sexlessrpmemes · 14 days
i'm begging mutuals on roleplay blogs to start interacting. most people for what i have seen, are super comfortable with memes being the first shape of interaction, and the odd starter call too. like them, send various memes to get options.
this goes to single blogs but also multimuse blogs. i promise you, as someone with a lot of multimuse blogs, sometimes just giving a few names is enough for people to try on those muses.
interact with your mutuals. like their post, make jokes on their ooc post if that's how you feel more comfortable, share a pic or two, maybe discord. but for the gods sake, send memes, like starter calls, specially when it's encouraged.
i promise you people won't reject you.
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sexlessrpmemes · 14 days
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sexlessrpmemes · 1 month
One last talent show to save the rec center
Ok everybody here's the deal.
My science education nonprofit, Skype a Scientist (you might know her, creator of the squid facts hotline and matcher of classrooms + scientists) has secured absolutely no grants to support general operations for 2025. But! We're selling advent calendars to fund our program! They absolutely rule. They can save our nonprofit asses. If we sell 5000, which I realize, is so many, we can fund our program for 2025. Then I can offer a bunch of programming for free. Running a nonprofit is a weird job.
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Every day, counting down to frankly whatever you want (it's usually Christmas, but man, maybe you want to count down to Halloween, that's fine by me) scratch off the sparkly sparkly iridescence and reveal a fact about frogs! We have 24 top-notch frog facts here.
You should get one for every kid in your life, then get one for all the adults who still let themselves access joy in critters.
Get 'em here: https://squidfacts.bigcartel.com/
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sexlessrpmemes · 1 month
Hey, so, Patreon is lying to you about Apple forcing their hand.
Patreon is getting rid of 1st-of-the-month/per-creation billing, claiming a new decision by Apple has forced their hand. This will hurt a lot of creatives, and their excuse is bullshit. Allow me to explain.
In 2018, Patreon tried to impose a new ill-considered fee structure on everyone that would have cost creators a lot of smaller pledges. They ended up apologizing for this profusely; they have now deleted this apology from their website and unfortunately I was unable to find it on the Internet Archive. This was shameful, but to their credit they backed off quickly when things got ugly.
Back in 2021, Patreon discussed plans to force all creators into a rolling bill structure and get rid of first-of-the-month/pay-up-front billing. The community once again very decisively shouted them down, and they had to walk it back again. This whole fiasco damaged the already shaky trust between Patreon creators and staff.
This week, Patreon announced that, along with extra fees, Apple's policies were supposedly forcing them to move everyone over to the rolling fee structure that they first tried to get us to agree to in 2021. Patreon will tell you they are not happy about this. As a person who spent a long time watching Patreon make terrible decisions, I can tell you-- they are probably very happy about this, because it's exactly the smokescreen they needed to do what they've been trying to do for years, which is pull ALL Patreon creators away from 1st-of-the-month and per-creation billing.
The spin in the news I've seen so far is "Apple bullies Patreon, boo hoo hoo poor Patreon". This is very obviously not what's happening. Mind you: Apple does suck, and they are doing something bad here. Fuck apple. But Patreon and Apple are BOTH the asshole in this situation; Everyone Sucks Here. Patreon has options: they can make the iOS app a reader app and do billing through the browser to avoid the restrictions and the extra fees (Netflix and Amazon, notably, both do this), or they can allow creators to opt-out of iOS billing if they want to use billing models that don't work with it.
It seems most likely to me that the Apple situation is a real fire that Patreon has chosen to use as a convenient smokescreen to do what they've been wanting to do since at least 2021, and maybe since 2018.
What do we do?:
They have a feedback form specifically about this.
They also have a creator discord.
And they have lots of social media pages where they probably really, really hope that this doesn't blow up again, because they never learn. The incidents I've described here aren't the only two other times Patreon has pissed off their creators. They know if they don't contain the noise it'll be harder to get away with it, so make some noise. They've done a lot of work to spin this cleverly so you'll have sympathy for them and they won't get the kind of backlash they know they deserve.
Please don't misuse these links and make threats or spam or something. All you have to do is give well-reasoned feedback. Patreon hates feedback. Make sure they get a nice heaping helping of their least favorite vegetable.
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sexlessrpmemes · 2 months
So you may or may not have heard, Biden is proposing a constitutional amendment that would reverse the Supreme Court’s immunity decision and create term limits for the Supreme Court. A constitutional amendment requires Congress to pass it. If you have thoughts on this and want to encourage your representative to vote a certain way then MAKE YOUR VOICE BE HEARD. CLICK HERE TO FIND AND CONTACT YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE AND SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS. Until Trump takes it away from us we’re still a democracy so LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!
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sexlessrpmemes · 2 months
There's an EU initiative going on right now that essentially boils down to wanting to force videogame publishers with paid games and/or games with paid elements such as DLC, expansions and microtransactions to leave said games in a playable state after they end support, or in simpler terms, make them stop killing games.
A "playable state" would be something like an offline mode for previously always online titles, or the ability for people to host their own servers where reasonably possible just to name some examples.
I don't think I need to tell anyone that having something you paid for being taken from you is bad, which is a thing that routinely happens with live service and other always online games with a notable recent example being The Crew which is now permanently unplayable.
Any EU citizen is eligible to sign the initiative, but only once and if you mess up that's it. You can find it here. (https://citizens-initiative.europa.eu/initiatives/details/2024/000007_en)
Even if you're not European or you signed it already, you can share this initiative with anyone who is, even if they don't care about videogames specifically because this needs a million signatures and there is different thresholds that need to be met for each EU country for their votes to even count and could also be a precedent for other similar practices like when Sony removed a bunch of Discovery TV content people paid for.
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sexlessrpmemes · 2 months
Penumbra Podcast Sentence Starters (3.13 - 3.21)
— 3.13  ::  “My plan only had one problem, if you don’t count all the other problems it had.”
— 3.18  ::  “Helping others and helping yourself are two different skills, [name], with hardly any connective tissue in between.”
— 3.18  ::  “It is not difficult to speak wisely. But to *be* wise—well, that’s the dream, isn’t it?”
— 3.18  ::  “I think about the fiery eyed starlet that I used to be… so certain that her every flaw and shortcoming could be wiped away, if only she worked hard enough. If only she was good enough.”
— 3.20  ::  “[Grief] will find strange new ways to hurt as long as you live. But nothing lasts forever, [name]. Not pain, not you, and not me. So even this pain has a life of its own; even it must be respected, and understood… so it may rest in its grave in the end.”
— 3.20  ::  “I don’t much like people. Full stop. But… in all their variation… every once in a great while… one of them gets it right.”
— 3.21  ::  “I can never read your goddamn handwriting. What does this say?”
— 3.21  ::  “It’s a pretty basic rule in medicine that you don’t solve a problem unless you have a good reason to think it *is* a problem.”
— 3.21  ::  “Just because you miss something doesn’t mean you’re supposed to go back to it.”
— 3.21  ::  “I think we may all contain a multitude of people. It is only a question of which ones we let out, and for how long.”
— 3.21  ::  “A couple of hours of dumb [shows], manual labor, and self discovery will knock you right out!”
— 3.21  ::  “To be honest with you, I don’t know what the hell I’m doing, or how I feel, or why new things scare me and old things don’t.”
— 3.21  ::  “For now, it just feels good to have someplace I’m supposed to be.”
(If you like these quotes, consider giving the podcast a listen!)
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sexlessrpmemes · 4 months
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i feel like i'm watching a car crash in slow motion
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sexlessrpmemes · 4 months
its official: tumblr is selling our data to Midjourney
we'd been hearing rumors about this for a bit but now its open and out there. some details from this article
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it goes without saying, but if @staff goes through with this its going to be an utter shitshow and im all but certain the website will not survive it.
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sexlessrpmemes · 5 months
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sexlessrpmemes · 5 months
// since its autism awareness month, shout out to all the autistic muns and muses !
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sexlessrpmemes · 6 months
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project pokemon is on a lost media search for the pokemon dream world visuals and flash minigame files so that it can be brought back and played again by the pokemon community! if you still have the computer or harddrive you ever played DW on before it shut down, it’s worth checking no matter how small the chance is! the files can be hidden in your old browser cache!
the call for help including instructions on how to check your old windows computer for the files can be found here on project pokemon! extra instructions for mac are below the cut!
thank you so much in advance for checking and spreading the word!! let's get this thing back, i want to get the full gen 5 experience back just as much as the rest of you!
if you are on mac, the filejuicer software can be used to check chrome's cache and your safari cache can be found in the following locations:
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feel free to reach out to either me or the flashpoint discord server if you have any trouble!
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sexlessrpmemes · 7 months
its official: tumblr is selling our data to Midjourney
we'd been hearing rumors about this for a bit but now its open and out there. some details from this article
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it goes without saying, but if @staff goes through with this its going to be an utter shitshow and im all but certain the website will not survive it.
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sexlessrpmemes · 7 months
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Highly suggest everyone turn this on; I've just been informed that it exists. It's under Blog settings > Visibility on desktop
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sexlessrpmemes · 1 year
Whoever put that ask in my inbox, seriously, not cool.
The obviously fake "commission" request clearly intended to make someone look bad, and just generally trying to stir up shit? Yeah, that's not gonna fly.
If you were the one who sent an ask pretending to be someone and saying you were taking commissions because you need to "buy drinkies and get wasted" then I suggest you 1. Unfollow 2. Block me so you never darken my doorstep again 3. Have a good long think about what went wrong in your life that made you think that kind of thing was ever appropriate.
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sexlessrpmemes · 1 year
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sexlessrpmemes · 1 year
Hey, you're a goddamn rp prompts blog! Rebrand or stop putting the gross political shit on main! Stressing people out who are actively engaging in a RECREATIONAL hobby is a bad look.
Now I was tempted to just delete this but I feel like I have to respond.
I am assuming that this is because I recently reblogged exactly one post about a political bill that would gut encryption and subsequently cause issues with Rp (and other internet activity.) I plan to delete it at the end of the month, when the bill can no longer be passed. I did just realize that I'd forgotten to tag it with "not a meme" and have done that, so you can filter that tag and not see that stuff.
As for other "gross political shit" I have reblogged a few about changes to tumblr so people can know what is going on, and a few things with links to stuff like resources that could help someone out.
Now I have just went through my archive and did delete a few things that must have gotten posted on here by accident when I was planning to put them on one of my other blogs. However, that may happen again and if it bothers you then unfollow.
This blog is not a super active one, I tend to just use it to keep memes for my own personal use, and have barely posted anything in the past year. I keep it up so people have access to the resources and edited memes, and if you don't want to see whatever I post on here that may be non meme related (like tips for the RPC and things like that) then just unfollow.
Also, just in case anyone is wondering what kind of "gross political shit" I'm here believing in:
Trans rights are human rights
Trans women are women, Trans men are men
Women should have the right to choose what happens to their bodies
Climate change is real and a problem
Cats are an invasive species and should be kept indoors
Police should not have unfettered power and should be held to a higher standard of behaviour than
Everyone should be housed and fed and able to live with dignity no matter their ability to work
Vaccines are good and work, and people should not be able to work with the most medically vulnerable people if they are unwilling to do what they can to protect them. (aka nurses/doctors should get their vaccines because they're supposed to be helping sick people, not carrying plague)
Also capitalism is a plague and billionaires should not exist.
Thank you anon for your comment, and have a lovely day. I will not be changing my behaviour on this blog, apart from trying harder to remember to tag things. I might get some more memes posted, I might not, but either way feel free to unfollow.
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