shaheii-blog · 6 years
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That mane just does what it wants.
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shaheii-blog · 6 years
If you receive this, you make someone happy. Go on anonymous and send it to ten of your followers who make you happy. If you get some back, even better! Have a lovely day!
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-- Aweeee, thank you stranger
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shaheii-blog · 6 years
Scold my muse for their most annoying habit.
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shaheii-blog · 6 years
  “Tch.  So I’m jus’ th’ means ta an end, huh?”  He grumbled into the dark folds of Hekiji’s robe.  Bright eyes flicked toward the towering tank, interest piqued despite his tone.  
    “They like ta stay on different levels, don’t they?”  Even though the creatures shared the same space, he noticed some tended to stay at the bottom, and some just below the surface.  “It’s like an apartment but without floors!”
--- “Yes.” He replied deadpan, though he smiled. He enjoyed the height as well as the closeness, and his hand found its way into Kendou’s hair, gently running through and scratching his scalp. 
   “It is an entire eco-system.” He replied with a hum. “But that’s a good comparison.. An apartment complex.”
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shaheii-blog · 6 years
    “Says you.”  For him it was a rather comfortable temperature.  Apparently that was a sentiment no one else in this flock shared.  They all needed obnoxiously high temperatures to exist.  Of course, he didn’t mind acting as a personal space heater for this particular man.  
    “I’m gonna get ya one o’ those things.  What’re they called… Th’ cute animal onsies.”  He grinned, fingers trailing down along Hekiji’s neck and back.
--- “Says everyone.” He complained quietly. Blessedly, his hands against Kendou’s skin were quickly warming. They were already tingling with the feeling returning to them. No longer would his nail beds be blue.
   “Already have one..” He mumbled. Someone had gifted him a penguin one once. Despite their rather humiliating intentions with it, he had still kept it... It was warm, and he thought he might wear it in the privacy of his own quarters sometime. Of course now he was sharing quarters with someone..
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shaheii-blog · 6 years
On anon, send things you think will make my muse angry.
Get them so mad, they’ll cry!
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shaheii-blog · 6 years
   “That even possible?”  Kendou arched a brow, gloomy expression brightening almost instantly.  “Not bein’ a tea snob, I mean.”  Hekiji could probably tell what things had been dried and blended to make the damn stuff just by smelling it.  As far as Kendou was concerned, it was all just… green.  A grin tugged at his lips.  “Ya know yer stuff tho.  Ta me it’s all dried up plants.  When you make it it tastes amazin’.  What th’ hell’s a tea plant anyway?”
Taking a sip of his cup, his crooked nose wrinkled in disgust.  “That tastes like shite, even I can tell!”
--- “I could try..” He suggested. Though it wouldn’t mean he’d cease to be a ‘tea snob’, it would just mean he would cease to mention anything about it, and wouldn’t complain about his tea not being perfect. 
   When Kendou tasted his own brew Hekiji chuckled. “Did you forget about the teabag?” That was an easy mistake to make. Green tea was a good tea for someone as impatient as Kendou, since it didn’t need even as much as two minutes to brew, but Kendou was also distractible, and he probably left it in too long. 
   “A teaplant? Well.. It is an evergreen plant, kind of seems a bit like shrubbery I suppose. There’s not much to it, really.. I think the tea itself already has a lot of flavour, but most people like to add to the leaves or leaf buds with flowers or fruits or roots and the like to add more dimension to the flavour..”
   “Here.. Let me make a pot..”
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shaheii-blog · 6 years
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             “I wonder if you’re the only other form of intelligent life to be found within these walls.” He murmurs, a faint smile playing across his lips. While he didn’t exactly enjoy extra work, there was no issue to be found with assisting those who genuinely cared about their well-being and that of those around them. 
“Do you want a full physical, or just some testing and blood work?“
--- He cannot remember the last time he saw a doctor. It must have been when he was a child. His brief spell in the monastery brought him no official doctor’s visits, though there were basic health checks every now and again. A nomadic life after that did not lend to medical attention, and he had been lucky not to need it. He also rarely got injured, on account of his quirk. {He also cannot remember the last time someone outside of Kendou had complimented him, but he chooses not to focus his attention on that }.
   However, now that he was here.. He might as well make sure no other visits were necessary in the near future.
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   “If you have the time, a full physical would be convenient. If not I wouldn’t mind scheduling an appointment with you.”
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shaheii-blog · 6 years
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                 “… Ah, Tengai. I don’t often find you coming down to the medical ward.”
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--- He avoids having to visit best he can, and aside from his sensitivities to all kinds of stimuli and the subsequent migraines they cause he is overall a healthy man. That is; he does not often need to visit. He gives a slight nod towards Kurono’s observation and chooses to see it as a question as to why he was here now. “It appears some members of our organisations are... Infected with one thing or the other.” He’d seen some strange behaviour lately, and then there were the more obvious signs of flu and cold. “I thought it might be sensible to have a check up.”
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shaheii-blog · 6 years
   “Do I look like th’ kinda guy who reads boxes?  Ya know how goddamn tiny those letters are ta me?”  He sulked, lower jaw thrust out grumpily.  “Here I was tryin’ ta be all nice.  Didn’t know there was any more ta it than puttin’ hot water on a bag o’ dead leaves.”
--- Perhaps he had let his love of tea get in the way of recognising how nice a thing it was for Rappa to do; to go out of his way to try and add some comfort to his day with a cup of tea. Hekiji knew he could be a bit blind to that, and Kendou’s sulking was a good cue.
   He put the cup down and moved to hug onto his boyfriend’s arm. “You’re right, I’m sorry.. It was very thoughtful of you, I shouldn’t be such a tea snob..”
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shaheii-blog · 6 years
     “Comfortable… yeah.”  Kendou was a man who had always been comfortable in his own skin, and his own choices, but he understood what Hekiji meant.  This was… different.  It wasn’t just that he enjoyed being around the other.  It was more like… it felt right, now.  Like it was something that he just woke up expecting each day.  That Hekiji was there, by his side.  At work, or here in the privacy of their room.  And that it was good.
    “Shite, we’ve come a long way…”  He closed his eyes, head still resting against the soft, damp spikes of hair.  “Gehehe, givin’ me th’ reigns huh?  Damn, that means I gotta think!”  As if he wasn’t already contemplating it…
--- Kendou and he.. They were a perfect match. Everywhere one of them lacked, the other perfectly complemented them. Sure, that meant they were practically polar opposites, but.. somehow they had made it work. Hekiji doesn’t believe it could have been a coincidence that he’d found his path leading here, ‘babysitting’ this man. There were reasons for everything,
   He smiled when Kendou reminisced. How long had it been now..? They’d been in the hot springs last winter, hadn’t they? After that it had started between them.. It must be going on a year now. He can’t remember just exactly when he had confessed his feelings for Kendou. He knows it had taken him far too long after they’d started fooling around.
   He is too comfortable and feeling too content to voice any of these thoughts, so instead he wraps his arms around Kendou’s around his waist and nods lightly, as to not disturb him too much. 
   “Reenacting fantasies is hard work.” He told him, chuckling. “You’d better start planning.” 
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shaheii-blog · 6 years
    “Ooo-ooh, touched a nerve, didn’t I?”  Kendou didn’t bother hiding his grin as Hekiji took his accustomed place in his lap.  He couldn’t tell one tea from another, but he figured Hekiji could, and would therefore appreciate the scent.  To him, it was all just a sort of green smell.  Leaning back, he slid his arms around the smaller figure.  
   “Yeah?”  Kendou’s grin widened, and he buried his face in Hekiji’s hair.  He brushed a thumb over his chest, along the curve of the muscle and over a nipple.  There was nothing else behind the action this time, he was quite content to just have his hands roam familiar paths as they soaked away the remnants of their tryst.  
    “Dunno what that says ‘bout us, but…  Gehehe, that was incredible!  Makes me wonder what you’ll dream up next ta top it!”
--- He pouted a little. He just cared a lot about tea, that was all. He couldn’t sulk for long, since Kendou’s embrace immediately worked to curve his lips into a contented smile. He’d thought he could stay laying on his partner’s chest on their futon forever, but on second thought.. He could stay here forever. That was, if there was a way to keep the water infinitely warm, anyway.
   “Not just the sex..” He muttered, closing his eyes. “Just felt really.. Comfortable.” Completely at ease in a situation that should have him frazzled. Kendou had become a comfort. He didn’t mind him seeing him anymore, in every sense of the word. 
   He hummed thoughtfully. “I wonder about that too..” For now though he felt like he could feed off this night and the pictures for a while to come. “Though next time it’s your turn to decide what happens.”
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shaheii-blog · 6 years
He hummed a little, head bowed as Hekiji’s fingers worked their magic.  His hair fell in twining strands around him, only partially tamed by the occasional comb through.  They could fix that later.  For now, he leaned into the other’s touch, rolling his neck every so often, letting the heat seep into him.
     “That feels wonderful, love.  An’ this smelly stuff ain’t half bad.  Looks… or smells… like I made a good choice!  I didn’t know if tea would actually smell good in this kinda thing.  I mean, regular tea don’t really have a smell, does it?”  He turned to meet his lover’s gaze.  “C’mon here.  I’ll live fer now, maybe I’ll have ya do a bit more once we’re out.”  He wanted Hekiji somewhere he could hold him.
--- “Regular tea does too have a smell!” He argued passionately. “There’s distinct differences between green tea and black tea, not to mention all the notes you can put in them of florals or fruits--” He was about to go off on a tangent when Kendou moaned appreciatively as to his ministrations, and suddenly his defence of tea didn’t seem that important anymore.
   He smiled when he was bid to join Kendou in the bath, though he could not resist a little jab as he slipped into the water and into Kendou’s lap. “It is your turn to boss me around, is it?” He settled comfortably against Kendou’s chest, lifting an arm so he could casually brush his knuckles to and fro against his boyfriend’s upper arm. He sighed contentedly. He definitely felt a lot better knowing all the sweat and stickiness was being washed off.
   “I think.. Up to now.. This was probably the best night of my life yet..”
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shaheii-blog · 6 years
Kendou chuckled, only slightly disappointed his lover hadn’t risen to the bait.  Blue eyes fixed on Hekiji as he worked.  He’d never tire of gazing at that toned frame.  He wasn’t nearly as built as Kendou was, but it was clear he could take care of himself.  Even after their little evening activity, his movements still held an almost feline grace.  They were measured, purposeful.  
Once the water was ready, Kendou slid in with a content moan.  The heat felt wonderful to his sore arm muscles.  It also brought on a sudden sense of… not exhaustion, exactly.  But tiredness he hadn’t realized.  This evening had been something.  He heaved a pleased sigh, waiting for his partner to join.
--- He couldn’t wait to slip in and let the heat and cleanliness of the water take care of the rest. It seemed Kendou felt the same. Hekiji knows he promised him a massage of some kind, but he cannot safely sit behind a man as big as Kendou while in the tub. He might drown. 
   As such, he decides to stay seated on the edge of the tub a while, first running his fingers through Kendou’s hair affectionately, then his hands over his shoulders and along his neck, before starting to gently massage the stiff muscles there. Every now and then he leaned in to leave a kiss on his boyfriend’s crown or shoulder. 
   He could join the bath after this..
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shaheii-blog · 6 years
   “Course I can stand.”  He dragged himself slowly to his feet.  His body felt strange, a bit shaky, but in a good way.  “’m amazed you can.  Guess I gotta try harder next time.”  Kendou leered down at his lover, rolling his shoulders.   The first few steps felt less sure than he’d have liked, but he trailed after his boyfriend, pleased with the view. 
      “Let’s use th’ new tea scented stuff!  An’ you can give me a shoulder massage.  I think I got a kink.”
--- “You don’t have to split me in two, you know..” Plus, he’d actually been training for this, so to speak. Sure, he was sore, and his thighs would probably be stiff come morning, but... He is resilient. He doesn’t bounce to his feet, but he had no problem getting up. 
   He snorted. “Really?” He shook his head bemusedly. He said that on purpose, didn’t he? He wasn’t going to comment on it. Instead, he nodded as he turned on the hot water. “That sounds good.” As he sat down on the side of the bath and started to add the soap and oils to the water he grasped for Kendou’s hand, swinging them between them some as he waited for the tub to fill up.
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shaheii-blog · 6 years
The creepiest thing about you
You Are An Emotionally Volatile Nightmare
Your heart guides you and sometimes that's not as dreamy or romantic as it might sound. It's true that your feelings often inspire you to heal and create, and as long as those feelings don't steer you wrong, you're capable of truly visionary accomplishments in the name of empathy and love.
Feelings, though, aren't always gentle and sweet. You know that better than anyone, because your own emotions - the same overwhelming forces that inspire you to make the world a better place - can take you to very dark places, especially if you believe that the subject of your ire has shown unwarranted cruelty toward you or something you hold dear. You know that your feelings aren't necessarily rational, but that doesn't stop you from dramatically blaming other people for causing you pain. Of course, you might not even stop at crying; that notoriously brilliant creativity might even spur you to express your wrath artistically - nothing says “emotional stability” like a morose, vengeful poem.
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shaheii-blog · 6 years
    “I can’t help ya with that part.”  Kendou cocked a brow.  “Th’ not knowin’ part, I mean.  I jus’ say what I believe, an’ that’s ta live every moment.  Worryin’ is annoyin’.”  
He gave Hekiji a slight, playful shove.  “We can stay like this after ya take care o’ me.  C’mon, Mr. Caretaker.  I’m gonna start complainin’ bout th’ service o’ this immediate moment soon!”
--- He rolled his eyes, though he supposed that Kendou’s disposition was somewhat contagious. He felt he could let go just enough of his worries to continue enjoying the evening. And what else of it was still to come.
   It felt weird to stand, but he got to his feet, ready to make good on his promises. “Come on then..” He grinned. “Can you even stand?” He’d offer a hand, but he is unsure how much help he’d be with a big man such as Kendou. 
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