Keeping The Romance Alive After Kids
Keeping The Romance Alive After Kids
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Image by Karen Warfel from Pixabay
It’s a common problem, babies are born, and your time with your partner gets less and less. Trying to find time together alone can be, so you need to make sure that you make it a priority to be together and to keep the romance alive, so here are a few ways in which you can do that:
Make Date Nights…And Stick To Them
To make time for…
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What Household Expenses Could Your Budget Do Without?
What Household Expenses Could Your Budget Do Without?
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Your household has a lot of expenses to its name. You have your kids to feed and clothe and put to bed in a warm room, and then comes caring for yourself as well! But there are a couple of expenses on your monthly budget that you could do with cutting down on, so let’s explore them a little below.

Paying for a Car
You’ve got a family to keep on time,…
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How To Spend Less As A Single Parent
How To Spend Less As A Single Parent

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As a single parent, it can be extremely hard to make your individual salary and child support last for the whole month. It’s a stressful responsibility to carry on your own, but it’s also a great opportunity for you to take full on control of your banking and track your spending. There are a few simple hacks that can help you to ensure your family has everything they…
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First Impressions Don't Always Count
First Impressions Don’t Always Count

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When you’re looking for a property, you’re going to feel overwhelmed with options. Should you go for location or size, an apartment or house? You might even find yourself arguing the toss over old versus new build. But one thing’s for sure, you want to maximise on your investment and get the very best value for money now and into the future if you decide to sell.
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The Key Aspects Of Your Life That Can Bring You Happiness
The Key Aspects Of Your Life That Can Bring You Happiness
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It’s impossible to be happy 24/7, but we’re all trying – that’s the important thing. You should always strive to be as happy as possible, even if that means not trying too hard to be happy. You need to go easy on yourself, after all. Life can be hard, and nobody gets it right all the time. But if you want to start making some changes which benefit you and those around…
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How To Make Money When You Really Need It
How To Make Money When You Really Need It
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Image by Tom und Nicki Löschner from Pixabay
There could be any number of reasons why you want to make money and fast, but not all of them are safe or legal. There are some ways though that might be able to help you get yourself out of a fix or give you a steady little top up each month for whatever it is you need.
Walk Dogs
Do you like dogs? This is a big business…
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How To Care For An Aging Parent As A Busy Parent Yourself
How To Care For An Aging Parent As A Busy Parent Yourself
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Caring for an aging parent can be an incredibly rewarding responsibility. After all, our parents play a major role in shaping our lives and work their very best to provide a good start and even better future for us. When age starts to creep up on them, therefore, and they begin to struggle, it’s only fair that we lend a hand. Unfortunately, if you’re already a…
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Are You Paying Too Much On Your Household Expenses?
Are You Paying Too Much On Your Household Expenses?
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Scour your bank statements, check your bills, and make a beeline online to research frugal ways to manage your household. You see, if you are paying over the odds on your household expenses, perhaps today is the day you stopped. After all, with the extra money you could potentially save, you could put more into your savings, buy something useful for your…
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Does Your Home Smell Of Spring Already?
Does Your Home Smell Of Spring Already?
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What is the smell of spring?
It’s an interesting question to ask yourself especially at the time when winter is coming to an end. The romantic representation of spring is about renewal. It’s a cultural fact that every civilization on the planet shares. Spring is the season when nature wakes up. The naked trees are burgeoning. Delicate green grass is scattered on top of…
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7 Tips For Staying Safe and Healthy This Summer
7 Tips For Staying Safe and Healthy This Summer

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Oh, summer. It’s surely the most enjoyable time of the year. Winter can be fun, but in summer? The sun is shining, people are in a good mood, it seems like there are a million and one possibilities out there to make the most of. It’s just great. However, there’s another side to summer, one that isn’t discussed quite as often as it should be: it’s not always as safe or as…
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Organic And Artisan Soap Products
Organic And Artisan Soap Products
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Handmade organic soap is a must for all; whether you are someone who is obsessed with the best skin care products or not. There are some of us who are particular about our beauty regime while others pick the cheapest products they can find without a second thought. No matter what applies, using organic soap should be the number one rule of your skin care routine, and…
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7 Tips for Decluttering Your Home
7 Tips for Decluttering Your Home

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It’s that time of year again, when everyone gets a little restless in their homes and starts thinking of re-decorating ideas. But it can be difficult to decorate without first clearing out the clutter. It’s easy for clutter to build up, especially if you’ve lived in your home for a few years. Before you start thinking about decorating, take a look at these decluttering…
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Unwanted Visitors

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When you move into a new property there’s generally some work that needs carrying out, from DIY jobs like painting to giving your new home a thorough cleaning.
In general this is time consuming rather than anything else. If you’re in the process of giving your house a cleaning makeover, you might come across some more challenging areas, some of which you’ll be able to…
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Go Holistic with Maple Holistics new Silk18 Conditioner
Go Holistic with Maple Holistics new Silk18 Conditioner
Product sent to me for consideration. All opinions remain my own.

Maple Holistics recently sent me their new Silk18 Conditioner – a paraben & silicone free blend of 18 silk amino acids that are perfect for frizzy, rough or damaged hair.
I’ve been dying my hair for years and also use a considerable number of hot tools, so I would definitely call my hair “damaged”. I do use a lot of hair…
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Dig Yourself Out of Debt: How to Negotiate and Settle
Dig Yourself Out of Debt: How to Negotiate and Settle

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Bad credit and debt don’t really go away as long as we don’t look at it. In fact, it has a nasty habit of growing even more – and, by the time, we build up the courage to take a look, it’s gotten way out of hand.
Luckily, there are a few simple ways to get your debt sorted out once and for all and dig yourself out of the debt hole you’ve been living in for a while. It…
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A Mommy's Guide To Making Your Car Child Friendly: 3 Simple Steps
A Mommy’s Guide To Making Your Car Child Friendly: 3 Simple Steps

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Busy moms think nothing of getting the kids into their vehicle and zipping to their next appointment, whether its a play date or an after-school club. However, what we often don’t acknowledge is that cars aren’t designed to be inherently child-friendly. In fact, we often need to do a little work to them to make them as safe and comfortable for our kids as possible.…
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Some Of The Best Decisions To Make When It Comes To Property #HouseGoals
Some Of The Best Decisions To Make When It Comes To Property #HouseGoals

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Having your own home can be one of the most exciting, and yet, most expensive things that you do in your lifetime. So many people aim for this in their life. It could be that you are in a position to do it at a young age, or it could be that you and your partner work and save hard to get to the point where you can finally have the keys in your hand to your home. However,…
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