shambalauniverse · 5 years
“Si sigues alimentando tu ego, crecerá y terminará destruyéndote. La mente es tu más poderoso instrumento. Cuando adoptamos erróneamente este instrumento como nuestra identidad, quedamos esclavizados por él.” Anon I mus (Spirituallly Anonimus)
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“If you keep feeding your ego, it will get bigger and end up destroying you.  The mind is the most powerful tool. When we mistake this tool for our identity, we are enslaved by it.”   -Anon I mus (Spiritually Anonymous)
“Behind every ‘eye’ is the great, Cosmic I Am (the one, living Spirit) that flows in and through all forms.  We cannot experience the ecstasy of pure love (spiritual oneness) until we transcend the bondage of our egoic mind based on fear, hate, jealousy, conditional love, anger, powerlessness and separation.”  ~Anon I mus (Spiritually Anonymous)
*visit Anon I mus’ website at   http://egoawarenessmovement.org http://spiritualenlightenment4nobodies.com/ https://www.youtube.com/user/SpirituallyAnonImus
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shambalauniverse · 5 years
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Manual para el rescate de la Humanidad 1
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shambalauniverse · 5 years
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"Si por solamente un instante uno de nosotros dejara de ser,
Instantáneamente todos los demás desapareceríamos"
Emilio Carrillo.
¡A tal punto es nuestra unidad!
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shambalauniverse · 5 years
Aprende a observar.
Entiende que todo está conectado con todo.
Leonardo da Vinci
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Learn how to see.
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shambalauniverse · 5 years
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Gaia hermosa:
Gaia que nos sostiene y nos alimenta ¡Perdona nuestra locura!
Equilibra, como tú sabes hacerlo, las fuerzas de los elementos.
Que nuestra preciada selva vuelva a su frescura y vitalidad.
¡Prometemos cambiar! Nosotros también queremos regresar al equilibrio.
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shambalauniverse · 5 years
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shambalauniverse · 5 years
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Can you believe this monster snake actually existed?
Titanoboa is an extinct genus of very large snakes that lived in what is now La Guajira in northeastern Colombia. They could grow up to 12.8 m long and reach a weight of 1,135 kg. Fossils of Titanoboa have been found in the Cerrejón Formation, and date to around 58 to 60 million years ago.
Titanoboa skeleton on display at Queensland Art Gallery
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shambalauniverse · 5 years
Qué hermosos tatuajes de 2.500 años de antiguedad. Impresionante!
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The Siberian Ice Maiden, also known as the Princess of Ukok, is a mummy of a woman from the 5th century BC
Siberian Princess shows off her 2500 year old tattoos
The 25-year-old woman, who is thought to be one of the earliest known victims of breast cancer, was excavated from her icy tomb almost 20 years ago
Researchers found the woman’s tattoos were designs based on fantastical-looking animals
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shambalauniverse · 5 years
El poder del “Yo Soy” (el Principio de Divinidad) es el pincel que dibuja tu realidad percibida en cada momento.
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“The power of ‘I AM’ (the Godly Principle) is the paintbrush that paints your perceived reality in every moment.”   ~Anon I mus (Spiritually Anonymous)
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shambalauniverse · 5 years
Solo existe el Uno.
La informe Vida-Una que se encuentra en todas las cosas.
Sin TÍ (como Conciencia Cósmica) no hay Uno.
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There is only Oneness
The formless, One Life that abides within all things
Without YOU (as Cosmic Consciousness), there is no Oneness.
~Anon I mus (Spiritually Anonymous)
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shambalauniverse · 6 years
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shambalauniverse · 6 years
¡Eres Dios con amnesia!
Ciertamente puedes disfrutar la experiencia de ser un “humano” en 3D; pero no te pierdas en ese rol-identidad tan limitado.
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“You are God with temporary amnesia!!! You can most certainly enjoy this 3D dream experience of being human, but do not lose yourself in that limited role-identity.”   ~Anon I mus (Spiritually Anonymous)
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shambalauniverse · 6 years
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shambalauniverse · 6 years
Todo depende del Observador.
Sin tí, ¡Nada podría existir!
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“EVERYTHING IS OBSERVER-DEPENDENT : WITHOUT YOU, ‘NOTHING CAN EXIST’. Science, math, technology, philosophy, geography, history, biology, art and physical education cannot be conceived, explained or even known without the foundation of CONSCIOUSNESS.”  ~Anon I mus (Spiritually Anonymous
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shambalauniverse · 6 years
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shambalauniverse · 6 years
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shambalauniverse · 6 years
Es espontáneo en quien se siente Uno, cantarle a la creación y dar gracias al Creador.
Abba Padre. Tata Araújo
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