shadowbanish-dv · 2 years
Shadowbanish #20601 and my fave pet is the scullion. I just love those little bone weasels. 💀💕
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Our first custom maker giveaway has begun!
Custom makers are the rarest items in the game, best of luck.
You can enter on site in the giveaway thread too for an extra chance at winning!
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shadowbanish-dv · 2 years
Personally, I'm not worried about getting harassed. The only reasons I don't usually comment in threads about customs is because 1) I'm not on for long enough at any one time to write a thoughtful reply, and 2) Someone (or several people) will say what I think, but in a more eloquent way than I could write it. lol
If staff changes anything about the custom system, I just hope they don't make it all private, as I wanted mine to be fully public. I'd much prefer it if my custom was just an in game item, that anybody could easily get.
I admit that, in the beginning, I was hoping to make back what I had bought the maker for, but I could care less now. Not only will it be ages before that happens, but if I really want some spuds, then reselling premium items is far, far easier. (Note: I would change my custom price to just a mirror, but it feels really unfair to the people who've already paid for it. If staff changes things, then, depending on how exactly they put the custom in game, it may or may not be unfair.)
https://salt-volk.tumblr.com/post/692324043968397312/post692027071855263744i-remember-a-while-ago-the -> this is a funny take since scr*b didn't even disagree & provided some nice commentary in that thread (imo) the other ask is definitely petty but it seems that anon was only commenting on how scr*b admitted to exploiting the bug too. I'm sure custom owners ARE afraid of harassment but I'm also sure a good majority wouldn't have commented anyways bc they don't want their money printer to stop working👍
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shadowbanish-dv · 3 years
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First one is my current avatar, and the rest are recent ones that I had before it.
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shadowbanish-dv · 3 years
The heart attack was actually from thinking that the Pai shards had suddenly tanked to 19kp, when the lowest one that I was trading (at the time I had set it up anyways) was 250kp. X'D And yeah, even at the current prices, it would have been overpaying, which I don't mind, as it'd save me the hassle of Oran giving me several of the same fucking item and me having to sell or trade all the duplicates for the rest of the set. (Thankfully, he wasn't such a pain in the ass this time. lol)
I do admit, though, that I was surprised to see myself being posted about on a drama blog, and I didn't appreciate that the statement wasn't even true, to top it off. BUT! I'm still willing to give anon the benefit of the doubt, as, in my previous post, I realised that it was most likely the south west shard that I had in the trade, and the SW and SE shards are practically horizontally flipped versions of each other. (The shape at the bottom is a little different, but I had to look at both shards at the same time to notice that.) So, yeah, mistaking one for the other is pretty damn easy to do, to be fair. And if that's what actually happened, then I forgive anon and just hope that next time they see something that looks like someone's being dodgy, they take a moment to double check or screenshot it.
Fingers crossed for you that you don't end up being posted about, Nonnie. Though, I think that if you're generally a pleasant person and you don't post a lot of controversial opinions in the forums, then you're pretty safe. I mean, you could get posted about for undercutting, but even then most people are pretty level-headed and are gonna be like "that's just how the market works." So I wouldn't worry too much about it and just enjoy playing the game. <3
gfhghfhgh im losing it @ the anon who thought that was an oran shard, how do you even fuck that up. why wouldn't they search the price before jjgfghgf wouldn't that shard be overpaying anyways?? that's like 150k and there's 9 oran items this month... that anon needs to go get some sleep or something lmao also i so relate to the heart attack thing, crossing my fingers that im not interesting enough for peeps to rant about fhgjhdjdjf
Sorry for not seeing this sooner, Nonnie! I was at the zoo for most of the day, yesterday, and while it was nice, I was running on an hour of sleep, so I just crashed when I got home. X')
(Since this is Dappervolk related, I've cut my response, and I'll paste it on a reblog, over on my DV blog.)
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shadowbanish-dv · 3 years
Actually..... it may have been the south west shard I initially had listed, as I remember the lowest one at the time was 250kp and being sold by Quis, and checking back, Quis has a south west shard for 250kp.
So maybe anon did easily mistake it for Oran's, and I just quick sold the wrong shard. I did have both shards in my inventory. :/
Ah, screw it. It was still a Pai shard, and people should really screenshot shit and double check it.
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shadowbanish-dv · 3 years
Also hi. I'm not dead. Just not very active on tumblr. (^___^)' I've been pretty dead on pillowfort as well. Oops. So much for trying to be more active on my blogs. :')
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shadowbanish-dv · 3 years
I remember changing my mind and deciding to sell the shard, as I had managed to get some potatoes for a couple of spins and thought I'd just go ahead and spin for the rest. And Anon, c'mon! It was a north west shard! That one doesn't even look like Oran's!
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20601 really out here wanting a full Oran set for a shard worth 19kp okay
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shadowbanish-dv · 4 years
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“Beneath the great abyss, lies a well of sparks. A grand trial of secrecy and a flurry of wings denotes your arrival. Treasures abound are acquired at great cost to the explorer.”
The Eclipsed Seraph has arrived at our December Limited Monthly Shops!
♦ Read our December Update ♦
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shadowbanish-dv · 4 years
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Everything's such a grindfest for guilds, but at least it's free to change the names of guild roles! :D
It's gonna take ages, even after I do open the guild up, but I look forward to upgrading the number of roles there are, so people can choose to be labeled as a skeleton, ghost, ghoul, vampire, werewolf, etc.
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shadowbanish-dv · 4 years
Scullion. Forever and always. <3
Shadowbanish #20601
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Here is our 3rd Autumn Giveaway for some Pet Accessory Makers!
Reblog and comment with an answer to the question and your username/ID to enter! Winners will be drawn on November 20th!
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shadowbanish-dv · 4 years
Funny enough, I would go to 3's Forest just to visit Mycel and walk through the Glowshroom Enclave.
UN and ID: Shadowbanish #20601
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Our first Autumn event is underway! Here is our second giveaway for some event currency! Reblog and comment with an answer to the question and your username/ID to enter! 
Winners will be drawn on November 17th! 
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shadowbanish-dv · 4 years
Poe is a solid fave of mine! If she didn’t already have a mother, I’d totally adopt her, because she’s just the cutest. (^____^)
My UN/ID: Shadowbanish #20601
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Our first Autumn event has begun! Here is a small giveaway for some event currency. Reblog and comment your answer to the question and your username/ID to enter!
Winners will be drawn on November 14th!
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shadowbanish-dv · 4 years
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I don't need this, but it was refreshing to see something other than a pen. :o
This was from the 200 affection mark, working on the 4th affection max. (lol I only have one other pet, quick turnip, with max affection, but only maxed once. My scullion just gets all the love, just like he gets all the food. X'))
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shadowbanish-dv · 4 years
sweet-san is ursula (433)
Tumblr user sweet-san, whom with a quick browse through her blog you can see is….quite the individual (re: transphobia, racism, etc.), is Ursula (433) on dappervolk. She also has a neopets and flight rising but unfortunately i do not know them.
her signature, with her instagram
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Her instagram, sirenplumeria, vs sweet-san. There are many parallels (same age, speech patterns, aesthetic, recent child, military) but its the multiple selfies, some even identical, that provide the proof they are the same person. Obviously, i cannot include screenshots showing her face for this submission but there are plenty.
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Proof of accusations/some of sweet-san’s distressing posts for context
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She’s also blatantly admitted to selling ks for rlc.
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In the middle of putting together this post she’s changed her theme, but i’m keeping most of these screenshots as is because they are easier to read. 
I have never name-dropped, and usually simply block these kinds of people and move on, but sweet-san/ursula has a particularly vile edge to her hateful rhetoric and I want others who may share my distaste to be informed. I recommend not engaging. For your own well-being, just block.
post submitted 10/8/20
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shadowbanish-dv · 4 years
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Decided to change out of my 80's yuppie look. lol
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shadowbanish-dv · 4 years
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The new set is fun. Not what I was expecting, in the slightest, but still fun.
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shadowbanish-dv · 4 years
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Astra is one of my fav NPCs ♥ This is my third art with markers so it’s not as good >.<
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