sh-uitmiitu · 7 years
Where we are right now
Helping lecturers to clean their Assalamualaikum,
today I want to talk about our journey so far from the beginning of this programe until right now.
Our activities are categories into 2, which is:
Fund raising, and
Meetings :
Skype meeting with IITU officer, Dr Svetlana, in Kaspersky Room, FKSM, UiTM Shah Alam.
2nd meeting for “Majlis Perlepasan Pelajar ke Kazakhstan” announcement and briefings on 18th of January 2017.
Face-to-face meeting with Dr Svetlana on 20th of January 2017.
Fund Raising :
Conducted a survey for TNB under the supervision of FIKR Consultancy.
Snack and Mama Bento Chicken Rice selling in Laman Najib, FSKM, UiTM Shah Alam.
Helping some lecturers to clean their room.
Requesting for fund to outer organisation and lecturers.
Event :
Majlis Perlepasan Pelajar ke Kazakhstan on 26th of January 2017.
I will post the pictures for some of the activities mentioned above.
I think that is all for now, thank you for reading and I will continue to post about our trip in the future. Wait for us.
Thank you and assalamualaikum.
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sh-uitmiitu · 7 years
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Assalamualaikum all,
yesterday we conduct the “Program Perlepasan Pelajar ke Kazakhstan” ceremony.
Alhamdulillah, the ceremony runs smoothly and without major problems. Our supervisor invited all of the KPPs and lecturers to this ceremony to celebrate us going to Kazakhstan.
This is just a simple ceremony with the Dean’s speech, our student leader’s speech and some “Aku Janji” to UiTM.
That is it for now, I’ll update more later. Thank you and best regards.
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sh-uitmiitu · 7 years
Skype meeting with Dr Svetlana
Assalamualaikum all,
today I want to talk about our first meeting with the person in charge of our programme from IITU (Dr Svetlana) and UiTM itself (Dr Liza, Dr Afdalyna and Dr Natrah).
We use the Skype application in order to communicate with Dr Svetlana in which she is in IITU, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
During this meeting, we were introduced about who is Dr Svetlana, what is our purpose in IITU and some minor discussion about their culture and our basic necessities in order to stay there for about 4 months.
I think that is about it for now.
Until then, see you all later.
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sh-uitmiitu · 7 years
Road to IITU, Kazakhstan
Assalamualaikum, hi there,
my name is Muhammad Nadzmi and I was selected as the participant for UiTM-IITU student exchange programme in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
The participants has a total of 13 students which includes 5 bachelor students and 8 master students :
For Bachelor students, they consist of 3 students taking IT, 1 student taking Multimedia and 1 student taking Computer Science.
For Master students, they consist of 1 student taking Networking and 7 students taking IT.
I will be posting a lot of updates about this programme for the period of it.
Please pray for our success there.
Thank you very much, see you later.
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