shamicaho · 6 years
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Shark finning infographic by ripetungi.
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shamicaho · 7 years
「你最近都沒 po 文,在忙什麼?…」手機 LINE 入一則 久違的的訊息。跟前則訊息間隔超過一年,那是小兄弟 Tr 移居香港前騎 Ubike 來找我時發的。
既然小兄弟提出,俺就開例上來為汝 po 一文,順便昭告天下 — Tr 明年要在香港辦婚宴啦。至於你問我可否當那天的攝影師?嗯,發現自己近來連相機都不太碰,怕誤了爾等終身大事,乃回曰”最好找專職婚攝…寧願當你的賓客…如果明年時間沒衝突的話…”
--- po 文--- 個人的廁所文學裡近日讀到一篇,關於功能性核磁共振(fMRI)對腦部神經造影的研究 — 人們的內在對話(inner speech)和內在獨白(Private speech)的神經基礎有所不同…左腦額葉/顳葉/腦區顳上回/…brabrabra…呼,好多專業術語。略過。
摘一段: 「內在語言可提供有關人類創造力起源的線索。當人類擁有產生內在語言的基礎之後,便能以各種方式使用它,包括和自己爭辯,以及和不存在的事物對話。由於我們已經內化與他人的對話,心智便保有餘裕來容納其他觀點,無論那人是否就在眼前、是否活者、甚或是否存在:我和上蒼、已逝雙親或虛構朋有的對話,都能和我與自己的對話一樣充滿創意。詢問自己,再自我回答,或許是把我們的思考能力推向新疆界的一個重要機制。 . . . 內在語言絕不是一種單獨發生的內在活動…不論在實驗室或日常生活中,內在語言的聲音都在對我們傾訴許多秘密。」
上文讓我聯想起1987年的一部電影《慾望之翼 Wings of Desire》,因為片裡的天使無所事事鎮日遊手好閒,唯一專長就是聽見人們的內在語言,廁所文學瞬間把時空從2017年拉回1987年。30年前的拍片場景,有一堵很有名的牆,長到可以把城市切成兩半,片子上映兩年後的1989年,世界發生了許多大事,可能是電影把牆拍的太有撕意,所以後來被觀眾拆光光了。川普欲打造美墨圍牆或可建議觀看本片,參考未被拆除前的柏林圍牆哩!電影內容請自行Google,不詳述。
此片youtube 找不到完整版,放上預告片連結 https://youtu.be/hAzzR2Uklok 心若不靜不建議看,either way,或許試著看完心也就安靜了。
才寫完此文,Tr 再度 LINE 入訊息…。回:只好明年再詳究,俺盡力而為!再度消失前,放一首 U2-Stay https://youtu.be/4ZgdCYU7rsY
PS:脫離臉書這半年感覺還不錯,應該會繼續、繼續脫離。僅以此片祝福 Tr。(DVD自己想辦法)
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shamicaho · 7 years
前幾天我 Youtube 推薦欄忽然出現《Baraka》,瞬間勾想起 29歲那年 (1993) 特地去西門町看這部中文片名叫《天地玄黃》的電影,並記起我哥推薦時強調的"這部片沒有對白”~
24年過去,放映的戲院已拆除而地球人口來到70億...誰能料想-影片開頭的群山與加德滿都 Boudhanath Stupa 會在前年的大地震毀損!? 天地玄黃 宇宙洪荒 焉哉乎也 無常無殤
PS:建議採電腦觀看。手機觀看若連結出現”無法提供此影片”,請用瀏覽器看 youtube 右上角的點點點設定-切換成"PC 版"即可。
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shamicaho · 7 years
After months of expectation, a gigantic piece of the Larsen C ice shelf broke off Antarctica sometime between Monday and Wednesday. 拉森C 終於斷了,2017/7/10~12。
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shamicaho · 7 years
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shamicaho · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLqzatnVAfA)
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shamicaho · 8 years
Humpback Whales is an extraordinary journey into the mysterious world of one of nature’s most awe-inspiring marine mammals.
Set in the spectacular waters of Alaska, Hawaii, and the remote islands of Tonga, this ocean adventure offers audiences an up-close look at how these whales communicate, sing, feed, play, and care for their young.
Found in every ocean on Earth, humpbacks were nearly driven to extinction 50 years ago, but today are making a slow but remarkable recovery. Join a team of researchers as they unlock the secrets of the species and find out why humpbacks seem to be the most acrobatic of all whales, how they produce their haunting songs, and what drives these intelligent, 55-foot-long, 50-ton animals to migrate up to 10,000 miles round trip every year.
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shamicaho · 8 years
Amazing Mars animation by Jan Fröjdman “A FICTIVE FLIGHT ABOVE REAL MARS”
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shamicaho · 8 years
中文相關 多年生穀物 https://read01.com/o4JzQE.html
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shamicaho · 8 years
【柏克萊 黑克松】Hackathon 這群駭客馬拉松群聚於此想辦法拯救聯邦氣候資料,因為他們相信川普當局可能會對官方網站裡的資料動手腳。 不禁讓人聯想起電影《星際效應》裡,校方並不相信人類曾經上過月球,認為那一切都是有心人士的騙局!
「... they believe that the Trump administration might want to disappear this data down a memory hole. So these hackers, scientists, and students are collecting it to save outside government servers...」 真正是 秀才遇到兵 有理說不清
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Diehard Coders Just Rescued NASA’s Earth Science Data
On Saturday morning, the white stone buildings on UC Berkeley’s campus radiated with unfiltered sunshine. The sky was blue, the campanile was chiming. But instead of enjoying the beautiful day, 200 adults had willingly sardined themselves into a fluorescent-lit room in the bowels of Doe Library to rescue federal climate data.
Like similar groups across the country—in more than 20 cities—they believe that the Trump administration might want to disappear this data down a memory hole. So these hackers, scientists, and students are collecting it to save outside government servers.
But now they’re going even further. Groups like DataRefuge and the Environmental Data and Governance Initiative, which organized the Berkeley hackathon to collect data from NASA’s earth sciences programs and the Department of Energy, are doing more than archiving. Diehard coders are building robust systems to monitor ongoing changes to government websites. And they’re keeping track of what’s already been removed—because yes, the pruning has already begun.
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shamicaho · 8 years
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shamicaho · 8 years
等待這一、二年 EM Drive 後續的發展。
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shamicaho · 8 years
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2017/1/2 Moon and Venus
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shamicaho · 8 years
有人可以核對上面的資料嗎? 來源? 正確性? 可靠度?
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Climate Change is acting much faster than many have expected. Global sea ice is in a free fall compared to all other years on record.
Related article:
The North Pole is an insane 20 C warmer than normal as winter descends
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shamicaho · 8 years
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【Season】 如果不看日曆 會以為今天這樣的天氣是狂放的夏天 ... 等下出門去問問大海 季節去那裡了 於是 有了這照片 我的~海兒呀! 2016/11/13
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shamicaho · 8 years
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人生每件事都環環相扣 Everything in this life is linked.
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shamicaho · 8 years
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2016 First Typhoon Nepartak Outskirt Contact at 17:30。
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