𓆩 altamira
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❀ selfship│self insert blog ❀Shanks x Chloris *currently cleaning up this blog*
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shanksflower · 2 years ago
I seriously love this so so much!, thank you again so much for drawing them!. The size difference between them, how large his hand is compared to hers, just imagining his calloused hand compared to her much softer ones, I love them so much!
The lipstick smudges on his lips as the two are slow dancing, I love him so so much. How Shanks is looking at her with so much love in his eyes, he holds his flower wife so dear in his heart he just can’t take his eyes off of her ♡(ˊ̥̥̥̥̥ ⌑ ˋ̥̥̥̥̥)
Also!, important to note, I really love how you draw Shanks, especially here!. Older Shanks has my heart and you really have me blushing and kicking my legs, love his hairy arms and chest with all my heart. The details in his facial features, he’s so perfect!! ☺️💕💕
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Sketch comm for @shanksflower 🌸
Thank you for your support~!!
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shanksflower · 2 years ago
I wanted to reblog this here on my selfship blog too cause how can I not!, I love these so so much, how beautiful her night gown is and the soft morning kisses shared between them, the gentle touches. Cupping his cheek and kissing over his scar and him taking her hand and kissing her palm just makes my heart so soft! ´͈ ᵕ `͈ ♡°◌̊
Thank you so much for drawing them for me; I keep coming back and looking over both zooming in and gushing, I sound so repetitive but I really can’t get over it! 💕🌸
Some messy doodles of Shanks and my friend @shanksflower lovely oc, Chloris. She's so pretty 🥺
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shanksflower · 2 years ago
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Another commission from @/ on Instagram!
I knew the or original meme was perfect for them, mother and daughter and then there’s father and son, also may I just say Uta’s little smile when she gets a kiss from her mama is the sweetest things ever, and I can never get over that red haired man’s smile and laugh, goofy man, he loves messing around with Luffy (*´∀`*)
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shanksflower · 2 years ago
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I got this lovely commission back from @/ on instagram ♡
A wholesome family moment; mother and daughter making up a little remedy to help cure Shanks’s cold. The mother daughter bonding that Chloris and Uta have while making up the herbal remedy, and how proud Uta is when Chloris said she had a little helper! I also love the detail in the flush on Shanks’s face cause he’s sick, hugging his favourite girls close for taking such good care of him (´∀`)♡
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shanksflower · 2 years ago
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Chloris Desrosiers
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𓆩 Appearance
General physical traits
Age: 18 (when she met Shanks)
22 (Foosha village)
32 (pre-timeskip)
34 (timeskip)
Height: 159cm / 5’2
Physical stature: short, petite, feminine, long legs
Race: Human
Skin colour: pale
Hair colour: primrose pink / pale mauve
Eye colour: pale lavender
Defining Features: beauty marks under both eyes, flowers in hair, long lashes
Fashion choices
Personal style: anything cottagecore, elegant and feminine (cutesy isn’t her style)
Standard outfit: Pre-time skip she wore a cream blouse with a v cut at the front, criss cross string at the front where the v cut is, she still wore a brown skirt but she didn’t have a pattern at the hem yet, and an apron that only went around her waist, and brown boots
Her main outfit is an off the shoulder cream blouse paired with a green corset, a long brown skirt, the hem of the skirt of which has a light brown leaves pattern with red roses, and a white line going all around beneath it, and brown boots with green laces and a green fabric with a floral pattern on them
What is noticeable about her presence: She has a gentle and nurturing presence; kind eyes, and a soft gentle smile, she has this warmth about her, those that meet her are often shocked to find she’s a pirate saying she isn’t very pirate like
Body language: She usually has her hands in front of her or behind her, hands together, respectful, reserved and more of a listener. Not as wild as the rest of the crew but is often the voice of reason if Shanks or anyone on the crew is reckless or is about to do something a little too stupid
How’s her coordination: she’s very graceful and elegant in how she moves
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𓆩 Biography
Full name: Chloris Desrosiers / Chloris Figarland
Japanese name: クロリス・デロジエ
Moniker: The Green Witch
Gender and pronouns: she / her
Sexuality: heterosexual
Origin: Elysian Fields, Grandline
Bounty: $3,767,030,000
Crimes: Piracy, Married to a Yonkou, Tamed a Sea King, Had said Sea King destroy Navy ships, Gaining territory for Shanks, Dangerous devil fruit, Turning people against the Government, Assault of an Admiral, Stole from Big Mom
Haki: Advanced Armament
Advanced Observation
Devil Fruit: Logia / Flora Flora no mi / Awakened
Favourite colour: Green and Red (how could she not love Red)
Favourite food: Salmon Sashimi and Pavlova
Least favourite food: TOMATOES
Hobbies: Gardening, flower arranging, flower pressing, tea blending, foraging, sewing, embroidery, cross-stitching, reading, sketching (she tends to draw the plants she studies in her journal so she’s got a real nack for it now)
Does she drink?: She’ll have a glass or two of red wine when the crew has their usual parties; sometimes she’ll drink more, but usually she remains the sober one. Tending to the hung-over crew in the mornings
Personality: Chloris is a kind, calm, nurturing and intelligent woman, with a strong sense of morality, believing in moral justice, something the Navy often fails to take into account. She’s an incredibly intelligent woman, having grown up studying plants and learning the science of plant biology and medical properties of plants from a very young age, which is what led to her opening her herbalist shop on her home island before joining Shanks’s crew, tending to the residents of the island, dropping remedies and medicines off to the injured and sick, sometimes not even charging for her assistance, just knowing she was able to help, that’s what matters to her
She's a humble person; she's aware of her strengths and weaknesses but doesn't let these inflate her ego or define her. She's a very gentle and loving person, when someone is down she'll be by their side to listen to anything that plagues their mind, she is described by others as having very gentle eyes and a compassionate persona. Very doting towards her crew and especially Shanks and Uta, a calm smile on her face, her eyes softening even when the crew is messing around, loving their antics, even if she isn’t as wild as them, laughing along side with them, always feeling at home
(She’s a lot like Hinatsuru from KNY)
Main Traits: Nurturing, Calm, Empathetic, Strong Willed, Intuitive, Introspective
What's their relationship with Routines & Rituals?: She likes to have routine, she isn’t overly stressed about schedules but she’s overly and organised, she isn’t to upset if her routine is interrupted, which happens often with how rowdy the crew can be; she’ll be doing her face care routine and have to come running out when she hears a crash and end up having to help one of the crew out of a barrel (that they somehow managed to get stuck in)
Are they more compliant or rebellious?: A mixture of both, she’s more compliant, especially with the Red Hair Pirates, they’re more than a crew, they’re family
How do they react to authority figures?: She doesn’t like the government, hating how corrupt they are but she has mixed feelings about some of the marines, knowing some genuinely want to do good and don’t realise how corrupt the system is, while others she finds shameful, how they use their status for themselves, she is kind and doesn’t see the world as black and white knowing there is that grey area, though she still detests the government
Are they more likely to see the best in others, or the worst?: It depends; she personally doesn’t like to put it that way, there’s good and bad in people, no one is perfect after all, there’s sides of us we don’t like, but she likes to look at the good in people, though she isn’t naive, she’s aware some people don’t have that in them, and that some people are just rotten to the core, the world as it was was proof of that, the suffering people endures was proof of that
Do they struggle with depression or anxiety?: Chloris suffers from anxiety and depression from her childhood, it’s something that comes up every now and then, she use to hide it from the crew when she was new, her past making her feel like she was a burden, until one time Shanks found her tears streaming down her face, hyperventilating, he sat by her side putting his hat on her head and pulling her against his shoulder telling her she doesn’t have to hide, that the crew is her family now too, and they’ll be there for her
Since then she’s able to deal with it much easier, her found family helping her heal; when she feels an upcoming panic attack the crew is immediately by her side, Lucky making her comfort food and favourite tea, all the crew wrapping their cloaks and coats over her, while her teary eyed and smiling with a soft laugh, saying there’s too much on her now, appreciating the thought but she physically can’t wear all of them
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𓆩 Goals and Motivation:
Dream: To restore Eden throughout the world, restoring vegetarian to barren lands, leaving no one sick or hungry, making the earth alive once more
What’s standing in her way: The world as it is
What motivates her to keep going: her desire to help those sick or hurt, for no one to
Biggest Fear: Losing her found family, she can’t bear the thought of losing any of the Red Hair Pirates, she already lost her daughter, she can’t lose anyone else.
Dying without truly living, she wants to live her life to the fullest, feel the wind through her hair
Also Spiders
Biggest strength: Strong willed, she knows who she is and what she wants, and she sticks to it despite the storms of life.
Biggest weakness: She has a hard time opening up and being vulnerable about her struggles, not wanting to be a burden. She’s gotten better to some extent, allowing herself to be vulnerable with the crew, but even then she’s still a reserved woman and she keeps a lot to herself.
How does she respond to stress / pressure?: She’s already a quiet person, but she gets a little more quiet, she has a certain look on her face, she’ll over think and worry and it’s Shanks that usually brings her down, a firm hand on her shoulder helping her racing heart calm down
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𓆩 Relationships
Shanks: Shanks and Chloris got close fast, as she took care of Uta, Shanks was always in the room with her, wanting to be there for his sick daughter, the two talking as Uta slept, her learning about how Shanks found Uta, how since that day, he’s taken her in as his daughter, the woman finding her heart grow soft at how loving he was, how much his daughter meant to him. Shanks asks about her, learning about her dreams and her telling him a bit about her devil fruit since he was curious. The two grew close. When Uta was better Shanks had grown fond of her and seeing how his daughter didn’t want her to go either it felt like fate for him to ask her to stay, and she happily accepted. Time went on and Shanks feelings for her depended as did hers with him, him confessing his love for her on the deck at night, when it’s just the two of them, her confessing she’s felt the same, both of them having this quiet understanding that their love is mutual, and since then they’ve never been apart, it wasn’t long after that when the two got married, her dear Uta being her flower girl. The love they have for each other is one that happens once in a lifetime, something rare and they both cherished it, they exchange soft glances, understanding each other without words, they always did. Subtle gestures between them could tell a hundred stories, a kiss could say more than any words could ever say. She loves her husbands antics, how freely he lives and his carefree nature, despite her being rather different from him, more quiet and calm, she isn’t wild like the rest of the crew but laughs and enjoys the chaos and antics firm all of them, often sitting in Shanks lap as he drinks his sake, her with a glass of red wine, the drunk man peppering her with kisses unashamed to do so in front of the crew, when he’s busy with his Captain duties she’s always close by, she helps him where she can bringing him a drink and kissing his cheek for working so hard, and him joining her when she’s busy with her herbalist/ botanist work, laying in the hammock in her workspace, asking her to join him for a break (is childish at times and plays the Captain card to get her to relax with him) his fingers running through her hair, bringing it to his lips, just taking in her natural floral scent, the both of them always relishing in one another’s company, pure, strong love, one that can never be replaced. Shanks takes great care of his wife, if you see how much he cares for his crew and friends, just as he was for Luffy with the mountain bandits then you know how he’d be if anyone tried to cause harm to his wife, he trusts her strength and knows she can handle herself but he won’t have anyone mistreating her, he keeps a water spray bottle in the room misting the flowers in her hair when they reach summer islands knowing she and her flowers need to stay hydrated, and making sure she has water herself too, that spray bottle alone won’t keep her hydrated after all, always taking care of his wife, when she’s out of little jobs for the crew he tells her to make sure to call him each night so he knows she’s okay, when she returns he hugs her in his arms, just relishing in the fact he has his wife back, even if she wasn’t gone for very long, he loves her and the crew has to deal with a mopey Captain when she’s out perhaps gaining a territory for him, keeping her den den on her and him calling her asking her to come back already
Uta: She got especially close to Uta with her time on the ship, after all, she was there to take care of a very sick Uta. Uta came to love Chloris fast, the sickly girl finding her touch to be comforting, the woman’s touch and love is completely different from the mens. When Uta was better and able to walk around on the deck she was practically clinging to Chloris, hugging onto her, singing to her a happy blush when Chloris praised her. Uta wishing for her to stay, to ever let go of the soft and gentle hands that nurses her back to health, hugging her legs her little hands grabbing handfuls of her skirt as if she was afraid she’d slip out of her grasp and away from her, begging her to stay, her wish being granted when Chloris became a member of the crew. Her and Uta have an incredibly close and deep mother daughter relationship, ever since she joined Uta always sung for Chloris, Chloris singing for Uta too, lullabies would often consist of the two singing together until Uta’s voice would grow quieter as she drifted to sleep. The two had created many little routines, doing her daughter's hair was one of them, as much as she loved her husband Shanks wasn’t very good at it, definitely improved a bit from Chloris’s help, but Chloris was the best when it came down to it, sometimes even putting flowers in it which Uta loves because she gets to look like her mother in a sense. Thanks to her mother Uta because incredibly curious about flowers and plants, often peeking her head into the garden and watching her mother tend to the lush green, Chloris always noticing those curious little eyes and ushering her in, teaching her about the language of flowers, calling Uta her pretty little blossom, Uta grinning from ear to ear from her mothers praise, scooting closer listening eagerly, helping her mother with the garden, humming soft melody’s together. When Uta sings for the crew Chloris will sprout flowers all around her, after all, her beautiful little diva needs a beautiful stage. She loves to hold her daughter close, kissing the top of her head and forehead, Uta kissing her mothers cheeks, a soft and loving bond. It absolutely destroyed Chloris having to leave Uta behind, the way they did it too, unable to even say goodbye to her daughter that she had watched grow and raise for 5 years. It was a devastating time, Shanks drank away his sorrows, meanwhile Chloris spent a lot of time in the garden, looking over at the flowers she and Uta looked after together, grieving and in deep mourning, missing how her daughter would run up to her calling out ‘mom!’ jumping into her arms as Chloris spun her around in her embrace.
Luffy: When Chloris arrived at Foosha village she never expected that she’d end up meeting and adopting a young boy from the island; their first meeting him practically telling them to leave since they were pirates, she found it rather cute, trying to defuse the tension building between Uta and the boy whose name she didn’t yet know. The time spent at that island she learned his name was Luffy, finding it cute how fast he had taken a liking to everyone, often putting a hand on Utas head assuring the girl she wasn’t being replaced, she could tell her daughter was a bit jealous and pouty having to share the attention she usually got with this boy, Shanks telling her it’s good to have a friend close in age and Chloris agreeing saying it isn’t good to be lonely, she has the crew yes, but having a friend is a little different, the two later having a strong sibling bond, despite their rivalry at times, they were close and loved each other dearly, that was plain to see. Now Chloris and Luffy had a close bond; she saw a lot of Shanks in him, with the things he did and said, making her soft spot for Luffy grow even more, she was the calm and gentle presence he needed, while Shanks often riled him up, Chloris was the one that calmed him back down a soft laugh leaving her lips every time Shanks teased him and that angry look on the boys face determined than ever to be a pirate, she and Shanks both believed in him and his dream dearly, it’d take plenty of hard work but hearing him talk about his ambitions when she spent time with him, she couldn’t wait to see the kind of man he’d become, she was often the one that’s patch him and Uta back up when they’d come back after an adventure in the forest (sometimes Shanks too since her join them sometimes). She attempted to teach Luffy how to make flower crowns but he seemed rather distracted, he attempted and they often would turn out a bit wonky but every time Chloris would praise his work making him grin, accidentally calling her ‘mom’ a few times, just showing how much he holds her dear to his heart. Sometimes in the tavern Luffy would hug Chloris’s leg with a pour to Shanks saying he was going to steal her and she’d join his crew Chloris not having the heart to turn him down. Leaving the island was hard, watching as Shanks parted with his straw hat making their promise, following the paper at his accomplishments and bounties, Chloris keeping every bounty poster being so proud of him
Red Hair Pirates (Found Family)
Benn: Benn is one of Chloris’s closest friends, since she is married to Shanks she would end up spending a lot of time with the First Mate too, as he is Shanks’ right hand man. When she first was on the ship tending to sick Uta, Benn’s a playboy and loves women, so when they met for the first time he was pretty soft with her, testing out the waters and trying some of his moves on her. She got rosy cheeked, taken off guard, but not swooning, after all, she had taken an interest in the Captain. Though when Benn noticed Shanks was in love with her, he backed off immediately. No longer flirting, but still showing he cares about her, he tends to be a bit over protective of her, since he doesn’t want to see women getting hurt, especially her being Shanks wife he makes sure she’s safe, she isn’t just incredibly important to Shanks but she’s important to the crew, they’re all family after all. She and Benn talk often, the man often joking that it was thanks to Shanks his hair went grey. It was actually Chloris who pierced his ears, he had been thinking about it for quite awhile but when she said she thought it’d suit him and he’d look good that sealed the deal, Choirs was an honest woman and she had a great sense of style, so if she said that he’d look great then he would no longer doubt it and got them done straight after that discussion, he had to have a certain kind in for a bit until they healed and helping him take care of them, reminding him to use the spray, she also bought him his first pair, the pearl earrings he’s always seen wearing (I’m assuming it’s pearl) they’re his go to, the two have a deep and close friendship, it was funny how their friendship started and where they are now.
Lucky Roux: When she first joined and was tending to a sick Uta; her first interactions with Lucky was when he dropped meals off for her and Uta, making some soup for Uta to help her get better and a serving for Chloris too since she was the one tending to her, the two being able to talk a bit during those moments, though he was rather awkward around her at first, Lucky isn’t really good with women. Even when she joined the crew Lucky still had moments he was tense, red faced and awkward around her (not having a crush but he just didn’t know how to interact with her) She was incredibly patient with him not pushing interactions, she didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable around her, never taking it personally, what helped their friendship grow was cooking; she would come into the kitchen making her herbal teas, Lucky would be in there cooking, while waiting for certain leaves to dry out she’d pause and ask what he was doing, and sometimes he was curious about the teas she was making, if something is in the oven or needs time to cook he’ll watch her but the blends together, him even suggesting some blend he thinks could go well together her teaching him how to make certain ones. Lucky getting to the point he didn’t feel uncomfortable at all with her, he’s still bad with women but he’s better with her. He’s one of the few that’s actually closer to her in age, being only a year older than her. He cooks her favourite meals without her even asking, dropping it by her herbalist office if she’s busy making sure she’s eating and drinking, looking out for her well being
Yassop: Chloris first few interactions was when Yasopp would tell Uta stories, her sitting at the kitchen with the small girl as Uta happily kicked her legs as the man often told exaggerated tales; he was good at both making up stories on the spot and telling stories of adventures of islands that they had been to before they had found her, stories of the mischief her father got into making the small girl laugh. It came to the point where Yasopp told her stories; afterall there was plenty of stories that happened when Chloris wasn’t around and Uta was, and he was more than happy to tell her the tales, once again often exaggerating what actually happened, Chloris could somewhat tell it might not be as intense as he made it out to be, but even so his stories were always so interesting, it eventually became a habit, she would end up making a pot of tea for them to share. Watching Uta do something cute he couldn’t help but think of his own son, telling her about his son Usopp, which she happily listened too, even if the stories got repetitive, she always loved listening to them, after all when you’re a parent you can’t tell one story enough times, her sharing things that she and Uta did and something Uta did or said, though after losing Uta, there was a time where those stories were filled with laughter, teary eyed smiles, missing Uta all to much; over time with much needed healing is the crew able to talk about the times they had without heavy grief, the sadness is still there but they’re able to smile and laugh about the times they had. Sometimes he’d make up lies (like father like son) about things he’s done, he’s never serious about them and tells them for a good laugh
Hongo: Hongo is one of Chloris’s closest friends as well, as they work together often, with him being the ship's doctor and her being the herbalist, but also since they both work with medicine they’d have a similar mindset with wanting to help heal people, Chloris’s devil fruit comes in handy, being able to sprout the pants needed to make up some remedies, her making her own and Hongo being able to make his not having to worrying running low on a certain herb since he can just ask Chloris if she can sprout some, and the garden on the ship has never been more green since she joined the crew, her knowledge in plants helps keep them all alive and from the others eating a plant they shouldn’t, even if they did she and Hongo would be able to help them get better in no time,reminding them not to eat it again, Shanks is often dropping by, sometimes pretending he didn’t feeling to well, which neither of them fall for, Shanks just wanting his wife’s attention making Hongo roll his eyes at his Captain calling Chloris over to give their attention seeking Captain some love. They also both love cleanliness so the infirmary and herbalist workshop is never messy. Both of them being organised and some of the more quiet members of the crew, they’re also ones that wake up early as they go through the medical supplies, Hongo’s asking her to make up certain herbs and remedies when they’re running low. But other than their positions, they’re rather close, Chloris often waking up a bit after Hongo (as Shanks wraps his arm around her and makes her stay with him) and she’ll make him a coffee and herself a tea, setting it down on the desk.
Lime Juice: Chloris and Lime have almost a sibling like dynamic, when his hair started to grow out a bit she offered to trim it but he said he was grow it out, as he grew it out she would trim the split ends, making sure his hair grew out nice and healthy, it eventually it getting as long as it is now, when they’re on the deck she will sometimes do Lime Juice’s hair, braiding, or styling it in a way to keep it out of his face, she knows the struggles of wind and long hair (perhaps that’s why Benn cut his) while she does so she’ll put his beanie to side and put his sunglasses on her head while she works on his hair, sometimes he tries to do hers after she does his, deep concentration on his face, trying to be delicate of her flowers, he snagged one once and despite her telling him not to worry and it’s okay he felt terrible since plucking the flowers does hurt, but ever since then he hasn’t snagged them again. When they’re together and she’s doing his hair, Lime will tell her about something stupid the someone on the crew said or did, the two laughing as they share stories of what they caught someone doing, the two having inside jokes as well (Shanks wants to be in the loop and gets pouty when he doesn’t understand) He usually comes to her when he gets hurt, if it isn’t too severe, he can be pretty stubborn and not want to go to Hongo when he’s been reckless, he doesn’t want to be lectured, though she will lightly ask him to be more careful
Bonk Punch: Bonk Punch and Monster are usually together so when she’s with one the other isn’t too far away, vice versa. She has a certain hair care routine using her herbalism and he’s joked about maybe she could make up something for him, never failing to make her laugh. When she’s having a tiresome day and she comes to the deck with the rest of the crew slumping against Shanks, Bonk and Monster will play Folk music knowing she likes it and it will set her heart at ease, a soft smile is her way of saying ‘thank you’. She will also sometimes join in with them singing along as they play their instruments; Bonk giving her lessons on how to play certain instruments since she wanted to learn, she especially got good at the mandolin, which became her go to instrument. Now when Bonk Punch and Monster play, she’ll sometimes join in. Bonk Punch felt proud that she got so good and loved playing it so much that he went and got her a personalised Mandolin, which she absolutely loved and treasures with all her heart, her reaction alone to the gift made Bonk smile widely feeling even more happy and proud that he gave her a gift that made even the flowers in her hair react joyously
Monster: Monster usually would sit himself on Bonk Punch’s shoulders but sometimes like to seek out Chloris’s company sitting himself on her shoulders, she’s the only woman on the crew so Monster likes to seek out a more gentle touch. He’ll at times drop by her herbalist workshop, Monster likes watching her work and she likes the company. Sometimes she talks and explains what it is she’s doing, what she’s making and shares some fun facts about the plants, finding it cute how he listens and seems focused on her hands. If he’s by, she’ll ask him to hand her some things if she’s focused on something. She has a hammock in the room; some comfortable cushions in it, when Monster drops by he’ll sometimes lay in the hammock as she works, if she finds he’s fallen asleep she’ll get up getting a blanket and covering him before sitting back down and working again. The two will sometimes play music together too, her playing the mandolin Bonk got for her, her singing as they play. Monster will also sometimes pick a flower from the garden for her if he can tell she seems to be a bit sad, she happily takes them assuring Monster she’s okay
Building Snake: Chloris and Snake are good friends, he taught her a bit about navigation, teaching her the basics. He sometimes asks for her help as she can fly up to the crows nest level and get a good look at the vast sea coming back down letting him know how the sea is, he’s still able to see and know what to do from the deck, but thanks to her devil fruit she’s able to fly around to the masts, often doing so with Lime Juice as he is able to jump in mid air (like sky walk and geppo) Snake often will rely on the two of them to furl and unfurl the sails if need be, since the two of them can get up there the fastest. When he’s at his desk reading over the charts or drawing them up, she will make him a coffee or will bring him his liquor of choice since he should be able to drink something while she’s working leaning over looking over them herself and asking him about how the sea will be, smooth sailing or will it be rough waters, wanting to know if they need to make a pit stop to get more supplies. She also will do his hair too sometimes, the men with long hair on the crew enjoy having her do their hair, it’s relaxing for both of them, she often does it to keep it out of his face while he’s working with the charts
Howling Gab: Gab and Chloris are really close; she’s what she likes to describe as a gentle giant, some might look at him and think he’s rough or even scary, but she always says he has one of the gentlest hearts. She will sometimes sit on his shoulder, talking to him from there, it’s easier since he’s tall and it won’t throw her neck out from looking up at him. Gab likes her calm nature; sure there’s other members of the crew that are calm as well but it’s different with Chloris, he’s a bit of a timid man and likes the gentleness of her, how she doesn’t tease him when it comes to his fear of ghosts and bugs nor baby’s him, just respecting him, when the crew tells ghost stories, she’ll make him a tea and talk to him until he’s feeling calmer and not so tense from the story. Though the two do share that fear of bugs, in Chloris’s case it’s mostly spiders, she doesn’t mind some bugs, she quite likes bees and butterflies as they both tend to be attracted to the flowers in her hair, if he’s close to her and bees start to try collect pollen from her flowers, she’ll gently usher the bees away, sprouting some flowers away from them which gets the bees to go for those flowers instead not wanting to unintentionally scare poor Gab. Now when it comes to spiders it’s a completely different story, Gab will pick her up and run out of the room, or if they’re on an island pick her up and run from the area, he isn’t leaving her behind even if he’s scared.
Rockstar: He’s new to the crew so she hasn’t had as many interactions with him compared to the rest of the crew; not as close just yet but that doesn’t make him any less family, she, like Shanks, reminds him that his life is worth more than his pride, she is empathetic though, telling him that she understands how he feels, his sense of justice is strong, it makes sense why he’s apart of the crew, they all feel the same way. But she lets him know that none of them would want him getting hurt, and even if he did they’d all be by his side, they’re more than a crew, they’re family, and they have eachothers backs. He at first was seemingly trying to find his place in the crew, since he seemed somewhat nervous but she tells him that he doesn’t need to prove himself, that Shanks asked him to join the crew because Shanks already saw greatness in him. She’s soft and kind, being someone that can help calm him down when he feels like honour has been damaged, not wanting him to feel to hurt or do anything that might get him hurt
Ceto: Chloris met Ceto before she had joined the Red Hair Pirates; she had found the injured Sea King when she was walking by the ocean side, she was foraging for herbs, despite being able to grow them herself she enjoyed collecting them herself, and good thing she did because she found Ceto propped against some rocks severely wounded, the poor thing looked like it had gotten so badly injured it fell sick too, rushing over to tend to the creature. The Sea King not trusting her snarled, snapping at her trying to get her to stay away, but way too injured you really do anything to harm her. Despite that, Chloris didn't leave the Sea King's side, making herbal remedies for her wounds and medicine to help her get better, nurturing her back to health. The Sea King grew fond of her, Chloris’s kindness and how nurturing she was had tamed the creature. When the Sea King was fully healed it returned to the sea, but what Chloris didn't expect was for it to stay, to roar out to her wanting the woman's company, becoming a loyal friend to Chloris, the flower adorned woman naming her as it felt rude to call the Sea King ‘Sea King’ and decided to give her a name Ceto. She now joins Chloris with her adventures with the Red Hair Pirates becoming a member herself, helping them fight by tearing down enemy ships upon her order (she’s stubborn and won’t listen to the others just yet)
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art by @allblueseeker
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𓆩 Skills and Career
Her position: Chloris is a member and an officer of the Red Hair Pirates, she’s the ships herbalist and botanist, often working with Hongo, with her devil fruit she is able to grow the herbs they need for medical supplies, helping make remedies for the injured and sick, making Hongo’s job a lot easier too.
As the ships botanist as well she studies plants, extremely knowledgeable in plants able to point out a plants species and making sure the crew doesn’t go eating any plant that they shouldn’t, but with her knowledge she’s able to not only restore islands by giving plants the nutrients they need to thrive but help the residents to know what to do to keep their islands plant life alive and well. Despite being able to rely on her devil fruit she’ll make up remedies for the plant life and teach the residents how to make it themselves, by doing so she often helps Shanks gain territory under their protection by saving their island's natural life.
She works on finding the cause why some islands' vegetation suffers, conducting fieldwork, collecting and testing plant samples, and recording observations. Testing the effects of weather, pollutants, pests, and other problems on different plant species. Analysing plant responses and reporting possible trends, benefits, or concerns. She’s incredibly intelligent in her area of work, making her known as a world famous botanist and herbalist, earning her title as the Green Witch
Combat: Chloris wields a scythe which she uses alongside her devil fruit, she also uses her legs to fight too, twirling and swinging her scythe sending out her vines, she’s incredibly fast and able to move in a blink of an eye, using her Observation haki to also mask her presence
She’s Awakened her devil fruit and in this state of being she seems almost like a deity, white eyes and more flowers of all sorts growing in her hair
With her scythe in hand she’s able to cut straight through bullets using her Advanced Armament haki, though when they’re made of seastone that’s a different story
With her Observation haki she can predict moves, enter a state of calm and be aware of everything around her focusing on the aura of both human and plant
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shanksflower · 2 years ago
Ah of course; you deserve all the support, it makes me happy knowing you loved drawing them, it was a joy to commission you! ♡
I’ve said this a lot, but I seriously love the sunset/ golden hours lighting, it makes this moment with the found family all the more loving and warm, it’s a moment all the four of them hold dear to their hearts, that they look fondly back on. I also love how it looks like a photo, like something they’d frame or put in their photo album (one of the crew taking the picture for them). Little Uta trying to get Luffy not smother their mama so much and his little shishishi like you said, you can really see and feel the dynamic with all of them, captured with so much love. Chloris could never complain when it comes to her little ones smothering her, she’s so happy to have her children so close to her on both sides, and her husband Shanks so close to her too. The warmth from all of them and the suns warm rays, she couldn’t ask for a more loving family. The flowers in their hair to match their mama, I definitely imagine Shanks either asked for some himself or the little ones dragged him in, either way he was more then happy to match his wife, the laughter from both him and Chloris showing how happy they are, can just hear his gahahaha from this too, thank you again so much, my hearts blissfully kicking its feet (*´∀`*)
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A wholesome family commission for @shanksflower 🌸
Thank you so much for your support! This was an absolute joy to work on.
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shanksflower · 2 years ago
I wanted to reblog this on my self ship blog too, I still love this little sketch with all my heart, Chloris and Uta singing together as Uta hugs onto her mothers arms, Shanks smile as he makes sure his flower wife’s flowers are well hydrated (also making sure she is too) 💕🌸
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Warm-up doodle featuring a friends one piece oc/self insert, Chloris. She’s Shanks soft flower wife 🌸
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shanksflower · 2 years ago
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Hi there, this is my self ship blog, as you can tell from my user and one look from blog, I self ship with Shanks. I love that red haired man with all my heart so all of that love will be poured out here through my self ship ♡
ship name; alstroemeria (altamira for short)
Each petal represents a different characteristic: understanding, humour, patience, empathy, commitment and respect. Their twisted leaves are also a symbol of bonding, stability and overcoming difficulties together. They’re the perfect flower to say ‘I’ve got your back’ or ‘thank you for being my rock’ ❀
Chloris 。 Shanks 。 Uta 。 Luffy
Chloris’s Biography
References 。 Art 。 Fics
Family Life 。 Crew Life (same thing really)
under construction
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shanksflower · 2 years ago
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❀ summer trade: making ice cold cocktails w/ Shanks & OC
a/n: for the sweetest @pebbsie ♡ i was so excited when i drew your name because i love Shanks, i love your OC and more than that i love you! hope this little fic makes you dream a little.
word count: 1.3k
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“I think you should take them off.”
Shanks spins around and looks at Pebbsie in pretended indignation, dramatically brandishing the paper fan he was holding that did nothing but move warm air around in their shared cabin. He points to his patterned pants that hang loosely from his hips.
“You always said you liked my pants, petal. Was it all just a lie?”, he questions, clutching his imaginary pearls before he does another dramatic spin and leans closer to his partner sitting on their shared bed, tilting her chin up with the fan. Where did he take all this energy from? “Or do you mean…”
He wiggles his eyebrows and gets smacked with a pillow in the face. Laughter fills the cabin and would easily have turned into a pillow fight if it wasn’t just so hot outside. The island they currently resided clearly was a summer island and the sun shining from above burned without mercy. 
“I just think you should wear some shorts for once instead of long pants, considering the outdoor temperatures.”, Pebbsie points out, her fluffy mauve hair in a messy bun. The stephanotis and baby breaths growing out of it were folded into buds from the heat and opened up every time she sprayed a light mist of water in the air for a few seconds of coolness.
She is wearing a light summer dress in a soft shade of green, getting her bare shoulders covered in kisses from her husband which made her melt; as if she wasn’t feeling hot enough already – but no matter how sticky they felt in the summer heat, she just couldn’t resist the the affection of the love of her life. 
After Shanks held up almost a dozen equally questionably patterned shorts for her to decide, they settled on one pair that matches her dress, tiny daisies printed on them. A soft breeze comes through the open window and both of them sigh in relief, grateful for the air cooling their skin even if it’s only for a few heartbeats.
“Hey doll, are you drinking enough water? You’re the beautifullest plant of them all but I don’t think this water spray bottle alone is enough to keep you hydrated…”, Shanks asks, slight worry in his voice as he reaches for the jug on the bedside table only to find out that it was empty.
Pebbsie rolls over to his side, propping herself up on her elbows. Tiny strands of hair fell from her bun which Shanks tucks gently behind her ear as he places a kiss on her forehead.
“How about we make some drinks against the heat?”, she asks, pulling on the sleeves of Shanks’ unbuttoned linen shirt, looking at him with pleading eyes. Water was fine, but what she really craved was some sweet cocktails with fancy straws and cut fruit, lots of ice on top. And she knew her husband would never say no to some booze – it was what brought them together in the first place, back when she was a barmaid and he was a pirate that stumbled into her simple life, only to sweep her away from that place not long after they met. 
It’s been so long and still her feelings for him have stayed the same; if only they grew bigger and bigger, the love they held for each other shining brighter than the summer sun. They exchange soft glances, understanding each other without words. They always did. Subtle gestures between them could tell a hundred stories, a kiss could say more than any words could ever say. What they had was rare and they both cherished it, knowing a love like that happened once in a lifetime – when you’re lucky. Maybe that’s why they made every second count, sticking (literally) to each other despite the summer heat, because they both had known loss and how easy a heart could shatter.
After a dozen more kisses peppered across Pebbsie’s face the couple gets up, slowly, Shanks giving his lover a little twirl before he offers her his arm so she can link it with his and together they make their way towards the ship’s kitchen. The rest of the crew was out and about, doing some shopping and exploring the island, some just napped in the shadows of a sun umbrella on deck. Pebbsie always liked how easy-going they all were; the warm welcome they gave her is still one of her favorite memories ever since she stepped on the Red Force for the very first time. 
The couple stops at Pebbsie’s garden for a moment where she collects various blossoms, already thinking of how she could make use of them in the drinks they were about to mix. Maybe some sakura martini or lavender paloma… She can’t help but hum a little melody in excitement, clinging closer to her husband who gives her the warmest smile; he was the happiest when he saw her floating on cloud nine like that.
They tiptoe and dance together towards the kitchen, passing Benn who was shaking his head with a slight smile; the first mate gave up on wondering how those two lovebirds could still act like love drunk teenagers after all this time, but he was glad because Shanks was much more balanced ever since he gave his heart away. He asks them to make him a drink too, but they might not have noticed him considering how they only had eyes for each other.
In the kitchen they do a small fridge raid, gathering every ingredient and liquor they could find. Shanks gets out the good glasses they kept for special occasions (granted, everything could be a special occasion – one time they celebrated Yasopp for finding his missing sock again after six months), all while Pebbsie already starts cutting up fresh fruit and crushing ice with a surprising strength that made her husband whistle. Her bounty sure didn’t stem from nothing and he felt so proud of his tiny wife.
Between dozens of kisses and hugs from behind the couple experiments with different liquors and syrups, letting each other have a taste of their creations that resulted either in a surprised look and an approving nod up or a grossed out face (Shanks drank it anyway because why would one let booze go to waste). Every now and then a crew member pops in and is offered a glass and soon they’re all gathered together in Shanks’ and Pebbsie’s test kitchen, the glasses wandering around because everyone was eager to get a taste. If they weren’t too tipsy (the heat didn’t help with that at all) they would have come up with a rating system for each drink, but now it’s just various roars in different octaves – oddly enough that was more convincing than any sophisticated survey could ever be. 
Shanks and Pebbsie clink their glasses together, exchanging some deep glances and smiles over their found family. The kitchen was the place where the party happened after all and they were more than happy they could battle this hot summer day with a spontaneous mixing class, treating everyone to some floral cocktails instead of their usual booze. Shanks leans down to his wife’s ear, tucking a strand of hair behind it so she could understand him better as he whispers: 
“You’re the love of my life, petal. You have my whole heart. I will love you as long as the sun keeps on rising.”
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shanksflower · 2 years ago
Uuu Lale this is honestly the best thing to wake up too!! ♡❀
I love this so much!!, you really capture domestic family moments so beautifully, the deep mother daughter bond that Uta and Chloris have, and how you wrote about their first meeting too, the tenderness of Chloris's hands nurturing Uta too health, but also that slight sad feeling of how she wishes to the stars that they'll always be together, it being bittersweet due to the events that'd happen in the future
But the mental imagine of Uta and Chloris singing together at night a soft lullaby ushering her to sleep, it's all so so soft 💕🌸
Shanks joining both his girls in the garden and wrapping his arms around them, then both kissing Uta's cheek jut was the cutest mental image and Shanks ruffling her hair much to her dismay, but it's all okay since her mother will fix it, it made me think about the comic from Foz!. You've put in so much warmth and love into this, each word just has my heart fluttering, love this so much Lale, thank you so much it's such a soft gift and I keep re-reading it ☺️
The flowers you chose too are perfect the meanings fitting their family so perfectly, just making my heart melt with each one, especially that last one!, such a perfect way to end it, thank you again Lale, this is such a beautiful gift I can't express enough how much love this 💕💕
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❀ prettiest little blossom w/ Uta, Shanks & F!S/I (found family)
a/n: the happiest birthday to my dear @pebbsie ♡ i queued this so hopefully you'll wake up to this little surprise! when you told me about this idea i knew immediately that i wanted to write it for you. hope you'll enjoy reading it! i'm so weak for that little family of yours. love you lots and sending you many hugs & smooches! happy, happy birthday, dear!
word count: 1.3k
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Chloris could feel the curious pair of eyes lingering on her long before she spotted the red and white shock of hair in between the flowerbeds. She smiled over the friendly intrusion and put down the small watering can before she got up from her knees, wiping her hands on the apron around her waist. Her gaze softened when she leaned over, taking a peak at the little girl squatting in a sea of white camellias.
“My pretty little blossom”, she cooed and reached out to rest a hand on top of the girl’s head, Uta leaning into her touch like a tiny housecat. “Were you hiding in here?” “You seemed busy, mom. I didn’t want to disturb you”, the child pouted. Big eyes looked up to Chloris and she could feel her heart soften once again. She could never resist the charm of the little one – she didn’t want to, this was her daughter after all. They might not be related by blood, but it was faith which brought them together, wrapping its red strings around them so tightly. It’s been a year almost and ever since her love for Uta only grew with every day passing by. 
“Come here”, she said, her voice soft, and picked the girl up, embracing her in a way only a mother could. Uta nestled her face in the crook of Chloris’ neck, melting into the warm hug as she clings to her with no intentions of ever letting go. When Chloris started rubbing her back gently, Uta would have started purring if she could; she was content and happy in her mom’s arms.
“Do you want to help me water the garden?” 
Uta’s face lit up and she nodded eagerly, peppering her mother with kisses on the cheeks. She always loved being in the garden with Chloris, enjoying the calming presence of the herbalist in the midst of a rowdy crew – who she all loved dearly, they were her family after all – but sometimes all she yearned for was her mother’s touch and her gentle, encouraging words. Chloris rolled Uta’s sleeves up carefully after she put her down, giggling over the enthusiasm that was written all over the girl’s face when she was running off to fill the watering can.
They started with a flowerbed rich in red, pink and white colors. Chloris instructed Uta gently on how much water the camellias needed, keeping a close eye on her and praising her when she did a great job, putting a big smile on Uta’s lips.
“Did you know that camellias have different meanings, depending on their color?” Uta shook her head and scooted closer, listening eagerly when Chloris cupped different blossoms with her elegant hand. “See the white ones you just hid in? Their meaning is ‘You’re adorable’ which I can only agree with.” She laughed and playfully tapped Uta’s nose, making the girl snicker. “The pink ones stand for longing while the red ones… well, you could say ‘You’re a Flame in My Heart’.”
Uta sticked out her tongue at the cheesy meaning, but then gazed up to her mother again. “Sounds like something daddy would say when he kisses you, mom.” Chloris raised an eyebrow and then laughed again, surprised by the wittiness of the little kid. She sure had a sharp mind and knew her father inside out. It’s as if she saw that Shanks was a romantic at heart, murmuring the sweetest words into Chloris’ ears any given time of the day, hopelessly in love with his fiancée.
“What are those, mom?” Uta pointed to the next flowerbed with similar colors but differently shaped blossoms. “Carnations”, Chloris replied and reached for one to put it behind Uta’s ear. “They have various meanings but one of them is mother’s love.” Uta’s eyes widened and she looked back and forth between the carnations and Chloris, one hand feeling for the flower she just placed on her. “Now I look as pretty as you, mom!” Chloris chuckled and pulled the little girl into a hug, tiny arms wrapping around her neck. “Out of all flowers you’re the prettiest little blossom anyway.”
Uta squeezed her mother even tighter, almost vibrating in joy over her praise. She was a child raised by pirates who was unafraid and clever, and just like her father she’s drawn to kindness; radiating around Chloris as if she was the sun. She still remembered the soft hands that nurtured her back to health. Her wish to never have to let go of them came true when Chloris joined the crew and set sail with them. Ever since not a day passed by where Uta didn’t sing for her mother, making up new songs for her and learning the ones Chloris’ remembered hearing from her mother, passed down to a future generation. And at night, when they sang a lullaby together, Uta wished to the stars that they’ll always and forever be together.
“Knew I’d find you two here.”
A pair of strong arms embraced mother and daughter, pulling them close to a broad and familiar chest. Shanks placed a kiss on top of their heads, hugging his little family close. Uta’s protests about how she’s getting squished between them get muffled and are immediately forgotten when both her parents placed a kiss on each cheek of hers, making her grin from ear to ear. Chloris leaned her head against Shanks’ shoulder, gazing up to him lovingly. Having him visit her in the garden always made her heart flutter and the flowers in her hair blossom wide open. 
“Mom is teaching me about flowers and their meanings”, Uta explained proudly and told her dad what she just learned about camellias and carnations, always glancing up to Chloris who gives her encouraging nods and a warm smile. She was so proud of that little girl and couldn’t wait to see the strong, fearless and yet kind woman she will grow into; all while wishing she would stay this small forever – a mother’s heart being a little unreasonable maybe, but just hoping for the best for her daughter. 
“You’re so clever, my little sweet pea”, Shanks cooed and placed a kiss on Uta’s forehead while ruffling her hair, much to her disgruntlement and Chloris knew she’d have to fix her hairdo for her once again because her father always messed it up. She grinned over the little rituals they’ve made in only under a year of sailing together and she knew there were many, many more to come. 
“What’s the name of this one, mom?” Uta pointed to another flowerbed that radiated a strong scent, similar to chrysanthemums. Chloris' eyes followed the outstretched finger and when she realized which flowers her daughter meant, her gaze softened. She placed a kiss on Shanks’ cheek, then one on Uta’s while hugging both of them closer.
“Those are yarrows, my dear. They’re very useful in medicine, Hongo uses them often”, Chloris responds while Uta nods along eagerly. Because Chloris nurtured her back to health with the help of plants and herbs, Uta was very curious about how nature could be used to cure all kinds of illnesses. The yarrows swayed gently in the wind, tiny dots of rainbow colors growing densely packed. “You know what they stand for?” Uta shook her head and peaked up to her dad as if he could know the answer, but he also shook his head and looked at his lover eagerly, a smile curling up on his lips. 
“Everlasting love…”
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shanksflower · 2 years ago
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Commission for @pebbsie !! 💗💗
A lovely comics about her self inset, shanks and little Uta ✨💕
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shanksflower · 2 years ago
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A big commission for @pebbsie !
Thank you so much to let me draw your lovely oc 🥺 and a great opportunity to draw Shanks 😌
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