sh1za-kun · 8 months
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sh1za-kun · 8 months
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" love is when you try to place it our you mind " 🎵🎶
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sh1za-kun · 8 months
Gotta say he was the sun, she was the moon/ he was sunshine she was midnight rain is my favorite ship dynamic
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sh1za-kun · 8 months
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another TINY
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sh1za-kun · 9 months
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Miles's new suit has been pretty polarizing. I for one, love it. It definitely does take an artist who vibes with the uniqueness of the design to really make it look good on paper. kerongrant.net (he sells stickers)
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sh1za-kun · 9 months
You know I had seen some headcanons about ghostflower as parents, and here is a bit of my take on that.
Miles is the responsible dad, Gwen is the fun mom.
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And that assumption has entirely to do with this.
Yep, I think the roles would be reversed for them, hear me out.
Miles was raised by loving and present parents, they have room for improvement but I don't doubt that Jeff and Rio knew how to establish healthy boundaries, knew when to be strict and when to be more permissive, and are all overall supportive, amazing parents.
Now, the thing about Gwen's parents-
Mom we know nothing, Gwen's mom is never mentioned in the spider-verse movies and again, I haven't read all of her comics, but if that woman was mentioned I don't remember. I normally assume she died when Gwen was very young so she doesn't have too many memories of her.
This leaves us with George.
So, I don't think George is the worst, I have my issues and I would scream at him until he goes deaf- but you can see at the end that he loves Gwen, and while he doesn't know what he is doing, he is trying.
We haven't seen much of him, but what did I notice?
He is not good with emotional intelligence; he doesn't realize that telling Gwen how the case is doing will not make her feel better (and it has to be a while since Peter died, he should know this by now.) Clearly doesn't know what to say to cheer her up. Tries to talk about his job and his duty when he doesn't know how to proceed.
And then he leaves because there was an emergency with the police; and is obvious this is not a rare occurrence. As someone who was basically raised by a single parent doing a lot of hours at work, I can tell you by this interaction that Gwen probably spend hours or entire nights alone.
So, how does translate to their parent styles?
Miles would feel a lot more confident in his role as a parent, he would definitely read a lot of books and would have his parents on speed dial; but Miles he is also a natural. He would thinking back on how his parents raise him, looking back in their decisions and understanding where they are coming from, and overall end up finding a middle point between how he grew up, and what he thinks is right for him and his family.
I will share what he does when the kids are older while sharing Gwen's approach.
Gwen on the other hand? Extremely anxious, Miles needed to reassure her a lot specially at the beginning. She can barely remember her mom, and her dad wasn't the most present. While I think by this point the relationship between her and Miles's parents would be better, I think part of her would also be afraid looking incompetent in comparison to Rio.
Later when the kids are older, Gwen defaults more to let the kids play and do things that they probably shouldn't "Is just one day/night," "Oh when I was their age I was trying to imitate the gymnasts on the TV, at least they are a lot more resistant that I was!" and "Hmmm, maybe this is something we should ask your father too."
Gwen's laxer approach was thanks to not being heavily supervised and not realizing when is too much at times, or thinking these is one of those things kids should learn and it would be fine.
Thanks to this, Miles is normally the one who needs to more strict and reasonably. "No, we can't have popcorn and ice cream for dinner, it doesn't matter if is Friday and summer is starting"; "I DON'T CARE IF YOU CAN HANDLE FALLING 6 FEET TO THE GROUND, YOU ARE NOT PRACTISING TIGHT ROPE!" and "I told you no, and don't go asking your mother just so she can say yes, I will find out."
Miles is still, the one parent to go when the kids are sad, upset or need to be hear out. While he may be stricter of the two and tries to stop anything that he deems too far; he knows the best how to de-escalate a situation and see reason.
Gwen while a lot of times doesn't know what to do, their kids always go to her when they just need a hug and be comforted. While Gwen a lot of times doesn't know what to say to make things better, or what advice to give; she never shy's away from telling her kids that sometimes they will make mistakes, and she would do too, but that never means they deserve any less love or compassion; no matter how hard the world is or the mistakes they make, Gwen promises to be there at any point, and that Miles and her would never stop loving them.
There is a lot of adjustments and discussions, but they balance it out.
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sh1za-kun · 9 months
Eye contact with Ellie
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sh1za-kun · 9 months
I'm going mad with this ghostflower scenario I thought of that I seriously hope we might see in Beyond
So towards the end of Across, Miles' suit gets badly ripped by Miguel and we even see blood on his body, from several places even (kudos to an animated "family" movie for going there, that's usually considered forbidden). Unless Miles somehow gets a change of clothing from his counterpart, I'm guessing he'll still be wearing the torn suit a while into Beyond? Now imagine the angsty scenario that whenever he and Gwen reunite and they have a quiet moment of talking between them, somewhere along the conversation (likely at a point when Miles is starting to open up to her and accept her attempt at the apology) Gwen won't be able to hold herself from letting her hand run over his wounded shoulder, her eyes just tearing up with hurt at the blood, her fingers caressing directly on his skin. Add the obligatory wince from Miles as she accidentally brushes a wound a bit too close and she jerks her hand away and apologises even more, the first tears breaching her eyes. Miles may have a pained smile and tell her it's okay, "you didn't give me these wounds" or something, Gwen answers all quietly "I feel like I did."
(Or tell me a better line, idk, I'm getting the scenario across at least ^^;)
hrrghhrgh someone want to write this into a oneshot or something feel free to do so, I'm dying over here
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sh1za-kun · 9 months
“I feel alone and lonely and my friend, the only person who understands me, the one I may or may not be falling for, is worlds away. So far away that seeing him again is next to impossible. After I lost everyone else who was important to me, I left town with a group of people with dubious-dark intentions just for the chance to see my friend again. I took that chance, and I found him. But in doing that, I may have doomed him and everyone else in the process. When he discovers the truth, I’m going to have to make this right, not just between us, but for everyone else as well.”
So…who am I? Gwen Stacy? Or Sabine Wren?
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sh1za-kun · 9 months
During school today I was thinking about the scene where Gwen's dad pulls a gun on her and the actual gravity of that situation is wild
She has no other friends or family, as far as we know (her mom certainly isn't in the picture)
She already had a warrant out for her arrest as Spider-Woman
Her father, aka the guy nost dedicated to arresting Spider-Woman, learns of her identity and demonstrates that he's 100% capable of and willing to hurt her. Hell, who knows what would've happened if Jess and Miguel hadn't intervened
Now, following this, regardless of if she had gone with them or not, there would be a warrant out for her arrest as Gwen Stacy
Where the FUCK is she supposed to go
Obviously she can't hide with her dad
She doesn't have any other friends
MAYBE she could hide out with May and Ben, but it's more than likely they believe that Peter was killed by Spider-Woman
Now that they know Gwen is Spider-Woman, who's to say they wouldn't turn her in to the cops if she showed up at their house?
This isn't like MCU Peter who had Aunt May and MJ and Ned and Happy and Matt Murdock when he was accused of killing Mysterio
Her choice in that situation was either leave for relative safety or stay and become a criminal
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sh1za-kun · 9 months
What if in BTSV there is going to be a scene like Gwen get knocked out her heart stops and Miles and Rio have to bring her back. And Miles has to use his venom strike to bring her back but carefully not to fry Gwen heart. And Rio guides her son through it. A really intense scene I just made up. he he he
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sh1za-kun · 10 months
come get your man he's not doing anything wrong he just misses you
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sh1za-kun · 10 months
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Miles throwing himself into a portal to an unknown location with no way back or concept of what's happening because he saw Gwen go in there and he wants to see her
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sh1za-kun · 10 months
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sh1za-kun · 10 months
gwen falls and dies but miles brings her back to life with his venom strike?
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sh1za-kun · 10 months
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Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse by Christie Tseng #7
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sh1za-kun · 10 months
I found the Gwiles 42 version of the clock scene. In all universes they find each other.
Credits: Beebop_art on IG https://instagram.com/beebop_art?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
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