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shadowbringcr · 6 months ago
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"This place...'tis certainly familiar, and yet not."
Whoever this woman is, she doesn't seem fazed by her new environment at all.
"A shame. I was looking forward to spending some time at the beach."
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shadowbringcr · 6 months ago
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This one comes in the form of a dark knight, one who uses the powers of darkness to protect her allies. Yes, she’s still a Warrior of Light. She also happens to be a Warrior of Darkness.
Now updated to post-Dawntrail, she's way more chill now that the looming threat of the universe's destruction is behind her.
Born with Ishgardian blood, but sent away due to her father being a heretic; she considers Mor Dhona to be home.
Is pretty damn tall with an even taller great sword.
A magic nerd that has started a career in aetherology. Can and will ask you so many questions I’m sorry.
Has an insatiable hunger for power and knowledge, doesn’t want to admit that she’s capable of malice in order to attain it.
Doesn’t sound much like a good person, does she? She would agree with you - she’s still baffled on why so many people find her as an ideal or an inspiration - but her merit is well attained because of tendency to provide help to anyone, including strangers, and her capacity to care.
Once a pragmatic adventurer who only cared about her own well-being, now an impassioned protector who wields her blade in the name of hatred and love in equal measure.
A hero that prioritizes people over principle taken to a horrifying degree - she can and will commit atrocities for those she loves.
Has accidentally ‘adopted’ like a billion children. I dunno it just naturally happens to her.
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shadowbringcr · 6 months ago
(◕‿◕) HEY IT'S ME AGAIN. with no prior reserve i would like to reapply for Lycelle Astarinn (Warrior of Light - Dark Knight) from Final Fantasy! App should still be under /app!
Welcome back to Isola Radiale, Lycelle!
You will be placed in TOWNHOUSE 221.
You will retain everything from your previous stay.
Enjoy your captivity!
– andromeda ☆
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shadowbringcr · 4 years ago
            She figured to stick to the chilly theme, given her costume. An ice queen she was, so icy treats she would give. With her culinary skills and a little bit of alchemy, she could give delightful things like candy that makes you breathe cold air, or ice cream that never melts.
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            “Make sure to tell me what you think, and spare no detail!“
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shadowbringcr · 4 years ago
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“Of course I do.”
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shadowbringcr · 4 years ago
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that post event clean up is sure going to be something
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shadowbringcr · 4 years ago
            “You.” Her wickedness, her malicious delight - all of it gone the moment she has laid her eyes upon her. There was no mistaking the way the aether danced around her, the way the other could control it with complete mastery. There was only one who could perform such a feat, as well share the same pull she has felt with other Warriors of Light in the past.
            This was Azem. Not like how she was, the mere inheritor of a title and her role - this was the one who existed far before the End of Days, the one who knew the answers to her burning questions. The one who remained complete.
            A part of Lycelle wanted to reach out to her. To ask her everything. To fill in the confusing blanks that remained in her heart. But no. Not this time. Not when the mere sight of her counterpart makes her blood boil.
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            “If you know everything…..despite everything….how could you still smile like so?”
@faepact​ / if you’re azem and i’m azem then who’s driving the airship
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shadowbringcr · 4 years ago
            These past few days have been spent with much elation to the newborn Ascian. It felt like a high she could never come down from, the way her blood sang in her veins with all the destruction and despair that came within her midst. She enjoyed the wounds she has caused, both in the literal and emotional sense. Such joys and release she would never had experienced if she continued to play upon the mantle of hero.
            Yes. It was this wanton violence that suited her so.
            A different approach she has taken, this time - to repeat the same things over and over again would be boring, after all. And so it is with the facade of a friend did she approach this one. Despite the stillness of his form, she could sense the barest hint of sorrow in his eyes. She knew how to hide a thing herself, after all.
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            “Oh, weary wanderer. What seems to ail you so?”
@illuminary​ / sure sucks being the chosen one
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shadowbringcr · 4 years ago
     ✿ It seems the disappointment in the other goes both ways, but Yura remains unfazed by it. She is not here to impress an Ascian of all things, least of all who calls herself the Fourteenth Seat. No, she has no need to prove anything, let alone her impression of the one they called Azem eons ago. This is hardly an argument that needs to be had, but the Ascian insists. Troublesome lot.
     How certain she is? Not very, she can’t say she knew Azem the way she knows herself. But, even so, she knows a reflection of the Warrior of Light could not be so… tainted. It’s unbelievable. “You misunderstand. I wouldn’t dare think myself absolute. Nothing of the like.” But neither are you. In this world, a Star that isn’t theirs, they are equally weak.
     The knight falls silent for a moment, considering. The Ascian speaks true, but to what end, she doesn’t understand. Nor is she willing to understand. It’s already a fact they will never agree with each other, fleeting as their meeting has been. “I ask the same of you then. Have you learned nothing? We are not ones that quietly follow the chosen path. I am my own future’s author.”
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     The grip on her sword’s handle tightens and her unwillingness to fight fades slowly. If it comes to this, so be it. “Once more, I ask. What is it you intend to do? if I am bereft of Her blessing here, then so are you bereft of your purpose. We are far from home. There is nothing to be gained by causing destruction here; you know it will not aid in your quest for His return. Yet you would insist on committing evil?”
            The knight’s rebuttals have no effect on her, and to her growing fury the Ascian simply shrugs. “Do you walk the path you have charted on your own, or are you simply led to believe so? Hydaelyn has claimed us all - far before we knew everything. Before we knew the truth.  Flung us into a battle despite never sponsoring Her summoning.”
            Surely she must have realized this now: if Hydaelyn was a primal, then it meant only one thing: what was Eorzea’s Champnion, if not Her strongest weapon, tempered to perfection? Worse still, She has disgraced Azem’s wishes to remain a neutral party to this strife. They were never the author of anything in the first place. “To stray from Her light - that at least, I have chosen freely.”
            But enough talk: clearly words will not get through this other reflection of hers. Stubbornness seems to run through all of them. “You are correct: we are stranded here upon a distant star. No plan would incite a Rejoining. But I can yet serve Him in other ways.” Dark aether hums at the palm of her hands, slowly spreading until it engulfs her very being. Through the aura, a red glyph shines through.
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            “Starting with the death of the Warrior of Light.”
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shadowbringcr · 4 years ago
            The breeze dances on her face, tasting sickly sweet. Such a sharp contrast to the sugary spice the others would want to display, playing pretend at spooks and mock horror. Nay, this one dances to the tune of his own soul, free to do what he wills.
            It just so happens that she was in the mood to break some wills. And what a better target, than one who is so confident and comfortable with doing what he wants? She approaches him innocently enough - walking opposite his way at the sidewalk, nothing but a simple passerby. But not everything is so simple, not when she is quick to whisper down at his ear.
            “I know you. You think no one would notice, but I do.”
            Her words drip down like poison.
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            “You’re a fraud.”
@galearchon​ / sometimes even the lissome wind grows heavy in its grief.
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shadowbringcr · 4 years ago
            “Oh? What’s this?”
            She’s seen many throughout her daily strolls in the city. People having their fun with the parties and candies, those who walk around proudly with costumes in display. Others have become the very role they act as, more monstrous than human, although most would brush off their transformation as creatures of the night. What a shame, really. A waste of their potential, and the possible discord they could cause - if only they would give in to their base instincts.
            But ah, this one seems different. Normally someone too pathetic for her to consider as a threat - not with such pitiful aether reserves - but this one seems to radiate a cold killing intent. If not for the lack of obtuse supernatural elements, she would have wagered that the priest was also in costume. He seemed to blend in nicely with the eerie tone of All Saint’s Day.
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            She looks upon him with lidded eyes, judging. Observing. “You do not seem to be one for small talk.” Perhaps he might be a source of some entertainment, after all.
@kxrei​ / goooood luck
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shadowbringcr · 4 years ago
Afternoon mods! For the maskerade event would killings be able to happen to NPCs?
That’s not very cash money of you.
-- mod altair.
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shadowbringcr · 4 years ago
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            As fun as things has been going, all this partying and ruckus has left Lycelle quite exhausted. Not that anything has been bad, mind you, not even her certain mishap with a costume she has picked out of mere whimsy. It sure felt strange, having long hair again, and to feel the chill of icy aether running through her veins instead of pure astral energies. But once everything has been said and done, one needs a moment of respite.
            She’s been one to give treats rather than to receive them, but a single piece of candy remains in her possession. She looks at it through the clear plastic wrap, a hard crystalline piece that shines red and black, like a piece of chipped glass. Lycelle already knew what it tastes like - after all, it was what caused her prior transformation in the first place.
            But all traces of blue are gone for now, her hair returned to its original deep purple. Her casual outfit feels underdressed compared to the elaborate disguises everyone has been wearing, but a simple black cloak lies by her side at the bench. It was just a matter of donning it or not.
            The question was…should she?
            Ruminations interrupted with a familiar face - her face breaks into a smile at the sight of a friend. Can’t go sulking around when the fun is going on and everything, right? “Hey there. How’s the festival treating you?”
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shadowbringcr · 4 years ago
    there has always been a gnawing – consistent, clawing, aching. something buried deep within the chest, the mind; that ache to free oneself from conscious restraints and allow desire and instinct to guide every step. a fury set forth of brandished claw and fang, but it was more than just simple inner, sleeping rage. this is what he was, has always been. heard again and again, different iterations finally brought to reality.
  widened eyes of the public view looked on. hands held over gapping mouths, stumbling, awkward steps backward… some even running. hiding those more vulnerable and ushering away the weak. those images of retreat only triggered something more. down did the miqo’te crouch, armored hands and feet digging against the ground beneath – ready to kick off, to sprint, to chase.
this is what they’ve seen… this is what they’ve always known…
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    through parting fangs does the miqo’te – no, the beast, emit a gargled excuse for a sound. some might call it a growl, if one were to put a name to it. the sound didn’t end there, another followed soon after; louder, wanting. but he had yet to spring forward – yet to take his hunt to the prey left scattered before him, for a shadow seized his attention first. 
  something flowy and familiar in its darkened appearance. something that had hair and fur standing where it could; bristling in alarm… but he could not recall why. would it matter if he did? if the body was afraid then that which appeared must be worth something; something more.  a challenge, came the thought, and that brought the beast to a partial rise.
    they offered a challenge, a worthy hunt… he wanted it. he wanted it! another sound, a roar, and the ascian had won his attention.    //    @shadowbringcr​
            She watches the festivities from a distance, undisturbed and unnoticed. Nobody would take a second look at her garments in this environs, where everyone is dressed as scares and other creatures of the night. But ah, the greatest terror has always been the ones you never realize ‘till it was too late.
            It was the growl that pulls her gaze away to the man who has her in his sights. But ah, this was no man, was it? Not with the wild noises that come in his mouth, radiating none an ilm of humane intent. Gone was any glimpse of the warrior she has met before in that haunted island - in its place a wild beast with all signs of reason dispelled into the void. “You look like a sorry sight…But ah, you can’t understand what I am saying, do you?”
            Chaos descends upon the crowd once they register him as genuine danger, and the wise have used her as a proper distraction. Where this be the Lycelle of old, she would take upon the role with no hesitation - she would try to quell this beast.  But all the Ascian sees is opportunity. For such is their element, and such is their work.
            A wave of her hand, and a dark fog descends upon the area, engulfing everyone in sight. There shall be no escape for anyone here - not from this darkness, and not from the monster that now traverses among them. The Ascian chuckles, her red glyph gleaming before she too disappears in the shadows. She will enjoy using her newfound plaything.
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            “Come and claim your prey.”
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shadowbringcr · 4 years ago
     ✿ Ah, she really should have known her words would be met with little reason and more mockery. Ascians sure have a penchant for this sort of thing, don’t they? Some more so than others, but this one seems different even from all the other ones she’s met. Drunk on power, almost. And so, the formal introduction is even more jarring than it would be otherwise, but Yura does not flinch or waver.
     She won’t draw her sword just yet, she won’t give up on talking it out just yet, but her hand is there, waiting, albeit slightly nervous. Fighting them always does that to her, a frustrating bout of fear and anxiety. Sadness, even.
     No, what causes her to falter then, is the name. The fourteenth seat. Something that echoes familiar in her mind, but she can hardly agree. There is no way this spawn of evil is telling the truth. After all, she is… Nevermind that, she will not give the satisfaction of a distorted face, she holds steadfast instead.
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     “That’s funny. You are nothing like the Azem I know.” She would never… Not like this. Ah, but there is that doubt in her eyes, and it’s a tad too obvious. “So then, state your business, Ascian. If you would cause trouble, I will not hesitate to cut you down.”
           Amusement turns into disappointment, suddenly unconvinced of this woman’s worthiness to be a Warrior of Light. She thought it would be such an amusement, to play with someone who has surely known of the suffering they have both felt…but these interjections were just so boring. Flimsy. Lycelle crossed her arms, metal claws grazing leather, a look of utter disdain in her gaze.
           “How certain are you of your knowledge, when you never knew Azem in the first place?” She would know, more than any other. Lycelle never knew them in the past, despite all her work, her desperation to know. It was only by His enlightenment that she has finally discovered the truth. “To think of yourself as so absolute, as untouchable….An underwhelming performance. Have you learned nothing from your travels in the First?”
           …Nay, she could see it. That wavering gleam in this one’s expression. Perhaps she too bore the same insecurities. The same burning questions from those you called your colleagues in a time you could no longer remember, only to find these answers beyond your grasp. Why not do her a favor and release her from such burdens? All what was needed was a bit more of a push.
           “Must you run away from the truth? Surely you can notice even in such a weakened form - we are the same, different reflections of the same being. No matter how different we may seem, we all fulfill the same role in the end.”
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           “I am your warning, your unwritten future. You will ascend, and you will fall.”
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shadowbringcr · 4 years ago
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   “ Aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you just wanna go ape-shit? “
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            “Not like there’s anything to be nice about in the first place.”
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shadowbringcr · 4 years ago
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Doing this differently due to the wide difference in tone between her costume options - reply to this for an event starter, the reply specifying if you want a) Ice Queen Lycelle or b) Ascian Lycelle! This will be uncapped. 
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