Shanna Foug
21 posts
I am a devoted disciple of Jesus, wife, mother and leader in the marketplace. My past experiences are shared to bring hope to those who think they are too far gone for restoration. I believe everyone can live in freedom so I talk about topics often considered controversial but necessary for change.
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shannafoug · 5 years ago
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Jesus came to redeem us. He came so that we could be set free from bondage and live a life in true freedom.
He is our righteousness. His blood was payment. Blood had to always be shed. He gave us a new life. Life is in the blood. We have authority over our enemy because of the blood.
He is our redeemer. He came to take back what is ours. He came to transfer the power and authority that we gave away back to us. He reconciled the debt and now we owe nothing and can’t be made to pay. We have the spirit of might, love and peace.
Jesus gave us salvation that washed us clean. It sets us right with Father and we are now apart of the family of GOD. He has officially adopted us and we have full rights as a son. GOD doesn’t differentiate between girls and boys. We are all his beloved children and he favors those who favor Him. However He loves us all uniquely equal.
Jesus left us Holy Spirit. This is the promise of His return but it’s also our secret weapon against our enemy. The Holy Spirit knows the mind of GOD and shares it with us. When we are right with GOD, we think like Him.
Ask Father to show you a secret that will give you an advantage over your enemy today. And listen to what your heart says. ♥️
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shannafoug · 5 years ago
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Galatians 5:1
‘It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.’
We are FREE from bondage and FREE to be all that GOD has destined for us to be.
You know when we are born-again we are in essence being re-made, re-created, re-newed.
Like a little girl who has an incredible father. She has no insecurities, no wants, no unmet needs, she is FREE to be and do all that she desires. She is constantly trying out new things to see if that is what she likes.
Girlfriend — YOU ARE A NEW CREATION! It’s time to start living from the newness of life. Fearless because of how much YOU are loved.
Just like a little girl with a good father, YOU are loved well♥️
Start dreaming again! Start visualizing your future again! Learn a new dance or to paint.
Enjoy your freedom! Become comfortable with it! And.... stand firm, no one can take it from you! It’s yours forever! ✝️
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shannafoug · 5 years ago
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This is a real thing that happens to many people. If you deal with this, I want you to know you are not alone. Hope you appreciate this tool that is so powerful. 💥
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shannafoug · 5 years ago
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Oh my goodness! I SO love reading the Bible!!
Lessons from this week:
1. Relationship, relationship, relationship! We need relationship with GOD, with a family and with friends to be whole. It produces joy and increases our joy capacity.
2. Be aware of bad advisors who will pollute your thoughts. It’s true bad company produces bad morals.
3. We have the ability to produce healthy atmospheres by what we are ingesting. My consumption of anything relates to my health in that area. Food-body, thoughts-speech, beliefs-actions.
4. The little things are the most important because they become habit forces in my life.
5. Pride is not selective. It wants to control everyone. No one is good enough to be immune. Humility is a daily decision.
6. Success is measured through a lifetime, not in a season of life. Don’t be deceived.
7. You can’t have healthy relationships if you don’t have a whole heart.
8. The healthiest way to live is Jesus model, Love GOD -> Love Yourself = Love Others
We are better together and yet must be okay with being alone. Where are you today?
Are you out of balance? Does busyness define your life? Do you find yourself just wanting to be alone? Either way, you heart is divided.
What if your heart was whole? Can you envision that kind of life? The peace, the love, the wholeness.
Jesus wants to bring you into wholeness. If you want that to we can pray and invite Him to show up and bring that total healing.
I would to facilitate that for you, please private message me if you are ready to seek this place of total wellbeing through a whole heart. ♥️
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shannafoug · 5 years ago
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Romans 8 is a great chapter to read over and over if you struggle with being a child of GOD. Honestly, I think that’s what we all struggle with, if we could comprehended what it means to be GOD’s kid we would all be healed, full of joy, whole in every way. We would be great lovers, friends, parents all the time. We would walk in confidence of who GOD made us to be. We would have no wants. We would feel completely loved. It would be ‘heaven on earth’ everyday.
The love of GOD is SO big, SO complete, it’s SO powerful. We humanly don’t have a concept for it. We have limiting beliefs that stop us from fully receiving His love and adoration.
My husband can say he loves me and would do anything for me and mean it every time, but if I don’t have the same concept of love as he does it only means what my concept of love understands. What if my concept of love is limited compared to his. Then when he says ‘I Love You’ I hear, I love you because I need you. So I never understand his love for me.
It’s the same with GOD. The Bible tells us “GOD is love”. Do we comprehend the fullness of GOD? Of course not, it’s an exciting journey we spend our earthly life studying. He is more than we can contain in our brains. It’s a spiritual understanding. He is so vast, so complex, so almighty.
And yet we somehow think we can comprehend this love. We gain more and more understanding as we get to know His heart. As we experience Him we experience more of His this love. But the vastness of it is elusive while in these mortal bodies. Even though, His love for us is the same day one of our lives as the day we get saved... it doesn’t change. Our perspectives change and grow and understand this love more and more.
The adventure is great! He keeps showing us in special ways who we are to Him. Let Him love you and see a whole new you!
You are a precious child of GOD and He adores you. Spend time alone with Him and let Him show you how much, how great, how deep, how powerful His love for you is.
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shannafoug · 5 years ago
GOD is always faithful. When I pray, what am I asking for? Am I asking for something GOD wants me to do or am I asking for something GOD wants to do for me.
I often pray for Jesus to do things and I believe He will do it. And often times He does. What am I not asking for?
I’m convinced that there is so much to GOD that I haven’t tapped into and because of that I fail to ask for the things that could change the world. My concept of GOD is too small.
I heard a sermon yesterday that reminds me that GOD created me for a purpose to change the world. If I don’t partner with a Him properly then I miss out on a lot of what He wants to do in the world.
I also realize that I often try (really hard) to change my behaviors. To stop doing things I find no value in or to start positive actions that I know will make me better. Why do I do this? It’s often times so futile. I end up failing. My will power is so weak.
GOD wants me to include Him. He is able to make all things come together for the good of those who love Him, and that’s me and you. If I want to loose weight, partner with GOD. If I want to be nicer, partner with GOD. Whatever I want to change in my life, I can partner with GOD and see transformational results.
Without Him I can do no good thing. But with Him it’s limitless and often times time bending. He is all I need. He is who produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control in me.
Lord Jesus help me now.
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shannafoug · 5 years ago
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When you see how division started - literally through a decision made by Ham to tell his brothers about his fathers naked drunkenness instead of covering him and keeping it to himself - it’s simply mind blowing.
Through Ham came Canaan and Nimrod, who was the great grandfather of Jezebel, and Egypt. These sons were at least 100 years old by the time the flood came so they were plenty mature to make better decisions. And it appears that Canaan had already been born because GOD mentions him as carrying on Hams rebellion.
1. EVERY decision has a either a consequence or a blessing attached to it.
2. Age does not designated maturity.
3. Becoming strong and mighty will. It change the destiny GOD has for you. Repentance, however, is the only way to get GODs attention in a matter.
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shannafoug · 5 years ago
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The revelation of Jesus Christ brings so much freedom. He died a horrific death.... 6 trials in one night, scurging by the Roman soldiers, crucsified as a criminal. I’m moved with tears as I write this. And He did it for me...for you.
When I think about how much He loves me because the Father loves me, I’m undone. I can look back on my BC (before Jesus Christ) life and see how my old self treated GOD. It is what makes me want to show Him I love Him back — everyday. He chased me down and chose me in my worst state. He loved me when I forgot how to love myself. He always saw the gold through the dirt. How could I not serve Him? I am SO grateful!!
I’m more and more okay with being set apart. It’s not a choice to make lightly. It’s more of a calling in these days where there is so much that even good Christians allow in their lives. We all have to choose how we will design our lives, it’s what Jesus warned us about... the leaven.
I’m not trying to be some crazy Christian, just suggesting we become aware of what we are listening to, watching and choosing to become friendly with. It can be difficult to make the move... some would say it’s lonely but I’m never alone and GOD keeps sending me friends who are also doing the same.
My heart belongs to Jesus. He guards it. He grows it. I am loving this season of life. I’m creating new relationships and new patterns. I’m letting the old die and the new become my standard. I’m seeing through a different lens. God is speaking regularly. I’m listening intently. I’m writing books and learning new things. I’m becoming more of my new self. And I’m happy. I’m fulfilled. I’m in love with Jesus.
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shannafoug · 5 years ago
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GOD is a good father. He disciplines His children but always comes with a promise of blessing. The law came first... but Jesus came to fulfill the law. He loves with the purest form of love. Most of us don’t even comprehend this type of love so we misunderstand it.
Jesus came in that same form of love, wrapped in flesh. A price had to be paid for our collective sin. One body for a multitude of bodies. One act for a multitude of acts.
The blood of Jesus IS so powerful that it paid the price for all past and all future people and sin. It’s a love that is difficult to understand. It’s not an emotional love. It’s not a logical love. It’s a supernatural love. We have to get our head out of the way to fully receive it.
It’s the solution for every dark, evil, perverse issue we have. It’s the solution for hate, it’s the solution for greed, it is the solution for lust. You name it. Divine Love is the answer.
Some of us have experienced GOD’s love and want to hold it in as if He will not continue to love us. Don’t be a swamp where you receive love and don’t share it. This is a scarcity mindset.
He is Love. There is a never ending amount of Love to give. It’s as if He is the producer of love itself. When we see through this lens we understand that when we give it away we make room for more to be given to us. We create a magnetic field by which we attract Love.
We are conduits of GOD’s perfect Divine Love. Let Him love through you. Be a river. Let it flow through many channels. Change WILL happen.
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shannafoug · 6 years ago
When you are RIGHT with GOD you think like GOD. You have the mind of Christ.
-Kris Vallotton
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shannafoug · 6 years ago
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shannafoug · 6 years ago
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:2‬ ‭ESV‬‬
Having a renewed mind looks like:
1. Live in hope. Any thought that doesn’t inspire hope is rooted in a lie.
2. Live in peace. Don’t worry or speculate negatively.
3. You like yourself and rejoice in your weaknesses.
4. The impossible seems reasonable.
5. You are quick to forgive and freely give others grace and mercy.
6. You are confident and thankful.
7. You believe in others and give them the benefit of the doubt.
Which one are you best at and which one do you need to build up?
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shannafoug · 6 years ago
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GOD is pouring out His goodness on all who are asking. It won’t appear to be good on the surface but oh how good it is!
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shannafoug · 7 years ago
Being deeply loved gives you strength; loving deeply gives you courage
Lao Tzu
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shannafoug · 7 years ago
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your GOD will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
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shannafoug · 7 years ago
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop to look fear in the face
Eleanor Roosevelt
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shannafoug · 7 years ago
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