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shammy78 · 5 years ago
🌿fruit & medicinal properties🌿
🍒 cherries: -help calm nervous system -cancer preventing compounds -reduces inflammation -reduces risk for gout -supports healthy sleep -arthritis pain relief -reduces belly fat -reduces muscle pain -lowers risk of stroke
🍑 peaches: -helps maintain healthy skin & vision -helps maintain healthy bones & teeth -anti aging properties -improves digestion -calcium -potassium -packed with vital nutrients -good source of fiber
🍉 watermelon: -cardiovascular health -maintains bones -significant source of vitamins -combats free radicals -reduces body fat -anti inflammitory -diuretic & kidney support -alkaline forming -improves sight
🍓 strawberries: -potentially fight against cancer -anti aging properties -prevent heart disease, reduces risk of stroke -helps relieve constipation -can help with allergies & asthma -anti depression properties -reduces blood pressure -regulates blood sugar -folic acid
🍍 pineapple: -helps fight arthritis -immune system support -bone health -vision health -can reduce risk of macular degeneration (eye disease) -anti inflammitory -aids in digestion -packed with vital nutrients
🍃 kiwi: -increases bone mass -more vitamin c than an orange -packed with vital nutrients -aids in digestion -helps manage blood pressure -protects DNA from damage -supports weight loss -detox -prevents heart disease -protects against macular degeneration
🍇 grapes: -relax blood vessels -prevents/slows many types of cancer -maintains heart health -packed with nutrients -aids in digestion -weight loss -can prevent alzheimers -improves brain function -protects body from radiation
🍎 apples: -build immune system -fiber -reduces risk of cancer -prevents heart disease -healthy teeth -prevent alzheimers -prevents larkinsons -decreases risk of diabetes -reduces cholesterol -prevents gallstones -reduces risk of hypertension
🍊 oranges: -help maintain skin & vision -excellent source of vitamin B & C -fiber -prevents stroke -lowers blood pressure
🍌 banana: -potassium -energy booster -aids in digestion -fiber -weight loss -lowers blood pressure -prevents asthma -fights cancer -treats diarrhea -preserving memory
🌳 blueberries: -protect heart -lowers cholesterol -packed with antioxidants -reduce DNA damage -maintains healthy cholesterol -lower blood pressure -improve brain function & memory
🍃 mango: -protects against several forms of cancer -lowers cholesterol -clears skin -improves eye health -alkalizes entire body -promotes healthy sex -improves digestion -helps fight heat stroke
🍋 lemon: -contain high amounts of potassium -lowers risk of stroke -fights cancer -maintains healthy complexion -prevents asthma -increases iron absorption -boosts immune system
🍐 pear: -packed with nutrients -great source of fiber -treats diverticulosis (inflammation of the lining in large intestine) -weight loss -lowers blood pressure -lowers cholesterol -prevents diabetes -promotes digestion -detox
🍅 tomato: -prevents cancer -manages blood pressure -protects heart -maintains healthy complexion -reduces depression -improves vision -improves digestive system
🍃 grapefruit: -weight loss -prevents stroke -maintains blood pressure & heart health -prevents cancer -promotes digestion -hydration -maintaining healthy skin -prevents asthma
🌿if youre taking medication, please speak with your pharmacist or doctor before trying ANY natural remedies. grapefruit, for example, can really hurt you if youre taking anti depression medication. please be cautious.🌿 **this post is speaking specifically of the fruit, not of the plant itself
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shammy78 · 7 years ago
@jumbledramblings you will be truly missed. 🙏🏽
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shammy78 · 7 years ago
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reblog to save a life
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shammy78 · 7 years ago
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If this does not get you focused on voting in 2018 and 2020, and every two years after, nothing will.
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shammy78 · 7 years ago
Keep this going!!!!
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shammy78 · 7 years ago
TB n all CB supters, Stream, Buy, Promo, Request, Chrisbrown HeartBreakOnAFullMoon ( HBOAFM) Album, out now in Stores n all digital/streaming platforms ..txs
Spotify …
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shammy78 · 7 years ago
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Manafort. Flynn. Kushner. Don Jr. Stone. Pence.
All these a**holes yelled ‘lock her up’ as they were actively colluding with Russia.
And Republicans loved voting for these sh*t-eating, criminal a**holes.
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shammy78 · 7 years ago
Love Jones (1997)
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shammy78 · 7 years ago
Hey Shammy. I hope everything is fine with you. I just wanted to ask why don't you post or respond questions about Chrianna anymore.
Hey, I honestly don’t have time to deal with all the drama that comes along with answering repetitive questions along with people not being able to grasp the concepts that have been stated on my blog. So at the end of the day I have way to much going on in my personal life to give the proper attention to the questions. I am still chrianna and that will never change.
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shammy78 · 7 years ago
For only $20 you too can fuck Satan
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This post is about vaginas. My vagina in particular. I get yeast infections pretty regularly, and until recently I was able to afford to see a doctor who could prescribe me fluconazole.
Fluconazole, a drug also known by the brand name Diflucan, is a small pink pill. You take two pills a few days apart from each other to restore balance and harmony to your bountiful folds. I’ve never ever had a bad side effect from taking this pill.
Cut to November 2016. I’m a recent college grad without reliable health care coverage in the process of finding a job. And I’m dealing with a yeast infection. Before I moved out of state, my previous doctor told me about Miconazole. She said it was as effective as the pill and hallelujah, it’s over the counter! I decided to purchase the cream pictured above. This treatment only lasted 3 days, a convenient time frame for my schedule.
The application process was a little messy, and some of the cream came in contact with my vulva and labia. Within 5 minutes every piece of skin that had come in contact with the cream, excluding my hands, was on fire. I wanted to scream it was so painful. I began frantically searching for what I should do online. 
I found a whole forum of people on who had experienced something similar. These comments saved me, and these were just on the first page. There were 33 pages total, the earliest dated July 2009.
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I was writhing in pain at 2AM when I found this forum (which I found by searching “my vagina burn itch hurts after miconazole” on Google). As soon as I read these comments I threw the devil cream directly into the trash and jumped in the shower. I didn’t feel any actual relief until I reached in and scraped the cream out of me. I paid $17 plus tax on this bullshit, but I could have just as easily ripped up my money or paid someone to not hurt me. 
The moral of the story is that vaginal health care is is completely fucked up because we don’t have access to an over the counter cure for yeast infections that is safe for our bodies and also YOU SHOULD NEVER BUY THIS CREAM EVER.
Reblog to save a vagina.
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shammy78 · 7 years ago
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Why isn’t this in the news??? 🇬🇭 • ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽
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shammy78 · 8 years ago
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shammy78 · 8 years ago
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It’s called systemic and institutional for a reason.
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shammy78 · 8 years ago
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McCain went to Mayo Clinic. The best care, on our dollar, through his government managed health care.
The details of this story drip with shame. McCain will go down as millionaire grandpa who screwed the country so the guy who called him a ‘loser POW’ can pass wealthcare for the top 1%.
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shammy78 · 8 years ago
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THOUGHT OF THE WEEK: STAY CLASSY ALWAYS & IN ALL WAYS! alleyesonmejordyc Uncategorized 32 Comments “Seek RESPECT not attention, it lasts longer.” “The Most dangerous animal in the world is a silent smiling woman.” “There is NOTHING more Classy or Powerful than showing forgiveness and grace to someone who does not deserve it.” All of these quotes come to my mind when I think about the importance of always remaining classy and showing grace no matter what situation I am put in. We live in a time where most of our youth are strongly influenced by social media and the actions of public figures. Whether we have 1 follower or 500 million followers, we are all role models to someone…the question is..whether we are a GOOD role model or not. Remember, someone is ALWAYS watching. I personally am very aware..and try to be very careful of what I put on the internet. I know who and what type of followers I have…young women. Although I admit to being extremely private about my personal life..I know that when I post….I must use my platform in a responsible and positive way. As I always say, none of us are perfect..there are times when we may allow others to take us out of character once in a while…and do a little something that isn’t so classy or graceful lol…that’s okay…..BUT we should NEVER make “acting out of character” a habit. -REMEMBER, even if it’s true, not everything needs to be verbalized. SILENCE IS GOLDEN. There is something to be said about someone who can hold his or her tongue. My rule of thumb be classy, “put it on mute if it’s not cute.” There is also something to be said about those who make it a priority to speak without vulgarity. People..especially children are more than likely watching..and THEY WILL COPY. -REMEMBER, although some may not like it, we ARE judged on our appearance, how we choose to put ourselves together. I am not suggesting that everyone should dress conservatively 24/7. I am a firm believer in individuality and being able to express one self through fashion. Balance and modesty is indicative to appearing classy. In conclusion, we should be role models to all, even a complete stranger. Strive to be that classy and graceful breath of fresh air that others will also aspire to be 🙂 When I saw this post I just had to repost...this is why Jordyn will always win and it reminds so much of what Rih has done for years when it comes to SILENCE IS GOLDEN!!
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shammy78 · 8 years ago
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Drops the 🎤!!! Nothing else needs to be said!!
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shammy78 · 8 years ago
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Exactly….Celebs mad disrespectful
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