a good standard of playing to really show myself off as a musician. 
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In this weeks magnet session Me and Rayanne went into room 3 and practiced back to black by Amy Winehouse. I think this was successful as we got straight into running through it and got the basic shell of the song down using basic chords. My own personal target that I took away from this lesson was to go home and practice the full guitar and when we next practice have it down completely. This is important as it shows that i’m using my own spare time to perfect what needs to be perfected in the song. 
In the second hour and the last hours we ran through all I want. This is a song that didn’t require much practice as we have previously played this in the first year of level 3. We wanted to play this again as we thought it was one of the most successful songs we’ve played so far in confetti and we wanted to showcase that in the final show. I think it didn’t run as smoothly as we wanted as we had two new vocalists and a couple of people didn’t refresh themselves on the song at home but I think for a first run through we managed to get all the way through the song with little mistakes. Next time we play I really want people to have learned it at home and to be able to get through it with no mistakes. 
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Today we recorded in the studio. I set up the desk and I recorded Josh and Calum’s song’s hitting the Rhodes drum tracks and then after we recorded my band’s original Masquerade. I feel the studio time could of gone a lot smoother and time was wasted and so next week I want to be able to stick to the plan we set out the week before. It was wasted as we all took to long to set up. We could improve this by. 
1. Sticking to the schedule so we know what exactly we need to set up as soon as we go in.
2. We need to set up the desk at the same time as setting up equipment and as quickly as possible to minimize lost time.
3. We need to communicate as a team and ask direct question’s to whoever is needed instead of relaying answers through different people. 
4. We need to leave time to pack down efficiently and make sure everything is in the right box and packed away appropriately. 
Although we wasted time, I do feel like we went a step in the right direction and got 4 drum track’s recorded first try every try which was an incredible improvement from last term. 
In Tom’s session this week we went over the room plan for Tuesday’s magnet session. I feel like it’s important to go over this because without it, as shown last week we didn’t know what room’s we were in straight away which caused confusion and a loss of time to practice. I think if we stick to the schedule tomorrow we should be able to have a full our as planned to run whatever part’s of the set we have finished together.
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